A study of self through the book of Genesis chapter 29 - Please relate

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  1. Rina Pinto profile image61
    Rina Pintoposted 12 years ago

    Blessing and Conflict

    When you look at Jacob's sojourn in Haran, he has a lot to complain about.

    Deceit : He is tricked into an extra seven years of labor.

    Idolatry : He has at least one wife -- his true love -- who worships idols.

    Family conflict ; There's an ongoing conflict between Jacob's wives and children.

    In-law injustice : Later he endures constant struggle with Laban who changes his wages ten times, always trying to better himself at Jacob's expense.

    Escape : He has to flee when Laban is away to be able to go home.

    Do you call that blessing?

    But look at it from a larger perspective. Jacob came empty-handed and left with many children and great wealth. Indeed, God has been with him and watched over him (28:14-15) -- and even blessed Laban on his account (30:27).

    Too often when we are experiencing trials we complain. "Nothing seems to be going right." How hard our life is. Too often we can't see the forest for the trees.

    Blessing always comes amidst conflict. Name one person in the Bible whom God blessed and blessed others through, and I'll show you struggle and suffering. Sometimes we act as if God has "promised us a rose garden." He has promised to bless us and to be with us, but he doesn't promise all sunny skies. Jesus told his disciples:

    (John 16:33) "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."

    And this is God's word to you today, you who feel defeated, beat up, and sorry for yourself. Jesus says to you: Take heart, don't be discouraged, my child. I have overcome the world.

    1. Rina Pinto profile image61
      Rina Pintoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I will forever be grateful unto Thee o my Lord Go Kd, Your Word(Jesus) became Flesh for me and is Risen to receive me into Your Heavenly od Kingdom - An Eternal Place of Rest & a Home - Have Thine own ways o Lord God in my Life. Teach me more and to be empty my self just as Your Son Lord Jesus did .. Bless you Father Now and For ever .. Amen !

  2. Rina Pinto profile image61
    Rina Pintoposted 12 years ago

    The Perfect example of  A CALLED OUT SELF"  & Training of different areas of one's live - By God Himself!

    1. Christinme profile image56
      Christinmeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      this is very true Rina, God bless you. The more suffering the more compassion . Amen. May we all be refined into earthly vessels for His love. I have found that to be full of Christ I need to be empty of self. Then Gods joy flows from us like living water. Amen

      1. Rina Pinto profile image61
        Rina Pintoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Amen & Amen .. al the time its Amen! .. Glory to God in the Highest and Peace to His people here on Earth.. It is His Almighty Hand - Jeremiah 20:11 - May God be continously in our Lives .. Jesus His Son the WORD that became flesh for us - Our Delivere and our Rock !

    2. MarleneB profile image91
      MarleneBposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Yes. Jacob was really run through the wringer. All the while, God had his blessings lined up and waiting for him. In my life, I have many blessings on many levels. But, I can say for a fact, that none of those blessings came without heartache and strife. I always had to settle something in my life in a BIG way and completely get rid of things that held me back from being able to fully accept and appreciate the blessing. Many blessings to you, Rina.

      1. Rina Pinto profile image61
        Rina Pintoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Hallelujha! .. Indeed .. It is God's Almighty Hand that brings us back to HIM who is worthy of all the circumstances  - A training Ground tod get us back to HIM.. What an Awesome God We Serve .. Now it is this we are come tp Preach and Teach the Kingdom of God - Love , His Endless Love for us His Creation - thus fullfilling the Scripture - Jeremiah 29 - 11 " I have a Plan, a Plan not to harm you but to give u a bettter future and a Hope!

  3. teacherjoe52 profile image61
    teacherjoe52posted 12 years ago

    Hi Marlene.

    Very insightful.

    I have found that at the other end of my trials a deeper love for and apprecitation of Jehovah. That is the greatest blessing.

    God bless you.

    1. Rina Pinto profile image61
      Rina Pintoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Hallelujah .. Our God is in Total Control of our Lives .. Praise & Glory be unto Our King, our Lord Jesus and His Holy Spirit leading us back to HIM...!

  4. Rina Pinto profile image61
    Rina Pintoposted 12 years ago

    God loves Israel now once He saw Israel falling into place with Obedience and stillness in his/her life.Thus forming the characteristics of Himself in us. Leading us patiently or moulding us like a "clay into the Potter's (God) hands. Thus making us wonderfully & fearfully and acceptable into His Holy Sight through His Son Lord Jesus our Savior and the Leading of Their Holy Spirit in Us.

    Now is the acceptable time my friends if the Lord Yahweh brings you into His fold ..listen to Him and do not harden your selves .. do not turn away from His Good Word (Jesus) accept His Word(Son Jesus) into your hearts and get to correct your selves by the leading of their Holy Spirit in U.. God Bless if you hve understood what i am trying to tell you all.


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