The Value, Wealth and Worth of the "Capitalist," Economic Model

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  1. loua profile image61
    louaposted 13 years ago

    The Subject exploring the Value, Wealth and Worth of Capitalism entails the questions:
    1)   What is your justification for your economic opinion?
    2)   Do you believe there is only one way to do commerce?
    3)   What is your perception of an economic model?

    Note:  I would especially like to challenge all the social profiteers that feel money is of such great importance to justify their opinion in some fashion that equates to their purpose for existing....¨

    Please provide your responses:
    1) In statements of your economic philosophy
    2) In statements of your economic model preference
    3) In statements of your reason for your decision choice

    I am providing my reasoning for my opinion.   I assure you its not what most want to hear...    Look at the sites below to get a glimpse of the reality you maybe avoiding...    The-Politics-Of-Our-Existence-Energy-Budget <snipped - no promotional links in the forums>
    See References  at Inalienable "rights" at <snipped - no promotional links in the forums>
    The references are supplied to provide the understanding of the quality of response desired...


    Philosophy of Economics
    First published Fri Sep 12, 2003; substantive revision Tue Feb 26, 2008  Philosophy of Economics consists of inquiries concerning (a) rational choice, (b) the appraisal of economic outcomes, institutions and processes, and (c) the ontology of economic phenomena and the possibilities of acquiring knowledge of them. Although these inquiries overlap in many ways, it is useful to divide philosophy of economics in this way into three subject matters which can be regarded respectively as branches of action theory, ethics (or normative social and political philosophy), and philosophy of science. Economic theories of rationality, welfare, and social choice defend substantive philosophical theses often informed by relevant philosophical literature and of evident interest to those interested in action theory, philosophical psychology, and social and political philosophy. Economics is of particular interest to those interested in epistemology and philosophy of science both because of its detailed peculiarities and because it possesses many of the overt features of the natural sciences, while its object consists of social phenomena.

    Karl Marx
    First published Tue Aug 26, 2003; substantive revision Mon Jun 14, 2010  Karl Marx (1818 1883) is best known not as a philosopher but as a revolutionary communist, whose works inspired the foundation of many communist regimes in the twentieth century. It is hard to think of many who have had as much influence in the creation of the modern world. Trained as a philosopher, Marx turned away from philosophy in his mid-twenties, towards economics and politics. However, in addition to his overtly philosophical early work, his later writings have many points of contact with contemporary philosophical debates, especially in the philosophy of history and the social sciences, and in moral and political philosophy. Historical materialism Marx's theory of history is centered around the idea that forms of society rise and fall as they further and then impede the development of human productive power. Marx sees the historical process as proceeding through a necessary series of modes of production, characterized by class struggle, culminating in communism. Marx's economic analysis of capitalism is based on his version of the labour theory of value, and includes the analysis of capitalist profit as the extraction of surplus value from the exploited proletariat. The analysis of history and economics come together in Marx's prediction of the inevitable economic breakdown of capitalism, to be replaced by communism. However Marx refused to speculate in detail about the nature of communism, arguing that it would arise through historical processes, and was not the realisation of a pre-determined moral ideal.

    Evolutionary Game Theory
    First published Mon Jan 14, 2002; substantive revision Sun Jul 19, 2009
    Evolutionary game theory originated as an application of the mathematical theory of games to biological contexts, arising from the realization that frequency dependent fitness introduces a strategic aspect to evolution. Recently, however, evolutionary game theory has become of increased interest to economists, sociologists, and anthropologists--and social scientists in general--as well as philosophers. The interest among social scientists in a theory with explicit biological roots derives from three facts. First, the evolution treated by evolutionary game theory need not be biological evolution.

    Evolution may, in this context, often be understood as cultural evolution, where this refers to changes in beliefs and norms over time. Second, the rationality assumptions underlying evolutionary game theory are, in many cases, more appropriate for the modelling of social systems than those assumptions underlying the traditional theory of games. Third, evolutionary game theory, as an explicitly dynamic theory, provides an important element missing from the traditional theory.

    First published Wed Oct 4, 2006
    The notion of preference has a central role in many disciplines, including moral philosophy and decision theory. Preferences and their logical properties also have a central role in rational choice theory, a subject that in its turn permeates modern economics, as well as other branches of formalized social science. The notion of preference and the way it is analysed vary between these disciplines.

    Empedocles |( c. 493âc. 433 bc), Greek philosopher, born in Sicily. He taught that the universe is composed of fire, air, water, and earth, which mingle and separate under the influence of the opposing principles of Love and Strife.

    Propositional Dynamic Logic   Propositional dynamic logic (PDL) is designed for representing and reasoning about propositional properties of programs. Its syntax is based upon two sets of symbols: a countable set Ã�¦0 of atomic formulas and a countable set Ã� 0 of atomic programs.

    Methodological Individualism  This doctrine was introduced as a methodological precept for the social sciences by Max Weber, most importantly in the first chapter of Economy and Society (1968 [1922]). It amounts to the claim that social phenomena must be explained by showing how they result from individual actions, which in turn must be explained through reference to the intentional states that motivate the individual actors.

  2. psycheskinner profile image77
    psycheskinnerposted 13 years ago

    And you placed this spam under the topic "does God exist?" because?

  3. Cagsil profile image69
    Cagsilposted 13 years ago

    You have categorized your post under the wrong category. Your specific topic has nothing to do with whether or not, a god exists.

    The value, wealth and worth of capitalistic economics isn't associated with the existence of a god. To think that it is, is foolish.

    I've reported this thread for two reasons (a)wrong forum category and (b)self promotion of hubs which is not allowed.

    1. loua profile image61
      louaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      You would not want to have to attempt to answer these questions, I know as you find it hard to answer the easy ones...

      It was surely not my intent to put this post here I was starting a new forum and it diverted to here...  sorry... It will be corrected shortly...

    2. loua profile image61
      louaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      One way to suppress free speech - the links are germane to the subject matter; but I can see why you would feel threatened by the thought of an opposing view...

  4. profile image0
    Emile Rposted 13 years ago

    I think this is an appropriate category for your question. Much of the way our economy has evolved is in direct conflict with the core teachings in the primary religion of the west. You aren't likely to get a dialogue going on the subject. I've met few willing to look at the hard questions of how to resolve inequities in our society.

    I read your hubs. I agree with many things you had to say. smile

    As to your questions, I have no background in economics so I'm sure my statements will appear simplistic;

    I think it would be overstating to say that I have an economic policy. I'm a slave to the system I was born into. I believe  that, in some ways, we've been indoctrinated into thinking this system we live in is the best, but I can also accept history has proven that those who claimed they had a better way were simply using it as a lure to enslave the masses.

    My preference of an economic model would be the continuation of a free enterprise system, with stronger checks and balances to reign in the greed that runs rampant in the current system. Money appears to be god and king these days. The richer people are, the more they are looked up to; yet no one seems to notice the obvious emptiness that appears to permeate life at the top of the money heap.

    I would hope the primary motivation that drives the way I think is a desire for everyone's existence to afford them with human dignity, and try to eliminate suffering that can be caused by our lack of compassion for our fellow man.

    1. loua profile image61
      louaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Emile, I am pleased to have you at my defense...  Your words are more than fitting for describing the root cause of the problem; and yet the solution for the human condition:

      Emile you site the root cause superbly here ~ "an economic model would be the continuation of a free enterprise system, with stronger checks and balances to reign in the greed that runs rampant in the current system."

      I confer the Root Cause = wrong economic model, there is nothing wrong with the notion of free enterprise... 

      Here you site the solution in a remarkably simple way ~ "I would hope the primary motivation that drives the way I think is a desire for everyone's existence to afford them with human dignity, and try to eliminate suffering that can be caused by our lack of compassion for our fellow man."

      I confer the solution = representation that promotes and motivates equality, equity and parity as members of a self ruling democratic sovereign republic...

      And to mention that this subject matter is indeed a matter of the force that placed us here... How best to derive the perception of religious roots and beliefs; but from one's actions, deeds and endeavors formulated from one's perception for their role in the humanity they are a part of...

      Again thank you dear lady for your exquisite perception... I hope I have not exceeded the bounds of your tolerance, in my liberty with your words...

      1. profile image0
        Emile Rposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Exceeded the bounds of my tolerance? You agreed with me and paid me a compliment so, no. I have a high tolerance level for that. smile


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