Jets Vs Pats

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  1. wavegirl22 profile image49
    wavegirl22posted 12 years ago

    First place in the AFC East is what this game is all about. All week Rex Ryan has been saying his team is much better than when the Jets lost, 30-21, up in New England in Week 5.

    As for the Pats, In the last 2 games (Steelers and the Giants) Brady has thrown a total of 10 interceptions - a stat that is just not like the Tom Terrific that everyone has as number one on their list of elite QB's.

    There is a new order rising in the AFC East - and I am banking on the fact that this could this be the start of the Jets claiming the throne.

    So my question is what will it take for the New York Jets to kick some Brady Butt this weekend?

    1. Ron Montgomery profile image60
      Ron Montgomeryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Brady hasn't been himself because he's used to better protection than he's been getting lately.  It's a pretty important game for the Jets, but I wouldn't say must win.

      Go Jets.

      1. wavegirl22 profile image49
        wavegirl22posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Hard to imagine a team that has Belicheck for a head coach ranks 32nd in defense in the NFL (for those reading that do not know the NFL has only 32 teams).

        Maybe could it be that Tom Terrific isnt so terrific anymore?

        On another note. . just wanted to say that I have often heard that the best fans in the NFL come from the Colts.

        Truer words were never said! (besides of course GO  J-E-T-S !)

  2. Greek One profile image63
    Greek Oneposted 12 years ago

    Is New England still in the league??

    1. wavegirl22 profile image49
      wavegirl22posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      about to truly be annihilated!

      The world has enough Evil Empires that we cant rid ourselves of!

  3. Ron Montgomery profile image60
    Ron Montgomeryposted 12 years ago

    Maybe 'Pats' isn't such a good name for a football team...

    1. wavegirl22 profile image49
      wavegirl22posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I hope the Jets make them Pats feel as uncomfortable as I feel just looking at that Pat!

    2. Greek One profile image63
      Greek Oneposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Glass houses, Ron... glass houses...

      1. Ron Montgomery profile image60
        Ron Montgomeryposted 12 years agoin reply to this,_Thomas_(1844-1916)_-_1883_-_Eakins'_art_studens_wrestling_in_the_nude.jpg


        1. wavegirl22 profile image49
          wavegirl22posted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Oh mi oh my ..

          back to the topic

  4. Ron Montgomery profile image60
    Ron Montgomeryposted 12 years ago

    Good Idea.

    1. wavegirl22 profile image49
      wavegirl22posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      it doesnt get much prettier than that one. .


      1. Manny2437 profile image68
        Manny2437posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Wavegirl, I'm going to feel like a jerk when I tell you I told you so AGAIN on Sunday. Brady and the Jets hub coming just for you.

        1. wavegirl22 profile image49
          wavegirl22posted 12 years agoin reply to this

          just as I am waiting for the Jets to take the AFC east with equal anticipation I await your Hub. And I am sending you and Wes Walker a first class ticket to Revis Island!

          Not sure you know this but last year New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg unofficially renamed the island of Manhattan "Revis Island" on the Thursday ahead of Sunday's AFC title game.

          Let the fun begin . .and pack lightly!

  5. Kangaroo_Jase profile image74
    Kangaroo_Jaseposted 12 years ago

    Go Jets,

    As Metallica have as the name of one of their songs....

    'Nothing Else Matters'

  6. I am DB Cooper profile image84
    I am DB Cooperposted 12 years ago

    The Jets are favored in this game, as they should be. These are not the Patriots of old. Playing on their home turf and with a lot of momentum going into this game, the Jets win this one by two touchdowns.

    1. I am DB Cooper profile image84
      I am DB Cooperposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Looks like I blew it with this prediction. Just not a good night for the Jets. That missed field goal from under 25-yards on the first drive was a sign that things were going to go the Pats way in this game.

      On the plus side for Jets fans, they have a real cake walk of a schedule the rest of the way. They'll see if they can hold Tebow to zero completions on Thursday night, then they've got the Bills at home (after having trounced them in Buffalo last week), the Redskins, Chiefs, Eagles, Giants, and Miami. The only one of those they should lose is the game against the Giants. That would put them at 11 wins. That should be good enough for a wild card. The Patriots schedule the rest of the way is even easier, with only one game against a team that currently has a winning record (and that's the Bills in New England in week 17), so I think they'll take the division once again.

  7. wavegirl22 profile image49
    wavegirl22posted 12 years ago

    Odds are Revis will be on Wes Walker, leaving Ocho open. Could this be the game that is Chads breakout or is he going to go another game as a non entity? 

    I have to say as much as I do not want to see anything of the likes, its kinda sad what the Evil Empire has done to this colorful wide receiver.

    KJ -
    Its always nice to see you visit the NFL forum. And I know the Jets have a soft spot in that heart of yours!

    Its about time you got here and gave my boys the seal of approval. Rare that you have been wrong in picking games. So all I can say is from your mouth to the football g-ds ear may Gang Green win by 2 TD's!

    J*E*T*S J*E*T*S J*E*T*S J*E*T*S J*E*T*S J*E*T*S J*E*T*S

  8. thelyricwriter profile image78
    thelyricwriterposted 12 years ago

    Wavegirl, you are right. The Patriots are struggling and they just may not see the playoffs. The Jets are at home and they are playing good. The Pats need help on defense. Brady can't do it all and he appears to be off a little.

    Jets 24 Patriots 20

    The Patriots have failed to score more then 20 points in the last 3 games. It will be 4 straight come Sunday.

  9. optimus grimlock profile image60
    optimus grimlockposted 12 years ago

    where to begin hmmmmm. Ok the jets do have a pretty good defence but have you seen there running game its a joke! Mark Sanchez um ya hes a great top 20 qb on the other hand as bad as the pats secondary is a high school qb might get 300 yards passing on them. Revis is a top 3 cb but doesnt come close to champ!This could be one of those games were they play does anyone want to win so I'll say 21-17 pats! O child please I like ocho but the fame and the vh1 shows have gone to his head forcing his hands out of the picture! I would love to see him get 100 on the jets!

  10. prettydarkhorse profile image61
    prettydarkhorseposted 12 years ago

    Hi Shari!

    Pats secondary is having problems.

    They said Brady has elbow injury.

    Their confidence is high, the Jets.

    31-21 in favor of Jets

    GJ, GJ, GJ, GJ!! Go Jets!

    I put 100 on Jets against my friend who is a Patriots fan. I hope they win so I can buy my big TV!!!!!!!The last time we had a bet, I lost when Rodgers beat the Steelers --Superbowl! This time it is my turn..

  11. jimmythejock profile image82
    jimmythejockposted 12 years ago

    I managed to see the whole of the 3rd and fourth quarters and I noticed that the Jets kept throwing the ball to the Patriots players, I dont think that they are supposed to do that maybe that is why they lost by such a margin.....jimmy

  12. Ron Montgomery profile image60
    Ron Montgomeryposted 12 years ago

    A very disappointing performance by the Jets.  They were thoroughly out coached in this one, what the Hell happened to ground and pound?

  13. wavegirl22 profile image49
    wavegirl22posted 12 years ago

    I am officially going into a state of depression for the next few days.

    First I had a cardiac attack in Candlestick Park, then Met Life. Not a good day.

    Head under the covers  . ..  on strike from and any newspaper that could potentially mention this massacre.

    I even made a new  Quotations Hub and it got flagged for duplicate content. (Well of course its duplicate . .they are quotes of others) There goes my only form of therapy I can turn to. Something tells me this aint gonna be a good week

    Good thing the  Jets play Thursday night. .  being a short week and a hopeful win in Denver  may be good for the wound.

  14. optimus grimlock profile image60
    optimus grimlockposted 12 years ago

    i dunno the best corner in the league is gunna be covering mr holmes gunna be a long night for him. On the bright side tebow throws like a 6 year old!

    1. wavegirl22 profile image49
      wavegirl22posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      lol I know you are trying to get me going with "the best corner in the league" but all the nfl has been sucked out of me for the time being.. so I will just go off to my corner with my tail between my legs  .. .

      humble pie for lunch ;(

  15. optimus grimlock profile image60
    optimus grimlockposted 12 years ago

    no, no one in there right mind would put revis ahead of champ but revis could be the 2nd best!

    1. Ron Montgomery profile image60
      Ron Montgomeryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Champ was good about 20 years ago or so...

    2. wavegirl22 profile image49
      wavegirl22posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      OG -
      as usual trying to get my goat. . .Champ - Revis. If you were picking players for your team you can not honestly say you would choose Champ on your roster over Revis?  child please!!!!

      thank goodness for Ron . .my hero

      PDM - the Jets owe you big for this sad loss. .. may the football gods shine down on you this Christmas smile

      D.B. Not sure why the Jets lose their confidence and ultimately their game, but they do and they did it again.  Just look at the score... this one wasnt lost in the physical . .once again the Evil Empire took over the Jets minds. We shall meet them again this year and the pressure will be on. Good once again will reign supreme  . .. .

      Manny - stop thinking so much and get on my team already. .. quite impressive you had 4 out of 5 picks this past weekend . .. so all I ask of you is to please please stop picking against gang green.

  16. prettydarkhorse profile image61
    prettydarkhorseposted 12 years ago

    I hope you feel better soonest my friend. Things will be better on Thursday!

  17. Manny2437 profile image68
    Manny2437posted 12 years ago

    Wavegirl I hate to say  told you so so I won't......... But I'm thinkin it!!! smile

  18. Manny2437 profile image68
    Manny2437posted 12 years ago

    How can I pick for them when I know they won't win the game? I'll make a fool of myself. I picked them next week but i'm sorry, I'll take Brady over Sanchez all day. It's my duty. I don't hate the Jets, I just call it as I see it. Gotta earn my praise sister.

    1. wavegirl22 profile image49
      wavegirl22posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      like i said to OG - Child please. . ..

      Im glad you only take things one week at a time. .

      I wouldnt want you calling out the Super Bowl teams.. not just yet!

  19. Manny2437 profile image68
    Manny2437posted 12 years ago

    P.S. Champ Bailey stopped being the best corner in the league about 2 years ago. Still a hall of famer but as of Novemeber 16, 2001, I'm going with Revis. Now if you want to discuss Revis vs. Woodson, my icon and pick for best corner in the league (all around Revis is better in coverage) and most physical corner of all time in  my opinion, we can go there. But I'm not going there right now.

    1. wavegirl22 profile image49
      wavegirl22posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I totally respect your opinion when it comes to the game of football - and agree with much of what you said.. .

      OG care to back that statement up?

      I challenge both you and Manny on this subject - Ill do a Hub on Revis and all the reasons he is the best cornerback and Manny you take Woodson.

      Optimus - you tell the world why you think that Champ and or Ronde Barber is the best corner.

      Whose in?

  20. Manny2437 profile image68
    Manny2437posted 12 years ago

    I meant 2011 lol

  21. optimus grimlock profile image60
    optimus grimlockposted 12 years ago

    not a broncos fan and fact is champ is better the revis. not saying its by alot just no one throws to champ! Since the bronocs and the jets are playing tommorow nite we'll all watch then on friday who ever does better is better. Thats fair to me and I know you'll agree! If I was picking guys on my team I would of picked ronde barber who is decent at covering but not as good as champ or revis but against the run hes better then both!

  22. Manny2437 profile image68
    Manny2437posted 12 years ago

    Sure why not, that would be fun. Either way I won't be convinced against Woodson because I'm bias and been watching the guy since I was 7 and he was at Michigan and wanted to be Charles Woodson. he's the reason my favorite number is 24. 2437 stands for WoodsonIversonVick, my heroes when I was 12. I made it up in 7th grade. Lets do it,

    1. wavegirl22 profile image49
      wavegirl22posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      excellent Manny - looks like optimus doesnt want to take part in our fun . .

      so its just me and you,. . and of course anyone else out there that wants to take part.

      I got Revis, Manny has Woodson .. there are a whole lot more players that one could make a case for in this position. .

      so let the fun begin!

  23. wavegirl22 profile image49
    wavegirl22posted 12 years ago

    38 seconds and i may just be about ready to go on strike from the NFL

    last time i went on strike from the Jets it was after the mud bowl in Miami. . i never turned back till Rex came to town . and I am just about ready to do it again ..

    heartbreaking night

  24. optimus grimlock profile image60
    optimus grimlockposted 12 years ago

    hmmm I dunno if i could. I mean the game wasnt a good marker of whose better, they both had similar stats from what I watched. Could do a hub on best corners in the last 20 years hmmm primetime,a williams, chris dishman, ronde, mccalister,woodson,law.....
    Thats it the top 10 nfl corners from the last 20 years!


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