I agree completely! There are far too many differences in the two. One is a false god while the other is the true God of all! God does not contradict himself... but in one of these the god contradicts everything and changes his mind over and over again... that is not the same God as the God of Abraham and Isaac! Many are deceived!
God bless you Libby. God has given you wisdom and discernment. May He bless you abundantly.
Thank you. I believe a many of people are blind and it's very sad! Many people follow a false prophet and really think he is of the true God... but he was misled himself! Very sad!
You guys are absolutely right!! The God of Islam resembles more the God of Judaism. Both are brutal, sadistic to some extent. The Christian God seems a little out of context when compared to the other two.
Thats because you dont know what you are talking about. While christianity envelopes both OT and NT you must realize that the NT is a new dispensation by the God of the OT.
"and you will call his name john". referring to john the baptist. John mean God is gracious.. and the dispensation that God is working in now is Grace. John was a picked name for zacharius' child by God.
Are they different, the OT and NT? NO. Is the God of the OT and NT different? NO. There is love in the OT and NT. There is judgment in the NT and OT. the only difference is the way God is working. flesh comes before spirit.. eye for eye is flesh. Love and grace is spirit.
LOL! So, the fact that there are verses in the NT that contradict verses in the OT, they are exactly the same and so is the god that provided the contradictions?
There are no verses in the new testament, that contradict each other. The Old Testament, teaches man, God's rules and laws, and how he expects man to deal with each other. The New Testament does nothing to alter God's teachings except to expand on love and how we should love one another, even our enemy,how we should treat our fellow man.
You can twist words however you wish to try and prove your specific view, but you do nothing to alter God's word, nor my faith and my views. God Bless you and forgive you.
As opposed to an eye for eye, tooth for a tooth, life for a life?
Yes, I know, Dave.
You name infers that you are Lucifer, Satan, The devil. You are not. You are simply a very sad man seeking to destroy the faith of a fellow man, trying to draw them into the muck and mire you wallow in. Lucifer would not waste his efforts trying to deal with the likes of me, for as a child of My Lord Almighty God, and as a devout brother to Jesus Christ Son of God, Lucifer would know that her wastes his time on me, for my love for God and Jesus, My faith in Them, is stronger than Lucifer ever.
eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth was OT law.. the law of flesh. Rules and ordinances. Recall 4,000 yrs ago that the earth was a very cruel place to live. People did not just pack up the winnebago and go camping for a week in babylonia, or philistia or canaan. When God called abram to leave his home and journey into a land that He shall show him that was an extraordinary thing to do. So the dispensation of flesh, hence the laws were strict, immediate, harsh and of dire consequence.
Jesus said love your neighbors as yourself and bless your enemies. Times were changing. We now live in what is called the "age of civilization" as opposed to uncivilized times. Its the same God, yes. God has not changed the dispensation has changed.
When your children were young you dealt with them strongly to discipline them and teach them and train them but when the got older you allowed them more freedom to do as they will. You didn't change but your dispensation did. Neither do you contradict your actions previously.
If we think that God does not chastise His christian family to get them to grow we are sadly wrong. IF we think God is not going to change the dispensation again we will be wrong also.. the dispensation of wrath is foretold in the book of Revelation. But its the same God. People have had enough time and what should have occurred between God and people hasn't. In fact a great falling away from God is predicted in the end times of which some people here on hubpages are helping to create lol, hehe.. sorry, had to add that. so God will disrupt everything and cause anguish upon the face of the earth to bring people to Him.
There is no contradiction
In other words, your god kept mankind in an uncivilized state by having men kill each other for revenge. Yeah, that makes sense.
Nope, your god changed his mind completely, a 180 degree turnaround. That is obvious as the day is long.
That is an utterly ridiculous example. I wouldn't teach children revenge, I wouldn't teach them to hit another child if they were hit, I wouldn't teach them that if someone does something bad to you, you do it back to them.
You would?
And then, to top off the contradiction, I am supposed to teach them not to use revenge, not to hit others and do things to others if done to them. Sure, confuse the hell out of them.
Clearly, there is a serious contradiction, and you just provided a ridiculous example that backfired in your face.
God is God. It is the teachings of the different religions that set them apart but God is God, the creator and giver of all life.
Christianty stands on principle of Trinity while Islam not.
Jesus did not believe in any Trinity; he never prayed to Trinity. Did he?
You're absolutely right.
Unless you'd be absolutely wrong...
The facts in this matter are within the actual teachings within each religion. Look no further than the prophets or teachers themselves. They teach things that are diametrically opposed to each other.
So logic dictates that they are opposites, and thus the God cannot be the same. It is more of a lumping and accusation thing going on very often. We need to look at what the core beliefs are. You cannot have the teachings of Jesus and Muhammad being from the same God, despite their common Father Abraham. That is where those that lump them together usually try to do so.
This is simply a statement about how to make religion another devisive issue. Another reason to argue and claim each other is hated by some idiotic God someone invented. If there is a God, this statement is the furthest thing from what was intended. It's sick, twisted thinking, exclusive instead of inclusive, breeds hate, bigotry and is the basis for many of the problems we face today.
If you can think further, then perhaps you'll be able to understand there are more versions of such "lies"
Certainly yes!...There is a very, very big difference between the two.
Do you know how rediculous that sounds? God is God, no matter the religion, God is always God!
Dave, maybe I misunderstood what you were saying. Do you imply that all gods worshiped are the same God? Wheither buddism or islam or christianity? Or that God almighty is always God?
There is but one God...He is known by many different names, to many different people, but He is one God. To the Christian he is God Almighty,To Islam he is Allah, to Jews He is Yaweh, also there is Buddah. God has many many names, but God is God.
Jews, Christians, and Mulims believe in the same god. Why? Because Islam is based on Christianity and mostly Judeism, Christianity is based on Judeism and Judeism is based on the Ancient Egyptian religious cults with the exception of combining their many gods into one.
Sorry Paul, but Christianity has absolutely nothing to do with Islam. Go back and research 6000 years ago and you may understand.
Good luck.
Then the same way Christianity also has nothing to do with Judaism, I guess??
Hi Paul. I disagree. The Islamic Allah is based on a moon god! Muhammad knew this, but misled many to believe it was the same god as that of the Jews...but he knew... his own dad worshipped this same moon god! This moon god, Allah, was the supreme god of all false gods, so Muhammad told everyone they must worship the one supreme god...but it also was the fake god. Look at all the Islamic Mosques and flags...all have the crescent moon on it... the Islamic people don't even realize it's a symbol of the moon god, named Allah!
I'm afraid I have to go with the detractors Paul. They can't be the same God. How would you explain the Quran saying Jesus wasn't resurrected? He's just a prophet. One of the texts is wrong.
The story goes that God sent Mercury, oops I mean arch angel Gabriel (After Roman coverted into Christianity in the 3rd century, the pagen gods tooks jobs as arch angles), to deliver what would become the Quran to Mahammad. Not everyone bought the idea of Jesus being born oto a virgin or being resurrected. Jesus only exists in the New Testament and no where else in world history. Did it ever occure to anyone that Bible, Quran, and Tora are wrong about a lot of things?
Just Curious:
Of course the Qu'ran is going to mention Jesus... Muhammad was trying to win over the Christians to his new religion too... he couldn't do away with Jesus altogether because people at the time knew he existed...so to say Jesus did exist and was Holy, but he was not the son of God was his way of trying to tie it altogether... who knows why he decided to make up some of the crap he did... especially the parts about Jins and the Devil peeing in people's ears...
Hi Paul... I'm sure a lot of people are wrong about a lot of things! Did it ever occur to you that you may be wrong too? Maybe Jesus did exist and he is the son of God... what if you are wrong? Did you ever consider that?
Eeww. Peeing in people's ears? Never heard that one.
The devil pees in people's ears while they sleep! That's what Muhammad said! Sounds like a real prophet of God eh?
Yes, can you imagine how much flack the Christian's would get from the atheists if that statement was in the New Testament? They'd have a field day.
Shame on you libby, all you are saying is non-sense. Don't behave like small im-mature children, you are a grown up woman.
There is no such verse in the whole Quran which says so. Its not a joke forum and if even you want to share jokes then you should consult Bible because there are many such gibberish verses. If you can't find then tell me i will help you.
Shame on you... so you are lying and saying the Qu'ran doesn't say these things below... by the way they were taken straight from the Qu'ran and some from Hadith! What is funny is how you can take some verse and believe them, then disregard others because they don't line up with what you believe is true about the Qu'ran... or use the later verse if it contradicts an earlier one.. in other words Ole Muhammad knew he had a bunch of contradictions...so he added that little verse to make it okay!
So we are to take the guy who claims to have seen the moon split , actualy an ecilpse, but we aren't to believe other things! LOL---- ok we understand!
"It was mentioned before the Prophet that there was a man who slept the night till morning (after sunrise). The Prophet said, "He is a man in whose ears Satan had urinated."
"Abu Huraira said, "I heard Allah's Apostle saying, 'There is none born among the off-spring of Adam, but Satan touches it. A child therefore, cries loudly at the time of birth because of the touch of Satan, except Mary and her child." Then Abu Huraira recited: "And I seek refuge with You for her and for her offspring from the outcast Satan"
The Prophet said, "Yawning is from Satan and if anyone of you yawns, he should check his yawning as much as possible, for if anyone of you (during the act of yawning) should say: 'Ha', Satan will laugh at him."
The Prophet said, "Allah likes sneezing and dislikes yawning, so if someone sneezes and then praises Allah, then it is obligatory on every Muslim who heard him, to say: May Allah be merciful to you (Yar-hamuka-l-lah). but as regards yawning, it is from Satan, so one must try one's best to stop it, if one says 'Ha' when yawning, Satan will laugh at him."
The Prophet said, "If anyone of you rouses from sleep and performs the ablution, he should wash his nose by putting water in it and then blowing it out thrice, because Satan has stayed in the upper part of his nose all the night."
These are real people who witnessed what Muhammad actually said and wrote it down! I think we will believe them since you weren't there!
libby sorry for late reply, I was busy because of EXAMS
you still can't direct us to any verse of the Quran which says that devil urinate in people ears.
I challenge you again to bring out a verse from the WHOLE Quran which says so.....Waiting
And YES you quoted the Hadiths So tell me whats the SIGNIFICANCE of these sayings that Satan URINATES in people ears when they are sleeping after the sunset?
no signifigance except how people in those era thought...we may interpretate and find symbolism in current era but that might or might not be what people of those era thought...that is why we should not reach conclusion on basis of books long written...context ,era are very different...we can't reach right conclusion being in different times altogether...
There is singnificance....Pisean there is significance.
If i were to give HINT to you then its........ "Morning Prayer".
We Muslims Pray the same way our prophet (PBUH) did 1400 years ago. There is not a slight change even.
And we Muslims pray the same way as our earlier prophets like Abraham, Moses, Jacob, and Jesus (Peace be upon all of them) prayed 1000 of years ago. There is not a slight change.
Islamic teachings are ETERNAL. Not subject to change of time or people. We have 1 book Quran which will GUIDE us till the end of this world. Not a word has been added or deleted from it uptil now and never will be.
so? ...no word added or deleted means what?...it means that it was preserved in original form...that is it...it doesnot prove anything more than that...i understand it is your faith and so wont get into it much..i respect your right to belief in what ever you want but in same way christians have their right , atheist have their right and so on...we need to mutually respect each other's rights and keep following what ever we want without interfering in other's faith ...isn't it?
I am not interfering at all. Its a type of DEBATE to clarify mis-conceptions and you want us not to do this, WHY?
us?...multiple people are using same account?
secondly mis conceptions is what is your view point...if u ask others , they might say it is your mis conception and not theirs...so we need to understand that there wont be any consensus among human beings..we view same things and interpretate in our own ways...same event has many versions...that is human design irrespective of which faith they adhere to...humans at core are same...rest tags dont matter to me much...call it muslim or christian or atheist..in end we are same species...
So let them clarify my misconceptions or let me clarify their misconceptions. Thats it.
Now that is funny, It is/was? an old wives tale that , a table spoon of a persons own Pee poured into their own ear would cure an ear ache.
It must work cause the children never complained of having an ear ache again.
So, Mohamed was the father of old wives tales. That I am willing to take on faith.
Muhammad also said the devil lives in the nose! LOL... honestly! It's all in the Qu'ran!
Thats funny. I always hear the muslims say the Quran is so poetic. I wonder how they get those two thoughts to sound beautiful.
Most people wrote in a poetic style back then...remember Muhammad didn't write the Qu'ran... scribes did much, much later... hundreds of years later from memory! His sayins were much less poetic! Especially the ones that contradicted other verses...so he added that if a verse doesn't agree with a previous verse then use the later verse... some great man of God...
where do you get your info paul?dont know how someone could believe this
I am so thankful that I don't have to use urine drops for ear aches... I would imagine the smell is putrid... brrrr
I didn't say that the children never had ear aches again, I said they never complained about it again. HMmmm
Would you compain again if somebody peed in your ear? LOL
I would imagine that would take excellent aiming skills to hit the ear hole.
I'm sure they missed quite a bit! Probably some yellow haired kids all around!
Doesn't anyone think about the children anymore!!! btw I had yellow hair 1 month ago... They should include more in depth instructions with bleach hair coloring... Shoulda just used urine...
Long story... goes something like i tried to lighten it to a sandy blonde, which turned it bozo red... not the pretty red but like neon red... like a new stop sign.. and you can sorta fill in the blanks... i got desperate to have normal looking hair... Good life experience
It would seem so... How come no one told me I had pretty hair until I had destroyed it??? Everyone at work was mad at me... And Mom... She cried.. Literally she cried...
P.S. I apologize to whoever started this thread for spamming it with stories of my hair coloring escapades.
I'm sure it's ok... it went sideways with Muhammad's nonsense anyways! I'm sure it will get back on track soon!
Well I was enjoying making urine jokes anyway... "I got a million of em" - credits go to the late Jimmy Durante
I don't think so.
That is when they start exercising the self healing powers of positive thought. Mind over matter exercise.
If You mean Allah, the God of Islam is not = Jesus, the God of Christianity, then you are absolutely 100% right.
Allah = the God of Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad (Peace be upon all of them)
Jesus (PBUH) was nothing more than a slave and a messenger of God just like the other prophets. However there is a unique distinction b/w him and other prophets, i.e he is the only prophet who is given the tile of MESSIAH (Christ).
There are plenty of verses where jesus (PBUH) prayed to God.
He performed MANY miracles by the power of God.
I would agree with you that Jesus was distinct. I might disagree on the actual reasons for that distinction. But out of curiosity, are there any miracles attributed to Mohammed?
The greatest and eternal Miracle of Muhammad (PBUH) is the Glorious Quran. Allah bestowed every prophet with Miracles in order that the people may accept them like Abraham (PBUH), Jonah (PBUH), Moses (PBUH), Jesus (PBUH) but upon their death (Jesus didn't die but raised alive to heaven), these Miracles vanished except the Miracle of Muhammad (PBUH), the book of Allah, the Quran, which remained, preserved and protected.
And Yes Muhammad (PBUH) did performed miracles like his ascention to heaven in few hours of the night (Isra and Miraj) where he met all the previous prophets and led them in prayer and splitting of the moon with his index finger but we Muslims believe that the greatest, everlasting and eternal Miracle which Allah bestowed upon prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is his book, the Glorious Quran.
The question you just asked was also asked by the Pagans of Makkah from the prophet (PBUH) himself:
"And they (polytheists) say, "Why are not signs sent down to him (Muhammad) from his Lord?...." (Quran 29:50)
To this question, the Almighty Allah commanded Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to reply to the un-believers in the following manner:
".... Say, (O Muhammad): "the signs (miracles) are indeed with Allah and, most certainly, I am only a clear warner."
"Is it not enough for them that We have sent down unto thee the Scripture which is read unto them? Lo! herein verily is mercy, and a reminder for folk who believe." (Quran 29:50-51)
Split the moon with his index finger? You've got to be kidding me. I would think that would be pretty provable. We've got powerful telescopes now.
Yes some of the people of Quraish asked the Prophet to show them a miracle and by the Gesture of his Index finger, he split the moon half and told them, be witness.
By Allah, if the top scientists do research on it, i am 100% sure that they will find signs of moon splitting.
Just like the top Christian and Athiests scientists in the 70's did reserach on the Quranic verses related to embryology and they were amazed by its PERFECT accuracies.
I have also posted a topic about the body of Pharaoh of Egypt of the times of Moses:
I heard that the invention of "Spackle" came shortly afterward.
I investigated the "split the moon" theory and it is incorrect! There was an eclipse during this time... and of course ole Muhammad used that as his "miracle"..... actually I think this was atributed to him much later... sort of after the fact... added by scribes! Because Muhammad told everyone all through the Qu'ran that he could perform no miracles!
NASA says the line in the moon only goes so far... that it was canyons and appears from a distance to be a crack... but it's canyons... and it doesn't go all the way around the moon as claimed. Of course they use this as "proof" of the moon being split!
Funny how nobody else but this small group of people seen this great split! Except for the Islamic's tale!
Why would a man who can split the moon say he cannot perform miracles? Hmmm... probably because he didn't do it!
libby you have investigated nothing. what you did was only searching in the Google and then saying that NASA says it was not split.
We dont pay much importance to this miracle to prove the truth of Islam. For we Muslims, Quran is the biggest miracle. Every verse of the Quran is in it self a miracle.
LOL NASA might have researched this recently but Quran speaks about this fact 1400 years ago in chapter 54 of the Quran:
The hour drew nigh and the moon was rent in twain.
And if they behold a portent they turn away and say: Prolonged illusion.
They denied (the Truth) and followed their own lusts.Yet everything will come to a decision. (Quran 54:1-3)
Prophet (PBUH) never said that he can't perform miracles, what he said was that the miracles are indeed with God and i am only a warner.
And libby there were many people who witnessed this miracle and its reported in the Hadiths also. Even one of the Indian kings witnessed it and after inquiring about it, he went to Arabia and embraced islam but on his way back, he died.
It was an eclipse! Plain and simple! Hmmm.. it's quite clear to me that the Hadith is only used when it supports the Qu'ran... why not use it for every word?
Obviously, the part about splitting the moon is myth and nothing more.
Evidence of solar eclipses are found in early Assyrian, Mesopotamian and Chinese records centuries before Muhammad, so it isn't any stretch of the imagination to see this is what the Quran most likely refers. If not, and our Muslim friends wish to be adamant in their belief of the moon being cleft in half, we would have to conclude their religious propaganda machine has failed miserably.
Seems very much a contradiction. How many more so called "miracles" can be cast aside where Muslims "don't pay much importance" that we can consider the Quran nothing more than another book of fables?
Jesus did fully die. Stayed dead three days. Then was raised to life, people touched his physical body, and ate with him on the beach. He was raised into heaven alive like you said, and said he would come back the same way. He did pray to his Father in Heaven. He had attributes that are God like attributes, so that is where the differences can get a little sticky. He had power over everything, including death, nature, and had power to forgive sins and had amazing wisdom.
And, you can't see the blatant contradiction there?
Hey Beelz, man now I am really torn....go Islam and get 72 Virgins or....
Go Christian and reserect and head for the beach!!!!!....wow
decisions, decisions!!!!!!.....
Jesus died and was resurrected and now he runs a bait and tackle shop in Louisiana with his partners Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny.
I find that hard to believe. Don't trust everything you see in the National Enquirer.
I just became a follower, that dose not mean to the Yahweh heaven gates.
It's because you’re more open minded and friendly than most
Haha. I think you're here to have a good time too. I won't try to convert you. I do believe variety is the spice of life. But, what does it mean to be a follower? I haven't figured this place out yet. Should I be following people too?
A follower on your hub page.
I wrote my very first hub in my entire life, in English just 7 weeks ago. For many years I've been mainly speaking Spanish
Already, I have fewer complaints about my English
The moon has been split. "We come in peace...for all mankind" we each own a tiny little bit of it. Mine, mine, all mine!
how can you say one is true and one is lie...may be god changed his mind in 600 years...so both are true is one possibility...both are lie is another possibility and as you said one is true and one is lie is another possibility...fourth possibility is both are partially true...possibilities are endless ...one can believe in any of them...in end what one can't judge for others...
First of all let me remind you the names of respective gods; YHVH(which means I'm that I am or same meaning in three main future tenses) and Allah. Now, it's a difference to start with isn't it? It's interesting how the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Jesus hasn't conveyed the name "Allah" to their Hebrew countryman correctly! I read that, Allah means "the God" in English and existed in Mecca before Muhammed brought Islam. However, as Arabs were polytheistic Allah was their chief god.
Now I don't want to go into hadiths or Quran because people mustn't make an idle of any book whether it's Quran or any Biblical books. However, prophets of respective religions differ a lot. Just make a simple biographycal study and you will notice the difference. Out heavenly Father is our creator just like our parents. The only difference is that whole universal creation was sprang up from Him. And He wants us to be His sons and daughters by being like Him; perfect. So how we gonna know about Him, how to communicate with Him? Well, you don't have to look for him on the sky, He is inside all of us(we call it conscience), telling what's right and what's wrong, also His very son Jesus was on earth to introduce His real character to human kind that we would know Him better. Thanks to our master for his sacrifices. May God the creator of heaven and earth illuminate your way so you don't get lost and bless you all.
God of Christianity is a God of love and forgiveness, just and righteous, he doesn't need anyone to defend him, we are his creation. he is not offended when he is laughed at or when bad things are being said about him.but his hope is that one day we will come to our senses and accept and receive him. on the other hand it seems that the other god of the other faith, portrays as being vengeful and like his followers to defend him even though its anything as stupid a piece of writing or any other print.
Why then are all his followers so offended?
Islam tries to spread a message about Christ that isn't true, by Christian beliefs. If they would leave his name out of their beliefs, Christians probably wouldn't be offended. A fair request, since nobody said anything about Mohamed in the scriptures we hold sacred. But it is human error that causes this and Guy 1973 is correct. God doesn't need to be defended.
I have a hub for you to read about your precious Christianity.
I get so many views from the nay sayers in the forums I'm not sure I could handle being attacked on another front, but thanks for the offer.
Since you were incline to misthink my statement, the hub wasn't offered to you.
As for attacking you? The hub doesn't do that.
Oh sorry. I saw it under my post. I thought you were responding to me. Stil learning the place.
God is indeed the God of Abraham. Abraham is considered "our father in faith" by the Roman Catholics. His son Isaac is considered to be the father of the Hebrews. His son Ishmael fathered the faith of Islam.
All of these religions are monotheistic, meaning there is only one God. To claim that these religions have different, better or worse Gods, is idiotic and hypocritical. The difference in these "Gods" is only in the interpretation of the prophets that wrote the holy books. Remember that the Old Testament is exactly the same in the Torah and the Bible. Even in the Bible there are very contradictory tellings of the story depending on which book you happen to be reading.
God is the same in all religions. It is the human interpretation of His word that marks the differences.
or may be it is human interpretations of world that makes religion at first place...
Of course, the problem with that is the fact that all we have are interpretations from so-called prophets, alleged messengers and nothing else. Hence, no one can conclude that any particular god is the same in all religions.
It's the sacrifice of Jesus that makes the difference.
Neither traditional Judaism nor Islam recognizes Jesus as the Savior. At least Catholicism calls him the Savior, the Messiah.
Jesus came and died for all, yet not all even appreciate it and do continue to keep their own religion, even at the expense of their souls possibly being lost.
The God of Islam is not the God of Christianity
Muslims don't believe in Trinity; Jesus never believed in it. Trinity is no god.
Moses, Jesus and Muhammad believed in the same Creator-God; present day Jews, Christians and denominations of Muslims may believe differently due to their own incorrect concepts.
Muslims are praying to God directly.
Christians are praying to god through jesus.
Quran speaks about jesus and his mother.
JESUS teched us how to pray with out using his name.
christians are testing GOD through JESUS.
Since Jesus and God are the same person Christians pray to God...directly....the trinity is very hard to understand even for Christians. God exists as three persons in one. God the father, Jesus our Savior, and the Holy Spirit that dwells in all of us and yet is with The Father and The Son as well. You do not have to believe this but you should understand Christianity if you wish to persuade others it is wrong. I do not completely understand Islam. I can recite the pillars of Al Islam but I don not understand them. Because I don't understand Islam I would never be so bold as to compare Islam to Christianity. I can and do believe in the truth of Christianity because of faith. I will pray for you. May you find the straight path, not the path of those who earn Gods anger nor of those who are lost. Praise be to God. He allows us to choose.
What is your question about Islam or what you would like to know about Islam? Maybe I can help you , if you like.
The Creator-God has alway been the same; only His attributes come into new forms and dimensions.
I choose to believe in the God that created humans and the earth. Jesus Christ/Yeshua is his only begotton son and our Savior.
The Creator-God has no sons and daughters; he does not need any:
[112:1] In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.
[112:2] Say, ‘He is Allah, the One;
[112:3] ‘Allah, the Independent and Besought of all.
[112:4] ‘He begets not, nor is He begotten;
[112:5] ‘And there is none like unto Him.’
http://www.alislam.org/quran/search2/sh … php?ch=112
Jesus was born of Mary who was not sired by anybody; so Jesus is a human being only. Mary had no husband to sire her; and she is not wife of the Creator-God.
The God of Islam, Christianity, Pastafarinism and {insert your religion here} are all equal in that they are all products of a delusional,all be it creative, mind.
This is exactly how wars are started. One tribe thinks their tooth fairy is better than the other tribes tooth fairy.
Then what do you get?
The Creator-God Allah YHWH does exist irrespective of if one believes in Him or not; He is eternal Truth; He judges man; man cannot judge Him.
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