I have seen many times people associating the word Extrimist to names of certain religion. In my opinion the word extrimist and name of religion can not go together as religion is there to bring peace to society. I don't think any religion tells you to do bad things, so why do people associate the word extremist to religion?
Is that a serious question? Are you saying there are no religious extremists? When the abortion doctors are murdered in the name of christianity, is that not extremist? When the Twin Towers fell, was that peaceful religion? Angry protests at service men's funerals?
Which of those are not acts of extremist?
Hi, these are the actions of human not religion, no religion tells you to kill, murder or harm another person. I am not a Christian but I know for sure that Christianity will never tell you to kill or harm another person. Those people that are using the name of religion to kill are not belivers, they are only using religion as a weapon. Thanks.
They are following what they have been taught by their religious leaders. You can certainly try to do a two step shuffle away from it, but that doesn't change the facts.
Religion breeds violence. Religion does nothing to contain the violence that is bred within it. Those are simple facts.
Which religious leaders are you talking about. Are you talking about the real ones or the fake ones. If people follow the teaching of religion then there won't be any violence, that's a simple fact.
I agree some do-a good many do not.
I can say I wasn't taught to hate and kill or even make threats.
I certainly am aware of extremist groups, and as a Christian abhor violent aggressive behaviour.
It could also be said other organisations instruct their members to riot and kill,they are not deemed religious, though considered extreme.
Religious groups are often also used as a scapegoat by the media, and non-believers,lets face it ,while we fight and bicker, behind closed doors many non-religious people fuelled by hate for various reasons scheme and plot.
I've seen a pretty constant complaint on these forums that "that isn't Christianity". Your comment would seem to be just more of the same - any church that doesn't agree with you isn't a church. Christianity has repeatedly told its adherents throughout history to kill and injure others. Things like gay bashing is only the most recent example.
Nearly every religion has.
Maybe one who associates the word extremist with a religion is also on the extreme.
Yes, any religion can become extremist, it's just ignorant. I mean, think of the mindset, "You don't worship the same God (or god/gods, depending) of love, peace, understanding, forgiveness, compassion and happiness that I do . . . you must die!" Some people take up a religion as if it were a sword, when it is clearly the process of attempting to lay your current weapons down. Just don't mistake religion for activism (though the two can ever-so closely be bound). What I mean by that is this, some religions feel that abortion is bad, but you can't judge an entire religion for an abortion center being bombed by a few of the religion's extremist members. We certainly aren't the ones to judge, but when it comes to figuring out who is to be held accountable, we always need to do our homework while never forgetting the compassion and forgiveness part of our own religious practices.
Some people feel it is a little extreme for the Wesboro Baptist herd of animals to be protesting at the funerals of our servicemen and women. Some feel it is a little extreme for a Baptist Church in Virginia to be sponsoring the murders of abortion doctors. Armyofgod.com. and they think it is a little extreme for this church to be posting pictures of aborted fetusws on their website. Some people feel it's a little extreme for members of a religion to fight for the right to legally sacrifice their children with witch doctor style prayer healings. Other believe it is extreme to fight sex education and the availability of condoms in an effort to reduce teenage abortions.
Religion, as it is defined in certain aspects can be of some value to humanity.
What isn't of value to humanity is any mystic religion, which are not based on reality.
Religion cannot be an extremist religion. Only the people who practice said religion can be extremists. However, if there are more members being extremists, then the collective must suffer from their individual actions.
Life itself is a religion of sorts. People form patterns to their own living of life and constantly renew their patterns through small and/or large size adjustments. Thus, making each of them adaptable.
Those who have a unique perspective, are the ones that are either trying or doing good in the world or too busy stripping it of it's resources. There isn't a balance. The create to destroy ideology needs to be abandoned.
Mystic religion offers no balance, because it causes separation to begin with. It says believe and anyone who doesn't is against you, and will try to deceive you.
Most religions are dangerous, simply because, it's always subjected to interpretation of the average subjective person. Looking at any and all religions of the world, none of them are objective.
I think you are confusing what the word extremist means. Jainism is an extremist religion. The Amish are extremists. That doesn't mean they are violent, it is a reflection of how far their religious practices are outside the mainstream of society. The word extremisim is relative by its nature because it applies to the standards of a certain society.
I will admit that if it wasn't for humans I wouldn't have a problem with religion. I have no idea what you are trying to say or prove with this question.If it wasn't for humans religion wouldn't exist. I have looked for years and haven't found the first pentacostal church of the zebra. As long as you have any form of religion you will have religious extremeists. Their are extremists in every aspect of human behavior.
I don't understand when people make the statement in response to religiously inspired violence that it is not the religion which is at fault, but only people. Well, what exactly is any religion made up of? People of course. Without people, there would be no religion. Religion is a creation of human beings. Before humans, there was no religion. Certainly there is no evidence that any of the other animals which share this planet have ever formed a religion. This distinction between people and religion is false, as you cannot have one without the other.
And the idea that religion has only ever taught peace is a nonsense. Read the Old Testament, where God gave orders for the Jews to slaughter their neighbours, even that they should dash out the brains of their babies onto the rocks, and that their "women with child should be ripped up." Not exactly charming or peaceful. And the humans who blow people up, or fly planes into buildings or murder doctors, or carry signs with the words "God hates fags" are not what I would describe as peaceful, yet they are doing all of these things in the name of their religion and their God.
Extremism can fit just about any religion. The Abrahamic religions in particular have been the source of many religions conflicts, which is why they tend to get labeled as extreme more so than other religions. But I think you can find extremist in any religion.
In both Christianity and Islam, Jesus is supposed to return to fight a war against the antichrist.
wongo, wouldn't this make more sense. Any person from any religion can become an extremist? Be it the twin towers or an abortion clinic, a terrorist is still a terrorist. Only their god changes.
All religions have extremists. I am amazed that people take an idea and let it wrap their head up so much that they can feel that taking the life of another is the right thing to do. It's just insane.
Every world religion has extremist groups. At the same time, every world religion, in its official and central body, has said that killing in the name of God and war for religious reasons is wrong, and not an expression of the faith when correctly understood. People who are full of pain, hurt, anger and confusion, piled generation on generation, create extremisms in any religion. Two good books on this topic are "Accounting for Fundamentalisms" and Mark Jeurgensmeyer's "Terror in the Name of God."
Can a Religion be Extremist Religion?
Is the pope catholic? Do bears poo in the forest?
You have to realize one thing...People on top tend to use the people on the bottom to do their dirty works. Religion can be used to brain wash people. When a person kills in the name of religion, its usually because their mind was convinced that the act will make tham a better person or will give them great rewards. A person who allows themself to be con-vinced to do something they will nomally not do, is because they a lazy to study the relegion on their own and waits to someone else to study and explain or tell them what is expected from them according to the religion. Even as a christian you leave youself expose for deception.
Sasta , at first I said ...."what "? .......But you have an excllent point you're making here. You are right, as I see so many here don't get it. Extremists aren't religious extremists, they are only extremists. The misguided and misinterpreted , will tell you religion is at fault......not the person or group of people. Such stupidity in the midst.
Isn't that a bit of denial? If you interpret what you believe to be scriptures as a command toward extremism and feel compelled to attempt to please the God of those scriptures; you actively follow an extremist religion.
Westboro Baptist is an extremist sect of Christianity. Imams who preach violence in the name of Allah are an extremist branch. This doesn't make all christians or muslims extremist; but the peaceful ones can't expect the world to pretend the extremist sects within their respective religions don't exist.
Emile ,they are the man .....not the religion That chose to twist meanings and deform intentions . Typical denial of mans individual choices . Always! Hold the religion responsible. The need to blame something safe and known than unsafe and unknown!
Bulldust! They are simply following instructions.
Kill People Who Don't Listen to Priests
Anyone arrogant enough to reject the verdict of the judge or of the priest who represents the LORD your God must be put to death. Such evil must be purged from Israel. (Deuteronomy 17:12 NLT)
Kill Witches
You should not let a sorceress live. (Exodus 22:17 NAB)
Kill Homosexuals
"If a man lies with a male as with a women, both of them shall be put to death for their abominable deed; they have forfeited their lives." (Leviticus 20:13 NAB)
I don't agree with you. I don't blame the religion across the board for violence. But, it isn't the same as reading Catcher in the Rye. When you read a book you consider to be scriptures, it's a whole different ball game. You honestly believe that God is speaking through that book.
If you interpret that as the word of a God and your interpretation incites you to violence, you are practicing an extremist form of that religion. It's pretty simple and you can't deny that people do that.
I agree Emile R
People have been imposing their personal interpretation of scriptures for a couple a thousand years and we see where that has gotten us ??
I've been saying ... when is it time to start UNinterpreting scripture.
If we read them without adding our own understanding upon them ...
They say something totally diffrent than what we think that they say.
So, you're going to show us your own "personal interpretation of scriptures"?
Imagine if you can; the parable of the oak tree.
Imagine if you can; each of the limbs and twigs as being interpretation of an oak tree.
If you cut off all of the limbs; you now have a tree trunk having no limbs standing straight up in the air.
That tree trunk is still an Oak tree! Yes it is!
But what of the limbs and twigs?
They are not an Oak tree.
You can imagine any sort of limbs now coming out of the tree trunk.
You can imagine bananas on the limbs.
That would be your interpretation.
But the trunk of the Oak tree does not support bananas, apples or grapes no matter how much that we want to interpret it that way.
The tree trunk is not an interpretation.
That makes no sense. How can the limbs and twigs be "interpretations" of a tree? What are you talking about?
Excellent deduction.
No, that would be a delusion.
Get a dictionary.
Check the dictionary out to see if you understand what a metaphore/parable is.
Then if you can; imagine the parable of the Oak tree.
Check the dictionary to see if you understand what an interpretation and a delusion are.
I don't need to.
an interpretation is a delusion "IF" A Troubled Man can not see.
Fair enough, you wish to provide your own definitions to words already defined.
definitions are constantly being refined.
Somebody had to be the first.
But, you are changing them entirely.
You are not the first believer to change definitions of words to suit your purposes, and probably won't be the last.
Sure it can. Just needs a little grafting is all.
If it wasn't possible, then how do we explain Jesus grafting us poor gentiles to the true vine of the chosen people?
A wild plumb tree can be grafted onto a highbred plumb tree trunk.
But a banana tree grafted onto a plumb tree trunk will not work.
I can and have grafted Pepper Plants to Tomato plants and got both Peppers and Tomato's from the "same" plant.
That may be so. I will not deny the possiblity.
Fruit trees can be grafted in a number of ways.
I would doubt if a fruit bearing tree can be grafted onto a nut bearing tree.
I would also think that there would have to be a certain amount of DNA in common between the plants in question before it can be done.
Somehow my original comment has gone in a direction other than anything that I might have intended.
But it is good to know that a pepper plant and tomato plant can be married together.
Earnest ,Anyone of any maturity knows you don't cut babies in two , you dont stone a woman to death who shows her face in public , Not in the free world at least ! And maybe ,just maybe ,if you can't interpret the biblical wording in all its symbolic wonder to a moral and righteous end . You shouldn't read it anyway. I think that you DON'T have that ability!
Earnest provided but a taste of Gods word from the Bible. Please show us how you interpret them and find symbolism beyond the words and commands written there?
A troubled man , Are you too having problems with interpretation of the bible , I suggest bible study if you're "troubled ", readily available anywhere , you guys should attend together , you might find a new friend.!
From what I have seen here, it is the religiously infirm who should do the reading.
You guys wear ignorance and gullibility like a badge of honour!
Which one of the many thousands of denominations of bible study should I attend? They all interpret it differently. Which one will provide me the correct interpretation? Answer me that.
Perhaps Earnest you mistake humility for ignorance , and yet you wear the same badge of ignorance painted over with bitter drivel and mindless bunk.
Maybe you should read some of it more carefully. If you know your bible you will clearly see it is never my mindless bunk, it is always straight from your "good book."
and yes, the bible is bitter drivel.
You could chose ALL BY YOURSELF troubled man , you see thats the promised freedom of faith!
But, using faith, I could go through thousands of interpretations and they could all be wrong. Why can't you just tell me which one is right and save me the trouble? Show me the real truth.
Quite simply , The truth will never interest you , I'm not one of the believers that cannot see through your imbittering phoniness.
It's not my fault if the "true" words in your book look phoney to you, it has the same effect on any sane person.
You don't have any truth in the bible, just conjecture, lies and a Goddunnit argument.
So, you do admit to holding the truth? But, you refuse to reveal it to me because I'm phoney?
Wouldn't you suspect that if what you held were the truth, I would be as convinced of it as you? Wouldn't the whole world be convinced if it were the real truth?
Funny as it seems, the simple and elegant nature of our world and what it exhibits for us is probably the real truth, and I just showed it to you. Are you convinced?
No !,actually I seek the truth as much as you do , what I don't do is try to decieve those of faith who seek it as well. You guys are as interested in biblical truths as you are in any truth ! You are truth handicapped ! Admit it, all your interested in is riling up the little Grammies.
Oh okay, you don't hold a truth, you're actually looking for one.
I just offered you one. Can you see that what I offered was truth? Or, do you find untruths in nature?
We can play word games on and on and on but you can find as much truth in the bible as you can in the science of evolution. Seek it if you dare! Or don't you dare?
The truthful religion does not deny science; science is for the seen and religion is for the unseen.
Both science and religion are needed by the human beings.
Show it to us, then. Or, admit you're lying.
Troubled man , Truth in science ? science will have to get its head out of its own a$$ and find truth , or do you believe everything science offers you? I would rather follow Disney than most science. So where is the truth! In truth only a fool would limit himself to your attitude of political correctness and denial. Get God and get with it!
How very dishonest of you as you type those words on a computer using an internet connection, which has nothing to do with Disney. What new lie will you make up next?
I find it amusing and amazing that science constantly "upgrades" its ideas even of evolution. And yet you pine for the accuracy of science only. Doesn't that bother you at all! You guy's are truly "beautiful minds".
Pity yours is so ugly.
Sorry you cannot understand. "Majik" is a better answer for you Innit?
No wonder you cause so many wars.
What I find truly stupid is not realising that everything changes in the light of newer or more complete information while myths remain the same for a good reason.......... They are mythical.
There you go earnest , "Everything changes in the light" , you are coming around , I can tell ! You want god! I know it !
You must have used the usual religious logic to arrive at that conclusion.
Funny though.
"Evolution guys " , Those too intellectual for something soo beneath them. "Got P.C." boys?
Sorry you are incapable of understanding.
Stick with "majik" instead.
Little wonder your religion has caused 2,000 years of wars.
Or u kun sez it dint.
Liars For Jesus (TM) are exempt from hell. Far as I kun tell.
And there are more wars caused by self righteous supposed intellect!
And there's the truth 'supposed intellect',..Oh what a tangled web of P.C. we weave!
Can a Religion be Extremist Religion?
The truthful religion is peaceful and moderate; it abhors extremes.
If you mean the religions perpetrated by the hate filled drivel in the bible or quoran then you are way wrong.
Both books are full of the sort of instructions that have terrorists muslims killing each other as human bombs, and so called christians murdering non believers.
Then you both have the gall to say anyone who quotes those words are doing so out of context, and make the same claims that they are in context when they apply to the religion that is not yours.
Pure hypocrisy denying what is written in your own books is a way of life for you lot.
Jesus killed nobody;he had peaceful teachings.
Sometimes I wonder if the Real ... True Believer just might be a little invisable ?????? And acting right and Not gettin much attention.
I bet that there are so many of them that it would make an Atheistshead do a double back lip;; to think about it !!!!!!!!
Why would that be Jerami?
As a non-believer it would not bother me one way or the other.
That could be true. We'd have to rule out the Abrahamic religions as they have already shown they can create and harbor extremism and those who would carry out extreme acts.
Look at both Islam and Judaism today after centuries of war. Here's where they both stand on their holy lands:
Both are against any compromise with the other side.
Both want the entire land of Palestine for their group.
Both are entirely sure of their position.
Both advocate and sometimes use violence to achieve their ends.
Both are nationalistic.
Both are intolerant of dissent within their group.
Both demonize the other side, so that the members of Hamas, as viewed by the Israeli fundamentalists, sometimes sound exactly like the Israeli fundamentalists as viewed by Hamas.
Peaceful and moderate, indeed.
It is a wrong hypothesis and a generalization on extremes. There has been no bar on the non-believers of not being extremist persons.
Hay ... Earnest .... could Y think of anything else that I said in that post. A lot of people seem to do that. Maybe most everybody does it sometimes. ??
Do you mean your speculation about the silent effective people? Sure, I have talked about the people I know who are like that myself.
I know that. I really wasn't thinking about you when I said that; AND was A smilling.
No not really, except for feeling at pease with it.
At Pease makes me not want to quidit(smiling)... sometimes when I really feel like crying.
Sometimes when we are backed up in a corner ... If ya look out in the distance , ya might see something to put a smile on your face
A quittit Jeramy; Got carried away there for a minute.
But really I'm good.
Well I am glad you post here -its good to share and know how you are !
Sometimes the world is a lot smaller,when we share stuff.
Well thank you I mostly have had just enough time to polk my head in and spout off at the mouth and then get carried away with my attention defiset thing.
Wish I could remember when it happens. Might be able to figure out a pattern SOoooss I could stop it.
But not sure If I want to? ha
Nothing wrong with that, if your ok with it
Sometimes Im glad I dont remember everything too.
I think that someone has been sneaking stupid pills in my coffee.
Now that I am stupider ... I don't trust myself enough to make that determination.
What the heck, it wakes me up in the mornin, can I have another cup. I say!
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