I have a question

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  1. mandarine profile image60
    mandarineposted 16 years ago

    Do you like to do buy online or shopping centers are still number one on top?smile

  2. SweetiePie profile image80
    SweetiePieposted 16 years ago

    It depends on what I am buying because if it is a book I bought have to purchase it at amazon.com since the book stores in town may not have it.  Clothes and shoes I like to buy in person because sizes fluctuate and I have had sizing problems with buying things online.  Basically I am fine with buying something online, as long as it is not something I am going to wear.

  3. Princessa profile image78
    Princessaposted 16 years ago

    Shops are still number one choice.

  4. mandarine profile image60
    mandarineposted 16 years ago

    I agree with you girls.It  mostly depends on what we want to buy.Clothes and shoes should be bought only at stores.Sometimes for me it is hard to decide what to bought, color...even being at store roll but such items as handicrafts,books,utensils etc. could be ordered online.Once I bought a book at bargain price($36), but at library price was of $180.Amazing, yes?Moreover,  online shopping is much more convenient(at least for me) because I don't like traffics and haaaaaate queues.Have you ever bought smthing online?

    1. topstuff profile image58
      topstuffposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      And i agree with you.

  5. thranax profile image71
    thranaxposted 16 years ago

    (A guy that doesn't mind shopping, interesting) Anyway I like stores better then online buying. Online buying is a lot more of a headache if it doesn't come perfectly. I mean, you need to put it back in a new box, pay to ship it back and then wait for them to ship another. Yes, it can be annoying just like traffic. And personally, I like to see and hold something I buy before I buy it. I'm not saying I don't like online shopping, I do it's awesome, but its also an awesome way to get into debt quicker. My opinion is real stores are for the win smile

  6. Chloe Comfort profile image62
    Chloe Comfortposted 16 years ago

    Shopping online!

    Hit some local shops now and again but I haven't been to the mall in years. Especially at Christmas time. I order early and have it shipped directly to me. The only down side for me is when I purchase clothes. More often than not, everything fits, but returning those that do not can be somewhat of a inconvenience. Easier when you can actually try it on prior to purchasing.

    Also as a working mom of two children, it's a lot easier to do it online. I barely have time in my day to breath let alone go shopping. I can do it when they're asleep and I also don't have to worry about hearing "Mom, can I have that!" when I'm at the store with them.

  7. Dottie1 profile image63
    Dottie1posted 16 years ago

    My last purchase was online.  Standard size sheets do not fit the beds in most dorm rooms.  Instead of running around store to store, especially with the high price of gas, it was just much easier to shop online.  Shoes and clothing definately I would still buy in a store because as stated above vary in size.

    1. Loni L Ice profile image67
      Loni L Iceposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      I'm kind of up in the air on this one.  I usually like shopping online better, owing to the two small toddlers I must take into consideration for every trip.  However, I live in a wonderful historic town in Kansas that has an awesome main street, all the small funky weird non-mall shops you could want.  I love going down there and just wandering once or twice a year when I can get my mate to watch the kids.  Of course, my favorite fiber shop is down there too, they have a floor loom I've only been dreaming of getting for. . , let me count it up here. . . fifteen years.  I occasionally go down there to look at it and dream of it being mine.


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