Is there any evidence for the Quran, that it is reliable? The Bible has so much proof in itself, but what about the Quran? For instance fulfilled prophecy, internal consistency and archaeological evidences are overwhelming, but what evidences does the Quran have for its reliability?
Hi friend Oneman89
Your post is not consistent with the topic "Jesus in the Quran??? - specifically muslims". Please change the topic or explain your post.
Do you want to know about "Jesus in Quran" or something else is in your mind.
I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim
quick question, about the Muslim religion, Since I am ignorant to this belief system really, do Muslims follow, Muhammad? Is that right.
muhammad is final prophet as per muslims..jesus christ was before him and there have been 1,20,000 more...they call Abraham as prophet too...paar do correct me if i am wrong...
Didn't Muhammad marry a and concemate the marriage to a 9yr old girl, while he by the way was 52?
I mean really. Does this sound like someone to follow.
well that is for muslims to answer since it is sensitive for history what u said is right..muhammad married aisha when she was 6 when she was married to muhammad...marriage was consummated when aisha was 9...
This is sick and sad.
people judge for yourselves.
Diane Inside, are you genuinely unaware of the irony of someone from one religion trying to disparage another religion? Can you not see how utterly nonsensical that is? Unless I've confused you with someone on the forum with a similar name who is a Christian.
Dear, Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) was sent by ALLAH (GOD) to teach people about the difference of right and wrong. He (PBUH) never forced anyone to become MUSLIM. Its one's own will whether he is accepting it or not.
It is true that Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) married Ayesha when she was 9 year old. He also married Hadija who was 40 years old. It was limit defined by Allah to all mankind.
Minimum limit which is permissible and the maximum which was done by our Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him).
And there is nothing wrong.
Hi friends
Muhammad is the last or final prophet in status; not in time. Denial of even on Prophet is denial of the all prophets; as the prophets are believed for their appointment by the authority Creator-God Allah YHWH; denial of even one them tantamounts to denial, in principle, of all of them in whatever region it comes. Krishna, Buddha, Zoroaster, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad etc were all truthful prophets of the Creator-God Allah YHWH.
I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim
Hi friend Diane Inside
Muslims believe the followings:
1. Oneness of the Creator-God Allah YHWH.
2. The Angels
3. The Books or Word of Revelation from the Creator-God Allah YHWH
4. The Prophets, all of them, whatever their number in all parts of the world.
5. The Day of Judgment.
6. Divine Decree
Please see articles of faith on the following link for detail of each of them:
I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim
Islam holds that the Qur’an was revealed from Allah to Muhammad orally through the angel Jibrīl (Gabriel) over a period of approximately twenty-three years, beginning in 610 CE, when he was forty, and concluding in 632 CE, the year of his death
(So no reason for God to sacrifice His Son then huh, if Gabriel is just gonna recite a new bible and we can chuck the messianic prophecies too)
Muslims further believe that the Qur’an was memorized, recited and written down by Muhammad's companions after every revelation dictated by Muhammad
(So according to all the unsaved posters in the christian forums here at hubpages, these written down revelations dictated cannot possibly be accurate, either. This seems so much less reliable than a book. However, the Qur’an did not exist in book form at the time of Muhammad's death in 632)
and the Injil (Gospel) of Jesus. The Qur'an assumes familiarity with major narratives recounted in Jewish and Christian scriptures, summarizing some, dwelling at length on others.
The Qur'an recounts stories of many of the people and events recounted in Jewish and Christian sacred books although it differs in many details. Adam, Enoch, Noah, Eber, Shelah, Abraham, Lot, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Job, Jethro, David, Solomon, Elijah, Elisha, Jonah, Aaron, Moses, Zechariah, John the Baptist, and Jesus are mentioned in the Qur’an as prophets of God. Jesus is just a prophet not a son.
The Bible does not have "so much" proof that it is reliable. On the contrary, compared to other historical data, it is a mishmash, wherein some of its contents match other historical evidence, and some of it is contradicted.
Do you feel this way too. I mean from what I have heard is that it is common practice in islam community, and even thought to be normal for much older men to take child brides, and to me child bride means any girl under 18 years of age.
Hi friend Diane Inside
There is no commandment in Quran for child marriage; only adults are married. Please quote text of a verse from Quran, the first and the foremost source of guidance of Muslims whatever the denomination.
I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim
but my friend saudi has lot of examples of child being married in name of may google it and get from authentic arabic news website..there are human right groups in saudi fighting for cause and loosing in most..
That is the saudis personal wrong or his failing; hadith did not exist in the time of Muhammad; it was collected 200/250 years after the demise of Muhammad; only Quran and Sunnah existed in Muhammad's time.
The human right's groups should be supported for their efforts.
I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim
i have no reasons of not believing in what you are saying..i just hope that people dont misuse name of religious icons to get their vested things only some islamic scholar said throwing stone in protest is islamic and even muhammad peigambar use to throw stones...
Its not only Hadiths...the earliest surviving copies of the complete Qur'an are also centuries later than Muhammad. Theres no hard evidence that Quran was compiled during the lifetime of Muhammad nor under the 1st generation Caliphs. The oldest existing copy of the full Quran text is from the ninth century. Many scholars doesnt attribute the whole Quran to Muhammad rather contend that Islam was formed gradually over a number of centuries after the Muslim conquests, as the Islamic conquerors elaborated their beliefs in response to Jewish and Christian challenges.
And about Muhammad's married life...It is really shameful!...But the way the Muslims try to justify that is more SHAMEFUL!! He married more than TEN TIMES! Among whom many were shamefully scandalous i.e. He married his adopted sons wife. There are many many many more criticisms against Muhammad too & one doesnt need Quran or Hadiths to verify the validity of those controversies!
Since someone here really likes Wiki: … l_scholars
They I bet they don't spread that around much.
Yeah they dont but they do try to follow his way of living though
The Koran did not exhist during Muhammeds' time, it was done after his death Paar,..?
Quran existed in both the form. Quran as the word denotes is something oft repeated , read from the memory. It was revealed, not authored by Muhammad, in 23 years. Whenever a verse was revealed Muhammad and from him his companion committed it to his memory; as an additional measures he dictated it to the scribes. So Quran existed in both the form; written in the memory; writing on other materials.
paar, This is not an arguement at all. I am confused or misinformed. I thought the quran had the collection of work of Mohammad. Was it in exsistence before him? Really trying to understand
Hi friends
Coming to the topic "Jesus in the Quran??? - specifically muslims"; I give a passage from Quran about Jesus:
[19:30] Then she pointed to him. They said, ‘How can we talk to one who is a child in the cradle?’
[19:31] He said, ‘I am a servant of Allah. He has given me the Book, and made me a Prophet;
[19:32] ‘And He has made me blessed wheresoever I may be, and has enjoined upon me Prayer and almsgiving so long as I live;
[19:33] ‘And He has made me dutiful toward my mother, and He has not made me haughty and unblessed.
[19:34] ‘And peace was on me the day I was born, and peace there will be on me the day I shall die, and the day I shall be raised up to life again.’
[19:35] Such was Jesus, son of Mary. This is a statement of the truth about which they doubt.
[19:36] It does not befit the Majesty of Allah to take unto Himself a son. Holy is He. When He decrees a thing, He says to it, ‘Be!’, and it is.
[19:37] Said Jesus: ‘Surely, Allah is my Lord, and your Lord. So worship Him alone; this is the right path.’
[19:38] But the parties differed among themselves; so woe to those who disbelieve because of the meeting of the great day.
[19:39] How wonderful will their hearing and seeing be on the day when they will come to Us! But today the wrongdoers are in manifest error. … p;verse=29
This is how Quran defines the person Jesus s/o Mary.
I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim
Hi there,
I am a Christian, and I do respect what you believe, but just so you don’t get it wrong. Jesus was more than just a man; He was God in the likeness of man. He was more than just a prophet, and he was the son of God, which is why he was born holy and is still holy.
Luke 1: 26-35
26: In the sixth month, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in Galilee
27: to a virgin pledged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendant of David. The virgin’s name was Mary.
28: The angel went to her and said, "Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you"
29: Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be
30: But the angel said to her, "Do not be afraid Mary, you, have found favor with God"
31: you will be with child and you will give him the name Jesus
32: He will be great and will be called the son God the most high. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David
33: and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever, his kingdom will never end.
34: "how will this be," Mary asked the angel, since I am a virgin
35: the angel answered, The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of GOD.
Hi friend shan3lee
Jesus himself said he was Son of Man; who was that man whose son he was; please name him. Didn't he say that?
Quran says Jesus was son of Mary.
I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim
See...They dont spread that around much. In fact, they always avoid it like this!
Spread what? Did I miss something? I thought it just said there are some scholars who accept the traditional view of the origins of the Qur'an and some scholars who are sceptical. I'm surprised if anyone's surprised by that or thinks it significant.
Hi friend Don W
Quran is secure and protected in two distinct systems verifieable by anybody at any time. It is as fresh as ever. No other Revealed Book of any other religion has been fortunate to have these systems.
Quran is a living book; it answers all important ethical, moral and spiritual matters together claims and with reasons and needs no external help.
I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim
verifieable by Muslims you can say it, just as the bible is verifiable to Christians.
You place more weight on the Quran; therefore it is verifiable to YOU. It is subject to interpritation...hence the many different factions in Islam. You can say your translation is right if you want.
Go Ahead....
Jesus in the Quran??? - specifically muslims
There are a lot of similarities in Jesus and John the Baptist; they were both cousins. Quran starts chapter on Mary or Maryam like this:
[19:1] In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.
[19:2] Kaf Ha Ya ‘Ain Sad.
[19:3] This is an account of the mercy of thy Lord shown to His servant, Zachariah.
[19:4] When he called upon his Lord, a secret calling,
[19:5] He said, ‘My Lord, the bones have indeed waxed feeble in me, and the head glistens with hoariness, but never, my Lord, have I been unblessed in my prayer to Thee.
[19:6] ‘And I fear my relations after me, and my wife is barren. Grant me, therefore, a successor from Thyself,
[19:7] ‘That he may be heir to me and to the House of Jacob. And make him, my Lord, well-pleasing to Thee.’
[19:8] ‘O Zachariah, We give thee glad tidings of a son whose name shall be Yahya*. We have not made any one before him of that name.’
[19:9] He said, ‘My Lord, how shall I have a son when my wife is barren and I have reached the extreme limit of old age?’
[19:10] He said, ‘So it is.’ But thy Lord says, ‘It is easy for Me, and indeed I created thee before, when thou wast nothing.’
[19:11] He said, ‘My Lord, appoint for me a token.’God said, ‘Thy token is that thou shalt not speak to anyone for three full days and nights.’
[19:12] Then he came forth unto his people from the chamber and asked them by signs to glorify God in the morning and in the evening.
[19:13] ‘O Yahya*, hold fast the Book.’ And We gave him wisdom while yet a child,
[19:14] And tenderness of heart from Ourself, and purity. And he was pious
[19:15] And dutiful toward his parents. And he was not haughty and rebellious.
[19:16] And peace was on him the day he was born, and the day he died, and peace there will be on him the day he will be raised up to life again. … p;verse=10
* Yahya or John the Baptist
I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim
Come on lets focus on Muhammad's married life...sounds interesting.
The fact of the matter is that you can go to muhammads grave and his body is there, you can go to buddhas grave and his body is still there, you can go to john smiths grave and his body is still there, you can go to any other prophets grave and you will find their body is still there, yet whos grave is contreversial as to where it is, let alone producing a body?
Well the point you have mentioned can be examined from many perspectives...The missing grave could be a point that helps out the Christians to believe that Christ was resurrected & flew to heaven!
The same point can be used to doubt the Historicity of Jesus & would help many scholars to claim that Jesus never existed!
So, actually the missing grave doesnt prove anything!
quiet right..there are many who believe christ never existed and was created to control people...
well and as paar said..some believe jesus tomb to be in kashmir...denise must visit that
May be Ahmadiya faith is the most Absurd faith system I have ever seen. I dont knw if anyone noticed it or not but I would like to share some points here...
1. According to Ahmadis, Jesus migrated to India, preached Quranic teachings but established Buddhism & became the Enlightened!
2. Mirza Ghulam is the only person in human history who claimed to be the Islamic Mahdi & the second coming of Jesus at the same time! It should be noted that Islam also clearly admits that Jesus will return one day & Mahdi will be there to support him. Which means in Islam, Jesus & Mahdi is completely different person. But this Mirza couldnt stop asking for more, He wanted to be Mahdi so the Muslims will start following him, then he claimed to be the founder of Buddhism & He also wanted to be Jesus so he can get followers from Christianity too!
Here comes the funniest part: Ahmadis believe...
Mirza Ghulam = Jesus = Mahdi = Buddha
Its like 3 in one...Unbelievable!! Its even more absurd than Spiderman having the power of Batman, Superman & Cat Women at the same time...What the CRAP is this!! ...and what kind of dumb headed crazy guys can believe in such shhit?? (Oh srry paar, I didnt mean to offend you or your faith)
concept of jesus coming to India also has two is about his early age which has no records..he came to India and whether buddist enlightened him or he enlightened buddist again divides people into two...but according to this theory jesus came to India and then went back and started preaching...
Yes...but can someone tell me where did he took his Pali language course?
Did he taught his teachings in Aramaic? May be thats why the Buddhists didnt get his Quranic lessons & messed it up into a new faith system called Buddhism! Good point Ahmadis! You guys are not as stupid as I thought!
Hi friend Rishy Rich
This is not an Ahmadi belief; Quran was revealed on Muhammad; Jesus did not know it; so Jesus could not preach it.
Jesus preached in India to the lost tribes of the House of Israel who were settled in diffrent parts of India and were Jews and knew Torah; Jesus preached to the Jews Torah and Word of Revelation which was revealed on him from the Creator-God Allah YHWH.
Kindly make necessary corrections or quote from the Ahmadi sources to prove your point. It is simply wrong.
I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim
Hi friend Rishy Rich
Your second point is also not correct.
There are Islamic Traditions from Muhammad which describe Islami Mahdi and Islamic Issa being one and the same titles of one person from the ummah of Muhammad.
Since Jesus died a natural and peaceful death in Srinagar, Kashmir, India; he cannot come again. His coming was only for the corrections of the deviation made by Paul in his absence; which was to be done by the Islamic Messiah or Mahdi (only titles) whose proper name is Mirza Ghulam Ahmad 1835-1908.
Please correct your second point also.
I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim
For God's sake how do you KNOW all of this...!
I mean, one person says Jesus was buried at Golgotha, one person says he travelled to India, and some claim (with a fair amount of evidence) that he never existed at all. But how any could claim to KNOW one or another is beyond me. It's all a bit, well, odd...
Hi friend AdsenseStrategies
It is no odd; only you have to understand with reason.
I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim
It's very odd. Trust me I have plenty of reasoning abilities. But in fact you are NOT asking me to use reason, you are asking me to believe you UNcritically. I notice you didn't answer the question how you KNOW these things...
Hi friend AdsenseStrategies
Please concentrate on your reasoning abilities and you will get it. It is very simple and easy.
1. There is no mention of Jesus’ Second Coming in Quran; the first and the foremost source of guidance of Muslims whatever their denomination.
2. Quran mentions in unequivocal terms that Jesus never died a cursed death on cross; Bible also supports it if read intently; history also supports it, ancient medical books also support it.
3. Jesus did not die a cursed death on Cross; this is a concept invented by Paul for his own selfish motives. Jesus prayed to his Lord Creator-God Allah YHWH to be saved from a cursed death on Cross; and he was saved and delivered from the cross in a near-dead position. After when he was treated for his injuries in the tomb he was laid in by his friend; he migrated to India secretly with his mother and his trusted friends who later joined him in this travel.
4. All this could be easily and conveniently understood from the following book: … index.html
Please feel free to ask anything you want in this connection; others are also welcome.
I trust your reasoning abilities; you are welcome to use them. Please don't feel shy.
I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim
Hi friend pisean282311
I don't grudge your reasoning abilities; you are also welcome to use them if you have any. Most welcome
I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim
Quran is not a Historical Book...its not even accepted as a fair & reliable source for Arab historicity. Quoting what Quran says is not the sign of Reasoning...Not at all!
Its the opinion of Historians, its the opinion of the highest rated unbiased scholars & reliable sources of present time.
But you will not understand...cause your
Eyes are closed - Mind is Shut - Brain is Dead!...You are not even Conscious!
What is your source of Historical Sources about Muhammad? Please provide the link.
Sources for Muhammad's life
Prophet Muhammad at the Ka'ba, The Life of the Prophet Topkapi Palace Museum, Istanbul (Inv. 1222/123b), illustration by Nakkaş Osman [c. 1595].Main articles: Historiography of early Islam and Historicity of Muhammad
Being a highly influential historical figure, Muhammad's life, deeds, and thoughts have been debated by followers and opponents over the centuries, which makes a biography of him difficult to write.[14]
The Qur'an
Muslims regard the Qur'an as the primary source of knowledge about the historical Muhammad.[14] The Qur'an has a few allusions to Muhammad's life.[23] The Qur'an responds "constantly and often candidly to Muhammad's changing historical circumstances and contains a wealth of hidden data."[14]
Early biographies
Next in importance are the historical works by writers of the third and fourth century of the Muslim era.[24] These include the traditional Muslim biographies of Muhammad and quotes attributed to him (the sira and hadith literature), which provide further information on Muhammad's life.[25]
Non-Arabic sources
The earliest Greek source for Muhammed is the 9th century writer Theophanes. The earliest Syriac source is the 7th century John bar Penkaye.[31] … d.27s_life
As I said, there are no historical sources of Muhammad's time about Muhammad except Quran; the sources you suggest are only third in line and the earlist one is of 9th century and is in Greek not even in Arabic. This is the status of what you have suggested; very sad about your suggestion,and which you state as unbiased.
I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim
First of all, Muhammad alone is not the history of middle east neither the history of the world!!
Secondly, Muhammad was an arab muslim...Quran was told by him..I repeat 'QURAN WAS TOLD BY MUHAMMAD' Which only talks about the greatness of his Allah & the greatness of himself. Then how can it be unbiased?
Since he told it than the Quran could be a good source for Muhammad's life...which could be helpful to write a BIOGRAPHY for Muhammad & Muhammad only!! However, It is still not a reliable historical source because it never mentions the criticisms against Islam & Muhammad. A historical source should be neutral & judgmental not religious & magical. Technically Quran is a religious book which only talks about the bright side of Islam hence it is biased!
Other than Muhammad's life & Islamic info...Quran is no better than crap when you use it as a historical source or for other information. For example,
Forget World history, It is not even clear about the history of pre-islamic arabia.
A rational point, Quran only managed to talk about those religions which were present in their (Muhammad & gang) reachable boundaries. i.e. Christianity, Judaism, Zoroastrianism etc. But it never talked about neither mentioned the name of Buddhism or Hinduism because Muhammad didnt know about them. It only makes clear that Quran was Muhammads concept & was not told by any God. Its another biased religious book which is not reliable as a historical source.
@ Paar..
The Islamic traditions that you are talking about is not accepted by the majority & is the invention of the Ahmadis. So Stop Lying!
You always talk about Jesus dying a natural death & migrated to India. You talk about reasoning too. I CHALLENGE YOU TO PROVE THAT!!! The thing you claim about Jesus is only a Hypotheses! Prove it with scientific evidence. If you cant do that then PLEASE NEVER AGAIN TALK ABOUT REASONING & STOP SPREADING LIES!!!
Hi friend Rishy Rich
You are wrong here also; the equation does not end here; it is like this:
Mirza Ghulam = Jesus = Mahdi = Buddha= Krishna= Zoroaster= the end time reformer of all nations who has a prophecy for it.
The person Mirza Ghulam Ahmad is one but his titles are many as per the prophecies in different religions for end time reformer. All religions are to be revived under his banner.
Please correct yourself; you need to study more; shallow study is always dangerous.
I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim
Mirza Ghulam, a person who has achieved nothing & a person hardly known by others is like...All in One Super Hero to You!!! You must be out of your mind! (Shakes head)
Your eyes are closed - Mind is Shut - Brain is Dead!
well one thing i like about mirza shaab is elimination of jihad doctrine..guess how much it would have been better is that was implemented in today's time...atleast bin laden would have not promised heaven to kids for getting killed...
Both u & I would suggest the elimination of Jihad doctrine too...but suggestions are just suggestions until u implement it. Mirza couldnt implement that neither He could change the islamic views nor He could get support from the Muslims. A prophet or messiah is actually someone who brings the change effectively. And Jihad is such a flaw of Islam that many many many more scholars had already visioned the elimination of it prior to Mirza...I dont think someone should be credited for repeating such issue.
oh is it ...i didnt knew that..i thought he was first person to dare mullahs and ask for elimination of jihad...
since time for the advent of Messiah had come
None of these statements are "facts".
You are right. Your sky fairy didn't like their sky fairy.
Quran Surah 59: Exile
Allah cast fear into the hearts of the disbelieving People of the Scripture. Their home in the Hereafter will be the Fire. 2-3
The disbelieving people of the Scripture are liars. 11
The devil and disbelievers will be in the Fire. 16-17
The owners of the Garden and the owners of the Fire are not equal. 20
Quran Surah 60: She That is to be Examined
Don’t be friends with disbelievers. They are your (and Allah’s) enemy. 1
Don’t be friends with those who have warred against you because of religion. Whoever makes friends with them is a wrong-doer. 9
Don’t be friends with those who disbelieve in the Hereafter. They are Allah’s enemies. 13
It's all about love! is their reasoning ability which tells them to follow and i lack it..we are humans without brain to reason..only special people with religion have that ability..stop laughing ...
Hi friend earnestshub
Laughing is good for his health; let him laugh as much as he wants; and then with increased vigor he could come to the reasoning mode.
Others could also join him; encouraged to do so.
I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim
@paar i fundamentally dont play with faiths because what ever person believes he/she has right to believe in that..but since you are insisting on it and getting personal..i would surely like you to ask how do you define reason?.. believing in some book which some body wrote some thousands of years ago is reasoning ability as per you?..quoting from here and there reasoning ability for you?..or scientific modes , proofs , logic is reasoning ability for you?..
you say jesus worshipped allah then you come from some you would also say buddha worshipped allah or krishna worshipped allah...for your knowledge krishna is mentioned to have worshipped only two times in his life and that was to is shiva allah or is allah shiva in this case?...
i dont mind jesus worshipping allah or krishna worshipping allah either...people use to worship sun too years it mean worshipping sun is reasoning ability?...thousands of years ago ..people use to think natural calamities are curse by god..some still believe you call that reasoning ability? please define reasoning ability then i would debate according to your definition..dont sell me books ...sell me logic...
Hi friend pisean282311
I never get personal; you joined the discussion; so I wrote. If you think I become personal; then please ignore .
I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim is ok...i appreciate your zeal and effort and i respect mirza shaab for his initiative ...i am not against you..i just disagree with your is disagreement have your stand and i have mine...let us keep it that way...thanks...
Jesus and Mary are mentioned in Quran with a great respect. Quran/Islam/Muhammad respect founders of all the revealed religions and do not hate even a single one of them.
When Jesus migrated to India from Judea after his miraculous escape from the Cross he was put to; people made creeds in his name to which he never believed in. Jesus expresses this:
[5:117] And when Allah will say, “O Jesus, son of Mary, didst thou say to men, ‘Take me and my mother for two gods beside Allah?’”, he will answer, “Holy art Thou. I could never say that to which I had no right. If I had said it, Thou wouldst have surely known it. Thou knowest what is in my mind, and I know not what is in Thy mind. It is only Thou Who art the Knower of hidden things.
[5:118] “I said nothing to them except that which Thou didst command me — ‘Worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord.’ And I was a witness over them as long as I remained among them, but since Thou didst cause me to die, Thou hast been the Watcher over them; and Thou art Witness over all things.
[5:119] “If Thou punish them, they are Thy servants; and if Thou forgive them, Thou surely art the Mighty, the Wise.”
[5:120] Allah will say, ‘This is a day when only the truthful shall profit by their truthfulness. For them are Gardens beneath which streams flow; therein shall they abide for ever. Allah is well pleased with them, and they are well pleased with Him; that indeed is the great triumph.’ … ;verse=116
paar never have I laughed so much at so much rubish, consider this the Quran was supposedly the Sayings of Mohammed, were only written after Mohammed was dead, so the Quran could never be verified by Mohammed as being true copies of his words, and even if Mohammed was alive he could not verify the Quran was true, he could not read or write, so it is verry reasonable to think the Quran can never proven to be Mohammeds words.
That my illinformed friend is reasonable truthfull and correct.
please stop saying Jesus went to India, that is a blatent lie and a attack on the christian faith. Jesus died on the Cross PERIOD no one came down alive, by your attacks you prove you are NOT PEACEFULL.
May the Lord Jesus Christ show you the way to true peace.
Whew...thought all the earthbound christian warriors were havin' lunch! I've been fighting this propaganda from the trenches for weeks, but haven't been able to get the buggers to stop saying things that christians find objectionable, their agenda is too obvious.
When Jesus migrated to India from Judea after his miraculous escape from the Cross he was put to; people made creeds in his name to which he never believed in.
oh paar are you really INSANE, do you do anything EXCEPT attack Jesus!!!!!! Jesus died on the cross, you only want to attack Jesus with your EXTREAM VIEWS or the WORLD ACCORDING TO PAAR!!!!
stop your UNPROVEN INSANE ATTACK on JESUS he died on the Cross.
paar you are a uniformed person that only can attack another FAITH with your unproven untrue religious history according to the word of paar.
I have asked you nicely before ;stop your insane attacks on my saviour Jesus Christ'
you are no better than any other radical with insane extream views, I honestly thought you were a peacefull Muslim, after this post you just prove you are not peacefull.
we are still here Druid still trying to make a extream un peacefull radical Muslim stop his " INSANE ATTACKS' on Jusus. The whole Christian world knows Jesus did die on the CROSS, the whole world knows Jesus never went to India, even main stream Islam knows Jesus NEVER went to India. I truly belive all paar does each day is to make more attacks on Jusus, more insane miss quotes, of the Bible, His latest INSULT is That The Church of England has all 40 Gospel's, the man must be a compleat ZELOT and can not be peacefull.
The whole Christian world? The world is mixed up of many religions; it is not the whole chiristian; it is divided in 32000+ denominations and can only be united in one if the accept Jesus' Second Coming 1835-1908.
You're confusing me. Here's what you wrote earlier.
Since Jesus died a natural and peaceful death in Srinagar, Kashmir, India; he cannot come again. His coming was only for the corrections of the deviation made by Paul in his absence; which was to be done by the Islamic Messiah or Mahdi (only titles) whose proper name is Mirza Ghulam Ahmad 1835-1908.
If he died a natural and peaceful death, and can not come back, how are you able to say ahmad was Jesus returning? You contradict your own points in saying that. It actually gives more credence to the idea you're following a religion based on the teachings of a mad man, from his nervous breakdown. No compulsion.
well stated DevLin, now paar will .( as paar usually does) ignore what you said, or change the subject.!! notice paar (as usual) misquoted what was said, I said the Christian World, only. Not every person in the world. Only Christians Paar, now I want to see how you get out from the correct and reasonable statements of DevLin!!! You have been defeated by your own words, what are you going to say about DelVins reasonable and honest words, how can you answer paar I'm waiting???
paar as I have stated you are not peacefull, you twist other peoples words, you insult other peoples Beliefs, and STATE only your words are perfect and reasonable as if you were a God, wake up paar all your words are not reasonable or correct, and you have even CONTRADICTED your self in black and white. paar try and get out of your untrue and unreasonable coments now if you can!!!!!
now that DevLin has caught you out lieing, then everything you now say cannot be reasonable or belived untill you admit your MISTAKE paar????
32000+ name them that I do not belive paar so prove it names please?
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