how come americans have great teeth

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  1. ScarletRyan1970 profile image60
    ScarletRyan1970posted 15 years ago


          Every time i meet an American person they all have got

          such great teeth. What is your secret?

          I used to be a Dental Nurse both in Australia and

          here in Ireland. And i can tell you i have seen

          some pretty bad sets of teeth.

          Kindest Regards

          Scarlet Ryan.

    1. profile image0
      sneakorocksolidposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Money and the fact that we tend to be very concerned about how we look, weird Huh?

      1. Cranoo profile image60
        Cranooposted 15 years agoin reply to this
    2. profile image0
      Leta Sposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Better question:  is this a stereotype that people in Ireland and Australia have bad teeth?  And if it is true, why?  Don't they go to the dentist?

      1. profile image48
        BadCoposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Well I am from Ireland and I go to the Dentist every 6 months as my teeth are important but I have noticed in the Uk over the last 10 years really bad teeth in the teens age group, I blame the crap they eat !

        Ps - Obesity has increased here as well, again the crap lol !

    3. atomswifey profile image56
      atomswifeyposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      uhm,.. we brush them smile

    4. mandybeau1 profile image60
      mandybeau1posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      The work on it and do the oral hygiene thing also have always been ahead with veneers crowns etc.

    5. prettydarkhorse profile image61
      prettydarkhorseposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      The health care system in The US is such that the private sector pays for the dental check ups and all other necessary ways to maintain dental health. And those who cant afford it, the government have to pay for it, (those who are receving-medical and dental aid). i dont know in Australia or in some other parts of Europe, how does the health care system works? (Australia and the most part of Europe is more kind of welfare state?) where most of the health care is financed by the government but you need to pay more taxes comparing here in the US in which the taxes are relatively lower and the health care is shouldered by most individuals.

    6. ledefensetech profile image70
      ledefensetechposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Fluoride in the water.  That and we're nuts about going to the dentist twice a year.

    7. archdaw profile image60
      archdawposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      We have Floride in our tap water.  Every little bit helps.

  2. Lisa HW profile image62
    Lisa HWposted 15 years ago

    I'd guess, if what you say is true, part of it may be because Americans are of mixed ethnicity.  English, Irish, and Scottish people (all of whom tend to have lighter complexions) are known for not growing the strongest or whitest teeth.  Although there are exceptions, these nationalities don't grow the thickest heads of hair either much of the time.  Americans have other nationalities, though, as well as other races.  Then, too, there are things like mixes of English and Italian or Irish and Greek.    I don't know what people do for dental care in other countries, but the general aim for most Americans (except those who don't have insurance and can't afford this) is to get children to the dentist very young.  When my children were young we had their teeth sealed, which I think helped preserve their cavity-free state.  If I recall correctly our private health insurance covered the routine check-ups and the sealant.  Also, I don't know what people in other countries do, but things like braces and other dental or orthodontic procedures are pretty common.  Caps, laminates, and professional whitening are pretty common.  Again, I don't know what other people do, but these are my guesses about any Americans who have good teeth.

  3. ScarletRyan1970 profile image60
    ScarletRyan1970posted 15 years ago


        American yes have got great teeth.

        But i have also noticed that they are very obese.

        Lisa HW, You have been very informative.Full of

        Knowledge. Thankyou.


    1. profile image0
      Leta Sposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      OK, and I'm not by any stretch of the imagination 'obese,' but I have a couple cavities, etc., I'd say I have only 'average' teeth.  lol

      It's true that obesity for some is a problem in America, although that is changing...people are actually eating better and losing weight--over all.  I also have read that the obesity problem is becoming international.

    2. mandybeau1 profile image60
      mandybeau1posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Alot of the tourists out here from America are obese, but they are usually old people. I don't think Americans generally are an obese race.

  4. livelonger profile image91
    livelongerposted 15 years ago

    Fluoridated water? Also orthodontia is popular.

    1. rmcrayne profile image95
      rmcrayneposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Too bad the flouride screws with the endocrine system and is now looking like it damages children's brains.  When you have your flouride treatment at the dentist, they don't tell you to swallow...

  5. ScarletRyan1970 profile image60
    ScarletRyan1970posted 15 years ago


          I am thinking that the reason is that Americans

          Teeth are not there own. They are big into cosmetics

          So i am also thinking that Americans really have

          False teeth and that they are just well glued in.

          People in Ireland and Australia are more Natural

          Looking.But that is just my oponion.We are a more

          Down to earth race of people.Both here in Ireland

          and Australia.

          Scarlet Ryan 1970

    1. profile image0
      ralwusposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      haha, Dear, my teeth are as real as ever. They only fall out when I sneeze!wink It used to be when I was young almost all the adults I knew either had a set of falsies or no teeth at all, they were the gummers. They had gone through the Great Depression. Most of that generation decided to take better care of their children when affluence came to them after WWII. It has become instilled into us to take care of our teeth. Good on America.

    2. Ms.Lavae profile image59
      Ms.Lavaeposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I don't mean to be cruel but come on why would you think that just because a lot of Americans have nice teeth that there false. The reason at least i have nice teeth is because i brush after every meal, because dental hygiene is important to me.
      In America we learn from young ages that if we want to have teeth when were older we must take care  of are teeth when we are young. What you said is out of ignorance and there are plenty of ppl in America that are laid back, but that doesn't mean they have to run around with jacked up teeth.

  6. Lisa HW profile image62
    Lisa HWposted 15 years ago

    Based on the people I know, nobody has dentures or laminates.  My sister got a cap when she was a kid and fell on ice; but other than that, there are a whole lot of real teeth around (even for people over 50).  I had a friend in her 90's, and she had all her own teeth.   smile   I'm guessing a lot of Hollywood people have had caps and veneers, etc., but you can't go by them.

    Of course, I wasn't the one who said Americans have better teeth - you were, and you were the one who asked why they do.  I gave the reasons I know (and the response about fluoridated water is another possible reason).  Common-ness of flossing and good dental care aside, I really do think it's the mix of ethnicities.  People of British, Irish, and Scottish descent are known to have softer teeth.  Between mixing nationalities genes-wise, and a big mix of nationalities population-wise, I can see how there could be lots of good teeth.  (By the way, I'm of Scottish and Irish descent and have never had the strikingly white teeth that, say, Italian, Spanish, or African-Americans often have.   For the record, though, I have grown kids and still have no caps or anything else fake on my teeth.)  smile

    (My own kids, one of a different ethnicity because he's other adopted, and the other two with a hint of Italian in their ancestry, all have great, super-white, smiles.  smile  )

    Oh - I noticed that now the obesity issue has apparently become one that is only American.  I don't know about other countries, but I have seen plenty that indicates it's also a problem in England, as well as some other countries (apparently, not France).  Stress can contribute to obesity; and I really think that's a big part of it.  Australia doesn't have obese people?  Great.  Maybe the stress level in working and raising a family in Australia isn't as bad as it is in the US, UK, and whatever other countries have obesity.

  7. profile image49
    Savannah152posted 15 years ago

    I'm from  America, i actually live in Indianapolis,IN.
    And teeth com naturally for us, so does obesity but we have lost a lot of weight over here (I blame McDonalds lol.

    But... i have never tampered with my teeth except for cleaning and cavity search.  But they grew straight together.

    America is actually the second richest country even tho the Economy isn't great. The first is China.
    If you ever look up close on American's teeth they ain't so great.

  8. profile image0
    sarah dawkinsposted 15 years ago

    Having lived in America I can tell you why they have good teeth, because they obsess about anything to do with their health.  This is ingrained into them from an early age, in the form of propaganda through the media.  It is further propagated through all the health insurance. I witnessed children of 9 years old being fitted with train-track braces, to ensure that their adult teeth grow in straight.  This process took many years as the children were still growing, necessitating paying for the dental treatment over those years.

    Then there are all the teeth whiteners that are readily available in the pharmacies and through the dentists.  It has become second nature for the Americans to pay such particular attention to their teeth, like I said, it is ingrained into them.

    My English friend who still lives out there has just informed me that she has paid $1200 for a deep root clean, where the gums are peeled back and a scraper is run down to the bottom of the root, to clean it, then covered in antibiotics.  I laughed at her when she told me she had done this.  She would never have considered doing it here in the UK.  Yet, she did it because she lives over there and the dentist recommended it to her.  Personally I thought she had more sense.....

    1. profile image0
      Nelle Hoxieposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Wow, the deep root cleanse, as you call it, is to get rid of bacteria that can cause your jaw to decay if left untreated. You can also lose all of your teeth to this problem. It is this same bacteria that can lodge around your heart and cause heart disease and other systemic problems.

      It is certainly not a matter of vanity but a serious health concern.

      1. profile image0
        sarah dawkinsposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Hi and thanks for posting your reply.  Can I just say that here in the UK, we don't even do that deep root clean.  We just use regular toothpaste and a toothbrush.  IF there are any infections, they would be treated accordingly but deep root planing (as we call it) is not a common procedure.  However, my friend in the US had it done JUST because she had some new porcelain veneers put on.   I don't see that it was necessary as she didn't have an infection.  I just see it as an income for the dentist for unnecessary treatment.

        1. mandybeau1 profile image60
          mandybeau1posted 15 years agoin reply to this

          As you age the problems will occur, Gum disease.  you need to see a hygienist, regularly as you see a Dentist. teeth can make people so unwell, even kill them. Anyone having Surgery should see a Dentist before undergoing it, no matter how short the anaesthetic time.

  9. profile image0
    bloodnlatexposted 15 years ago

    As an American, I can tell you that we live in a culture that is obsessed with vanity and excess.  We want to have or cake and eat it too.  In other words, we think we can do whatever we want, then pay someone to make us look perfect.  It's a vicious circle.

    1. magdielqr profile image59
      magdielqrposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I'm not American, but this applies perfectly in all countries. I believe it is because of globalization.

  10. profile image0
    Wendi Mposted 15 years ago

    Vanity...and White Strips!

  11. Valerie F profile image61
    Valerie Fposted 15 years ago

    I don't think it's vanity. Rather, US culture is one that emphasizes the overall health benefits of good dental care. Where I live, we see a lot of messages on television and billboards about the links between gum disease and any number of other diseases including heart disease, or how a pregnant woman's dental health can affect her child's overall health. Also, I willingly put up with an extremely lengthy amount of time in orthodontia not because of cosmetic concerns, but because of concerns that my overbite would contribute to other problems such as a higher risk of tooth decay, damage to the jaw, and digestive problems from improper chewing.

    Now if only we put equal emphasis on the importance of what we choose to sink those healthy, clean, strong, well-aligned teeth of ours into.

  12. profile image0
    Poppa Bluesposted 15 years ago

    It must be our lousy health care system!

  13. Megavitamin profile image68
    Megavitaminposted 15 years ago

    There seem to be a lot of stereotypes being thrown around.  Not all Americans are obese or vain.  Just like not all British people have Austin Powers teeth.  The only general explanation is the regulated flouride levels in the water systems in the US. I don't know anything about the ethnicity argument, so that might true, but then again it might not. 

    Taking care of your teeth does not necessarily make you vain.  It's apart of basic health and hygeine.  Studies have connected poor dental health with heart disease and other problems.

  14. Valerie F profile image61
    Valerie Fposted 15 years ago

    Interestingly, based on my reading of the tale of Deirdre and Noisu, it seems that Irish society at least at some point actually prized strong, straight teeth.

  15. profile image0
    A Texanposted 15 years ago

    Gotta have strong teeth to wolf all that food down!

  16. profile image49
    Savannah152posted 15 years ago

    As an American smile, I can tell you we obsesse to much over beauty.
    You would be suprised what you would run in to here... not everything is "Perfect".

    America is known for it's rare beauty here. Are teeth are just white because we brush them, floss, we go to the dentist like everyone else. :-)

  17. profile image0
    Ghost32posted 15 years ago

    Neither my wife nor I have a single cavity, not even a crooked tooth or an implant.

    On the other hand, neither of us has a single tooth remaining, either.  Both of us had great health problems relating, we believe, not only to "tooth rot" but to the severe poisoning from mercury amalgam fillings put in during our childhood and early adult years.  In my case, my health improved dramatically after I had all of my fangs yanked in 1992.  In Pam's case, one of her teeth, when hers were removed in 1997, had an entire root that was literally green.

    Teeth are, in my sincere opinion, highly overrated...unless you really, really need to bite somebody. big_smile

    1. atomswifey profile image56
      atomswifeyposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I love this response

    2. mandybeau1 profile image60
      mandybeau1posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Ya think amalgamam is bad, the new ones are killing off the Dentists over her flat out. So they are in the patients mouths. I personally think that the mercury while bad is the lesser of two evils.

    3. rmcrayne profile image95
      rmcrayneposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I hear ya Ghost.  I think between the mercury and the flouride, the American Dental Assn is on crack.

  18. profile image0
    poetlorraineposted 15 years ago

    some people fly to the other end of the earth to get their teeth done the flights are cheaper than dentist bills here, peoople just cannot go to the dentist is toooo expensive.  I had work done here in Ireland that cost me almost 3 thousand euro, seriously.... it would have been a least a third of that in England...... i have insurance now, but most of the bridge work etc, they wont cover.......

  19. Eaglekiwi profile image72
    Eaglekiwiposted 15 years ago

    lol they buy them from Walmart lol along with boobs n other fings ,hehe

    I think its a roll over from Hollywood colgate look, bit of an obsession ,just my opinion wink

    1. Mocha Momma profile image59
      Mocha Mommaposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Those are called "Veneers"... Porcelain veneers are some of the best.  Most actors and actresses in Hollywood aren't born with a perfectly white and straight set of teeth...

      Veneers aren't typically covered under the standard dental plan and usually cost several thousand dollars for a full set.

  20. Mocha Momma profile image59
    Mocha Mommaposted 15 years ago

    Ok, I'd say that there are many variables that determine the overall health of one's teeth.

    Yes it's true, based on where you are from that may somehow impact whether or not your consider oral health to be a priority.  In the United States, oral health is a part of your overall health and maintenance is done to keep a healthy mouth.  At least twice a year you should go in for your oral examination and cleanings.  Any other work that you may need can also be done at that time. 

    Diet is also and essential part of overall oral health, Africans have very white and healthy teeth.  Their diets comprise of a lot of fruit and vegetation.  A stark contrast to Africans are, Asians (not mid-eastern) have weaker oral health because of their diets (lots of rice) and many of the nutrients that are needed are not in the food that they consume. 

    Both sets or groups of people are fundamentally from 3rd world countries so oral health care is not widely available, yet there is a stark difference in their overall oral health.  The key is DIET...

    As an American, I am not obsessed with teeth whitening, I'm in my 30s and have gotten my first cavity last year.  I've never had my teeth whitened, and I don't smoke or drink coffee.  If I did drink coffee, I would eat strawberries even more often than i already do, because they are natural teeth whiteners.  Its all about your diet, and your personal hygiene, it has absolutely nothing to do with Hollywood. 

    If anyone wants to know a good way to have healthier teeth, use, baking soda (like arm and hammer - the powder) and peroxide (yup the kind you put on cuts)... Combine the two to make a paste, dip your tooth brush into it, and brush with that twice a day.

    Do not swallow it, rinse and spit it out, repeat.  You should also brush your teeth for 2 minutes on average.  Floss daily.  Go to see a dentist twice a year for cleanings and exams. 

    Basic stuff to live by and you'll have healthier teeth. 

    Also, drink less coffee, quit smoking if you do, and EAT MORE FRUIT... Preserves, Jellies, Marmalades, are horrible for your teeth and will rot them out of your mouth.  If you eat them, do so in moderation.

    Hope this helps.

  21. gracenotes profile image88
    gracenotesposted 15 years ago

    I have become more obsessive about my teeth the older I get.  Who wants to sit in a dentist's chair?  So unpleasant. After having to get just one crown, that's all the motivation I needed, I assure you.  And dental procedures are expensive, as I don't have insurance.

    Some of Americans' attitudes may depend on how their parents valued a healthy set of teeth.  My mom never got her bite corrected -- not that hers is terrible, but she wanted us kids to have orthodontia.  And I'm glad that she insisted on it. 

    Americans tend to smile more than other cultures.  Let's face it, we Americans want a good-looking smile, as it contributes to a positive first impression.

    I am of Scottish ancestry and have pretty good teeth -- but they're too big, not white at all, and I had to have four of my permanent teeth extracted for orthodontic work.

  22. profile image0
    LEWJposted 15 years ago

    They brush twice a day,  gargle with Listerine, and only eat candy on Sundays.

  23. habee profile image92
    habeeposted 15 years ago

    LEWJ, I like your Dali!

    I agree with Livelonger. I think part of it is the flouridated water. When we lived in the country and had well water, I got a few cavities. Haven't had a single one since moving back to town and drinking city water with flouride.

    1. profile image0
      Justine76posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      too much flouride causes stripes on your teeth. my sister in law brushes her teeth about once a week, she smokes and drhnks coffee and never went to the dentist as a child. her teeth are perfect. my exes mother has gone to the dentist every 6 months, nearl her whole life. she has had more problems then i have time to type. I think if you came to visit here, you would realize americans who have money to travel, most likely can afford teeth whitening.

  24. habee profile image92
    habeeposted 15 years ago

    I agree, Justine, that part of it is due to heredity. Both my parents had good teeth, even in their 80s. BTW, my teeth aren't striped. lol

    1. profile image0
      Justine76posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      lol thats good!!! it just can happen, not always. when i was a kid, we had fliruide toothpaste, water, treatments at the dentist and scool. it was deemed overkill when lots of kids, mt sister included, has stains show up on thier teeth.

  25. profile image0
    bloodnlatexposted 15 years ago

    I've never been to the dentist, and never had any fillings either......

  26. habee profile image92
    habeeposted 15 years ago

    Well, yeah, Blood - you have no need for a dentist!

  27. thranax profile image72
    thranaxposted 15 years ago

    Braces and Crest WhiteStrips.


  28. AEvans profile image73
    AEvansposted 15 years ago

    We spend megabucks on Dentists they really push healthy teeth, healthy body in the U.S. I visit mine regularly but I believe the dental insurance definitely needs to be better out-of-pocket gets to be a litte ridiculous you are always in debt.

  29. profile image52
    greenrobotposted 13 years ago

    Most Americans have good teeth because we take care of them.  They are not fake.  In fact, I do not know anyone with fake teeth besides maybe some 90+ year old granny with dentures.  A lot of Americans would have dental insurance to cover the cost of care as someone else mentioned.

    Fake teeth is cosmetic dentistry, which insurance generally does not cover and most Americans cannot afford the thousands of dollars that it would cost to obtain fake teeth.  Maybe a select few have veneers, but I would say the overwhelming majority have their natural teeth.

    Also, all the beer that Irish people consume does not help their teeth.  And on top of that, they all pass out drunk without brushing their teeth.  Do that once, twice, three, or four times a week ---and guess what the damage adds up.  Your teeth can only take so much abuse.

    Oh---and I'm an American living in Ireland.  Don't think that Irish people aren't catching up with Americans in weight.  There are a whole bunch of big fat beer guts and fat butts walking the streets of Dublin.

    Yes, a lot of Americans are fat---but there are 310 million of us---we're not all big.  Just like not all Irish people drink their faces off and have bad teeth.

  30. profile image50
    Alex Denesposted 10 years ago

    Fresno Dental Studio, a Cosmetic Dentistry Office

    We are a team that work together to provide our patients cosmetic dentistry with outstanding results.Our mission statement is creating beautiful, natural smiles through modern cosmetic dentistry procedures.

    visit us :


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