Do you think that immortality would be a blessing or a curse?
I get bored doing the same job for more than 2 years. Imagine eternity in "paradise." *shudders*
If I wasn't already dead, I would die of boredom. I wouldn't mind trying living forever in reality though. As long as I could opt out when I got bored enough.
I could go to Alpha Centauri - my dream vacation spot.
Can I be 25 again as well?
25, healthy, and knowing "for sure" you can't die (and all the fun stuff isn't a sin promising eternal torture) ok. I guess I could live forever like long as I'm not alone.
Love the name, and am now a follower, checked out your hubs...nice. I would say you would have to sell a lot of your soul to get all the "extras" and live forever as well.. Judging by your profile pic, you would NOT be alone for long. Thanks for the comment and good luck to you...W
Yeah it brings up a lot of questions. I wouldn't mind as you say, if I had someone that I could share it with. I guess that brings up another question, would I get bored with that person? Alot of stuff to consider, thanks for the input, Good luck and God Bless...W
mark wrote:
I get bored doing the same job for more than 2 years. Imagine eternity in "paradise." *shudders*
no imagination, none
If I wasn't already dead, I would die of boredom. I wouldn't mind trying living forever in reality though. As long as I could opt out when I got bored enough.
so much boredom perhaps you should try learning something sometime
I could go to Alpha Centauri - my dream vacation spot. big_smile
a star, how exciting will that be:
"All stars including our Sun are giant nuclear power plants!
They "burn" hydrogen and helium to produce heavier elements
through the process of nuclear fusion. The Sun is approximately
95% hydrogen, 5% helium, and less than 0.1% heavier elements."
seems boredom is your worst enemy. perhaps all this thinking INside the box works against you. Oh the irony
Sorry you are so unimaginative you do not get bored. Must be great. I wish I was that dim witted.
This has always been my problem - and why I do not buy your religion. I think too much. As they say - ignorance is bliss. I honestly wish I could swallow the placebo you have swallowed (without the aggressive need to defend it). How easy would that be? Jesus dun all the work and I get to live forever in bliss.
Wonder why you need to fight and argue so much cousin? That wot Jeebus dun tole ya ter do?
Now - that IS ironic. I suggest you look up the word "ironic" in a real dictionary instead of Mirriam Webster's Online Christian version.
No wonder your religion causes so many wars.
yes i have noticed your thinking and you get the sound of a buzzer also and thanks for playing... next!
what you think to be an aggressive need to defend.. is just your wrong thought, thoughtfully thought wrongly. lol you are a good laugh. I also consider you dim witted so fair is fair, okies..
what you thoughtfully thought as fighting and argument is only my stern correcting of your wrong thoughts. My writing mimics your own style.. don't like it.. huh, guess you never thought of that huh nor saw it coming.. seems things do slip by you... maybe eternal life will too
This whole causing wars jive is so outdated, its kinda like if i were to perpetuate that light streams in particles.. such outdated statements are really prehistoric. You need to update, living in the past is dangerous and well completely short sighted and typical of someone without imagination and who only sees inside the box...
As usual i find you have nothing to add. Like so many atheists in the business of regurgitating lies and misinformation over and over again.. i find this repetition of text redundant.
You really should be nice.
Being mean starts wars.
And no that's not what Jesus told me to do. He said to love everyone, even my enemies.
And we don't sell religion. It's free to follow Christ.
And why such a buzz kill? People can't be happy? No one likes a Scrooge...
if you didn't have the freedom and the means to do what you liked & be your own person (rather than a clone), then what is so appealing about living forever?
Exactly, as I said above it brings up a lot of questions. Thanks for the input. Good luck to you...W
means to do what you like
be your own person
seems you did not enjoy your christianity very much. My walk with God is none of these things. I like to do what i do much more than what i would have done before. The person i am is far better than the person i was. The freedom in Christ is amazing. Although i have rules to live by, these rules free me. For instance: fornication freed me from bringing up some child out of wedlock and being with somebody just because she got pregnant. Not drinking my life away saved me from dying of liver problems.. there is a host of freedoms, i could go on.
but i won't.
I'm glad you won't. I enjoy a great many things, pal. My Christianity is certainly the greatest. I think you tend to judge a little too harshly, especially from so few words. This, I thought is an expression of ideas, not script from an old book. I appreciate you in this universe as much as the next guy, but let's not be so quick to condemn. "Pontious Pilot" ...W
yet, I am not an alcoholic, nor was ever promiscuous - how about that. Don't need to worship an imaginary friend to choose such a lifestyle
Which is very cool but that is not all. The point is not whats on the list of things we dont do or the list of things we do.
The point is do we love the lord our God with all our heart, soul and mind
relationships exist because they are based on love. I am sure someone could say that army life is a relationship based on rules of which i will just say whatever to that.
If i am to have a relationship with my parents there has to be love. I will never have a relationship based upon only the rules they give me.
relationship is the point. Being a stranger will not suffice.
having the choice to do what you want sounds like someone speaking from a earth bound perspective... as different beings, in spiritual bodies our wants and likes will be completely different from our wants and likes here on earth. Our options will be different. We cannot measure the unseen by the seen
If eternal life required that I slavishly worship a psychotic despot of a deity forever, it would become unbearable quickly, and I would take my own life.
Spoken from an earthbound position. First of all how long is a day in eternity, its eternity right, yah.. So to thank God for the privilege of living forever is not ludicrous nor unseemly. That you think you will worship for eternity is rather ludicrous however, Assessing that sentence i think you will get what you think you will get, so i wouldn't worry about eternity if i were you.
I don't worry about eternity, and you are only fooling yourself, thinking that you will be around forever, based on some nonsense that you read in an ancient book of childish fairytales.
Yah... right.
I'll take your word over my personal experience with Jesus Christ.
If this were an ancient book of childish fairytales why is everybody proclaiming it as the word of God? don't you think there would be rabbis telling the world that no, its not supposed to be taken seriously, its just fairy tales.... But that isnt happening my friend.
And what about the New Testament? Is anybody saying this is a fairy tale from a man who never existed... just the atheists. LOL and we know their doctrine is based in failure and self justification.
Well then, it would appear to be a question of self-justification to that of personal experience.
So, we look at 'self-justification' and we see it when a person's behavior is inconsistent with their beliefs, that person tends to justify the behavior and deny any negative feedback associated with the behavior.
Odd, it would appear atheists are consistent in their behavior when it comes to their beliefs, or lack thereof. Funny you would associate that to atheists when in fact it appears to align much better with the behavior of someone who claimed a personal experience with Jesus.
FALLACY: Appeal to Popularity
Also Known as: Ad Populum
The Appeal to Popularity has the following form:
Most people approve of X.
Therefore X is true.
The basic idea is that a claim is accepted as being true simply because most people are favorably inclined towards the claim. More formally, the fact that most people have favorable emotions associated with the claim is substituted in place of actual evidence for the claim. A person falls prey to this fallacy if he accepts a claim as being true simply because most other people approve of the claim.
Brother, I think you know better than to based your debate on this absurd 'reasoning'
I call it the "McDonald's argument."
First they proudly tell you how many Christians there are believe whatever nonsense it is they believe - then they immediately tell you that 99% of these are not real Christians.
They just don't understand how funny that is.
would this immortality be included with eternal youth or just eternal life, as there is a difference. eternal life would just mean you'd live forever, but you'd still continue to age regardless. However, eternal youth would imply that you would stayed fixed within the same age set forever. If it was just eternal life, then I'd probably just choose a normal mortal life. who really wants to live to be a 1000 yrs old and feel like it too?
however, if we're including eternal youth, then it would depend on what age exactly i'd be stuck in. If i was forced to stay inside the body of a preteen child or teenage one, then I'd probably be miserable. if i was stuck inside the body of a middle aged person, then I'd be equally as miserable. However, if the age was just right like around early to mid 20's, then I'd be perfectly happy with that. Besides, who says you would have to live the same life for eternity if you were immortal? Wouldn't someone get suspicious of that. No, more than likely you'd have to fake your own death ever few decades to keep people from getting suspicious. Of course, over this time, you'd have to become a master of disguise and know how the legal systems work to fake an identity every time you try start over with a new life. Personally, i'd be all for it under those circumstances. any other circumstance, then you can forget it.
Watch Highlander. That was always the theme of the shows, the little problems with living forever, and most definately would want to be young. I have one exception to your hypothesis, I am 40 and in great shape, would it be ok if I stayed this age. I wasn't too fond of my mid twenties anyway. ...W
spiritual bodies have no age. They are not likened to 12yrs old, 20yrs old 40yrs old or 80yrs, in health, vitality or looks.
If you died at 80 i am sure a wrinkled body, bald with that leg you were missing is not what you will have.
There are no baby spiritual bodies either.
Living for ever means existing outside of the concept of time....not living a long time.
At that state that one will have the totality of freedom.... fredom to do what so ever he chooses , be what so ever he desires.
You can choose to be within time as often and when everyou choose.....
The one who inherits immortality has inherited all thing....and when I say all it means just that.....everything imaginable.
Yes Yoda!!! I get it man Existentialism at it's best. I appreciate the time you took to drop some knowledge on me. Good luck and God Bless...W
IF man could become a universal "family" and stop procreating, if man could remain young, nubile and bright, if man could gain in knowledge and adapt, if man could genetically create improvement in his extant physiology, if man could mature and accept an aging universe as his playground and explore it with facility and joy, if man could eventually become intrinsically amalgamated into a cosmic intelligence able to ply the depths of infinity and exist for could be a blessing!
But...of course, that possibility doesn't exist!
Sorry I used the Yoda crack above!!! Some good stuff huh? Thanks I didn't know that I could still be surprised, you have done it. Would Qwark be from the Deep Space Nine series? I liked him too. Good luck to you...W
Yes I want to live forever.
Just not on this earth or in this mortal body....
But it doesn't matter what I want anyway, because we ARE going to live forever in some capacity; our spirits, that is.
Blessing or curse? Depends on which place we end up in....
Good answer! I most defiantely would not want it to be as Dante saw it during his trp to the inferno."Lasciate ogne speranza voi ch' intrate"... Translated means "Abandon all hope, ye who enter here" posted on the entrance to hell. Faith is the answer to our struggle for eternity. Thank you for your input, good luck and Godbless...W
you wont like it brenda...may be obama would be with you along with all libs
oooo how life could be fun fun fun. Yah for forever no doubt at all
I would finally have time for all of my hobbies. Living forever would be a whole lot better than being dead, that sounds even more boring.
no thank you. I would choose a short, well lived life, over a long, "blah" (heaven etc.) life.
if you mean immortality alone, (like vampires)absolutely I would not want it.
so I guess, its a curse, eventually.
Yeah gets you thinking. I wonder if Angels realize time the way we do? To them it may be just one long day?
"blah" ?
If God created this earth and all the things to learn, and Heaven is 'better' then I'm not quite sure I follow the idea there...
Maybe we let our own ideas blot out the power of God?
Heaven is not a Church with century old hymns... It is beyond amazing.
By the way, God created everything, including drugs. Heaven is better than drugs and it seems no one gets bored of those... They get "addicted." At least that's what I see on TV all the time.
And you think God can't make you happy?
Oh dear, the insanity...
I am still amazed at all the different answers I have received. Some seem to take the queary quite literally, immortality on Earth. Some take it to mean a spiritual forever, which either one is fine, I am just astonished at how much you can tell about someone just by answering an simple question. By the way, I agree God is magnificent and the creator of all...I don't think God can make me happy, I certainly know it... Thank you for your input, Good luck to you...W
Wouldn't that be the hard part...never able to forget all the ones we loved?...W
If I had the means to travel from star to star within our own galaxy, I would almost need an eternity to do it, and would welcome it if it meant learning what was out there.
Some one after my own heart, let's grab Mark Knowles (above) and visit Alpha Centari. Can you imagine all the secrets of the universe we could unlock? We might even find out why hot dogs come in packs of ten and hot dog buns come in packages of eight. ...W
Or, how they get the caramilk into a caramilk bar.
What in the world is a caramilk bar?
Off to Google....
I don't know what a caramilk bar is either!!!...W
They come that way so you can feed two to the dogs accidentally dropping them from the grill.
If I have children then I would like to live for as long as I am not a significant burdeon on them, or anybody else.
If that is 70 then so be it, if that is 90 then great. If I were diagnosed with one of the serious mental disorders, like Alziemers, I would probably hope to have enough money for a trip to Switzerland when things got too bad.
The one thing that I would hate to be is that old man who rubs his own sh*t on the walls.
Hub pages...Free,
Google AdSense account...Free,
your comment...Priceless
I get what you mean though, I couldn't stand the thought of being a burden to my children.
I think that depends, it would be a blessing if you could share that with someone you loved. But trying to let go of everyone else who died that were love ones, or even just friends i think that would hurt.
Everything has a price, my brother. I think it would make me stronger as a person to live through painful change, but who wants to be that strong...W
i see your point there. and yeah are we suppose to be that strong? Feelings is a part of being human. Wouldn't you be a bit hard if you had to be that strong. I think for a part of that time id be afraid to open my self to people. Sure you'll be filled with knowledge but the connects..
That is the one thing that most of the Sci-Fi writers agree on when it comes to their version of mortality, being alone. Always seeing the ones you love fade away as the years go along. In some genres it has been written that one lived so long that they wind up with the dopplegangers of people long gone. Newer versions of love lost...what a concept. Thanks for taking the time to let me pick your brain...So to speak...W
If my husband could be with me, and we were both about 30 or 35 again, I would love to live forever...not in my 20' was much better when I got a little older, lol.
Think of all the changes we would live through, and experience. And it wouldn't get boring, if we were experiencing them together, since we've already been together almost 23 years, and haven't gotten bored with each other yet!
I wouldn't wnat to be forever twenty something either, youth is wasted on the young. Thanks for the imput...W
"But...of course, that possibility doesn't exist!" For you.
Immortality is the original human nature.
That is the actual natural, now perceived as super or superior natural. Man is living/existing beneath his true nature; a slave to another [inferior] nature, he was not designed/destined to be.
Blessings/Curses came with the law, long after mankind was formed.
Adam and Eve had the goods, no doubt, but if they had not sinned and lost their immortal selves, I believe the next ones probably would have. I agree the human condition is frail, with no signs of getting any better. Thanks for your input, good luck to you...W
I don't want to live forever.
To have a long, fruitful life is good but to live forever would be a curse more than a blessing.
If you live forever,life would be pretty boring. You will cease to live. You will merely exist.
I have received more than I thought I would on this matter. It is a tough question and I am fence setting. I completely get your response, how long could it take to do all the things you want to. Eventually you would, as you said, cease to live or have the will to. Thanks for your input, good luck to you...W
If one becomes immortal in heaven by the grace of the creator-God; one will not get bored there, for sure.
It appears you are talking about immortality in the mortal sense. No thanks. Unless it could be like Merlin, and live through eternity backwards, which might be a blast.
Awesome answer! Merlin huh! I had not thought of him when I was pondering this question myself. It seems that all the immortals have some great price to pay for their gift/curse. That just goes to prove that my grandfather was correct..."Nothing in life is free"... Thanks for commenting, and good luck to you...W
I would say immortality would be a blessing. There's always something new to learn, so you wouldn't be bored. You could also work one career for a lifetime and possibly work one on the opposite side of the spectrum the next. You can re-invent yourself, going to school every fifty years or so, and not worry about age. Refreshed, working a new career. Seeing with your own eyes, the pros and cons of technological advancement. Maybe even relocating to a new world. Take your first steps on Mars. Perhaps, even on a world more distant then that!
While immortality is sure to have it's cons, I think the pros outweigh them. ^^
I tend to agree, except maybe if I had to do something horrific to maintain my forever. vampire...maybe not. I don't think there are that many people in the world that I despise...with good reasons any way. If I had to do battle with other immortals until their is only one....Can do. Like the popular Highlander series, I would feel like I had earned it. Anyway food for another thought. Thanks for the input, good luck to you and yours...W
Eternal life is not why i do what i do and some, many, most.. whatever, christians don't care about this aspect of Gods kingdom, BUT, If there is cosmic travel how do you think you will get around? If you want to be on alpha centauri, how will you get there? There will not be ships to carry you about, because spirits don't need ships. Angels travelled without ships and jesus showed up in rooms that were locked....
answer: FAITH
uhoh nonbelievers haven't been trained in faith.
the irony.
I guess some atheists would be bored, sitting in one spot.
Also remember, we think of time differently.. we can imagine eternity as time without end and that seems long to us.. but to live in a plane of existence (so to speak) that has no time, time is not thought of.. another day (there are no days) is just the continuation of the event that we were eventing.
You are the one I was waiting on...I think on such things quite often and was wondering if anyone else did. Faith is the answer, and my friend I have plenty, even enough for the Atheists. God luck to you, and that isn't a type-o...W
How about this for a reality check. Even if you don't see what's in the spiritual world.
THOUSANDS of years later and we humans never run out of fun things to do.
But wait, things keep getting better!
I guess no one noticed... the more we know, the more there is to know!!!!!!
And that's from God my friends. Endless information and never any boredom.
You guys keep the ideas coming! Your all killing me laughing. As if you could run out of things to do...
Speaking of forever.
Anyone want some proof there is such a thing as eternity?
Theory of conservation of energy. Google it.
It never goes away, so it must always stay.
Always is forever.
Energy is eternal.
Might wanna put that in your "things to think about" box..
Frankly, whether there's life after this one or not, I don't want to live forever. I certainly don't want to die now, but life is HARD WORK. Eventually, I want a chance to rest. As worm fodder or singing with the angels really makes no never mind to me, I just want the opportunity to stop moving eventually, because MAN, this life can make you TIRED!
you will get that.. after you die there will be 1000 yrs of rest (millennial kingdom of God on earth) plus the years till that happens.. by then you should well be bored of just laying in a box, dead. Not going anywhere, not doin anything... nobody to talk to... dead...
This is why Christ has come to give life. There won't be any comparison between this world and the next, it will be way different and way better. The lack of combustion engine for one
hypothetical and impossible...yes story tellers have had many immortals and also promise eternal lives and such stuffs but nothing can exist for ever...not even GOD...just see gods which existed 5k years ago in brains of humans are dead and 5k years down the lines , present gods would too die...
I want to live forever!!!
I will become powerful, rich and corrupt.
I will make you and all of your descendants my minions.
There in holly city only can live forever if you qualify.
If I don't qualify, can I take out some sort of insurance policy so I can spend my afterlife in some sort of beach resort with male strippers.
try mohammad religion.. you can have orgies in heaven.
Now here we have an effect of this being a well accepted belief because it tickles the ears, appeals to the flesh. Christianity doesnt tickle, it often hurts.
Those who are beliving me will live before and after death . - JESUS
it could be a blessing or a curse depending on where you are and what you can do and whats going on where you are. the question is a little difficult to answer without these details. it sure would be a curse if you were the poor guy doing the meanest job without a way out
Immortality in THIS present system would be horrid. However, in a Paradise where each person had a little piece of land, no one to make war or nothing to kill us, and to be able to grow our own food and support ourselves without the worship of the almighty dollar, would be a wonderful place. A place with true justice created for mankind and not having pollution, war machines, human governments sucking the lives from everyone, would be heaven on earth. If, at Armageddon, people DID get kicked off the planet, those who would hate a paradise, then maybe God is doing Them a favor.
I wish they had a "thumbs up" button.
So, I will just say thumbs up to your comment!
Living forever on a beautiful earth where I could visit anywhere on the lovely planet I wanted, no ticket, no hurrying to get there, wouldn't that be wonderful? I'd love to see more places on earth.
Everyone can live forever happily. All they have to do is accept Christ Jesus' sacrifice and believe in Him, and repent and seek after God.
Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.
and will god make you forget your friends and family that didn't believe?
OK. I will accept that if you can prove it.
JESUS told that those who are beliving me will live before and after death .
Not only the earth, but how about planets in other galaxies. In Psalms 8:4-6, it is stated- "When I consider your Heavens,the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars which you have ordained...You made him [man] to have dominion over the works of your hands, you have put ALL, [the Universe, moon and stars] under his feet". Also, Romans 8:19- "For the earnest expectation of the [creation- the Universe] waits for the manifestation of the sons of God. For the [creation] was made subject to vanity, NOT WILLINGLY, but by reason of Him who has subjected the same in hope". There is a bright future for mankind ahead, but first "Project Earth" has to be finished in preparation for mans' ultimate destiny. You may read "Born to rule the Universe". You'll be glad you did.
We all know that nobody will live forever but if that would be possible, we all would liked to be alive forever. I have an idea that can make the person live longer and that is helping and giving charity for poor people. If you take care of poor people God will take care of you no matter what they believe as long as they are human kind.
I'm not sure whether I do or not. I don't want to die. I;d prefer to continue to live as a 25 year old than age.
The answer seems to be in preventing or reversing aging. We have a couple of theories as to why we age now and I don't doubt we'll be able to fully control it within 100 years.
This guy thinks so - his hypothesis is that the first person to live to 1000 years old is already alive today - it seems valid:
by William H Taylor 12 years ago
If it were possible to live forever, would you want to?If you could go to a doctor, and for ten thousand dollars you could take five years off your biological age, would you do it? Chronological age is how long you've been alive. Biological age is a representation of the damage the processes we...
by Joan Whetzel 12 years ago
What would it be like to be immortal?What do you see as the perks and the pitfalls of immortality?
by Jplanet 13 years ago
Why are we born to die?
by qwark 14 years ago
I'll leave it up to you. I do not ask this as a joke.
by theseus 13 years ago
If you are to choose between immortality and mortality,what would you choose? Why?
by Michelle Taylor 12 years ago
If you could look young until the day you die, or live forever but continue to age...Which would you choose?
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