God as Collective Consciousness

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  1. maestrowhit profile image61
    maestrowhitposted 16 years ago

    Without delving into a lot of deep studying on the origins of words, I'll make a suggestion. Could it be that Jesus was redefining what God is when He called Himself the Son of Man?

    THink about it: He often referred to God as His Father, right? And then He refers to Himself as the Son of Man. Therefore, according to Him, God = Man.

    But not "a" man. Just Man. Another way to say just Man is to say Mankind.

    Can God be redefined as Mankind? Now I know this may sound offensive to those who believe that God is supposed to be a being deserving great reverence. This may sound like I'm humanizing God. that's not what I'm doing. I'm just making God more tangible and believable. I think that was one of the things Jesus Himself was doing. We are the parts - God is the whole. Hence all the commandments about love and kindness and peace. Compare it to your body with all its millions of parts. If you could command all your parts to work in harmony, wouldn't you? The fact is, you do. Your brain does it without your consent. I believe God works somewhat in the same way, but not exactly. He is like a brain wave that goes through His body - creation - and directs things here and there. And everything He does is for the benefit of the whole. God needs us just as much as we need Him. And since He is more powerful than us, He is taking on the job of uniting us all with Him.

    1. Jeromeo profile image60
      Jeromeoposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Jesus Christ was born of a woman, this made him human. So he was recognized for his human origins even thoe his conception was of divine origin.

      In the bible you can trace Jesus ancestral line, read First & Second Chronicles (Revelation 22:16; 5:5) I, Jesus, sent my angel to bear witness to YOU people of these things for the congregations. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright morning star.’”

      (Revelation 5:5) But one of the elders says to me: “Stop weeping. Look! The Lion that is of the tribe of Judah, the root of David, has conquered so as to open the scroll and its seven seals.”

      This is why the genealogy of David’s descendants in two lines of descent ends with Jesus the son of Mary the virgin Jewess. In fact, the genealogy of Jesus Christ runs back, not just to King David, not just to the patriarch Abraham, but all the way back to the first Adam, who, in the day of his creation in the Garden of Eden, was called the “son of God.” (Matthew 1:1-18; Luke 3:23-38) Jesus Christ is the only one whose ancestry all the way back to the first human “son of God” was preserved without a break or gap in the long line. 

      Know the Truth and the Truth [will] set you [Free]

      In this case free from believing in abstract concepts developed by not understanding what Christ meant when he claimed to be the Son of man.

    2. Ben Bush profile image61
      Ben Bushposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      I suggest a little more study of the nature of Pagan Doctrines. This doctrine is nothing new but has been around for a long time.

      God is and always has been separate from His Creation.

      The idea that God needs us is rather ludicrous. It speaks of a defect or lack in God Himself, a concept that Scripture in no way supports.

      It could be that Jesus, using the term "Son of Man", was just revealing a portion of Himself. He was not redefining anything or anyone.

      The idea that God needs to be made more tangible and believable by humanizing him is laughable.

      These ideas are usually promoted by spirit guides, not the Holy Spirit. And your spirit guide knows this.

      1. maestrowhit profile image61
        maestrowhitposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        You totally twisted my words. I said that I was not trying to humanize God. Then I said I was only trying to make God more tangible and believable. You took those two clauses and put them together in opposite order. You're a trickster, and I'm not going to argue with you.

        1. Ben Bush profile image61
          Ben Bushposted 16 years agoin reply to this


          When you say the God = Mankind, then say that you're not humanizing God, it's a rather hard thing to accept.Unless....

          Unless you are saying the opposite, that, instead of humanizing God, you are deifying Man.

          If that is not the case, then you are playing twisted word games of your own. Arguments are unnecessary, unless you think I'm your father.smile

          1. maestrowhit profile image61
            maestrowhitposted 16 years agoin reply to this

            Ok, I'll spell it out to you. To humanize God would be to say God is "a" man. To deify man would be to say that "a" man is God. What I'm suggesting (not claiming, just suggesting) is that God is the whole. Did you catch that part of my original post? God is the whole thing in and of itself. God is I AM, pure existence. But as it applies to us humans, God is MANKIND. Mankind is not a human, it is a conglomerate of all that is human. Thats not by any means a limitation to God as being just Mankind; He is all that is. But for us, it would be useful to think of Him as Mankind. That is just one of many aspects and angles by which to look at Him. Even though He has many names, He is still just one being/thing.

          2. mohitmisra profile image60
            mohitmisraposted 16 years agoin reply to this

            Wasnt Jesus a man?

    3. daeemomin profile image60
      daeemominposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      God is a metaphysical reality. We with our limited knowledge and capacities cannot predict anything about Him. Nature speaks about His existence. So we believe in God. The only source to know about Him is the chain of messengers which starts from Prophet Adam and ends with Prophet Muhammad the last messenger of God. Jesus, Moses and Abraham (peace be upon them all) are part of this chain. They all said that God is one and that they are messengers from God.
      Quran says:
      They do blaspheme who say: "(Allah) is Christ the son of Mary." But said Christ: "O Children of Israel! worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord." Whoever joins other gods with Allah,- Allah will forbid him the garden, and the Fire will be his abode. There will for the wrong-doers be no one to help. They do blaspheme who say: Allah is one of three in a Trinity: for there is no god except One Allah. If they desist not from their word (of blasphemy), verily a grievous penalty will befall the blasphemers among them. Why turn they not to Allah, and seek His forgiveness? For Allah is Oft- forgiving, Most Merciful. Christ the son of Mary was no more than an apostle; many were the apostles that passed away before him. His mother was a woman of truth. They had both to eat their (daily) food. See how Allah doth make His signs clear to them; yet see in what ways they are deluded away from the truth!     (Chapter: 5, verse: 72-75)

      1. Mark Knowles profile image59
        Mark Knowlesposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        lol lol

        Thank you, you have just stated that god does not exist.

        Metaphysics is, by definition, the theoretical study of that which is not provable or testable, and therefore meaningless. The only reality god holds is in metaphysics and there are no realities in metaphysics, therefore god is not real.

        I never knew this is what muslims believed.

        "Oh dear," says God, "I hadn't thought of that," and promptly disappeared in a puff of logic. smile
        (Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy)

    4. mohitmisra profile image60
      mohitmisraposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      What is called the cosmic joke-the realisation that you are the lIght-god and have created everything.This realisation or revelation-enlightenment or awkening is what makes one understand God or his or her own higher self.All is you.
      Two seed mantras in Hinduism Om Namo Shiva- I bow to God
      Shiv Ho Hum  I am God
      Aham Brahmasmi- I am Brahma-God.

      Me and my father are One -Jesus - man is God- God is man. smile
      When you understand all is you -you will behave diiferently automatically.
      First meditate and aim for enlightenment -behaviour will all change with that.

      Kabir- behold but one in all things -It is the second that leads you astray. ONE

  2. dingdong profile image58
    dingdongposted 16 years ago

    What about beast forms(avatars?) of God? Take Hindu Mythology for example smile

    1. maestrowhit profile image61
      maestrowhitposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      I'm not sure what you're saying.

      1. dingdong profile image58
        dingdongposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        I'm saying mankind is not the only form smile

        1. maestrowhit profile image61
          maestrowhitposted 16 years agoin reply to this


  3. Mark Knowles profile image59
    Mark Knowlesposted 16 years ago


    Yes. But it includes all other living things also. smile

    1. maestrowhit profile image61
      maestrowhitposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      yes, I agree. The reason the focus is on Mankind is because that is how it applies most directly to us. If we were the dog species, it might be useful to call it Dogkind. We are the only speaking species; we came up the word for God. I imagine all other living things just live without question of their connectivity to all that is. It seems like us humans are a few steps behind.

      1. dingdong profile image58
        dingdongposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        We, humans spend lot of time with it big_smile

  4. maestrowhit profile image61
    maestrowhitposted 16 years ago

    I should say that part of my intention here is to bridge the gap between people who believe that all truth comes from Jesus and the Bible, and people who totally reject that idea as being ignorant and closed minded. I can see both sides, and I think they are both right. The Bible is really an especially powerful book, and I for one have had what can only be described as suprenatural experiences while reading its pages. But I also see the logic that the Bible being the one and only source of truth is extremely narrow minded. I just want people to see in it what I see, which is not Christianity, but real, applicable truths that can empower one's life.

    1. Mark Knowles profile image59
      Mark Knowlesposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Lets wait and see what the die-hard christians think of this radical idea....... lol

      Because you are throwing out a few babies with the bathwater here. Just think - if this is correct, many of those rules that the bible gives you do not make any sense.

      And if just one word in the bible is wrong, as it is the word of "god," what does that prove?

      1. maestrowhit profile image61
        maestrowhitposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        If you really decifer the true meanings of scripture, as i have been doing as of late (pardon the possible arrogance) you'll see that the true Word of God is a thing that exists within us already. It is this "word" that allows us to see the embeded truth in the Bible. WIthout it, you can find a billion contradicions and absurd falacies in scripture. Jesus talks about the Word being a secret that is hidden from inteligent people and revealed to infants. It's so true: the real truth in the Bible is hidden. Seeing it feels a lot like remembering something, because it is a truth that already exists within us. If it doesn't already exist in you, then whatever it is can't be the real truth.

        1. Jeromeo profile image60
          Jeromeoposted 16 years agoin reply to this

          That arrogance you speak of is what keeps you form knowing what the real truth of the Bible is.  But the good news is, if you continue to study you will eventually find the truth.

          1. maestrowhit profile image61
            maestrowhitposted 16 years agoin reply to this

            A true, subltly condescending "Christian" speaks. I take it you don't want me to use the real Bible to explain the falacy of your doctrine.

            1. Jeromeo profile image60
              Jeromeoposted 16 years agoin reply to this

              Nothing subtle about the truth, and you may use what you will to support your philosophy and it will still be, your philosophy. And what is the real Bible?

              1. maestrowhit profile image61
                maestrowhitposted 16 years agoin reply to this

                The real Bible is the one I'm reading. It obviously isn't the same book you're reading. I'll take this as you're not interested in my offer. You've already closed your mind to the possibility that I might have something valid to say.

                1. Jeromeo profile image60
                  Jeromeoposted 16 years agoin reply to this

                  Thanks but I have an imagination of my own. Exploring the cosmos is one thing but trying to expand the Bible to entertain your imagination is something else again.

                  If you have the real bible then I am sure that you can find in revelation where it says that you shouldn't ad of take away from what is written in it.

                  *** Bible Citations ***

                  If anyone makes an addition to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this scroll; 19 and if anyone takes anything away from the words of the scroll of this prophecy, God will take his portion away from the trees of life and out of the holy city, things which are written about in this scroll. 20 “He that bears witness of these things says, ‘Yes; I am coming quickly.’” “Amen! Come, Lord Jesus.” 21 [May] the undeserved kindness of the Lord Jesus Christ [be] with the holy ones.

                  Does your Bible say these things?

                  1. maestrowhit profile image61
                    maestrowhitposted 16 years agoin reply to this

                    yes it does, but I didn't bake up my own meaning for it. The writer is talking about the book of Revelations, not the other 65 books that would later be compiled into one volume called The Holy Bible.

                    But still that doesn't indicate in any way which one of us (you or I) is adding to the scriptures. I say it's you, you say it's me. We can delve into scripture to clear it up if you want, but like you insinuated, you have no use for that kind of exploration. You've already sealed your mind up and can't hear anything beyond it.

                  2. Make  Money profile image68
                    Make Moneyposted 16 years agoin reply to this

                    These words are something you should seriously consider maestrowhit before you dream up any more of your "philosophies".

                    Jeromeo just a tip, maestrowhit will carry this illusion of his on as long as someone will reply to him.  He's done it before in other threads.  That is why this is my first and last post in this thread.  The poor boy, it's like he is trying to rewrite the Bible with every thread he starts.  He needs someone to pray for him more than anything.


      2. Jeromeo profile image60
        Jeromeoposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        Nothing wrong with the Bible. It's just that not everyone understands what they read.  Especially if they have an agenda that seeks to support their on imagination.  The road to truth is narrow, it does not include all things.  And the things it leaves out are not worth, pursuing or having. 

        With all due respect this collective consciousness theory is... is more like Crystal Ball, Spiritual Philosophy.

        God's does not need us to exist if he did he could not have created all things.  Those things include the Angles that existed before mankind.

        1. profile image0
          sandra rinckposted 16 years agoin reply to this

          Actually the road to the truth does included all things.  Says so right there in the Bible.

          1. maestrowhit profile image61
            maestrowhitposted 16 years agoin reply to this

            Not to disagree - do you know where the Bible says that?

            1. profile image0
              sandra rinckposted 16 years agoin reply to this

              sure I have to look it up.  smile the passage is something to the effect of, "one must believe in all things.  But I will look for it. smile

              1. Jeromeo profile image60
                Jeromeoposted 16 years agoin reply to this

                The verses your are  making reference to speak of what love is and how it Believes in all things hopes all things, and endures all things.  This is a good definition of Agape love the type of love that Jesus and Jehovah have,and that we are all encouraged to aspire to.

                What I meant was the Bible does not include it it's things recommended for us to pursue as humans, things that are chaste or things that are in direct contradiction to the what God approves.

                1. profile image0
                  sandra rinckposted 16 years agoin reply to this

                  right, so in the same way, we are to accept the lies as the truth as well, but show more love in the things that are bad. 

                  I think in James, it says something like, when someone wants to cause you harm or does something bad, kill him love. lol because the ones who love always get the last laugh.

                  No if you could convince people that getting the last laught was good, then it would mean that people would have to shut thier mouths pray in solitude and let the meditations of the heart guide them in their search for the truth.

                  The truth isn't written in a 1200 page book of seemingly condrative statements, but outside of this, life is in itself "truth".  So the truth takes a lot of patients, understanding, consideration, leaps of faith, testing, walking in other directions...

                  how can a person come to the truth in any other way?  And I also believe that the "gate is narrow" but the path that leads you there is increadibly wide.  You gotta search it out in everything.

                  1. Jeromeo profile image60
                    Jeromeoposted 16 years agoin reply to this

                    The truth is simple.  The truth is that God created the earth and put a perfect man here to extend and build on the paradise that the garden of Eden was. he was also to mulitiply and fill the earth with others of his kind.

                    Truth is that man disobeyed God and in so doing chose to rule himself, and when he did this  he invited sin and earth into the world.  So that all his off spring were subject to death.    Truth is in order to redeem His creation, God sent Jesus Christ to die for the original sin that Adam committed and once that was accomplished it gave us all a chose.

                    We can choose sin and death or we can choose to copy the life that Jesus lived an pursue everlasting life.  This truth [is] found in the 1600 pages of a book that many claim is contradictory.  Contradictory being convenient to there desire to do as they please or develop and follow their own belief system

                    If the Bible lies why should I believe in it? If the Bible lies then I'm free to pursue belief in any form I wish.  Pity is, pursuing what you choose to believe in will not get you everlasting life.

                    Let me repeat: Pursuing what you believe in will not get you everlasting life.  It may get you large crowds of people who think like you and feel the same as you.  It may give you the self satisfaction of believing in your own truth. 

                    If you amass a great following of people it may get you rich.  But when this system of things ends, and this;Satan's idea of what life should be like ends with it, those [Dead End] ideas you have of what the truth is, will end with this system.

                    Belief in this life and this system of things is for those who do not want everlasting life.  Nothing wrong with that God gave us all free will so the choice is an individual one.

                    But don't think that a misguided philosophy on spirituality will buy you a ticket to the real life.  One under God's divine ruler-ship as intended in the Beginning.

          2. mohitmisra profile image60
            mohitmisraposted 16 years agoin reply to this

            The path is narrow - means one pointed concentration is required.
            Thy eye be single. Focus on your inner eye the third eye between your eyebrows.
            Patanjali the founder of father oy Yoga said seven breaths of one pointed concentration will get you enlightened .
            Radhakrishnan and Moore attribute the text to Patanjali, dating it as 2nd century BCE

            1. profile image0
              sandra rinckposted 16 years agoin reply to this

              Not the point Mo, I understand this in yoga and concentration and selfless meditation and such. 

              This was according to the path that leads to the narrow gate.  In which case you have to walk all the roads before coming to the "cross" roads, which I know, you know about. 

              You have already identified with the many prophets and sages and such so you already know that there are many, many paths that a person can take to come to a point.

              The center between the eyes, is an opening for the soul.  Ever try to concetrate on all things at once?  this takes much more concentration than it does to forget all things. 

              If  a person meditates on nothing, then what do you think can be achieved?  Nothing perhaps.  lol smile  Meditations purpose is to seek the devine answer to a question, so put on your thinking cap, let all the thoughts flow until they become centered in which case you come to one question seeking one answer and so on and so forth.


              1. mohitmisra profile image60
                mohitmisraposted 16 years agoin reply to this

                The path is narrow- one pointed.Getting questions in meditation is one thing and trying to fuse with the light is another.
                Take and example of looking up at the sky.If you choose a point ,any point and concentrate on it everything else becomes clearer - the whole picture becomes clearer.One pointed concentration requires all your energy as you are then focussed.When your concentration becomes perfect then you will go into that point and from it beyond. smile

                1. profile image0
                  sandra rinckposted 16 years agoin reply to this

                  I understand what you are saying smile  all I am trying to say is the road starts wide and gets smaller and smaller as you travel along searching for the narrow gate.  So I think that it is "wrong" for people to cut others off from searching, just like you, it took many roads, many truths, many untruths, a lot of mediation, some testing before you got to where you are at. smile

                  The same should be allowed for everyone else too and they decisions will be right for them.  smile

                  1. mohitmisra profile image60
                    mohitmisraposted 16 years agoin reply to this

                    Yes I agree each one has his or her own tailor made journey,souls journey but everyone will reach the point sometime smile

    2. Jeromeo profile image60
      Jeromeoposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      People claim to love God, but they don’t even know him. In spite of the fact that He presents Himself to you daily so you may know Him and His ways.

      Some even say that if God does not love everyone and accept even those who commit wicked acts then he shouldn’t be God, and they refuse to recognize him as God. 

      God is Love, and he loves us all, but he does not Love wicked behavior.  He knows that the two can to exist together. Wickedness always seeks to destroy righteousness, because righteousness exposes the truth about wickedness, how ugly it is and how destructive it is.

      God says that it is unnatural and obscene to engage in same sex intercourse.  In order to prove that point he destroyed two Cities, and had the account passed down so all could read about it.

      So you denounce the Bible because it interferes with your will to do as you please.  You claim the Bible was written by man, and even if the man was inspired by the Holy Spirit he was still man.
      So some kill God, they deny He exists so they have to bear no shame for your wickedness.

      God gave us all free will.  The only drawback being we can’t claim to be lovers of Christ and  pursue un-Godly behavior.   

      It’s OK for God to exist and you to behave as you please.  The only thing is, when the end so this system comes you can’t claim ignorance of God’s presence, and you will have run out of time and hope.

      You pursue the darkness because it allows you to do dark things.  Satan created the darkness and those who pursue it are blinded to God and his purposes, by choice.

      Those who don’t believe don’t have to condemn those who believe and  those who believe are forbidden form condemning those who don’t believe..

      You see there is always the possibility that those who don’t believe will get to know God and change your ways.  True lovers of God and the Christ we are obligated to, not only hold out hope for all, but to share the message of hope.

      But you can’t have it both ways.

      1. maestrowhit profile image61
        maestrowhitposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        You're rehearsing a false doctrine that has been forming for hundreds of years. I know the ins and outs of this false doctrine. To put it briefly, it is simply not founded in scripture. It is false. I read the Bible daily and when a person like yourself starts spinning off this old, worn out system, I have to conclude that you aren't reading the same book as me. I could break down your entire message with Biblical proofs of it's illegitimacy, but I'd rather not use that much space in one message. But if you're interested, we can tackle it one piece at a time.

      2. profile image0
        Writer Riderposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        True lovers of God know love because that is what God is -love, light. Being love excludes hates so if you're self-righteous (a form of hate), then you do not know God no matter how many rules you follow.

        1. maestrowhit profile image61
          maestrowhitposted 16 years agoin reply to this

          Very well stated!

  5. Mark Knowles profile image59
    Mark Knowlesposted 16 years ago

    Maestrowhit -

    Told ya big_smile

    1. maestrowhit profile image61
      maestrowhitposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      yes you did. lol tongue

      1. Mark Knowles profile image59
        Mark Knowlesposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        Sorry to say, what you are trying to do is redefine the word "god," and use the bible to justify it smile

        Not going to fly with the "christains," or the "muslims," I'm afraid. I have tried it myself lol

        I am enjoying watching your process here, because it is awfully similar to my own of 30-odd years ago.

        The bible was written by men attempting to explain god. At least "god" is the word they came up with to describe what they were trying to explain. It is not the word of god, it is the word of man, and as such, has all the foibles, hypocrisies and contradictions that we all have. Nothing divine about it. And I say "man" in the use of the word as in "possessing a penis," as opposed to "mankind." lol

        Never noticed how women get short shrift in the bible?

        “I will greatly multiply your pain in childbearing; in pain you shall bring forth children, yet your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you.”

        Not that they took any notice, but if you take this literally, what business has any woman saying a damn thing about anything?

        But good luck in your "path to enlightenment."

        I think you already know where it lead for me, so watch out wink

        As I have tried unsuccessfully to explain, I have experienced what I think you call "God," and it is not god. lol If any one has ever had a "genuine" spiritual experience, the very last thing they need is religion.

        1. maestrowhit profile image61
          maestrowhitposted 16 years agoin reply to this

          At one point early in the Bible it talks about the time when men first began to call upon the name of the Lord. That was when people started trying to define this thing, this power within all of us. It started with one name and then took on many names as time went by. But that's just the Bible's account of it.

          So, whether you believe it to be God, or something else, whatever it is does indeed exist. I think Biblical meanings are horribly skewed to the point where a guy like you (pardon my presumption, feel free to correct me) has difficulty benefiting from the effective power of scripture, without having it choked off by disgust from all the horrific hoo-rah that's been spewed about it for a very long time. Not saying you lack the ability to understand it, but it could be that you are missing out on some good things.

          I am certain that what I call God, is the same thing that you call....whatever you call it. Neither of us are wrong as to what we call it.

          1. Mark Knowles profile image59
            Mark Knowlesposted 16 years agoin reply to this

            Couple of things.

            Your assessment of why I choose to discard the christian religion is about right, but who's to say I have not taken things from the bible that I consider to be "good." I don't need to be threatened with eternal torment to do that big_smile

            There is no name for what you are now calling "collective consciousness" instead of "god."

            Nor does there need to be. It just is. I can no more deny that I am part of the universe than I can fly.

            But, the moment you call it "god" and decide that "god" has given you instructions, and ultimately that your "god" is correct and all the other "gods' are incorrect, you run into trouble.

            Plus, If I say "god" - what do you think the christians say to themselves?

            "Well, he believes in god, same as me. He just got the interpretation wrong. Let me set you straight boy." lol

            1. maestrowhit profile image61
              maestrowhitposted 16 years agoin reply to this

              Good point. You don't call it God for a good reason. That's why I didn't call it God for a long time. I actually wrote a hub about this very thing. The reason I've taken to using the Bible as a form of truth about God is because since I've been reading it, I'm finding that it really does describe the God that you don't call God, and that many others call by many other names. I want to show that the Bible and Jesus is NOT about Christianity - it's about real life. It has real truth, and these people who call themselves Christians have done humantity a great disservice by painting Biblical themes up to be the disgusting pictures that they now are. I believe this is what the Bible means when it says that Satan will make himself into an Angel of Light. Here it is, in the form of popular Christianity.

              1. Mark Knowles profile image59
                Mark Knowlesposted 16 years agoin reply to this

                Good luck. Trouble is when you say "I am an atheist," then they say to themselves,

                "Well, he is a god-hating communist who will destroy every value I stand for and I will attack him at every opportunity."

                It explains it all in the bible lol

            2. mohitmisra profile image60
              mohitmisraposted 16 years agoin reply to this

              Mark what is meant by eternal torment is actually coming back on this planet.We are in hell.smile

              1. Mark Knowles profile image59
                Mark Knowlesposted 16 years agoin reply to this


                Or heaven.

                And eventually you will work out that you and I are saying the same thing.

                1. mohitmisra profile image60
                  mohitmisraposted 16 years agoin reply to this

                  I prefer an atheist over someone who fights foolishly using the name of God.

                  1. dingdong profile image58
                    dingdongposted 16 years agoin reply to this

                    It's nice to hear from you wink

  6. profile image0
    sandra rinckposted 16 years ago

    Mark 9:23
    John 16:30
    acts 2:44
    1 corinth 13:7
    1 tim 6:2

    same descriptions, all things , to believe in all things is to find the truth in all things.  The only one lie I see spewed from a theist mouth is that there is no other truth other than the Bible.  When the Bible says all things are possible.

    Plus, if God is All or in everything it would also make sense that the Spirit of God not only existed in Jesus, John, Mark, Peter, James, Timothy, etc.. but also the every day common people. 

    There isn't any one things that is an absolute lie because even lies are an expression of the truth, one that I see as well in the Bible, as it describes deception and wickedness very well. 

    To read the Bible as a witness and apply it to both sides of the coin, then you or at least I can see why it is the truth, but also a great lie. 

    I am serious when I say that Jesus is the great deciver but that there are two Jesus' hangin around.  Or that Jesus intentionally meant to draw peoples true nature out of themselves for everyone to see.

    So when a Christain says, God only loves you if this, or that you will go to Hell or any other completely backwords message of what Jesus was representing about God, being that the only one that is good is God.  Then I know that they don't get it yet.

    So to me, while Jesus is considered obedient to no ends, I also find that he represents the Spirit of God and Satan, as Man.  Every parable spoken by Jesus has the ability to draw a person in two directions, one being good, the other being bad. 

    I call the Bible the tree of good and evil.  It seems pretty apperant to me that anyone who reads it gets a taste of the nature of life and everything in the Bible seems to represent well the same conditions of life today. 

    Nothing has changed in the last 2000 years and prior to that it also seems that nothing had changed.  So in this life, it is in our nature to accept the good with the bad.  The challenge seems to me to be which side you want to take.

    The path to peace is paved in destruction, had they only known that there never was any fear of God. 

    I myself obey the commandments, however someone wants to tell me that I am not obeying them right, i "cut off my ear" because who can tell me I am wrong? 

    Only someone who is seeking to disturb peace, that is my guess.  smile

    1. maestrowhit profile image61
      maestrowhitposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      very nice! I just published a hub about the knowledge of good and evil. You might find you like it. It's the one titled: The Tree of False Knowledge

      Good biblical references. I especially like the one in Acts.

  7. Shalini Kagal profile image55
    Shalini Kagalposted 16 years ago

    A bit like Bernard Shaw's Life Force??

  8. Mark Knowles profile image59
    Mark Knowlesposted 16 years ago

    As to the Christian system of faith, it appears to me as a species of atheism -- a sort of religious denial of God. It professed to believe in man rather than in God. It is as near to atheism as twilight to darkness. It introduces between man and his Maker an opaque body, which it calls a Redeemer, as the moon introduces her opaque self between the earth and the sun, and it produces by this means a religious or irreligious eclipse of the light. It has put the whole orbit of reason into shade.
    Thomas Paine

  9. knolyourself profile image61
    knolyourselfposted 16 years ago

    "The poor boy, it's like he is trying to rewrite the Bible with every thread he starts.  He needs someone to pray for him more than anything. Mike"
    If one is trying to think for oneself - one is wasting one's time in conversing with religious types of this stripe. Thinking for oneself is not allowed, where faith is the only currency. Faith is the acceptance of holy book givens period.


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