What is the difference between Astral Project and Soul Travel? Aren't they the same thing?
Yes same thing.We travel every day i our sleep,some have control over there traveling.
...Only to someone that doesn't recall their dreams very often and hasn't experienced enough spiritual experiences for whatever reason.
I left my body when I was five years old and seen myself laying there on the operating table as the doctor was removing my tonsils. I watched the whole thing. After that I had other experiences where my spirit body would rise up out of my body. I was just a child and I didn't know how it could be possible to see with my eyes closed. When I was seeing from the soul self/ astral body.
It can be confusing for those unaware. For those walking around with blinders on... determined to harass those that have experiences' and those that just believe in the possibilities.
In life there really has to be a yin and yang, and pro and con; and you are the opposite from me. Which is a great thing for you lol and perhaps for me as well hehee. I just wouldn't want to be the one to die and be shocked to see that I still live with a spirit body and that I have to face all the wrong doings I have done in a life review. Oh how shocking that must be for the unbelievers. I wonder if they are more likely to remain haunting the earth plane level? Hmmm, the possibilities are there. Because they end up fearing crossing over.
No, once again they're just imaginary concepts for the gullible to believe in.
Come now, Kimberly, you certainly don't expect anyone to swallow that story, especially for the fact that it hinges on you recalling something when you were five years old. At that age, kids believed there were monsters under the bed and in the closet, too.
It's too bad that you consider educating as harassment.
It's equivalent to any fairy tale spun. Neither of us will be "shocked" because we'll both be dead. Nada. Ziltch. Nothingness.
Funny stuff. Keep spinning those tales.
I know it must be so hard to accept that there is more beyond your current existence. This physical world has really got us in a trance!The only reason I know it is true is because there is no other reason why humans, earth, or anything would exist at all. After so many times( other-lives I mean) of thinking that your extinction was imminent and then finding once again that consciousness lives, it becomes like a big cosmic joke. So believe, don't believe, either way, it is true. One more thing: How funny that you have Einstein as your profile pic seeing as he was the greatest metaphysicist of them all! And if you knew anything of him you would know that he certainly knew that consciousness exists independently of form. So come now Beelzedad, your inner self or Soul believes whether you do or not, how interesting.
People who live mundane lives have a problem believing others who have exciting ones
I know for a fact they exist.
Is it like a "kashaf" prevalent in the Muslims saints?
The Promised Messiah 1835-1908 says:
Who is Allah?
He can reveal Himself to Ahl-e-Kashf in personification, but He has no body, nor any shape. He is above all, but it cannot be said that there is anything beneath Him. He is on 'Arsh, but it can't be said that He is not on the earth. He is the sum total of all Perfect Attributes and He is the Manifestation of every True Praise. He is the source of all that is Good and encompasses all Powers and He is the source of all Beneficences.
He is the One to Whom everything returns. He is the Lord of all realms. He possesses every Perfection and is free from all defects, imperfections and weakness. It is His sole prerogative that all those who belong to the earth as well as all those who belong to the heavens should worship Him.
As far as He is concerned nothing is impossible for Him. All souls and their potentialities, and all particles and their potentials are His and only His creation. Nothing comes into existence without His agency. As for Him He reveals Himself through His Powers, His Omnipotence and His Signs.
We can attain Him only through Him. He always reveals His Person to the righteous and shows them His Omnipotence—and this is the only means by which He is recognized and by which that way is recognized which is favoured by Him. He sees without physical eyes and hears without physical ears and speaks without a physical tongue. Likewise it is His work to bring a thing into existence from nothingness.
For example, in the visions of dream you see how He creates a world without matter and shows you every mortal and nonexistent being as having existence. Thus are all His Powers. Ignorant is he who denies His Powers. Blind is he who has no knowledge of His profound and inconceivable Powers. He can, and does, everything that He intends to, except those things which violate His Majesty or which are in conflict with His Promises and Verdicts. He is unique in His Being, in His Attributes, in His Actions and in His Powers.
Imagination is the best creation method we have to the point where it can sometimes feel more real than this physical world.
I have experienced it and it's awesome.
Yes, I have experienced imagination, too. And, no matter how awesome it may appear, it is still just imagination and not reality.
hey that is your opinion, and your concept of reality is already set in stone. Reality is a relative term, based on individuality, you probably do not grasp that concept but those of us who do just enjoy it more I guess.
No, it is not, reality is reality despite our individuality or anything else we may conjure from our imaginations.
Like I said set in stone already. Someone driving in the rain their reality may be hey this days sucks, too much traffic blah blah blah, a farmer's reality may be hey bring on the rain, i want more rain.
Reality is so broad, watch this video it is interesting
That is a false and fallacious conclusion.
That has no bearing on the fact that reality shows it is in fact raining.
Pure nonsense. Plenty of hand waving, plenty of empty assertions, adn when one of the guys started talking about having psychic abilities, I knew then it was all just snakeoil.
Obviously, what can you expect. Narrow views narrow mind. Oh yeah the earth is flat, a lot of non-sense the great thinkers said, if they could only see past their narrow views.
Yes, I understand you need to insult me as you are unable to form an argument to support your empty claims.
The use of fallacies is quite common amongst believers who cannot support their beliefs through logic or reason.
I don't need to support anything or make you believe anything. All i'm saying is that throughout history many things have been dismissed merely because it just went out of someone's or society's thoughts. Exactly what you're doing, enjoy your narrrow path and I'll enjoy my koo koo imagination.
Albert Einstein once said- "Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one".
Such as what?
I'm sure you will. Many have a difficult time dealing with reality and rely on their imaginations to create one.
Yes, I often see believers quoting Einstein when they haven't even got a clue what the quote is about.
The earth is flat, the earth revolves around the sun,
You will never change my point of view, I will never change yours, but my question is why do you crash into a forum where people want to discuss their beliefs and you come along just to dismiss them when you obviously do not believe in them. I mean are you trying to convert anyone? Because you won't, that is a fact, what's your purpose??
By the way Einstein quote is clear as water.
Ruben, it's best to ignore Beelzedad. He doesn't mean to be a pest. He's harmless and a pretty cool guy if you can get past the fact that he will never quit arguing. He loves pushing those buttons.
Sorry to be so curt with you, but it is rather rude of you to start telling others to ignore me. Would you want me to say the same thing about you?
Sorry but I'm just trying to keep the threat going. I'm not trying to be mean to you. But I just don't see the point on arguing over who is right and who is wrong. The point of this threat was to offer personal experiences and knowledge related to Astral Projection, and it got so off subject that people didn't even know what it was about.
Beelzedad, I happen to like you in spite of the obvious, but I know the effect your comments can have on people (I'm talking from personal experience). In order to have a normal threat of this nature, it's best to ignore your comments. Otherwise, it will be a back and forth of "you are wrong - I'm right". It's not that your comments don't offer an important point, it's just that you don't know how to stop and let others breath. It's not that hard to notice. You just have to look at every threat posted under Religion and Spirituality category. Sorry, but I'm being honest when I say this.
That is not for you to decide or for you to advise others. Anyone is free to comment here, that is the point.
I have not said I am right about anything here. I'm merely pointing out the obvious flaws and contradictions in posts here of those who believe the laws of physics can easily be violated at their whims.
No, I don't think so. But, if that's what you want to imagine is reality, please feel free.
Are you saying that you will never accept reality?
Are you saying that you will never under any circumstances accept reality and you will always imagine reality to what you want it to be? No amount of facts will ever change your mind? Any hard evidence placed firmly in front of you will always be ignored in favor of fantasies? Black will always be white?
To some, yes, to others ,no.
Beelzedad said
"No, I don't think so. But, if that's what you want to imagine is reality, please feel free. "
Starting to twist it to your reality I see. I said that is what some said in the past because it was the reality of the masses, and because of that it was accepted as THEIR REALITY WITHOUT QUESTION. Just like yourself, you see what's in front of you as your reality because you can touch it, sense it. Anything else you dismiss as bogus, and that is fine because you are happy with it, but some of us question it.
Beelzedad said
"Are you saying that you will never accept reality?"
I will never accept yours that is for sure, I am well beyond what society wants me to believe, it gets boring sometimes, you question it and you just find a loophole like many of us have found.
Beelzedad said
"Are you saying that you will never under any circumstances accept reality and you will always imagine reality to what you want it to be? No amount of facts will ever change your mind? Any hard evidence placed firmly in front of you will always be ignored in favor of fantasies? Black will always be white?"
You're exactly on the money, whatever reality is placed in front of me is not set in stone, just like matter is always subject to change believe it or not (quantum physics), yeah I know koo koo huh. Facts can always be questionable, ask any scientist, hard evidence will never be ignored but always questioned otherwise only a few in this world would have a say on anything, is the cup of water half full or half empty?
Beelzedad said
"To some, yes, to others ,no."
If you try to overthink, over analyze that quote of course it will not be clear, I see that you are, it is simple.
Like I said we can argue all the day, your concept of reality is set in stone, good for you, but I can probably guess if you lived in the middle ages you will be a great thinker and people would respect you a lot.
The fact that people in the past were completely steeped in superstition and myths and the fact that the church did everything in their power to keep it that way, does not justify that argument. Science came along and dispelled that nonsense, the very same science you now dismiss.
You are unwittingly contradicting yourself.
No, you don't question it at all, you create fantasies from your imagination, the same fantasies people held about the world being flat.
Then, you will never accept reality and will favor fantasies.
Loopholes=fantasies. Yes, I know. You're bored of reality and want to spice it up with imaginary entities and magical kingdoms.
That's what I suspected. You favor your fantasies over reality and choose to live in a dreamworld.
Oh yes, I'll bet you know something about that. LOL!
Anything is questionable. Do you question gravity when you walk off the end of cliff? LOL!
Reality is what reality is, and the fact that you choose to ignore it and spend your time in a dreamworld does not preclude the existence of reality and the fact that it is not "my" reality, but the reality we all share.
Like I said before my views will never change, and I will never change yours. I can go back and forth and argue all your points but it is getting to be a waste of time. I will now try to share my experiences with my fellow peers here, why don't you do the same with your trolls somewhere else and stop being a a pest in someone else's place.
Yes, there is no reason to keep repeating the fact that you can't accept reality and have chosen to live in a dreamworld, I understand that.
You've done no such thing other than repeat yourself as to yoru preferences to live a life of fantasies.
Feel free to share your fantasies, no one is stopping you. I'm sure they'll be equally entertaining and laughable.
Troll alert!!
Anyways, whatever you just said will never change my views, you know that right?? Keep living in your middle ages of facts and hard evidence stuff.
Bu I still have the curiosity of what is the purpose of trolling into a forum where you absolutely have no place in, I mean you will not change anyone view's here, we will not change yours.
I mean the original question is already lost because of individuals like you.
I mean isn't there a place where whatever views you have are shared at? stop being a pest, sincerely, I'm not trying to insult you but look deep and you just are.
Take care
Are you a troll and letting everyone know about it? Strange, that is.
You mean the fact that you continually repeat that and you're asking me if I know? LOL!
The middle ages were rife with superstitions and myths, the kind of things you embrace. Hard evidence and facts are something rather new comparatively speaking.
Sorry you feel the need to call me a troll simply because you're unable to form an argument or defend your irrational beliefs. But, I do understand that, nonetheless.
Yes, you are trying to insult me because you have no argument to support your claims. The original question is being discussed, it is you who is going off on a tangent of insults.
When I was very young I had many spontaneous OBEs, but didn't understand them.
I had my first intentional out of body experiences in 1989. I've had many more since.
Imaginary to those who haven't had one
Kimberly, Oliver Fox was one, if not the first to write a collection of his experiences on astral projection. It's a great book. He explains in full detail his most impressive travels and how little by little he was able to control it. He offers some tips on how to detach one's astral body from the physical body.
I've had this experience myself many times. It happened quite frequently when I was a child but I've had them as an adult as well, although not as often. I wrote a hub on this subject. It's very interesting.
What is Astral Project? Do you have an experience yourself?
Yes, they are the same thing
I thought astral projection was when your mind travels purposefully to where you want to be. Soul travel is something I'm not really familiar with.
..don't know what soul travel is...astral projection has been around for a looooonng time...years ago i read about it when i was first introduced to yoga and meditation.
Supposed to be an out of body experience...the focus is on the mind...some experience it in their dreams and remember it...and chalk it up to a dream. Some that remember those dreams have experienced going somewhere, they can see but they have no body. In a dream, travelling somewhere could be that the person moves somewhere close by - it could be as simple as moving throughout their home and travel outside of it, but at night (if the person is sleeping at night)...in the moment...but just their mind travels (no body)...you might have had a dream when you were a kid that you can remember travelling somewhere...supposedly it is first experienced when you are young...and adults lose the ability to have those 'dreams'.
Some believe that through meditation...they can bring themselves to that out of body state and travel.
So..soul travel could mean something else; the word 'soul' and not 'mind' as in astral projection.
It works, just don't try going through any electrical fields it will whack you back into your body before you can say 'Bob's your uncle'.
I know that Astral travel is a lower form of travel as u are only limited to the Astral plane whiles with soul Travel u can go further. With soul travel u are not connected to ur physical body and u only leave ur physical body through the sport between and above ur two eye brows or through the crown Chakra and not any of the lower chakras. Soul travel is not very common. most people learn Astral projection as they have no means or the idea of how to soul travel.
Your information is excellent. Thank you for sharing.
Ruben, Astral projection is a reality even though it might sound like a fairy tale to someone who's never experienced it because of their little spiritual development. The theme of this forum is still very much alive. At some point, in one of our past lives, we all went through that stage of not believing in anything that is related to Spirit. It's part of our evolution as souls.
Who would want to live in a world of Mr. Beelzedads If it can't be proved by science...it doesn't exist.
Without the prospect of the mystical, supernatural or possible the mysteries of the mind and spirit and wonder at the unknown and unimagined these are the things that make life fascinating.
You would be correct, presently that sort of world doesn't exist, but would exist if people really understood what reality is in the first place.
Are you smoking something? You make sense normally, but this sentence is laughable.
The imagination will always exist, because human beings can never learn everything there is to know.
However, reality exists, regardless of what people think and it is free of thoughts, desires, wishes or will. Reality exists and it is all knowable(which means it encompasses everything created, knowledge learn and wisdom discerned as truth).
I just say NO!
If you believe your statement about humans never learning everything there is to know. Why are you such a nay-sayer about the metaphysical world? Or are you just blowing smoke Mr. Cagsil.
Are there altered states of Reality and would virtual Reality be included. Paranormal Activity
Astral Projection
Remote Viewing
Precognitive Dreams
Mutual Dreaming
If your statement that humans can't learn everything there is to know, these questions are possible.Do you assume that your narrow, tightly-bound consciousness is normal and natural. I believe human beings possess a whole range of dormant powers of which they are usually unaware.
Consciousness is a nonmaterial quality or state of being aware. We cannot hope to understand all the possibilities since scientist study only the physical correlates of consciousness, such as brain waves, not consciousness itself.
The FBI and CIA use remote viewing.
The FBI and CIA have used remote viewing.
But, you do live in the same world, we all do. The fact that you have chosen to not accept it in favor of fantasies and superstitions does not preclude the reality we share.
Yes, fascinating. But, fascinating does not make it true.
You presume too much Mr. Beelzedad...describe my world (other then saying the earth) and then perhaps I won't consider you full of horse poo.
Try living in the real world instead of the virtual world.
Your world is my world, we both share it. Your made-up fantasy world is something I don't share.
I do live in the real world, just like you. The difference is that I accept reality for what it is and don't use my imagination to rule over it.
Ridiculous I don't share my world with you, I don't even know you. My world is full of bright happy successful people who I dine with, go out with, spend time with. My world consists of people who share common beliefs and don't look down on others. In my world all beliefs are welcome.
I don't make up my world as you say.
I can use my imagination to expand my mind and open doors. When you decide to join that world you'll have to change your attitude. My guess is if you truely lived in the real world you'd get your a$$ kicked
Yes, I know. That's why it is a fantasy world.
Sure you do, and whatever you personally don't make up, you swallow whatever someone else has made up. All believers do that.
No, you use your imagination to make reality something it isn't as you are unable to accept reality for what it is.
If you do not agree with what Einstein said, you might want to change that face in your profile.
The belief in an external world independent of the perceiving subject is the basis of all natural science. Since, however, sense perception only gives information of this external world or of "physical reality" indirectly, we can only grasp the latter by speculative means. It follows from this that our notions of physical reality can never be final. We must always be ready to change these notions-that is to say, the axiomatic basis of physics-in order to do justice to perceived facts in the most perfect way logically. Actually a glance at the development of physics shows that it has undergone far-reaching changes in the course of time. http://photontheory.com/Einstein/Einstein09.html
http://www.brainleadersandlearners.com/ … ms-do-you/
It isn't with Einstein whom I don't agree. It's with those who misquote him that don't understanding what he is saying.
The belief in an external world independent of the perceiving subject is the basis of all natural science. Since, however, sense perception only gives information of this external world or of "physical reality" indirectly, we can only grasp the latter by speculative means. It follows from this that our notions of physical reality can never be final.
What does that mean??
Maybe you're the one who does not understand it, Einstein did not believe in quantum physics yet he could not prove it wrong either.
The world captured by our senses, electrical discharges sent back to the brain telling us what it is based on our environment and collective knowledge so it can never be final just what Einstein said.
So your explanation?
Einstein was wrong about Quantum Field theory.
It would appear that you're attempting to equate something from Quantum Field theory to prop up your fantasies. You will find that it does not support astral projection. In fact, astral projection violates it.
Ha ha
He must be wrong because I am right!!!
Wow typical from middle ages thinking.
Narrow mind narrow views, nice path you're on.
The quantum Physics theory supports that reality is not set in stone.
Astral Projection is something the senses do no support therefore it is something your narrow views could not even comprehend at all, and here's where "well If I don't understand it, it has to be wrong" comes in.
This has nothing to do with me, you are confused. I never said I was right hence you are putting words in my mouth to support your own lack of an argument.
No, it does not. You are confused.
Again, you are confused and putting words in my mouth to support your own lack of an argument. Quite intellectually dishonest.
Astral projection violates the physical laws. Sorry, you don't agree with that but it appears you don't have any understanding of those laws to form an intelligent response.
I at least respond, all you keep saying is you are confused, you are wrong.
Offer something here other than saying anything other than what you believe is wrong.
The other day I had sleep paralysis, it led to vibrations, before I would fight to have it stop, nowadays I let it happen, after the vibrations got really strong I just thought of lifting, a few seconds later I was out of my body. I saw my body laying there. I thought of going downstairs and there I was, I decided to go through the door and I did to go outside, the nighbor was fixing his car, at that instant I thought of my physical body and there I was with my eyes open, I looked outside and the neighbor was in fact fixing his car.
The laws of physics clearly broken. Do you believe in what I just said, of course not. Many of us do validations like these of many kinds because there is always that part of you saying it is not true. You will obviously never believe it because you will probably never experience it.
Again you vocabulary has come down to words like you are confused, he is wrong, because you can not support any of what you say anymore.
I, too, have sleep paralysis, and it is baffling, but there are studies that have been conducted to determine the cause.
In the meantime, I will not jump to any conclusions.
There is the dishonesty in your posts again, I never said you were wrong. Again, you're putting words in my mouth to support your lack of argument.
Putting words in my mouth. Sad indeed.
Yes, the treatment for that is a recommended evaluation for narcolepsy.
No, you may have hallucinated or had a lucid dream you were out of your body, but that isn't physically possible.
Yes, and next thing you'll be telling me is that you sprouted wings and could fly. LOL!
I could have lucid dreams or hallucinations, too.
If you wish to pretend that you can break the laws of physics while in REM sleep, that is your prerogative. Pretending is fun.
You should be a politician trying to twist everything and confuse everyone I see. Since you can not respond you resort to going on loopholes all the time. You have not responded why is it that you say Einstein was wrong.
My lack of argument, that is funny. You're the one who just comes back with nothing but saying it is all a fantasy but can you disprove anything of course you can not lol. That is lack of argument I would say.
In all your posts you have either said it is all fantasies, ou are confused, he is wrong, blah blah blah. Sad of course when you have nothing else to resort without even explaining yourself.
I did not hallucinate, or had a lucid dream at that point. Many are doing validations to confirm what I have just said. You of course can not even comprehend it because of you limited understanding and closed minded nature. That is the sad part.
If you were ever to have an experience like that you would probably beat yourself trying to intellectually explain it, of course you would not be able to because there is no science to it.
If I wanted to create wings I could probably do it, but why when there is no use for them, your comment demonstrate your limited ability to comprehend, that is fine though because that is what you chose to not question, and realize there is more than what you see in front of you.
Yes my claims are conclusive according to me, finally something we agree on.
Again can you disprove any of it, of course not all you can do is make fun. sad indeed.
Albert Einstein as your profile face, that is funny lol
Most likely, that is what happened.
It would be a no brainer to acknowledge that the experience was nothing more than the mind working. I certainly wouldn't be creating fantasies about leaving my body. That would be childish.
Yes, that was my point.
Yes, but your claims violate the physical laws of the universe, so they are empty claims at best.
It is a simple matter of invoking a number of physical laws that easily refute your claims. An understanding of the how the brain works will also show the claims to be false.
I would suspect you have little if any understanding of such concepts.
Most likely. Good to know you at least give some room for speculation. I have had several lucid dreams to the point where I can control them, and I know for a fact there is a distinct difference.
Creating fantasies about leaving the body being childish. Of course, you would never try to because you do not believe in it, simple. Some of us don't even try, they just happen. At first most of us dismiss it as mind games, yeah the Mr Beelzedad telling us it's imagination don't pay attention to it, but then fortunately the curiosity in us to question and not dismiss it right away lead us to research and discover things we never knew existed, sad when people like you build walls around.
So you're saying what I claim violate the laws of the universe. You realize we on earth are smaller than dust compared to what's out there. Are you assuming we human beings know the laws of the universe?
Your main argument seems to be how everything I and others claim violate the laws of the universe, again to say that we know the laws of the universe to be certain at this point in time in my opinion is just foolish, we just discovered flying machines only a century ago when many Mr Beelzedads thought, oh that is not possible because of physics. There is so much to discover still. We should tell the scientist to go home and rest because we have already discovered the laws of the universe, that is funny lol
It sounds like one because it is one. The physical laws of the universe would be violated if such things occurred. You might as well just say you sprouted wings and could fly.
I can fly too, in fact teleportation I think is better, faster I think.
Soul travel is the only travel that is completely free,no air ticket,no hotel bookings. I would love to know about it, are there any soul travel specialists among you
Really sad how at the end the conversation topic is about an individual who does not belong here, I guess that is how epidemic spreads, oh well. There are always cures I guess.
Anyways back on topic.
Some time ago, I read about the "past life regression" technique and how some Psychologists use it therapeutically to cure certain phobias. Surprisingly, many of the shrinks did not believe that their patients were really connecting with their literal past, but they used the phenomena anyway because it helped their patients.
Imagine the first Psychologist who published a paper on this. No doubt he/she was in for a lot of ridicule, but open-mindedness prevailed and something useful resulted.
I don't see how someone can call themselves "open minded" if they dismiss things out of hand, even in the face of evidence (I said evidence, not proof) like some unusual phenomena which may be something worth investigating. If it proves false, so be it; then everyone rejects it -- in either case, we learned something.
Ridiculing and refusing to investigate the bizarre is like the pope who refused to look through the telescope. He knew the answers and investigating would be a waste of time. Let's lighten up and be a little open-minded.
My thoughts.
Amen, yeah I was raised catholic. Open mindness will do wonders.
Hey anyone heard of the Keppler method, I have been successful with it a few times already. Very simple. Here's the link. Well maybe not that simple but the nature of it is.
Actually, being raised Catholic would mean you're mind is closed to anything that would contradict your Catholic beliefs. It seems too that you hold a number of other fantasies that also would show you have a closed mind.
Was / am difference there. Twisting things I see.
Anyways after rudely being interrupted by some troll in here.
The Frank Keppler method I think is really the easiest that I can think of. I know that there are many techniques out there and many find it very difficult to the point that it may take years.
Sometimes simplicity is the best answer I think.
Insults in light of an argument.
Actually, it's Frank Kepple, snakeoil salesman. He's well known for making a fast buck from the gullible and deluded.
Cool I got everything for free but I am sure he died, ok now bow and pay your respect, oh and say sorry to his family for defamation as well. Did you do it yet?
Why would I pay my respect to a charlatan and a fraud?
Charlatan and fraud, give me a detailed explanation on how that is, references, evidence, hard stuff that you live by since that is your way of explaining things?
I am waiting for the explanation, details as well ok, many details ok.
waiting waiting
So, when you do little more than just repeat yourself over and over, your expectation of others is provide in depth details to their explanations. LOL!
Exactly what I thought. False accusations of course. You're driven by so called facts and not one here, good going lol
I had a lot of out of the body experiences while i was a child and in my teen years. It happened a few times in my adult life, but they stopped when i experienced Salvation. Some were good, others were scary, but i did not look forward to those experiences because the sleep paralysis that preceded them and the "presences" around me were so disturbing. I am glad i dont have them anymore, but i do testify they are totally REAL.
So back on topic.
Any one here with experiences, how did you find out about it, because of sleep paralysis or researching the subject, or anything else?
The Creator-God Allah YHWH can reveal Himself to Ahl-e-Kashf in personification, but He has no body, nor any shape.
Ahl-e-Kashf also may travel by soul to distance places; in space and time, and see things while their body is there in their bed, in dreams as well as when they are awake or semi-awake:
Like Ezekiel was shown in a vision by the Creator-God Allah YHWH while Ezekiel was worried much about Jerusalem as to how it will be rebuilt after it had been ruined to the ground :
[2:260] Or like him who passed by a town which had fallen down upon its roofs, and exclaimed, ‘When will Allah restore it to life after its destruction?’ Then Allah caused him to die for a hundred years; then He raised him, and said: ‘How long hast thou remained in this state?’ He answered, ‘I have remained a day or part of a day.’ He said: ‘Nay, thou hast remained in this state for a hundred years. Now look at thy food and thy drink; they have not rotted. And look at thy ass. And We have done this that We may make thee a Sign unto men. And look at the bones, how We set them and then clothe them with flesh.’ And when this became clear to him, he said, ‘I know that Allah has the power to do all that He wills.’
http://www.alislam.org/quran/search2/sh … ;verse=259
Astral body may travel with or without the knowledge of the subject experiencing it. Astral body is the double of you...It is the seat of all our Emotions.For some people, astral travel can be an inborn quality, some develops it , while others do it unconsciously. The point is obtaining a total control our our psyche....mind and body before attempting to do ,so as to avoid astral skirmish which happens at times...avoid yourself being a victim of someone who feeds off your energy..Soul though different from astral body can't be an independent existent for it cannot be known...nor be denied of its existent for it is the basis of our Life..
After death soul does not travel alone. The messenger of death takes her to the Righteous Judge Dharma, where there is her account of good and bad and her future is decided accordingly. As said in the Holy Book of Sikhism, we are continuously being watched by Yam.
YBeelzedad wrote ...
Yes, but your claims violate the physical laws of the universe, so they are empty claims at best.
- - - - -
Why do you claim to know the laws of the universe?
Humanity's understanding of the universe can be compared to a first grader who has learned the alphabet, ... and now thinks that they know everything.
insisting that they can read?
It's called learning and understanding, Jerami, a result of thinking.
The fact that you don't understand those laws does not equate to you claiming others do not.
Do you believe that "All" of the laws of the universe have even been didcovered? I do not.
To believe that they have, would be THE "Ultimate Delusion"
Considering the fact that is it highly unlikely you are even aware of these laws, let alone understand them really doesn't put you any position to comment on them.
Considering the fact that you are highly unlikely to know these unknown laws either ???? realy doesn't put you in any position to comment either.
LOL! You really should take stand up comedy as a career, you're very good at contradiction.
Yeah Mr beelzedad knows the laws of the universe already, wow finally no more scientist needed.
I gotta go and work for a few hours.
I realy do ask that question with all due respect.
If there is anyone here who is convinced they can perform actual astral travel, you can become very rich. Here is a link to james Randi's $1,000,000 challenge. Please keep us posted on your progress. You can silence the unbelievers as well as making yourself a fortune.
by Katrionawrites 14 years ago
I would like to know if anyone else has ever had any out-of-body experiences; and what they saw whilst they were 'under'. I have been researching this particular skill with the open mindedness of one who will believe anything until she dissproves it to herself, and about three weeks ago believed I...
by Carmen_Sandiego 12 years ago
How can I have an out-of-body experience? What's the process?
by klanguedoc 13 years ago
Is Astral Projection a form of Time Travel?
by Joseph Attard 13 years ago
Is it true that during Astral projection one can travel through space and time?He may cross mountains, go through fire and water? That on the astral plane, time is immaterial or non-existent? If indeed so, can an astral traveller tell the future?
by jirel 12 years ago
If yes, how can I?I have lots of lucid dreams, how can I switch it to astral projection?I mean I've heard that in a lucid dream, we can take control and if we want we can take it to the other step.i.e.astral travel.How can I change it to astral projection when I'm lucid dreaming?
by RavenKurobi 7 years ago
My friend is having problems with astral projectionShe is trying to astral project so she can see me IRL since we live in different countries but cannot go more than a few feet away from her body. any suggestions?
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