The very foundation by which this country sought out workers to build upon that which they stole was slavery. With horrible beginnings like such is it wonder, America is so racist?
Wow. Do you really think slavery was an American invention?
No but by far it is the most destructive kind. Check out my hub on the American dream or delusion.
By far it's the most destructive kind? Not in the slightest.
The American Dream is not a delusion or an illusion. The expressly needed knowledge is available to the most average person.
The American Dream is based on something which half of the citizens do not know it is based on. The biggest problem is equality and equal rights, which is the foundation for the American Dream.
Too bad very few people are willing to acknowledge that the playing field to achieve the American Dream is manipulated by those who already possess wealth and power.
Honestly, I felt as you are saying now. Until I sat with some people for two years from a clinical standpoint and they did not know what you are saying. They couldn't even conceive it. My client would ramble on and on about their dreams, but when asked to implement a plan to achieve it, they couldn't even imagine it. It was heart-breaking to say the least. These were women and children that were homeless, these were immigrants who traveled far and wide and put their lives on the line and dream of being a janitor. I am not knocking anyone's dream, but its the reality for many. Some of the homeless had Ph.d's Masters, etc, but the horrible unequal true literally knocked them off their feet. The tide seems to be turning into an American caste system, because some can not see their way out of their current state.
I have no idea how you managed to get a Bachelor's degree in English. It's no surprise you haven't been able to get a job based on your current skills.
How sweet a fan! Lol. Is that all you have to say. You could have saved those minutes.
The hub YOU referenced stated you can't find a job in writing, and you blame it on racism. That is ridiculous. Do you actually think someone is going to hire you for your writing skills? Do you really think you're that good?
Well stick to top this isnt that HUB in case you haven't read, so dont cross reference. Did I blame that on racism, no so either read and comprehend and stop making assumptions. Are you jealous of my skills? You keep insulting me, flying around my page, writing hubs about God, meditation. LMBO. You are truly a piece of work. You must be a fundamentalist Christian. Hint. They are the one's who are most judgmental and have this unimaginable arrogance. I am that good honey. So be gone, you are less like a butterfly and more like a gnat. Kick rocks.
I knew it now fly away. Trying to measure yourself against me, whats really wrong? Did you have a bad day? You couldnt have meditated? If you did, you Patriot, try again.
I am guessing you haven't traveled very widely. Racism is always bad. But the US probably isn't even in the top 20.
LOL. I would agree with you that racism is always bad, but in my current situation, being a citizen and all. I think its time to pull back the mask that racism died in with the Civil Rights Movement and address it as it today. An example is the Traeyvon Martin case, racial profiling, etc.
America is racist because the liberal media tells you it is.
That is true, but when you watch a 12 year old boy get killed carrying a bag of skittles and an ice tea, because of more than a hoodie, but because of the implementation of racism in the minds in hearts of many.
America is racist, because there are people flying rebel flags in their yards and have a blatant disregard for anyone whose skin tone does not match theirs. People are not treated equally and fairly are reasons that America is racist.
I can only assume it's sarcasm. If not, then just absurd.
This kind of inflammatory rhetoric is not helping. One might look at a country like South Africa to witness more blatant racism. The battle in the West is not a battle of the races, not even racists VS. non-racists, but simply tyranny for all vs. liberty for all.
The truth hurts ask any minority. That is quite presumptious of you to think that race has nothing to do with it check the constitution, the bible, the book Hell without Fire. How is someone supposed to be liberated when the society from which they seek liberation is a republic and not a democracy (check your history book). Also I hope the liberation you are referring to truly does include all.
Exactly what I was going to say. There is more racism against white people in South Africa than there is racism against black people in the U.S - in the U.S there is affirmative action - which is reverse racism. So if you mean currently people are "racist" against white people you would be correct. That is the global trend for some reason these days.
Reverse Racism? How pathetic people buy into this foolish concept.
Racism is Racism, regardless of how it's dressed up.
Do you buy into capitalism, bet not its something made up too right. I like your bubble it even has an American Flag in it, how ironic?
Buy into capitalism? Boy are you a lost person.
The irony here is you having very little clue with regards to your topic, yet here you are yammering away, like someone who has a conviction only known by the delusional.
I am a rights advocate. Do try and learn something would you please.
First of all I was referring you to a hub in which i discuss capitalism and the american dream. As far as this thread I still think America is racist. I think it sucks, that you want to put a bow tie on it and say its not as bad as other countries. It bad enough said. The country should be called Thief, Liars, and other things. Again you say good job, right, good ole boys!
Do you have a point?
America isn't RACIST. Some of the people are. To collectively state that includes ME and I am NOT a racist.
Again, get off your high horse.
You're ridiculous.
Absurdity will always be addressed with rationale.
When you decide to quit being absurd, just maybe a future conversation would be actually worth the time. Presently, it's not.
I guess in your mind America didnt really belong to the Natives. America's history is entrenched with racism and so is there present and if they dont get a handle on it, so will its future.
I dont try to meet any of your ridiculous standard because you are what, a proud bird. People make up a society, do they not, what is America without people? There are certain social norms such as racism that allows for inequalities to be seen in the constitution. I bet you thought that it was talking about all men, when it said, "All men should be treated equal." It wasn't just those, they considered to be men. (shame) Not even the women (double whammy.) So if you dont like the culture in this question feel free to skip it.
And I can see you're filled with nothing but rage.
Unfortunately, what you fail to realize is that rage hides common sense most of the time.
Again, you haven't a clue.
Lady, go get informed. This conversation with you is getting boring because of your lack of education and skewed perception of America.
Limited vision. Limited thinking. Limited imagination.
All of which holds you back.
It's kind of hard to get a handle on it when people who have never suffered oppression scream racism.
Could it be karma for slavery, despite popular belief they didnt ask to come to America, they didn't ask to be Christianized either in efforts to jumpstart American capitalism. Racism is not specificed to any specific group I have racism from both sides of the spectrum but I do not ignore the Karma aspect of it either think of how the country was obtained.
Only a racist, or someone who was completely clueless, would make a statement like that.
Really a racist or a clueless person, a. Wrong on both assumptions maybe someone more informed then you. Until you have walked in the shoes of teh minority groups, I mentioned in my hub the American dream or delusion you can keep your opinion. I have a walked in the shoes. Nice try though, with the jaded remark, try harder next time.
I don't have to agree with you simply because you appear to want to see something that isn't true. Please, point out the ethnic cleansing we suffer. The genocides. The ghettos partitioned off.
I live in a multi racial family. We don't suffer from racism. We have never been discriminated against because of race.
No country is perfect. But America is not what you are attempting to portray it to be.
Having lived in several other countries myself, I would say America is not even close to the most racist. However, it talks about race and racism a lot.
The reason it talks so much about race and racism is because race means a great deal in this country. It has a lot of foundational mentioning to this country's history as well as its present. For example, the law in Arizona. For looking a certain way you can be stopped by the police and asked for your ID. What does an illegal look like? A Canadian, a Hispanic, how about an illegal is someone born outside of this country before it was high jacked. I think it is a ridiculous law that further shows America's racist hand.
Really? It's too damn bad most people fail to realize that "race" has nothing to do with this country running. If people didn't bother with bringing up the race issue or didn't make waves for other people of other races, then this wouldn't be an issue.
Yeah, I'm sure it does for those who live in the past.
Actually, a police officer can ask you for your ID anytime he/she wants. They don't actually have to have a reason for requesting it.
If you are drinking in a bar, you must have your ID on you.
If you are driving a car, then you must have your ID on you.
If you are going to the store, but walking and planning on buying something, then there's a good chance you require your ID, depending on what, how, where you buy the product.
So please. Give me a break.
Racism is not in the past but in the present why do you think so many Hispanic were lined up by Turner Field with the support of Carlos Santana it sure wasnt a concert. Why do you think Troy Davis was executed and so many black people as well as other groups were out in support to bring media attention to him. If you think race was not a factor keep supporting blind justice, probably for the death penalty as well, retributive justice. yeah right. I guess the Hispanics arent being targeted are they, bubble burst they are. I should not be stopped because of racial profiling doesnt matter who I am. Do you believe there is even racial profiling? Probably not its all in the minorities heads, right?
You seem to think that because racism still exists in America, that it must be worse here than everywhere else. What makes you think that? Because you live here and not elsewhere?
I'm gay and know that homophobia is still a terrible problem in this country, but I'm not going to say it's worse here in the US than anywhere else in the world.
No, I am just using America as a point of reference. That is very noble of you to speak so highly of a country, that still wont afford you certain rights, because of your sexual preference. Its tragic America is the SELF-Proclaimed leading country, although we are the youngest country. (kind of like Christianity and Judaism).
I didn't say Racism was in the past. Try reading more careful next time.
Troy Davis? Is this a person I am supposed to know about?
Dense much? or shall I say often?
I didn't say anything about anyone being a target. So get off your high horse. I have written a hub on Racism in America. So again, please give me a break.
Racial profiling? WOW! You're too intelligent for me.
Racial profiling is done on an individual subjective level. It is NOT done my the majority of those who are on the police force.
Or shall I say it this way so you can understand it- many agencies INCLUDE 'race' as one factor of profiling. It's NOT the solely factor.
Troy Davis is someone who should have known about you jerk, wrongfully committed black man. So the millions of black and hispanic as well as other men are just individualized cases, get real. Maybe if you traveled South you would see just how wrong you truly are. I dont think racism is the sole issue, check out my hub on capitalism/the american dream. No, I dont think I'm more intelligent. I think I don't sweep things under the rug or pretend that they are not there. I will check out your hub on racism, should be interesting.
On the other side of the coin... Despite my best efforts if my son gets in trouble at school he blames it on racism. Same with his friends. It apparently has nothing to do with the fact they are asses.
Are you/they sure it's not really sexism, that they are inferior male children and not golden girls?
Well unfortunately in this country especially in the South your little boy might be making a sound argument. Especially if it is in some parts of South Carolina and Georgia. My little sister (who is multiracial) and her best friend (who is not) were on the computer and my sister's friend pulled up some obscene youtube video on her computer. So my sister was pulled into the principal's office, mom called, embarassed to say the least. Her non-multiracial friend had no consequences although she typed it in and there were witnesses. Are you going to tell me that my sister's race had nothing to do with it?
*Shrugs* I'm in rural west Virginia... and no he isn't right. Occum's razor says he isn't. And I'm damn tired of facing society saying that nothing is his fault because he is black at the same time I'm trying to teach him about personal responsibility.
I understand what you are saying, lol. However, as bad as it sounds you should also take in to account that he is black and a black boy at that, because others will. There was a study done that showed that black boys between the ages of 10 and up were viewed as threats. Look at some of the writings of Langston Hughes, James Baldwin, Ralph Ellison, etc. I know you want to teach your son right from wrong, that is honorable, however keep in mind, there are some who want to teach your son a lesson, too. Sn. Not a fan of Occum's razor, it too orthodox for me I'm more of a correlationist.
I would have to say, that since we are all human there is no such thing as a minority group...That is something (minority and race) that we created to segregate anyone different than us. And if we place ourselves into the "groups" we are helping add to the problem.
It is true that these created these terms as a way of divide and conquer a society. It is also true that we are humans, but to simply isolate yourself from the issue is no help either. If you want to work on a solution to the issue you must admit first that there is an issue at hand otherwise you are just in denial or kidding yourself. Human DNA is 99.99 the same and has a .01 difference in creation, but that small difference makes war, hatred, etc. I am not about ignoring the facts or the everyday truths. I am about universal liberation for all person regardless of race, religion, SES, gender, sexual preference, but I will not sit back and pretend that the great divide doesnt exist.
I agree that it exists as well...It is actually a simple fix...We are human...plain and simple...all of the other terms just need to go away...remove the seperation and the problem goes away...
But I doubt that will ever happen...There are to many who use color, nationality, religion, or sex as a reason to hold others back. And there are those who also use those same things as a "cop out", instead of doing something with their lives. We have a Black president in this country and if he can do it, anyone can. Color/Race or anything else doesn't really matter. This country has all kinds of benefits for those of "Minority". The choice to find and use them is up to the person. I have been around the world a few times...And I would have to agree with some of the other posts...the USA is not the most racist country, by a long shot...
I know it not I just used them as point of reference because I am in America. I would agree with you but in a capitalist society equality for all and taking away the barriers that divide would not work. As long as the barriers exist there is room for exploitation, people working for less than nothing, pay check to pay check.
The only garantees are death and taxes. The American Dream? How much does your "dream" cost others? It is elusive, and maybe illusory. It takes a lot to ignore that the U.S. was purchased at a great price and great misery for many. Ignoring the truth only shows the depth of self-deceit. If a house built on sand can't survive very long, how long does a nation bathed in blood last? White euro-americans and some others, really haven't ever been exposed to racism here. They think they know, so they wave a flag. Wrapped up in it. Not much of a fashion statement.
Omg someone who know the truth. I would agree death and taxes. Dreams seem to cost these days.
America the great melting pot has a long and illustrious history of us vs. them.
For a country founded for the purpose of escaping religious intolerance, we seem to thrive -- this many centuries later -- on division.
America is hardly alone in this, however.
The world (un)naturally divides into the "haves" and "have nots." The "we were here first and thus are entitled to make the rules and treat anyone not in our little club like crap" mentality is not limited by/to race, however. Substitute country of origin, ethnicity, gender, sexual prefernce, economic advantage/accomplishment .. or any other point of differentiation you like.
Thanks Mighty Mom you go girl! They can say what they like, fight me if you must, but I am only a person (with a big mouth, opinion, and punch to match, lol). I just think its time to see the reality. You should check out my hub the Amerian dream or delusion.
I don't see a single person saying racism doesn't exist in America.
I see people saying it exists wherever there are people whose skin colors do not match. Which is to say, around the world.
Please stop promoting your hub on the forum.
It is against Hub Pages TOS and you have violated it not once, but repeatedly. Your comments to certain hubbers are bordering on personal attacks.
I do not want you to get reported.
If someone does report you, it will not be racial profiling.
It will be because the rules here apply to everyone.
Oh ok, thanks Mighty Mom, I new on here. I'm going to have to check you out this really day 2 for me.
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