Is it true that during Astral projection one can travel through space and time?

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  1. NewHorizons profile image81
    NewHorizonsposted 15 years ago

    Is it true that during Astral projection one can travel through space and time?

    He may cross mountains, go through fire and water?  That on the astral plane, time is immaterial or non-existent?  If indeed so, can an astral traveller tell the future?

  2. profile image0
    mealeahaposted 15 years ago

    It is decidedly so. On that plane, time does not exist, and you may move freely forward, to a specific location or backward.  You would not, however, be able to influence anything or change any outcomes as your astral body is just that. It is your essence as a spiritual entity.  You are allowed to observe, and if you are fortunate to recall the experience, it could help you change a venue you have planned for the future.

    In many circles, this is also known as 'remote viewing.'  It has always been my belief that when we are in a 'flux' state of consciousness, we have the ability to see events in the future. Time as we are accustomed to it, doesn't exist there either.  If we do not recognize it...then it's a future event. 

    Quantum physics now has the information they required to prove this is true.

  3. LetusPonder profile image77
    LetusPonderposted 15 years ago

    The challenge with astral projection is that even with years of military secret ops training, the images are often vague at best.  Future travel is further complicated because even with time being immaterial on the astral plane, we are truly not astral beings, and thus have a spiritual block that allows for only possible or likely images instead of the actual thing.

    One theory for this is that pertaining to the infinite amount of parallel universes.  One may travel to a future, but make a choice in the present that alters that future such that it does not manifest in this timeline.

    This is a possible explanation why the vast majority of "prophecies" are vague and open to interpretation; and most usually never materialize. 

    Occasionally someone will get a glimpse into the future, a strong premonition not to step into that elevator (that crashes right after), or that something horrible will happen to a family member or loved one.  The theory with these is that the future is allowed to be seen because the karmic path is so strong that the future cannot be altered - and that this karmic path is allowed to be seen/sensed between two people who have that astral/spiritual connection.

    But very rarely does someone see a definitive future many years from now.

    Helen Wambach hypnotized thousands of people (psychology students, she was a professor) and not only did past-life regressions, but also future-life.  The interesting thing is that almost everyone described one of three futures:
    1) Post-apocalyptic - war-torn desolate lands and famine
    2) Communal-type spiritual living in a pseudo-utopia
    3) No major change from today

    But when you think about it, those are basically our three choices right?  We degrade as humans and destroy the world, we evolve spiritually, or we stay mostly the same.

    So did they truly glimpse the future or just sort of make an educated guess and then let the imaginations go?

    Such is likely the case with Astral Projection into the future.

  4. pjk_artist profile image65
    pjk_artistposted 15 years ago

    Yes.  As astral projection is but another use of the power of imaginative thought, anything you can imagine is possible is it not?

    As to telling the future.  You could see A future...but only a possible future.  One result depending on many past choices.  The choices, unfortunately for the would-be-astral-lottery-winner, lead to many possible futures.

  5. Shahid Bukhari profile image59
    Shahid Bukhariposted 14 years ago

    In Truth ... not the Astral Plane ... Matter, Time, Space and Energy ... are Generated by the Physical, Manifesting unto the Ideal State of The Ordained Form ... In ... Living Human awareness.

    It is essentially a mythical belief, that during this or that, astral projections ... viz. a Lunar or Solar Eclipse, we can travel through time and Space ...

    Remember the cult, committing collective suicide, a few years back, when, the Comet, named Hale Bopp  appeared ?

  6. profile image0
    Profesorposted 14 years ago

    Yes he can tell the future furthermore future can be changed

  7. NewHorizons profile image81
    NewHorizonsposted 14 years ago

    Thank you all, you people.  i needed some info about astral projection, cause I'm writing a short fiction story based on the subject.  My  other short stories and Legends are here: … story.html

  8. Corrie Lamprecht profile image60
    Corrie Lamprechtposted 13 years ago

    There are various methods and results of Astral Projection.  On its own it is the ability of one to separate your spiritual being from the physical body and go to other places.  The experience differ from person to person.  For me, I was aware of location but the aspect of time does not balance.  It might seem I am out for hours while in truth I was only 'out' for a few minutes.

    Telling the future in Astral Projection - NO; to the best of my knowledge.  One can only observe that which is now.  If you need to write about Future Predictions, then rather look at the concept of Remote (Viewing) Sensing.  It has similarities but it is also different.  There it is more an issue of awareness and knowledge one gain from the all present energy field.


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