The Cross

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  1. Cagsil profile image71
    Cagsilposted 12 years ago

    Write more hubs. There's already enough of this junk on the forums. roll

    1. profile image0
      kimberlyslyricsposted 12 years agoin reply to this


    2. pennyofheaven profile image80
      pennyofheavenposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      It just might make an interesting hub! Its a symbol that can represent many things. Depending on the person it might symbolize Jesus. To another it might make our t-oday meaningless when reading oday. The cross is sometimes useful, sometimes not. It is just a symbol however.

    3. profile image0
      kimberlyslyricsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      what did the op say cause it looks like it was you lol

      1. pennyofheaven profile image80
        pennyofheavenposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Oh gees yep it looked that way to me!!

  2. SomewayOuttaHere profile image59
    SomewayOuttaHereposted 12 years ago

    what happened to the cross?...poof!'s gone

    1. jay_kumar_07 profile image60
      jay_kumar_07posted 12 years ago

      The cross is a gift of GOD.It varies from person to person.We have to accept and not to compare others cross.

      1. Jesus was a hippy profile image61
        Jesus was a hippyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        The cross is a tool for killing someone by incredibly painful means.

        How the hell can that be a gift? I would hate to have been a member of your family at christmas.

        1. jay_kumar_07 profile image60
          jay_kumar_07posted 12 years agoin reply to this

          See the cross as like Jesus.

          1. janesix profile image60
            janesixposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            what is that supposed to mean? how is the cross like Jesus?

            1. jay_kumar_07 profile image60
              jay_kumar_07posted 12 years agoin reply to this

              Jesus saw the cross in what point of view.And why prayed  to god for all.

          2. Jesus was a hippy profile image61
            Jesus was a hippyposted 12 years agoin reply to this


            I could tell you to see a sandal as jesus. Why?

        2. profile image0
          Emile Rposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          When you put it that way, it succinctly encapsulates the perceived trials of life. And somewhat explains the beauty of one way to look at faith in God. You don't take up a cross with faith in God, the  perceived trials of life that were your cross are lifted. You don't have to suffer the embarassment of dragging them through the street and feeling crucified by remorse. God freely accepts the pain so you don't have to bear it.

          Nice outlook JWAH. I like it.

          1. Jesus was a hippy profile image61
            Jesus was a hippyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Dragging my trials of life through the street or having them lifted?

            I have no idea what any of that means. Of course, if there is no god, then there is no trial, just nature.

      2. profile image0
        OllieTrolleyposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        It was what criminals were nailed to. Why is it a symbol of Christ? That makes no sense.

        1. jay_kumar_07 profile image60
          jay_kumar_07posted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Our life is cross .we have to carry our own.

          1. profile image0
            OllieTrolleyposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            That, literally, doesn't answer my question. At least, not in a way I understand.

            1. Chris Neal profile image79
              Chris Nealposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              The Cross is the symbol of Christ because Jesus was nailed to it so that we might be forgiven of our sins. That's the short answer and I understand it may not explain it to your satisfaction. Jesus, as the Christ (the Greek word for Messiah, a Hebrew word meaning "Anointed One") and as the Son of God was nailed to the cross and killed as a sacrifice to take away our sins, so that we may be with God in Heaven for eternity when we die.

              1. EncephaloiDead profile image54
                EncephaloiDeadposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                If He actually existed, Jesus was convicted and executed by the Roman state just like hundreds of thousands of other convicted people by the Roman state, they too were crucified.

                1. Chris Neal profile image79
                  Chris Nealposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                  Which is not only completely accurate but a very large part of the entire point. For once we agree on something!

                  It's just not the WHOLE point...

                  1. EncephaloiDead profile image54
                    EncephaloiDeadposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                    The WHOLE point being Jesus was not special.

                    1. Chris Neal profile image79
                      Chris Nealposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                      Nope. Not the whole point at all. But if it's any consolation, the Romans and the Sanhedrin agree with you wholeheartedly.

    2. AshtonFirefly profile image69
      AshtonFireflyposted 12 years ago

      Well the image of the cross is not reserved for just Christianity. In most cases, the cross symbol is symbolic of self-sacrifice, or a symbolic reminder. In that way it reminds us of Jesus. However, the occult uses this as a symbol as well, so...I guess it's best to be specific.

      1. AshtonFirefly profile image69
        AshtonFireflyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        *a symbolic reminder of Jesus' death and resurrection. sorry typo. It's late.

      2. Jesus was a hippy profile image61
        Jesus was a hippyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        wow, you are stunningly pretty

        1. AshtonFirefly profile image69
          AshtonFireflyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          um..well thank you. lol.

          1. Jesus was a hippy profile image61
            Jesus was a hippyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Im a little drunk now but do you want to add me on facebook?

            1. AshtonFirefly profile image69
              AshtonFireflyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              sure if you like...

              1. Jesus was a hippy profile image61
                Jesus was a hippyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                cool, my email is

                I gotta crash now so maybe talk to you another time

    3. profile image0
      Brenda Durhamposted 12 years ago

      I'd like to know what the original post said too!
      Was there a picture of a cross too, or what?  And why would that be deleted?

      1. janesix profile image60
        janesixposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Sinse the original post was by Rhonda, it was probably sixteen paragraphs of gibberish, I'm sure you didn't miss a thing

        1. profile image0
          Brenda Durhamposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          How is that any different than the "sixteen paragraphs" people post about other topics?

          1. janesix profile image60
            janesixposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Because Rhonda couldn't make sense if her life depended on it

            1. profile image0
              Brenda Durhamposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              hmm.  Well, I clicked on her profile, and found her very interesting, at least as interesting as many.  A Messianic Jew, someone with a rather rare belief, from what I gather.  I think that's quite an accomplishment, considering all the different religions and religious rhetoric that are accepted here and everywhere, and considering the many other forum threads that are tolerated even when they're more appropriate for hubs (or sometimes just for the trash can. LOL).

      2. profile image0
        kimberlyslyricsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        If I remember correctly th op  said

        sksi jsbsbgstt hshjjdldpod msndndhdgy jnmdkfp;a ,s, skkiu hdbdbhjeikwow lsssnsn sjjddsdkd kskskss sksi jsbsbgstt hshjjdldpod msndndhdgy jnmdkfp;a ,s, skkiu hdbdbhjeikwow lsssnsn sjjddsdkd kskskss sksi jsbsbgstt hshjjdldpod msndndhdgy jnmdkfp;a ,s, skkiu hdbdbhjeikwow lsssnsn sjjddsdkd kskskss sksi jsbsbgstt hshjjdldpod msndndhdgy jnmdkfp;a ,s, skkiu hdbdbhjeikwow lsssnsn sjjddsdkd kskskss sksi jsbsbgstt hshjjdldpod msndndhdgy jnmdkfp;a ,s, skkiu hdbdbhjeikwow lsssnsn sjjddsdkd kskskss sksi jsbsbgstt hshjjdldpod msndndhdgy jnmdkfp;a ,s, skkiu hdbdbhjeikwow lsssnsn sjjddsdkd kskskss sksi jsbsbgstt hshjjdldpod msndndhdgy jnmdkfp;a ,s, skkiu hdbdbhjeikwow lsssnsn sjjddsdkd kskskss sksi jsbsbgstt hshjjdldpod msndndhdgy jnmdkfp;a ,s, skkiu hdbdbhjeikwow lsssnsn sjjddsdkd kskskss sksi jsbsbgstt hshjjdldpod msndndhdgy jnmdkfp;a ,s, skkiu hdbdbhjeikwow lsssnsn sjjddsdkd kskskss sksi jsbsbgstt hshjjdldpod msndndhdgy jnmdkfp;a ,s, skkiu hdbdbhjeikwow lsssnsn sjjddsdkd kskskss sksi 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hshjjdldpod msndndhdgy jnmdkfp;a ,s, skkiu hdbdbhjeikwow lsssnsn sjjddsdkd kskskss sksi jsbsbgstt hshjjdldpod msndndhdgy jnmdkfp;a ,s, skkiu hdbdbhjeikwow lsssnsn sjjddsdkd kskskss sksi jsbsbgstt hshjjdldpod msndndhdgy jnmdkfp;a ,s, skkiu hdbdbhjeikwow lsssnsn sjjddsdkd kskskss sksi jsbsbgstt hshjjdldpod msndndhdgy jnmdkfp;a ,s, skkiu hdbdbhjeikwow lsssnsn sjjddsdkd kskskss sksi jsbsbgstt hshjjdldpod msndndhdgy jnmdkfp;a ,s, skkiu hdbdbhjeikwow lsssnsn sjjddsdkd kskskss sksi jsbsbgstt hshjjdldpod msndndhdgy jnmdkfp;a ,s, skkiu hdbdbhjeikwow lsssnsn sjjddsdkd kskskss sksi jsbsbgstt hshjjdldpod msndndhdgy jnmdkfp;a ,s, skkiu hdbdbhjeikwow lsssnsn sjjddsdkd kskskss sksi jsbsbgstt hshjjdldpod msndndhdgy jnmdkfp;a ,s, skkiu hdbdbhjeikwow lsssnsn sjjddsdkd kskskss sksi jsbsbgstt hshjjdldpod msndndhdgy jnmdkfp;a ,s, skkiu hdbdbhjeikwow lsssnsn sjjddsdkd kskskss sksi jsbsbgstt hshjjdldpod msndndhdgy jnmdkfp;a ,s, skkiu hdbdbhjeikwow lsssnsn sjjddsdkd kskskss sksi jsbsbgstt hshjjdldpod msndndhdgy jnmdkfp;a ,s, skkiu hdbdbhjeikwow lsssnsn sjjddsdkd kskskss sksi jsbsbgstt hshjjdldpod msndndhdgy jnmdkfp;a ,s, skkiu hdbdbhjeikwow lsssnsn sjjddsdkd kskskss sksi jsbsbgstt hshjjdldpod msndndhdgy jnmdkfp;a ,s, skkiu hdbdbhjeikwow lsssnsn sjjddsdkd kskskss sksi jsbsbgstt hshjjdldpod msndndhdgy jnmdkfp;a ,s, skkiu hdbdbhjeikwow lsssnsn sjjddsdkd kskskss sksi jsbsbgstt hshjjdldpod msndndhdgy jnmdkfp;a ,s, skkiu hdbdbhjeikwow lsssnsn sjjddsdkd kskskss sksi jsbsbgstt hshjjdldpod msndndhdgy jnmdkfp;a ,s, skkiu hdbdbhjeikwow lsssnsn sjjddsdkd kskskss sksi jsbsbgstt hshjjdldpod msndndhdgy jnmdkfp;a ,s, skkiu hdbdbhjeikwow lsssnsn sjjddsdkd kskskss sksi jsbsbgstt hshjjdldpod msndndhdgy jnmdkfp;a ,s, skkiu hdbdbhjeikwow lsssnsn sjjddsdkd kskskss sksi jsbsbgstt hshjjdldpod msndndhdgy jnmdkfp;a ,s, skkiu hdbdbhjeikwow lsssnsn sjjddsdkd kskskss sksi jsbsbgstt hshjjdldpod msndndhdgy jnmdkfp;a ,s, skkiu hdbdbhjeikwow lsssnsn sjjddsdkd kskskss sksi jsbsbgstt hshjjdldpod msndndhdgy jnmdkfp;a ,s, skkiu hdbdbhjeikwow lsssnsn sjjddsdkd kskskss sksi jsbsbgstt hshjjdldpod msndndhdgy jnmdkfp;a ,s, skkiu hdbdbhjeikwow lsssnsn sjjddsdkd kskskss sksi jsbsbgstt hshjjdldpod msndndhdgy jnmdkfp;a ,s, skkiu hdbdbhjeikwow lsssnsn sjjddsdkd kskskss sksi jsbsbgstt hshjjdldpod msndndhdgy jnmdkfp;a ,s, skkiu hdbdbhjeikwow lsssnsn sjjddsdkd kskskss sksi jsbsbgstt hshjjdldpod msndndhdgy jnmdkfp;a ,s, skkiu hdbdbhjeikwow lsssnsn sjjddsdkd kskskss sksi jsbsbgstt hshjjdldpod msndndhdgy jnmdkfp;a ,s, skkiu hdbdbhjeikwow lsssnsn sjjddsdkd kskskss sksi jsbsbgstt hshjjdldpod msndndhdgy jnmdkfp;a ,s, skkiu hdbdbhjeikwow lsssnsn sjjddsdkd kskskss sksi jsbsbgstt hshjjdldpod msndndhdgy jnmdkfp;a ,s, skkiu hdbdbhjeikwow lsssnsn sjjddsdkd kskskss sksi jsbsbgstt hshjjdldpod msndndhdgy jnmdkfp;a ,s, skkiu hdbdbhjeikwow lsssnsn sjjddsdkd kskskss sksi jsbsbgstt hshjjdldpod msndndhdgy jnmdkfp;a ,s, skkiu hdbdbhjeikwow lsssnsn sjjddsdkd kskskss sksi jsbsbgstt hshjjdldpod msndndhdgy jnmdkfp;a ,s, skkiu 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lsssnsn sjjddsdkd kskskss sksi jsbsbgstt hshjjdldpod msndndhdgy jnmdkfp;a ,s, skkiu hdbdbhjeikwow lsssnsn sjjddsdkd kskskss sksi jsbsbgstt hshjjdldpod msndndhdgy jnmdkfp;a ,s, skkiu hdbdbhjeikwow lsssnsn sjjddsdkd kskskss sksi jsbsbgstt hshjjdldpod msndndhdgy jnmdkfp;a ,s, skkiu hdbdbhjeikwow lsssnsn sjjddsdkd kskskss sksi jsbsbgstt hshjjdldpod msndndhdgy jnmdkfp;a ,s, skkiu hdbdbhjeikwow lsssnsn sjjddsdkd kskskss sksi jsbsbgstt hshjjdldpod msndndhdgy jnmdkfp;a ,s, skkiu hdbdbhjeikwow lsssnsn sjjddsdkd kskskss sksi jsbsbgstt hshjjdldpod msndndhdgy jnmdkfp;a ,s, skkiu hdbdbhjeikwow lsssnsn sjjddsdkd kskskss sksi jsbsbgstt hshjjdldpod msndndhdgy jnmdkfp;a ,s, skkiu hdbdbhjeikwow lsssnsn sjjddsdkd kskskss sksi jsbsbgstt hshjjdldpod msndndhdgy jnmdkfp;a ,s, skkiu hdbdbhjeikwow lsssnsn sjjddsdkd kskskss sksi jsbsbgstt hshjjdldpod msndndhdgy jnmdkfp;a ,s, skkiu hdbdbhjeikwow lsssnsn sjjddsdkd kskskss sksi jsbsbgstt hshjjdldpod msndndhdgy jnmdkfp;a ,s, skkiu hdbdbhjeikwow lsssnsn sjjddsdkd 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jsbsbgstt hshjjdldpod msndndhdgy jnmdkfp;a ,s, skkiu hdbdbhjeikwow lsssnsn sjjddsdkd kskskss sksi jsbsbgstt hshjjdldpod msndndhdgy jnmdkfp;a ,s, skkiu hdbdbhjeikwow lsssnsn sjjddsdkd kskskss sksi jsbsbgstt hshjjdldpod msndndhdgy jnmdkfp;a ,s, skkiu hdbdbhjeikwow lsssnsn sjjddsdkd kskskss sksi jsbsbgstt hshjjdldpod msndndhdgy jnmdkfp;a ,s, skkiu hdbdbhjeikwow lsssnsn sjjddsdkd kskskss sksi jsbsbgstt hshjjdldpod msndndhdgy jnmdkfp;a ,s, skkiu hdbdbhjeikwow lsssnsn sjjddsdkd kskskss sksi jsbsbgstt hshjjdldpod msndndhdgy jnmdkfp;a ,s, skkiu hdbdbhjeikwow lsssnsn sjjddsdkd kskskss sksi jsbsbgstt hshjjdldpod msndndhdgy jnmdkfp;a ,s, skkiu hdbdbhjeikwow lsssnsn sjjddsdkd kskskss sksi jsbsbgstt hshjjdldpod msndndhdgy jnmdkfp;a ,s, skkiu hdbdbhjeikwow lsssnsn sjjddsdkd kskskss sksi jsbsbgstt hshjjdldpod msndndhdgy jnmdkfp;a ,s, skkiu hdbdbhjeikwow lsssnsn sjjddsdkd kskskss sksi jsbsbgstt hshjjdldpod msndndhdgy jnmdkfp;a ,s, skkiu hdbdbhjeikwow lsssnsn sjjddsdkd kskskss

        or something close to this

        Hi Brenda xo

        1. profile image0
          Brenda Durhamposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Hi Kim!  smile
          Well....okay...but where's the Cross?


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