Our Future Planing in Life Is Sin

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  1. jay_kumar_07 profile image59
    jay_kumar_07posted 13 years ago

    Always our future planing is failed one.Because GODS planing and gift is different from ours.
    So Our future planing in life is SIN or NOT.

    1. mohitmisra profile image62
      mohitmisraposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      "One must merge his will with the comic will" poet Iqbal.
      Its possible to merge your will with gods will ,then your planning coincides with gods plans.

      "Living in the now is being one with God,
      Or else one is just a fraud."

      "Live in the now and plan for tomorrow,
      Otherwise expect sorrow."

      1. Rochelle Frank profile image92
        Rochelle Frankposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Did you mean cosmic?

    2. kess profile image61
      kessposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      It is impossible that a man can do anything outside of the will of God, nevertheless anything he has done or will ever do while being ignorant of the plan and purposes of God, that thing will be a sin unto him because of his ignorance.



      1. mohitmisra profile image62
        mohitmisraposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I agree with you Kess.What you are saying is similar "ignorant of the plan and purposes of God".
        What the poet Iqbal meant is to know this plan ,merge with it in totality.

    3. Jesus was a hippy profile image59
      Jesus was a hippyposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Sin is a religious concept. Since you cannot prove any religion to be true, then what reason do I have to believe that sin exists?

      1. Disappearinghead profile image60
        Disappearingheadposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Take a look around you. Would you agree that drug dealing, sex trafficking, adultery, or murder were sins? Or would you say, no these are not sins as sin is a religious concept?

        Clearly the world is full of good and evil deeds. Where will you draw the line? To Hitler, mass extermination of the Jews was an act of righteousness. What says your definition of morality or right and wrong is more valid than his?

        Now that's an easy one to answer. He was a fruitcake and morality is determined by whether or not we hurt others. Really? Does making a fraudulent claim on house insurance hurt anyone? Not directly, but it's wrong. Does it harm anyone to take 30 minutes for a  tea break at work rather than the permitted 10 minutes? No, but is it right?

        If you abandon religion, then how are you going to establish a set of right and wrong levels of behaviour within a country?

        No sin outside of religion. I think not. Religion can be used to define what sin is.

        1. Jesus was a hippy profile image59
          Jesus was a hippyposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          The latter. Sin is defined as going against gods will. Since there is no evidence any god exists, then one cannot possibly sin.

          Nothing atall. Morality is subjective. Of course I believe my morals are better than Hitlers, but that is besides the point.

          I just said that sin is a religious concept that cannot exist without a god. I dont know why you're saying all this. I agree with what you said of course and to answer the last question, that would depend on the situation. Are they working the hours they are paid for? If no then it is obviously not right.

          Really? You REALLY have to ask this? Where did the governments laws on dealing cocaine or benefit fraud come from? Religion?

          I guess it would depend on how you define "sin". I am using the definition that it is going against the will of god. If you prefer a defenition that negates the need for a god, then I guess sin does exist outside of religion.

    4. profile image0
      zampanoposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Could you repeat the question please ?

    5. profile image51
      paarsurreyposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      One should plan and pray to the Creator-God; keep on planning and praying; the best will happen; don't worry.

      1. jay_kumar_07 profile image59
        jay_kumar_07posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Do not blame GOD at any cost.

  2. Cagsil profile image73
    Cagsilposted 13 years ago

    You're kidding right?

    If you live life and harm none in doing so, then how is it a life of sin?

    1. jay_kumar_07 profile image59
      jay_kumar_07posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      My point is that people are harming themselfs by the way of planing,saving ,worrying...etc..

      BIBLE   says that people are harming themselfe with their own hands.
      BIBLE  says that nobody can raise their height by worrying.

      1. Cagsil profile image73
        Cagsilposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Those who live strictly by the "BIBLE" are only fooling themselves. Good luck though. hmm

      2. profile image53
        Maqbool Ahmedposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        plz when you using any book refrence give the page number and verse number

  3. jay_kumar_07 profile image59
    jay_kumar_07posted 13 years ago

    All of our hairs are counted by GOD. - BIBLE

    Then our effort and planing will cause only pain.

    In front of GOD our knowledge is as like mental disorder function.- BIBLE.

  4. profile image0
    Motown2Chitownposted 13 years ago

    Planning and saving are not foolish or sinful.  Regardless of what our God has planned for us, we do have a life on this earth that must be lived and lived according to plans in some cases.  There are those who have children and not to plan for their future safety and security would in fact be sinful.

    To remain attached to our plans and not be willing to let them go when God calls us home is what would be sinful.  Worrying is discouraged in scripture, certainly, but it is not sinful.

    Regardless of what's to come, we must focus on this life we have here for the good of ourselves and those around us.  Not to do so is sinful and selfish.

  5. CMHypno profile image83
    CMHypnoposted 13 years ago

    I thought that the old saying was 'god helps those who help themselves'?

    Good luck in just sitting there until you get your direct orders from the divine to clean your teeth and go to work!

  6. jay_kumar_07 profile image59
    jay_kumar_07posted 13 years ago


    Your plan on safty and security for children is may turn to harm  your duty on children.

    In Bible - A man refused to accept the security ,safty and saturated life from GOD.

    Why pl

    1. profile image0
      Motown2Chitownposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      jay, to be honest, I don't really know if it's a language barrier or what, but I don't really get what you're saying.

      If I understand what you're saying, a human being should never get out of bed because all of his/her needs will be met by God now and forever, and there is no reason to "do" anything.

      Have at it, I guess, and see how well that works out for you.

      What I am saying is that we are meant to LIVE while we are alive.  God will meet our needs and all that, of that there is no doubt, and we are not to trouble ourselves unnecessarily about what tomorrow may bring, because in the end, tomorrow may never come.  But, we are meant to live.  Period.  And, to forego any sort of planning or saving for the provision of children's needs is wrong, in  my opinion.  Your Bible also speaks of stewardship, which is proper use of the resources God has made available to us.  Planning and saving are part of good stewardship.

      1. jay_kumar_07 profile image59
        jay_kumar_07posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        planning and saving are part of good stewardship if it is infavour of GOD.
        Otherwise it will harm you.

  7. knolyourself profile image60
    knolyourselfposted 13 years ago

    "Always our future planing is failed one.Because GODS planing and gift is different from ours. So Our future planing in life is SIN or NOT."
    Good one friend. Future planning is necessary just to get to the store. But in the big picture, future planing carried out
    will possibly deflect one from spiritual call. The concept is said to be represented by the 'The Fool' card of the Tarot.

    1. canadawest99 profile image60
      canadawest99posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Didn't Noah plan ahead when all other failed to? - look what that got them.

      Planning and figuring out our environment is the reason we are not extinct.  God doesn't provide anything.  There isn't going to be a loaf of bread or a basket of fish outside my door. 

      if there is a god, sitting on your hands in ignorance is not what he would want.  He would want us to get out there, progress, learn, better ourselves, be creative and innovative and independent, just like you would want for your own children.

  8. knolyourself profile image60
    knolyourselfposted 13 years ago

    Was an old tv show called 'Route 66'. A character stole credit cards and used them to buy plane and train tickets in four different directions, all leaving at the same time. The moral was if she chose to go in one direction she might be missing it by not going in the others. How do you decide?
    If one can really not predict the future with one's mind, one might rely on a spiritual source, or what might be called higher destiny.

  9. jay_kumar_07 profile image59
    jay_kumar_07posted 13 years ago

    My point is that nobody can sit idle in life.

    Driving is going on in life but most of our effort [i.e planing..etc]is disturbing the driving.

    Then only we feel our  inability to control the things in life and blaming GOD and started  the prayers.

    1. Cagsil profile image73
      Cagsilposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Planning cannot disturb the driving. If someone plans, then the only thing that is going to get in the way is an obstacle that was not planned for to begin with.

      No god required and no prayer needed.

      Better vision of planning would be warranted. lol

      1. jay_kumar_07 profile image59
        jay_kumar_07posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        All are having better vision of planning by their  own knowledge.
        After the result only they  came to know the vision is not better.
        Then GOD and prayer required for them.

        1. Cagsil profile image73
          Cagsilposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          lol lol

          Life doesn't require any knowledge of any god to be understood.
          Life doesn't require any knowledge of any god to be lived.

          Therefore, no god required.

          1. jay_kumar_07 profile image59
            jay_kumar_07posted 13 years agoin reply to this

            You can walk in life. But all are afraid to walk.

            1. Cagsil profile image73
              Cagsilposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              Try to speak for yourself. It's better that way. However, it is nice to know you are afraid.

              1. jay_kumar_07 profile image59
                jay_kumar_07posted 13 years agoin reply to this

                All are human being .

          2. mohitmisra profile image62
            mohitmisraposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            So you believe you understand life?
            Please explain what death is ,every human must die.Please explain what the source of man and everything is?

            1. jay_kumar_07 profile image59
              jay_kumar_07posted 13 years agoin reply to this

              soul is source and source is soul.

              1. mohitmisra profile image62
                mohitmisraposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                No you jay ,this is for  gagsil says

                Life doesn't require any knowledge of any god to be understood.
                Life doesn't require any knowledge of any god to be lived.

            2. Cagsil profile image73
              Cagsilposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              I don't believe I understand YOUR Life. I understand my life.
              Explain death? It's the end of life. That's one thing that should be obvious. Yet, very few want to understand.
              Source of man and everything is? Define "everything". It's a very broad term. The source of man is Earth. It's obvious from our make up.

              1. mohitmisra profile image62
                mohitmisraposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                End of life?  So you dont know the answer.

                And you dont know the source of man and everything.

                A 5 year old will be able to explain to you what everything is, how does one have an intelligent debate with you? We are debating religious philosophy, this is for intelligent people.

                The source of man is earth.Whats the source of this earth, this universe, whats it basic fabric?

                Your knowledge is extremely limited and you will not only do everyone but will do yourself a big favor by being honest to yourself.

                1. Cagsil profile image73
                  Cagsilposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  Only mystics believe life doesn't end with death. Death is the end of life. What part of knowledge do you seem to be missing? It would only be pure assumption on your part that anything exists after death. When consciousness ceases to exist, which is measurable, then death is upon that individual.
                  The source of you is your parents, regardless of what you think. The source of man is Earth, proven, we started HERE. Are you now going to try to twist that too?
                  By listening, instead of jumping to believed conclusions. Try living in reality for a change, instead of the mysticism you do live in now.
                  There is no debating religious philosophy, because it's junk to begin with. Like the mysticism you preach. But, nice attempt as claiming I have no intelligence. Good for you....your mother must be proud of your dishonesty.
                  More stupid questions. What's the source of Earth? I suggest you pick up a book, other than a bible and learn something for once. The source of the Universe is irrelevant and actually never needs to ever be answered. It's just garbage conjecture of mystics and theologians, so as to support the god ideology. But, nice try though. What is the basic fabric? What now...you want material to sow yourself a new cloak?
                  Honest with myself? I am more honest with myself than you could ever imagine. It's YOU who cannot even fathom the word honesty, much less, be able to recognize it in others. But, good luck with that.

                  1. mohitmisra profile image62
                    mohitmisraposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                    I am a mystic who talks about the immortality of the souls like many other have done.Its not assumption its experience termed as enlightenment.

                    Ok you start with the earth but what is th earths source?
                    Well if you believe its junk why do you insist in hanging out on a religious forum?

                    What is reality, yours concept is very different from mine.
                    You dont know what death is and If you feel bad that someone else does ,I cant help it or stop talking and sharing this knowledge.
                    Why go on my mother she expired a few months back and I told her death is beautiful its home ,lets leave her and your mother out of this.

                    Its not a stupid question juts because you dot have the answer.

                    My book was ranked over the Bible ,have read many spiritual ad religious philosophy books.They all say the same thing and not only the Bible.

                    The source of the Universe is irrelevant and actually never needs to ever be answered
                    Is that the reason science is spending billions of dollars creating the particle accelerator? Is it the same reason science has  theories like the Big Bang since its is so irrelevant.This question of the source and fabric of the universe is one of the most important questions a human can ever ask himself.

                    No you are dishonest you dot know the answer ,so honest would be simple you would be  saying I dont know.

                  2. mohitmisra profile image62
                    mohitmisraposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                    Prove I have a soul? what a foolish question, clearly shows you have no idea what is meant  by soul.

                    To start with there are two basic philosophies
                    1- has  the  soul and super soul -(atma and patamatama)
                    2- spirit - no distinction between soul or super soul
                    Both are correct.

                    So why do you you insist on interacting in the religious and philosophy category since you believe its all nonsense. ?

                    The reality that mystics talk about currently bounces over your head, have patience dont get angry you will understand these truths with time.

                    I was an atheist but didn't spend so much of my time where religious or spiritual  people congregated, if you dont like this topic why dont you stay away? Is someone forcing you to take part ? Or is it only for money  you hope to earn?

                    You also know my work is ranked very highly yet you insist on mocking me, is that wise?

                    On a religious and philosophy forum you say mystic talk rubbish is indeed a very foolish thing to do.

                    Reality has everything to do with desires, like the mystics say thoughts are the building blocks, your thought materializes, we have materialized ourselves this universe with our thought, the wise shamans say we co create.

                    Again on my mom , why cant you debate intelligently without the abuse? I guess its not possible.

                    hahahahh your mom told you to go a to a forum on religion and philosophy and tell the person whos books is currently ranked 2 in this subject that he talks nonsense.I doubt your mother was as stupid as you suggest.
                    My mother was proud that my work was ranked over great poets and philosophers like Rabindranath Tagore and holy books like the Bibles and Bhagwat Gita, my entire family all my relatives are very proud . Everyone I know is proud of what I have achieved.

                    If you manage to do the same thing even your parents and family members will be proud of you, common sense.

                    Prove it put all this writing in a  book and get ranked over my book ad I will accept everything you say.

                    You say its a waste of time to know ones source , why dont you go tell that to so many scientists and the scientific community.Tell them the Big Bang theory as well as the particle accelerators are a waste of time.

                    Many relate to my words ,cannot force you do so so.

                    It may be foolish for you to think god exists but its not foolish for me.

                    The theory of the big bang, makes your question about the Universe irrelevant. DUH! I would have thought that would be obvious?????

                    Its a theory .

                    So if you are not interested in these truth why dont you leave this  forum , get a  life.

                    You have no answers , you are not providing them.

                    Do you really think so many billions of humans have respect for mystics because they are fools.hey  say such nonsense hoping to get mocked and abused by people like you?

  10. sofs profile image75
    sofsposted 13 years ago

    Such poor understanding of God's word and making a joke of Him by posting such threads drives more people off from God than bring them to him... Jaykumar will you consider that ..if your purpose in posting these threads is for making people aware of God..if it is to get attention well have your way ..

    1. jay_kumar_07 profile image59
      jay_kumar_07posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      For to over come the poor understanding.

  11. Disturbia profile image61
    Disturbiaposted 13 years ago

    Oh stop it.  So are we never to plan anything ever again because it might not be what God has planned for us and that makes it a sin?  Why even bother to get out of bed in the morning?  This post is a sin and just plain ridiculous.

    1. jay_kumar_07 profile image59
      jay_kumar_07posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      This is i want.. You can not.
      Pl bother to get out of bed in the morning. Then you will see the answer.
      Your body will not allow you. Because your body planned already  about your morning functions.

      Life is also planned one if you feel the sense.

      First you bother  or slowdown the  things  of your decision or planning.Then you can sense the things  beyond your knowledge and control.
      My point is that we are not interested to feel the sense.

  12. dutchman1951 profile image62
    dutchman1951posted 13 years ago

    Jay, give this some more thought, then post.

    If you know that your plan is not aligned to God's, then you know enough to say that your are wrong and thus you must Know what God's plan is? The fact that you can judge your plan and others as wrong, to me indicates you have inside knowledge of God's plan?

    So thus you are omniscent? You know the ending..?

    so, Tell us please; What is God's plan then? And How did you come to know this and no other has?  Seems odd that God would make all of this, suposidly die for all of us and take us this far and then only tell one person?

    makes a whole lot of sense to me!

    1. jay_kumar_07 profile image59
      jay_kumar_07posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      My point is that all are having inside knowledge of god but not interested to hear and OBEY in life.
      Do you know that  why moses was not able to enter the given city.
      Do you know that why abrahams wife struggled with her mate.
      Do you know that why jonah live in belly of fish for some day.
      Do you know that why marrys husband loss his speech for some period.

      My point is that do not allow our hand to harm us.

      1. jay_kumar_07 profile image59
        jay_kumar_07posted 13 years agoin reply to this



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