Restore Old Atheism Now

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  1. profile image52
    Mick Menousposted 13 years ago

    There are some people who think that ALL Atheists are the same. The truth is, there are two types of Atheists: Old and New.

    Old Atheists are the kind of people that, despite the fact that they don't believe in a Deity, they are still very tolerant of all the Religions of the world, and want peace with them. They accept Religious believers for who they are and show respect. They understand that the very large majority of Religions want to help achieve peace and justice in the world. And most important of all, they understand that the argument of the existence of a Deity is not what the issue should be about between believers and non-believers, nor should it matter.

    New Atheists, on the other hand, have and show no respect, tolerance, or peace towards innocent Religions. They don't believe that there are more good Christians, Jews, Muslims, and other good believers in this world. They use many false excuses for their actions and words towards believers. One such false excuse they use to justify their intolerant actions, for example, is the past. They tend to focus more on the bad past of Religions instead of the present. For example, they use the excuses of the Crusades, the Inquisition, and Witch Burnings to make Christianity look bad. What they don't understand is that it was a totally different generation back then, practically thousands of years ago. They can't give it a rest, they can't let it go, and they can't move on.

    So what I'm talking about here is that there are two types of Atheists: Good ones, and Bad ones, just like there are good believers and bad believers. The arguement of the existence of a Deity is not nor should it be the issue between believers and non-believers. The REAL issue that exists today in the world is intolerance for people just because of their Religious and/or Scientific background.

    To me, New Atheism is different from regular (Old) Atheism. New Atheism today is an intolerant and disrespectful movement that's happening in the world and in the United States today. It must stop now.

    Restore OLD Atheism!

    GOD Bless America! smile

    1. Quilligrapher profile image70
      Quilligrapherposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Hi, Mr. Menous.  You craft an interesting thesis and then you destroy it with your closing statement pasted above. When you call for the end of “New Atheism” and for the restoration of “OLD Atheism”, you align yourself “New Atheism” by appearing to be pretty intolerant yourself!
      I’ll be looking forward to you first hub. Please let me know when you publish it. Good luck and keep writing.

    2. IntimatEvolution profile image69
      IntimatEvolutionposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Why can't people just be who they Are?  Why do they need to fit an old or new mold?

    3. Jerami profile image59
      Jeramiposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I think I saw what you were saying ?

          There isn't any Moss on that rock ...  Just in case anyone wantes to stand on it?

    4. mathsciguy profile image60
      mathsciguyposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I'm with you, though I agree with others that the Old/New labeling is a bit superfluous.  I'm a "live and let live" kind of person, and I don't really think that anyone should be treated with less respect based upon their religious beliefs.  Now, my reasons for feeling this way are somewhat selfish; I want to live in a world where nobody is persecuted because I don't want to be persecuted myself, you see? 
      But, I have little hope for this to happen.

    5. OutWest profile image57
      OutWestposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I've heard the term "angry atheist" before.  Maybe that's more appropiate because it describes their current position.  But I think I know what you are saying.

    6. profile image51
      paarsurreyposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      The Old Atheists- the good-ones are not seen in these forums.
      I must respect them.

  2. psycheskinner profile image84
    psycheskinnerposted 13 years ago

    I think you might be mistaking the old and new "atheism" with old and new general conditions of law and culture.

    That is: past climate (which caused a fear of being outspoken, due to discrimination against atheists being legal) and new climate (where atheists can be as polite or obnoxious as they wish, just like anyone else).

    So yes, some atheists now are "uppity". I don't think that is going to change--any more than the regular arrival of Mormons on my doorstep or the tendency for leaders of meetings about various non-religious topics to lead the audience in prayer.

  3. qwark profile image61
    qwarkposted 13 years ago


    How can there be atheists?

    An atheist is one who denies the existence of god/s.

    If "it/they" don't exist what would/could there be to "deny?" ...Hmmm? hmm:


    1. LeanChris profile image62
      LeanChrisposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Its called nihilistic existentialism, dumbass. There is nothing there, thus denying its existence is reaffirming that there is nothing there.

      -New Atheist

      1. qwark profile image61
        qwarkposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Hi "dumb@ss" Lean:  lol

        "...thus denying its existence."

        Denying "whats" existence? What is this "its" you speak of "dumb@ss?

        All you are denying is a metaphysical, abstract concept dumb@ss!

        Since god/s can't be defined in any manner but baseless opinion, and only exist in the minds of the "imaginer," dumb@ss" all ya can deny is an abstract concept of this god thing.

        Soooo...I guess all y'ar is a new "aconceptheist"

        By the way, ya just made my list!...dumb@ss  smile:


        1. djoutsider711 profile image60
          djoutsider711posted 13 years agoin reply to this

          "dumbass" ... Exactly what I was referring to by my distaste for certain atheist. lol

          So long as people are name calling and the like, no one is going to listen.

  4. djoutsider711 profile image60
    djoutsider711posted 13 years ago

    An old argument Qwark. Unicorns don't exist...

  5. djoutsider711 profile image60
    djoutsider711posted 13 years ago

    "New Atheists, on the other hand, have and show no respect, tolerance, or peace towards innocent Religions. They don't believe that there are more good Christians, Jews, Muslims, and other good believers in this world. They use many false excuses for their actions and words towards believers. One such false excuse they use to justify their intolerant actions, for example, is the past. They tend to focus more on the bad past of Religions instead of the present. For example, they use the excuses of the Crusades, the Inquisition, and Witch Burnings to make Christianity look bad. What they don't understand is that it was a totally different generation back then, practically thousands of years ago. They can't give it a rest, they can't let it go, and they can't move on."

    Ok, lets use some more recent examples... … gs-308.jpg

    How about all the "God Hates Fags" protesting that has happened on U.S. soil.... where people are using a dated bible verse to justify their hate towards homosexuals.

    Or the War on Iraq that was ultimately initiated and allowed by (in generalization) the American public who treated it as a religious war... and still are in many ways.

    Or the burning of the Muslim bible that happened not so long ago.

    Regardless, I think your understanding of "New Atheism" is a little off, but I can see why that might be so. Every day I see a plethora of arrogant self claimed atheist haggling, taunting, and being absolutely rude towards those of religious beliefs.

    As an Atheist myself I consider these types of atheist that are trying to imitate the likes of Richard Dawkins to be doing nothing but hurting our cause. I even respect what Dawkins is doing (in some ways) but we must keep in mind that this militant type of Atheism is an absolute misrepresentation of what we are about...

  6. psycheskinner profile image84
    psycheskinnerposted 13 years ago

    Militant atheism *is* what the militant atheist is about.  It's not a religion, so it doesn't have a one "true" doctrine or way to behave.

  7. wilderness profile image95
    wildernessposted 13 years ago

    A few years ago I attended an entertainment function funded by taxpayer money and held in a taxpayer owned facility.  We were asked to stand for the National Anthem but before it occurred we were subjected to a 15 minute "prayer" that was actually a sermon exhorting us all to make sure our children were taught all about the fantasy of God.

    A few decades ago the words "under God" were inserted into the Pledge of Allegiance  and we were all required to acknowledge the existence of that fantasy creature.  The reference to the same creature began to be printed on the very money that we all carry.

    There is constant outcry and demand that our best understanding in certain fields (evolution and the creation of the universe come to mind) not be taught at all.  Or that if it must be taught to appease the atheists then the mythology presented by the Christian bible also be taught alongside it with no supporting evidence.

    It would seem that "respect" and "tolerance" you refer to are to be applied only to the atheists; the dominant religion of the land may do as it wishes.

    That the "old atheists" gave that show of respect and tolerance was the direct result of the lack of tolerance or respect and the unreasonable demands of the Christians of the time.  Were you not of them you were against them and highly undesirable. 

    I think you will find that the "new atheists" will give you respect and tolerance.  Whenever you decide to give the same to them.  As long as you require them to support and spread your personal fantasy you won't find much of either.

  8. psycheskinner profile image84
    psycheskinnerposted 13 years ago

    So long as people respond to posts with insults in them, and ignore those without, people will know that slinging insults is what gets the most attention.

    1. qwark profile image61
      qwarkposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Psyche:  lol

      I just respond in "like form" to those who seem to enjoy that kind of

      But if you'll notice, Lean actually spelled "dumbass" right!

      I Just responded with: "dumb@ss." Is that a word?  lol

      He seems to be whatever that


  9. psycheskinner profile image84
    psycheskinnerposted 13 years ago

    I am offended on behalf of all donkeys, atheist or otherwise.

  10. NathanielZhu profile image64
    NathanielZhuposted 13 years ago

    I think your choice of "new" and "old" is misleading. I'm an atheist but to stereotype atheism into new and old is like stereotyping religion into two categories and you can't restore what hasn't changed. It's not like in the past all atheists  were respectful and only recent atheists are rude. Peaceful and rude people have been apart of every belief atheism or religious in recent times and in the past. You simply can't "restore" what isn't there and that's assuming atheists were one way in the past and another now.A

  11. Randy Godwin profile image61
    Randy Godwinposted 13 years ago

    "innocent Religions"?  I wish the DA OP would explain what that means!  lol


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