Do you think your God(s) would allow non-believers of your religion into Heaven?
Non-believers are sent to hell to burn for eternity.
The problem is to decide which hell they'll be sent. Will it be Christian hell, Islamic hell or some other hell?
I visualize myself standing before the many gods that believers have created for themselves, all of them arguing and fighting over which hell I will be sent.
Meanwhile, I slip out the back with Hendrix, Morrison and Joplin for whiskey and beers.
I'm sure there will be a special one for you Mr. Beelzedad, since you're so special.
Did you feel a great need to threaten me with a personal hell? Does it make you feel better to threaten others with your irrational beliefs?
Actually not hell just an empty place since he doesn't believe in anything, by the way your creation not anyone's.
Oh yes I'm giddy about it I don't believe in hell, but you made the statement Non-believers are sent to hell to burn for eternity. So who threatened you.
I was only kidding, you sound like a fuddy-duddy.
Please make peace both of you and reconcile; it is not the end of the world yet
You'll find most "fuddy-duddys" don't take kindly to being threatened, whether you say you're kidding or not. It's called respect.
If you don't believe in hell, how can you feel threatened by it?
Respect a person on an internet site who could be anything Mr. Dangerfield, I don't think so.
There is "A" God!
Does anyone have a proper concept of who/what he/it is?
I don't think anyone does!
SO ...
No one can answer your question with all certainty!
I am a christian but not the traditional Christian. I did not learn my christianitity from church. I learned it from reading the Bible myself and have come to learn what christianity means from Jesus' point of view. Most Christians know what they hear at church and thats good enough for them.
But, it was not to me. Too many unanswered and very onesided doctrines taught. In my reading I have learned many things that were contrary to what I had been taught mostly having to do with things like drinking and smoking and other taboo's.
But, one thing I do know in my heart is this not everybody is going to heaven. We were not intended to live in heaven, revelations tells us that there will be a new heaven and a new earth. Some people will inhabit the new earth and some the new heaven (this will be made up of Jesus' government.
Some people will be placed in the new heaven and some people will live on the new earth. God, never intended for us to be floating around in Heaven. There is live after this system. My Bible also says that God judges a man according to his heart and God is Just in his judgement. And that in the End, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess Jesus is Lord (of the people).
Many Christians believe that they are the only ones who will see eternal life. My heart does not tell me this. Many people who think they have it all figured out have squeezed God in this little box and have no clue what his Big Picture is. I have addressed this in many different ways on my hubpages.
I think that only God knows how things will go. But, I feel so strongly in my heart that I am so greatful to be a Child of Grace. Because I accept Jesus now and I truly try to live according to Jesus' commands. We are not to judge others. We are called to be compassionate, forgiving, longsuffering and loving too all people.
We do not a have big enough perspective to see as God sees and we cannot make assumptions as to what will happen. Most Christians believe that The Bible in uncorrupted, but the Bible tells us that in the endtime the truth will be hidden in the hearts of man.
Also there was a special curse laid aside for anyone who changes the Word. God does not set up curses for things that may happen. He already knows what is, and will happen. He does not make idle curses for just in case. So this tells me that over time the truth will be lost and many men will be to blame. It will be a gradual change. So with this in mind, we as Christians cannot truly answer this question. I know this answer may offend many (hard-core ) Christians, and if that is the case I beg that you please pray and ask God show only truth. And start researching again. Always in Truth, Love, and Peace.
My God, source, creator would say. "ok since i gave you choice of freedom" then go where you want to go. Those who think hell exist and subconsciously believe their actions will take them there then may end up there. Those who believe in heaven may end up in their heaven probably still afraid of heaven if they break the rules, atheist will probably end up nowhere just wondering " ok ok when do i wake up, enough blankness already"
Hilarious. The brain is dead, but atheists are still "wondering" LOL!
I know, just like when they declare someone brain dead and they come back. They're still hanging around, amazing huh.
Although atheist may take longer hanging around.
May be the "Atheists" are already "brain dead" while they are still alive. They will, perhaps, awaken when the Creator-God Allah YHWH would resurrect them for the accountability in the hereafter:
[36:53] They will say, ‘O! woe to us! who has raised us up from our place of sleep? This is what the Gracious God had promised, and the Messengers spoke the truth.’
[36:54] It will be but one blast and lo! they will all be brought before Us.
[36:55] And on that day, no soul will be wronged in aught; nor will you be rewarded but for what you used to do. … p;verse=52
Interesting that you have to fabricate stories to make your point. Is that also part of your dreamworld?
It is part of it, real as the air I breathe.
Yes, I understand the dreamworld you've created is real, to you. But, it is irrelevant to reality.
If it is as real as the air your breathe as you claim, please present the facts, as it is no problem presenting the facts of the air you breathe.
I await your detailed explanation.
I don't need to present facts to you Sir, Are you the reality police, that is funny.
I await your explanation he says, wow get ahold of yourself man.
Giving you anything will neither make me a better or worse person, so again why are you trolling here man? haven't answered me yet.
Funny! However this is abject conjecture, based on Nothing but hearsay and imagination.
No, you must believe in order to be saved !
You do not have to be of one particular religion, it is Believe in God
and entry through Jesus, by faith. So in answer to your question if some one did not believe in my Religion, it would not matter. But believe in God does matter, and only God judges that, not us.
many Religions including mine, take the scripture and change it to their interpretation of it. Take Litterary liscense if you will. But there's- nor mine, is not the only way.
The path is wide, the doorway narrow, through Jesus you enter. What you do along the way, baptism, deeds, works etc does not get you there exclusively.
well sure. haven't you ever heard of REPENTING.
It is a false notion to believe that such a large portion of mankind will be consigned to eternal torment based on the deceptions which they have fallen prey to. Rather, the ammount of glory which one obtains in the next life will be dependant on the ammount of light and knowledge one has received in this one. And that is based on their deeds, words, actions, integrity, faithfulness, love of others, etc.
I think Stephen Hawking's already answered your question. God, if he/she exists, is obsolete !
Steven Hawking said no such thing, what he said was that it is not necessary for God to be included in any equation for the creation of the universe.
Not quite the same thing....
Would it mean that the process of creation is so automatic that one cannot perceive the hand behind doing all this?
I think what he meant was that Gravity is the main driving force in the creation of the Universe.
and P-L-E-A-S-E.... Don't ask who provided the gravity !!!!
I don't have to ask you; I already know that it is the pull of the Creator-God Allah YHWH; and everything is moving by His commandment and cannot be stopped by anyone except Him.
Ultimately everybody will reach Him:
[41:10] Say: ‘Do you really disbelieve in Him Who created the earth in two days? And do you set up equals to Him?’ That is the Lord of the worlds.
[41:12] Then He turned to the heaven while it was something like smoke, and said to it and to the earth: ‘Come ye both of you, willingly or unwillingly.’ They said, ‘We come willingly.’
[41:13] So He completed them into seven heavens in two days, and He revealed to each heaven its function. And We adorned the lowest heaven with lamps for light and for protection. That is the decree of the Mighty, the All-Knowing. … mp;verse=7
“I don't have to ask you; I already know that it is the pull of the Creator-God Allah.”
I'll let Steven Hawking know... the new name for God is Gravity !
It never ceases to amaze me just how fast the religious mind jumps and changes claiming all facts as their very own.
You can't have it all ways, The old Testament, which you are suppose to hold as sacrosanct as the WORD of your God clearly states that in the beginning he created the Heaven and the Earth first and all that nonsense about “Let there be Light, all on the first day...” Where did that light come from if he didn’t come up with the sun and the moon till day three ? And all of this without the slightest mention of gravity.
If you were the least bit sceptical, or realistic about all of this, you might just ask yourself; if your God is so powerful and all knowing how come he got the order of the creation of our Solar system so wrong ?
And if you still don’t get it, The Sun, that big orange thing in the sky, is the source of our light, heat and life. To get a separation of day and night the Earth has to rotate, to get the seasons the Earth has to orbit the Sun. Don’t you find it even remotely strange that non e of this gets a mention in the Old Testament ?
What is so wrong with the Solar system? Please
There is nothing wrong with the Solar system, what is wrong is how your God relayed it's creation to Moses so he could write it down.
Please go back and re read what I wrote... slowly this time...
Genesis is not written by Moses.
Please read the thread; who wrote Genesis?
Excuse me if I am wrong but didn't the early understanding of who wrote the Bible say that the first five chapters were originally credited to Moses?
I know modern thinking states that is no longer true, just as the description of creation as stated in Genesis is no longer generally accepted as nothing more than a nice story told to simple people by simple people who were trying to make sense of a concept way beyond their comprehension.
The point I was making and you seem determined to ignore is that the explanation of the Earths creation as written in Genesis by whoever.... is WRONG in every way possible proving, to me if not you, that Genesis cannot be the literal word of God because the order of creation is wrong.
Word of Revelation from the Creator-God Allah YHWH is only for the guidance in Ethical, Moral and Spiritual realms of life; it is not a textbook of science nor it should be treated like that.
The Creator-God Allah YHWH did not want to hamper human progress in temporal matters; they have been left to develop it.
You can be sure that Jesus and Yawe will not discriminate agaisnt anybody. All will be given a chance to see the truth and then will be allowed. If they still do not believe, they will not got to hell. There is no hell. They will be dead for ever, that is all
I think there is a provision under the word "Sabians":
[2:63] Surely, the Believers, and the Jews, and the Christians and the Sabians — whichever party from among these truly believes in Allah and the Last Day and does good deeds — shall have their reward with their Lord, and no fear shall come upon them, nor shall they grieve. … p;verse=59
There is only one God, although there are many religions, and yes... The Creative Energy will accept any soul back to its source, regardless of their belief or lack of. There is no heaven and hell, the way I see it. These are only emotional levels where one feels miserable or content. You can be rich and handsome, have everything in the world and still feel miserable. That's hell. On the other hand, you can have nothing and be happy with yourself. That's paradise!
There was a man at the airport who won a free roundtrip ticket to anywhere in the U.S.
While standing at the line to get the ticket, he was undecided were to go. The lady at the desk, suggests, going to New York, he says no, too many Catholics are there. She suggests, Los Angeles, he says, no too many Catholics are there. She suggests, Washington D.C., he says, no too many Catholics are there.
Growing impatient the Nun who was in line behind him, interrupts him and suggests. "Why don't you go to hell, there are no Catholics there."
By the way I am not Catholic, just thought you guys needed a good laugh.
That there are no Catholics in Hell... Given their historical record the place must be full of them. Or doesn't persecution and mass murder count if the Pope says it's OK ?
I guessed....!
Just checking to see if I could wind you up a little bit... Was also wondering if the Nun could have suggested anywhere else...?
Well since I'm not Catholic, I don't know where they are not. However I do know where some of them are, and it is not church. But hey I'm not in church either, so can't say much.
passrsuarey why do you put Allah and the jewish word for God;
YAWH to-gether do you like Jews?? it was my understanding that Islam and the Jews were against each other, guess I was wrong Jews and muslims friends, I think not. Also your Allah is not my God and never wil be. You cannot speak for Christians or Jews only for Islam
In anciet times; there was no frequetn communication between differen regions of the world. The Creator-God Allah YHWH revealed Himself to all the people; of course in their own languages, so they have different names depicting the same Creator; hence his different names. We Ahmadiyya believe in all those names.
I love Jews as I love Hindus,Buddhists,Christians, Sikhs, Zoroastrians; also the Atheists Skeptics Agnostics if they are not fanatics, most of the times they are though
heaven and hell are nice concepts..they are working since centuries and might keep working for another 500 years or so...
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