Does anyone over the age of 25 follow current fashion trends?

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  1. ttrash profile image60
    ttrashposted 14 years ago

    Does anyone over the age of 25 follow current fashion trends?

    Being 19 years old, I can't see the appeal of buying new clothes every season just to be like everyone else. Do older women and men feel the same way?

  2. Darknlovely3436 profile image67
    Darknlovely3436posted 14 years ago

    Yes some of us do, I love to  look good, I am always trying to keep up with the last, and it getting harder now, especially in days like these.

  3. K Kiss profile image65
    K Kissposted 14 years ago

    I honestly know that they 40 year old bar professional training course teacher is the hottest bombshell in newcastle ... and she's on top of the fashion!!

  4. camlo profile image80
    camloposted 14 years ago

    Nobody knows I'm older, and I don't regard myself as such. I'll admit that I'm over 25, and yes, I do follow fashion. And I can still get away with dressing like a teenager - well, within reason.
    Fashion is fun and for everyone.

  5. T.Y._Hudson profile image61
    T.Y._Hudsonposted 14 years ago

    Just wait till you're old enough to hit the bars! You'll see WAY too many women and men over the age of 25 that need to go look in the mirror. A 45 year old dressing like a teen pop idol is not attractive at all.
    Personally, the thrift store rocks for me. And to answer your question, yes, tons of people do it. I can't say much because I sort of do it too. I want to look presentable and attractive. I think you have to go with the times, but not the trends, if you know you're too old, and you know you can't pull them off!

  6. tonyaboezi profile image59
    tonyaboeziposted 14 years ago

    I buy good quality basics, like jeans, sweaters, tops, shoes, etc. and work in some trendy stuff that isn't too expensive.
    I think as we get older we no longer feel the need to "fit in" but rather to look the way we want to and wear what looks best on us, thank god!

  7. breathe2travel profile image73
    breathe2travelposted 14 years ago

    I've really not been one to "follow the crowd" -- but I am aware of trends.  If I like something, I'll wear it -- I've always loved cowboy boots, well, any kind of boots... so was beyond thrilled at the selections these past couple of winters.  But some of the 80s-revisited does not tempt me -- been there, done that, and have laughed at pictures! wink

    I don't like to see mature people trying to dress like an age-group still in search of self-identity.  (adults trying to dress like teens) -- that's not to say some of the fashion in juniors cannot be worn by post-25 year olds.


  8. Aisha Maragarette profile image60
    Aisha Maragaretteposted 14 years ago

    Yes, i was trying to get in fashion, when we go out with my Daughter people are saying we are just only like sister because of the trends.

  9. profile image52
    Rainshadow770posted 14 years ago

    Classic clothes are good for anyone.  If you really need to be in the fashion, do it with accessories.  Your basic clothes should not really change year to year, but make sure that you are dressed for the season.  Wearing heavy sweaters in the summer is not a good idea.

  10. profile image51
    ChrissieHposted 14 years ago

    Yes, not all but some. I am 55, I feel comfortable wearing leggings, though the top I wear with them would be knee length, certainly no shorter than that, and a pair of boots. Leggings are warmer this weather than tights, they are comfortable to wear and let you move easily. I do know a woman of an age a little younger than myself, though not much younger, who wears leggings with a short top and she looks, quite frankly, awful! You need to be ultra slim and under 25 in my opinion to wear that look. You can adapt fashion whatever your age, some things are a no no, but in my opinion you are as young as you feel, why make yourself look and feel older by wearing clothes which are dowdy, unshapely and dull. Make the best of yourself, whatever age you are.

  11. visitmaniac profile image60
    visitmaniacposted 14 years ago

    In a way but you kind of look like a fool when you get older and end up wearing what teenagers wear lol theres a line that should not be crossed

  12. profile image0
    Shayla Ebsenposted 14 years ago

    I also don't see the appeal of trying to be like other people by trying to keep up with the latest fashion trends. Most people who try to buy the latest and hottest clothes are unbelievably in debt from living above their means anyways and who wants to be like that? I think this simply results in spending guilt and a lower level of overall happiness.

    Who cares if you have the latest pair of shoes or jeans. What really defines a person is what's on the inside.

  13. Onyx Fox35 profile image61
    Onyx Fox35posted 14 years ago

    I don't, I just go with what works best for me!!!

    I choose clothes that compliment my body figure, and by the colors, style, and not to skin showing.

    Want to leave something for the imagination!!!! big_smile

  14. MarcellusShale profile image60
    MarcellusShaleposted 14 years ago

    Im 28 and definatly not, but then again I never really followed that many trends.

  15. profile image0
    PunRunposted 14 years ago

    Current fashion trends wouldn't last that long, still it's nice to see changes. But I wouldn't spend much time, effort, and money to don the latest clothes; however, I do want to experiment at some instances depending on my mood.

    The bottom line, I wear what fits and make me comfortable--and the most important is what shows a little bit about my personality, and not someone else.

  16. Don7tk profile image61
    Don7tkposted 14 years ago

    Me too...I guess i'm over 25...follow latest fashion trends...

  17. profile image0
    mommyloves2writeposted 14 years ago

    I buy what I like best and what flatters me.  It is a good thing that my non-mom jeans fit season after season!  I will buy a few new sweaters or shirts, but not go crazy.  WIth three kids who are growing, they need new things before I do.

  18. lawrencebeach2010 profile image60
    lawrencebeach2010posted 14 years ago

    why follow fashion? Make your own trend! ~sarah

  19. tinaweha profile image60
    tinawehaposted 14 years ago

    Yes, I am 58 freaking years old and I follow them to a point.  Actually, I'm more interested in making trends, but I like to find new things and tweak them.

  20. bridgessarah profile image60
    bridgessarahposted 14 years ago

    Buying new clothes every season is not necessary but if you buy some trendy accesoires this can add a new fresh touch to your wardrobe. Some fashionable add ons will surely help you feel good.

  21. profile image0
    AshleyBrakefieldposted 13 years ago

    I'm 25, but I fully intend on following fashion trends as I get older, but I'm on a tight budget, so I improvise. Check out my hubs for some tips that I've come up with for myself. It's easy to take past season pieces and transform them into today's trends. Also, keep up with things you've had your eye on. You may just find a great sale if it's something you feel you need in the current season.


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