This is my theory, it inspires hate because none of us really fully understands G-d, and we cling on to that little shred of our actual understanding. When somebody threatens to confuse that understanding we get protective and combative. I will try.
"GOD" as a word inspires hate because it also inspires so much passion. We have tumultuous relationship with word, but it is a love affair between humanity and that concept that we can't seem to let go.
It isn't the word god that inspires disagreement, it is the so called word of god.
A psychotic rendering from the bronze age that people find offensive when thrust upon them as "truth"
Your right, if there were a convention with all the major Religion in the World, they would only agree on one thing.
Most people would answer, there is a God. NOooooo
The real answer is they are the right religion to God
There are no rules to conceive an image of God in my world as everyone is God. Not this super natural or personal God stuff, it only a limited interest.
I ask desired questions and cast them into the darkness of God and the universe. When the answer comes back, and if that answer is not good enough. I recast another better question as a co creator with God. Then keep this exercise growing with better answers. I do not fully understand it, I just know that it works, and I say what ever works for you, as long as there is no harm involved.
It’s an act not of reason but an intuition. My Image of God is like the eye of the soul and the voice of the daring to come closer to being Godlike. I dare to go beyond to get closer to God. One of my natural talents is creative imagination and I can imagine God and the spiritual Universe as it makes me stronger than being apart from it.
"It’s an act not of reason but an intuition. My Image of God is like the eye of the soul and the voice of the daring to come closer to being Godlike. I dare to go beyond to get closer to God. One of my natural talents is creative imagination and I can imagine God and the spiritual Universe as it makes me stronger than being apart from it."
If you want to be understood by educated, enlightened thinkers, you must first, literally, define these words: god, soul, spiritual and explain why, whatever THEY are, THEY are needed by anyone to make one "...stronger than being apart from it."
If you can do that, there may be a reason to consider them.
go for it.
Hubs are being worked on, about god, soul, and spiritual, it’s just not that easy to express.
I hope you write something about the trinity.
The trinity has meaning in psychology as a vehicle of understanding the process of individuation.
I hope you can also explain the obvious contradictions in the NT and show the horror of the OT.
A big job.
have you read my only religious hub. "The biblical god is a psychopath?"
Some of the many comments it received are enlightening.
I'm spiritual rather than religious, and want it to be more G Rated, not so X Rated.
Spiritual is the 99% unknown World and Universe, until its manifest into the ego self.
Hell, the Bible explains what hell is.
All you can offer is opinion? of what value is that to such as I?
When I ask for an explanation of a term you use in a definitive manner, shouldn't I get a definitive answer?
Spirituality has to do with the metaphysical...unless yer talking about booze or team spirit. I don't think you were referring to either of those subjects.
Spirituality falls in to the same category as soul and god and such. If you use a metaphysical term, it might be wise to be able to backup your presented thoughts with logic and reason 'cause yer gonna be asked, by such as, I to explain yourself.
If the best you can do is offer an opinion, why bother? It only has meaning for you.
By the way, if you did that sand sculpture yer sitting on, I applaud you! It is fantastic!
I said before I am new to writing and yes, the soul and god is all connected and coincides with spirit’
I need time for the tib bits and then a hub will appear.
I'm not supernatural, you know.
err...not really. that's a roman catholic infusion from the HADES concept.
The bible is loaded with the hell word greater than the heaven word.
I'll write a hub on hell origin later, it’s like dealing with snakes.
Did you ever visit a snake temple?
I just wish there was no religion especially Islam,the world would be a nicer place instead of being dangerous
This is one way of looking at it. I have never been violently imposed to believe in G-d. As a matter of fact, I was raised encouraged to question. So I only have an intellectual understanding of being 'compelled to believe in G-d"
earnest, Once a believer of God start a new thread, you, along with some of the unbelievers jump in to attack our belief. Everyone has a right to disagree, but it is wrong for you to attack and insult. I hope you don't think a disagreement means to attack.
G-d. If you look at your keyboard, the " - " is right next to the " 0 ". Thats, " 0 " as in zero.
I think it's a typo, but I'm only guessing, since the next time she used the word "God".
I write for the Noahide and it became a habit. It's written way of saying Hashem in English. "Because the name is not a name but an act." It's very deep and I kind of like it so I always write the name as G-d. It reminds me that what I observe, expands.
I can say god or "GOD" but always G-d, when speaking of G-d.
I answered this a few posts ago. It reminds me of what the name means in Hebrew pictograph.
It is sort of my battle-cry which is "I observe and I become"
Well, you certainly stirred the wasp nest, now didn't you.
The term "G/god or G-d" has itself not inspired hate, but the ideologies --collectively-- behind the meaning of that human fashioned word. The ideology is the veil, the temple curtain, as are all words humans imply. More words, more threads. More threads, the thicker & larger the curtain/blanket, separation. Division. More division, more protection, fear, concern, threat, etc. Removal of the curtain, removes the term and everything associated with the term --for or against-- what the term implies.
Study the heinous, deadly history of this 'god" concept. If you can do this, it becomes obvious why the word 'god" inspires hatred amongst believers and non-believers.
If you are not "enlightened" with understanding, you are "blind."
Not sure how the word "God" can inspire hate. Certainly, the concept of gods and the scriptures written teach hatred.
Hatred of mankind: men are evil, so religions teach their followers to hate each other as humans.
Hatred of knowledge: knowledge is evil, so religions teach their followers not to think, but instead to accept and believe no matter how irrational or improbable.
Hatred of non-believers: anyone who does not share the same beliefs is evil, so religions teach their followers to hate anyone who isn't part of the sect.
These three areas alone make up enough hatred to cause conflict and wars, to divide all men and all mankind, creating barriers between them to the point where they will not help each other or cooperate in any way.
Was that your childhood upbringing? How sad.
Yes, I understand how believers all believe their scriptures only teach love while all other scriptures teach hatred, despite the fact it is pointed out to them.
Thank you for making and confirming my point.
Yes, they do. Christians also hate anyone who is of another belief, even those within Christianity but belong to another sect. I've read those posts right here.
Actually, Christians will expound the bible regardless of what anyone wants to hear.
LOL! Funny how you believe it is those who want to see a united mankind are the ones causing the division.
As an intuitive type myself, I understand what you mean by casting questions and awaiting answers. I also understand asking better questions and trying again. What I don't see, is that this has anything to do with a god.
After being around the world several times, and considering the world is 8/10 or 9/10th believers in God. You ask your self do I want to be against the world and be part of the problem or go with flow and be the king of my own domains. It’s a method to avoid hate, angry, jealously, greed and etc...That kingdom is within and God is just a word that no body really fully understands it or capable of knowing God. My god is based on good sense of all life forms, everyone is god all connect and coincide within the Universe to the best of my understanding. All for one, one for all. Closer to Albert Einstein theory about God without thinking it’s deeply religious.
yeah...we kind of in the same ballpark although my ballpark has many details, a little more german than that.
I have to agree with the OP.
What I mean when I say "God", is not what another person reading it sees/knows.
Hence the heated debate.
By way of example, earnest, invariably quotes all the kill, judgement legalistic scriptures to support his view of god.
I don't see God that way at all. I see Him as the exact opposite, and i have heaps of scripture to support my understanding of Him.
I think people should all examine their own motives, intents and prejudices. Try to see beyond them, and "walk in another man's shoes".
Sadly, most people are so so dogmatic about their own perspectives and perceptions, they don't make room for another's.
I don't point out anything other than what is stated to be the word of god though, do I?
I show genuine bible text that appears to have been spoken by a lunatic don't I?
There are some great things in the bible, most of them contradicted by the bible itself.
The bible like the Quoran says whatever you want it to say.
I didn't want it to say anything!
It was said L O N G before i came along.
I like what I read. On the other hand you don't.
But, I still stand by my other remarks about how you, and others don't even try to make room for anyone else's point of view. You just oppose, sometimes for oppositions sake, it seems.
I think Mr. DJ has a point, people read the bible and like what they read others do not. I like romance novels my dad likes westerns with all the violence in them. If a person reads a western he might think the author was fascinated by the blood and violence and consider the writer a violent man...yet if we look to history we understand that the West was order.
Today we say how ridiculous it seems, in modern enlightenment, but that doesn't change the fact that the American West had a profound affect on the building of our country. Two points of view. My dad "They're exciting.: Me "they're violent and not worth remembering."
it resonates because he has a similar internal however are probably in a different mental reality.
It's true Earnest. The luminaries that wrote the words in the bible are operating on symbolism which largely the language of the consciousness. I have spoken about this language in talks before and recently at TEDx. Mythology, dreams and insanity share the same language. This is Jung saying this.
The metaphoric language of religion and I digress insanity is communicating internal events projected as G-d, or the universe or the world.
One woman who attended my workshop told me once that in her insanity (she was really diagnosed) she heard G-d's voice telling her that she is the leader of the world and she can spend all her resources (money) on herself. And she shook her head saying now I realize its not true.
I told her, that her insanity was a symbolism of what her unconscious needed. The unconscious needed the conscious mind to use her resources (energy) because she is the leader of HER world. The consciousness sees that as THE World for nothing exists outside of it, from the point of view of her own mind.
G-d was metaphoric in this madness as the directive. That was the direction her unconscious mind was leading her.
So Although the religious text is filled with such madness, as people who are aware, we must do the task of unravelling their meanings in our lives instead of discarding them.
The lady realized that she needed to take care of herself and not just others.
so are you now saying misquote the bible and that is okay so long as it says what you want it to?
i am sure we can apply your practice to jung and get some quite radical messages. what about einstiens relativity equation... lets see i want it to say E=mc, there thats good enough.. what a stupid theory now.. lol.
aka-dj, I don't see God in the way that earnest views him either. I see God as the complete opposite.
Wouldn’t you have to be an atheist to be your complete opposite?
Castlepaloma, I noticed you twisted my words. God is Love. I have strong faith with God in my life. I am not an atheist.
like many christians, you pick out the good bits of the bible and ignore all the not-so-nice bits
I love you Baileybear rather you believe me or not, but I see no need to comment on your above post. I don't know if you will try to use the truth as a reason to report me for no good reason. I understand I will face persecution, and I will continually rejoice. No harm done. All is well.
I think all these religious posts are driving me nuts! Why does the word "GOD" inspire so much hate? I have no idea, maybe because it's an annoying word.
There, that ought to be enough GOD to piss off everybody!
Naw Disturbia:
I just reverse the words i.e. god reversed is dog...I don't like dogs but the word doesn't piss me
Don't let the bastards wear ya down! :-)
LOL, Qwark, I think I'm just a little bit goofy because I'm going to court next week for my 5th divorce and right now I have very little patience with anything... and why don't you like dogs? Dogs are awesome, I haven't had one cheat on me yet, unlike those worthless men I keep hooking up with.
5th husband? Whew! I learned, after my 1st one failed, not to do it again!
Good luck in court. Have five lessons squared ya up with truth and reality? Fingers crossed.
I don't like dogs 'cause they are "retards" that depend upon a master for everything for about 15 yrs. I don't like commitment anymore...besides they are filthy. lol
Qwark :-)
"they are "retards" that depend upon a master for everything for about 15 yrs....besides they are filthy." I see you've met my ex-husbands. LOL!
This one is going to cost me a lot less than some of the others did, so I'm happy about that, but he's still walking away with a whole lot more then the clothes on his back and the mouthful of lies he walked in with.
I'm not getting married again, I'm just going to live in sin with guys 1/2 my age (do you hear that God?) In the long run, they cost less and are more fun.
So now we are "retards and bastards".
I guess the word God DOES inspire hatred!!!
Those of you that used these words ought to now answer the question as to "why", according to the OP.
Love you all too.
The word God does not inspire hatred, the hatred of the wounded soul already exists. The wounded soul is angry because it is in limbo and has no where to turn. It asks why has God abandoned me, why am I alone, why has he not called me ? I AM HERE! God heres your cry and he will answer by and by, but you have to do your part.
Matthew 6:33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all things will be given to you as well.
I thought it said the kingdom of heaven is within.
How selfish of me.
My point is, it inspires hate because we are emotionally invested in the word.
I do not invest so much into words as I do in behaviors and in the context that a person uses it. Image how many people one can offend for not joining their group.
Not belonging to any group, allow me to be unattached and it gives me freedom to love anyone unconditionally
I don't see anyone referring to you as a retard or bastard - where did you get that from?
I don't know? Is it because dyslexic cat lovers think it says "DOG"?
I am not ashamed to say that I believe in God. That statement alone has been enough to bring riducule. For that single statement people have called me ignorant, closed - minded, despicable, brainwashed, brainless, primitive... I don't know why it is that people are offended by the fact that I have a personal relationship with a loving God. It doesn't really matter. I love God, and I am not going to pretend he doesn't exist just because others who read this reply might hate me for it. I sometimes defend my beliefs, and when I do, I do so respectfully, while being ridiculed and disrespected. If you hate me for my God, so be it. I don't hate you.
If you are going public with your belief in this imagined "god" thing, don't you expect to be questioned?
Why would you think we hate you?
Folks like me consider you to be a human creature just like us but suffering self imposed ignorance.
If it bothers you to be backed into a corner and questioned, then keep your beliefs in imagined god things to yourself...or be prepared to defend yourself.
You are going to be "tread upon" if you go public. Expect it and quit complaining..
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