I had a crazy idea pop into my head and it made me a little curious about what all of us Hubbers have bought online in the past few months or so. I guess that I'm wanting to find what our community's buying habits are like and how much stuff we actually buy online.
So, if you have bought something online over the past few months (that you're willing to tell us about), post it up in this forum so that I can get a good idea of what kinds of things we're buying on a regular basic via e-commerce.
Also, if you bought something, please tell me were you bought it, too. I'm curious about that as well.
As far as I go, I haven't bought much stuff online the past few months except a few concert tickets and maybe a book or two. Tickets were from Ticketmaster and books were from Amazon.
How about you? Let me have it!
In the last few months, I've bought:
1. books
2. CDs
3. concert tickets
4. fabric
5. scissors
6. shampoo, conditioner, soap, moisturiser, hand cream, aspirin, bath stuff, shower gel, hairbands
7. a computer
8. stationary stuff, pens, etc
9. airline tickets
10. hotel reservation
11. hire car
12. 2 x Victorian watercolours
13. Victorian map of London
14. pants, tights, socks
15. printer ink
16. a computer
17. children's clothes and toys
18. groceries and household stuff
and a lot more things I've probably forgotton.
My main online shopping sites are:
I'm a tad introverted, so I tend to buy most things online. I use Shopgoodwill.com for most artsy stuff. It's fabulous for all things (except clothing is a rip-off). I also shop through e-bay, Wal-Mart online. I'm hoping to try Amazon soon but Wal-Mart usually tends to have much cheaper shipping, I paid $6 for a brand new spring jacket for my one-year old, the shipping was $0.97, can you believe that? I'm a bargain hunter and I love to share the stuff I buy and prices....should I write a hub about that? I think I just may. Thanks for the idea Ryan:)
I celebrated paying my taxes by buying Hellraiser and Hellraiser 2 on DVD and Genius/GZA "Liquid Swords" on CD from Amazon.com this past Weds. Hellraiser came in today.
Oh. My. God. Hellraiser rawks mah sox. Pinhead needs to return!
I've not bought anything online for awhile...I've closed my bank accounts and I do have a pre-paid credit card but I've not much fun money.
I also forgot that I renewed my vehicle registration online if that counts.
I live in a land of the shopping deprived.
The closest department store to me has recently been sold to a liquidator. So I am about an hour away from the closest so-called mall.
I buy a lot of things online, especially gifts, games, toys and books for children.
I've also bought chocolate, vitamins, ink cartridges for printers, special batteries, some clothing, a water-filter pitcher, yogurt maker, yogurt culture, curtain rods, curtains, blankets, duvets, silverware, some groceries and cosmetics.
I order most things through Amazon.
In the past I have bought computers, printers, a monitor
Well, don't fret...I'm sure in the next five years you'll see the economy gradually almost get back to normal. And five years after that, they just might build a new mall around you.
I hope not-- I moved to the woods to get away from malls and traffic. And there's not enough flat land around here to build a mall.
Actually I'm very happy to be able to find the things I need on line.
Being in the country AND being able to shop online is the best for me.
Cheers to that, then.
What kind of internet service do you have? Just wondering. I remember years ago cable was barely around, DSL hadn't really even began to catch on, and Satellite (as it still stands today, too) was slow and useless in the grand scheme.
Got DSL about three years ago-- dial-up before that. Used to be I could floss my teeth and give myself a manicure while waiting for things to load.
Haha, I remember using modems by baud rate. Click, click, click, click...not that it mattered when I was like nine or anything, though, I think it helped me gain patience.
In Ohio our phone lines were so bad I routinely connected at 14.4 even if I had a 56k. It was great. Three hours for a track off Napster. I learned to hone my tastes.
Hey, nice post from you i like it so much its good for me, what a nice post, Maintenance and replacement are necessary so that such growth is avoided. After a few months you may find that the flow of water reduces to some extent. You may even find that distinct odor and taste of water is back. These should be indicators enough to indicate that you need to buy a replacement.
Thanks for this great sharing.
Thanks- I'm glad you like it that much and it is good for you... but I didn't say anything about water systems. Everything seems fine, so far.
My first shopping preferences are to buy local. I always try to get what I'm looking for in my neighborhood and then my city before I go online. But a significant savings will have me shoppping elsewhere.
Airline tickets - I traveled in December (Hawaii) and February (Vegas and Costa Rica), and I've got trips coming up in May (Vegas) and June (Chicago and OH). I tend to buy straight from the host airline itself (Alaska, Frontier, United) as they often have the best prices, except for this one amazing deal I found on Orbitz ($100 savings there).
I've got a handful of eBay purchases: can't-get-anywhere-else costuming supplies, a rare book and a shoe deal that made my local store just look ridiculous (saved $60).
I buy all my incense from the woman who makes it by hand, and I adore that she puts in samples and freebies - www.mermadearts.com
Ryan, You asked the question what have we purchased? I am a Victoria's Secret fanatic, I have purchased clothing from ColdWater Creek, Ann Taylor and bought all kinds of goodies from Wal-Mart , BDalton Booksellers, shopping from home is nice at it alleviates the stress in malls and you seem to get many more discounts.
Okay, don't crucify me...AE, can I do a photo shoot of you sometime?
I promise I'll even bring my boyfriend.
mmmmmm... That could be fun I haven't ever actually did one of those before, oh I take that back I did do one for a salon it was a hair show and I was so shy and stressed, and of course this pic that my ding-a-ling girlfriends talked me into doing with them. Believe it or not it seemed like an eternity because I am honestly shy with the camera, they kept telling me to breathe and relax. lololo but you never know I may take you up on that offer.
LOL I forgot one more thing, the other day I order some chicken wings from Pizza Hut online.
I haven't bought anything online for quite some time but I am in the early stages of setting up an online and offline business doing something that I should have done years ago, I hope you will all consider buying from me lol.....jimmy
i buy everything online...its all about the promo codes!
this month ive purchased rare ac adapters for gadgets, printer ink, condoms, a few books for gifts (used bookstores work better for my tastes)train tickets and home brewing kits...oh yeah and champagne yeast
Airline tickets for other people (I should start charging, really) and some books for myself and my kids from Better World Books, and I think that's it.
I've never done much shopping online, honestly. I like to see what I'm buying.
I buy my stuff from amazon.com or bn.com
I prefer to use Amazon, because Barnes & Noble seem to send their stuff via a slow boat from China. Amazon, in comparison, deliver very fast to Australia.
I find that I can buy a book, lets say a new release fiction novel, and it'll get delivered to my door cheaper than what it would cost me to buy the same thing in a book store. And that's includes shipping. And I'm not even counting the travel expenses of the 200km round trip it takes me to get to an Angus & Robertson or a Borders on the other side of the equation.
US$7.99 + shipping (US$5.00?) as opposed to AU$25.00+ that they sell the same book for in Australia.
Amazon give delivery estimates of between 4 and 6 weeks. And I usually get it quicker than 2 weeks. Barnes & Noble on the other hand... well I'm not sure how long they promise but 8+ weeks is too long a wait. And you've ordered something for the kids and they know it's coming it feels like an eternity. Especially when they ask every... single... day.
The only reason I use bn.com is that they accept Paypal. Which is convenient for me because I get regular monthly payments into my Paypal account from a site similar to HubPages.
And here's just a smattering of what I've got over the last few months:
* Hidden Empire, Kevin J. Anderson
* Rascal Flatts new album (for my wife)
* On Writing, Stephen King
* Starcraft: I, Mengsk (for my son)
* Mad Men - Season One on DVD (for my wife)
* How to Write: A Screenplay
* How Not to Write a Screenplay
My last Purchase Online was some jewelry. In fact i did not buy that for myself but send as gift to a friend.
All my purchases the last few months have been from amazon.com
I bought 2 books and an amazon kindle.
Tickets, both airline and railways, and a web hosting plan.
Amazon sends me birthday and Christmas greetings. Just kidding, but I *am* one of their most loyal customers. Books and DVDs mostly, but unless I have to have it *right now* as I did a certain book the other day (which B&N didn't have in stock, btw, but Hastings did), I'll order it from Amazon. Even their standard shipping is usually pretty speedy (4 days to a week). Their site is so easy to use - see something you want, put it the shopping cart, go to checkout and bingo! It's on its way to you! Knowing how easy it can and should be makes jumping through the hoops at other online stores a real pain!
Oh yeah - the question was 'What have I bought online recently?'. Books of course!
None of your business Ryan! You're with the CIA aren't you!!! Dammit, I knew it! Leave me alone! I bought the plutonium for my flux capacitor!
Interesting question and answers In the past month or so:
train ticket to pick up broken down car
eBay SD card and carry case for my netbook
I purchased a box of beautiful fabris pieces, described as mostly stretch usual for art type medium.
I got a bunch of B.S. from a lady that clearly buys those big ripped up bacgs you get for rags. and she separateds them. I only paid $5.00 N.Z. but the postage was well over $10.00.
for a bag of rags, I could have purchased here at the chain store for $2.00.
Not impressesd.
Cheeky Bit e mailed me and asked me to place good feedback......
I didn't.
CDs by Neil Young and Wreckless Eric and MMS (Miracle Mineral Supplement).
Fitness DVD's, a couple of sets of hand weights, a kettle bell, cell phone accessories, books, checkbook covers (super cheap ones), a telephone.... generally, stuff that I want to really have a big selection on (rather than just what one or two stores offers); and stuff that's "low risk" as far as being what it looks like it is online.
Let me see nothing this month yet looking for season 4,5,6 of 24, last month audio books, books on audio, and season three of 24, and audio books, in February quilting fabric, season 2 of 24 and you guessed it books on audio, in January a couple of books including Deception point in hard cover and audio, alpaca knitting wool and quilting fabric. Last year about 20 or so books in both hard cover and audio versions, a new engine for the riding lawn mower and the Biggy the 38'RV.
I'm a bargoooooon hunter extraordinaire and proud of it, it all came from EBay and Amazon. I live in the country and the closest mall is a joke, with stores changing around in there like you should your underwear. I do my monthly trip to the big city where there is a Chapters (book store).
So my motto is 'if I can't go to it I let it come to me...'
Hmmm. Airline ticket to L.A., 3 pairs Christie fit pants from Victoria's Secret, books on web design, books by John O'Donohue, book on drawing the figure, and a lap top. Currently tracking down lapis lazuli earrings and a duvet cover...
The only thing I ever buy online is airline tickets, and replacement parts for my carpet shampooer. Both of which I need to buy soon.
I bought seed and plants from Burpee.com. They have been the only company that ships reliable plants that will not die right after I plant them in the ground. I also bought those flashlights that need no batteries or light bulbs from Fingerhut.com.
I also got some used books from Amazon.com.
Oh yeah, I bought vegetable garden seeds from Gurneys.
I bought a pair of Crocs - from Crocs. I also order prints of my photographs online from mpix.com and matts, Clearbags, and other supplies online from various places.
Since I like to read alot, I like to buy books online, I usually buy them from Amazon.
I pretty much buy everything online and agree with JamaGenee in how easy it is to go through Amazon for much. In the last month: books, CDs & crock through them; seeds/berries Heirloom, Burpee, Park & ediblelandscaping; herbal tonic "XSharp" from Immunotec; clothes mostly from Coldwater Creek but lately from Davids Bridal; bulk herbs, aromatherapy oils & mini olive oils (few suppliers); motorcycle parts (will check if you need)... UPS and FedEx joke if they miss us for a day.
In the past few months I have bought my garden supplies from Gurneys and wool yarn from Bartlettyarns.com.
I was going to order some grade completion tests, from Alpha Omega Publications, to see how my kids were progressing in school, but found that the site had a free download on the ones I needed... it cost me as much in ink as they would have charged, but there was no shipping cost or wait.
p.s. we buy a lot of stuff online, don't we?
Anyone else? Thanks for chiming in, everyone -- this is really interesting!
I bought a CueCat scanner to scan books into my Library thing. I also "bought" a new website.
KORG DS-10 for my new DSi. I really like this software. I had to buy it online because Gamestop stopped carrying it locally. This KORG software is soooooooo COOL because it turns your DSi into a mini synthesizer that you can hold in your hand.
The software is intuitive you can form chords just by pressing D and A keys and it presses F key to complete your chord! You get to work with patches, modulators, sequencing, and the Kaoss pad is included!
I just love the Kaoss pad!!!!!!
I didn't know you could get different kinds of madness online.
I don't think he's a very selective shopper, Rochelle. Probably would buy anything, .
The madness is a part of our daily life; so i got new shoes may be i could kick these madness away...
Bravo! Patented humor delivered on a silver platter.
Dude, the Korg DS-10 costed $28 and it was part II of my birthday present.
This humor almost reminds me of a story I once heard. A little boy went to kinder garden and when he went there it seemed everyone had something to brag about. A little girl had a new bow and another boy had new black shoes. So the boy didn't have anything new. The boy then said," you may have new black shoes but I have beautiful black eyes." Fact, the boy didn't have black eyes, they were brown but he displayed spunk!
P.S. That boy is now a grandad.
The computer and watercolours were both for my mother. I dislike shopping, I didn't say I never buy anything...
Shopping online is much more fun than shopping at the store. My dad and I actually discussed this topic this weekend while I was buying shoes. We decided it's so much more fun to open the package and try it on instead of trying it on at the store. Even if you don't get the right size online, it's still more fun.
In the past few month's I've bought WAY too much online.
* Clothes- dress shirts and casual shirts mostly
* Shoes
* Crickets and super worms on multiple occasions
* Leopard geckos
* ASUS a626 (for my boyfriend for work since he broke his last 1)
* Mary Kay face deep cleaner, toner, and facial cleaning wipes
* Something from amazon, I forget what
Nothing....ever. Maybe it's my age, but I don't like to put my cc number online.
I bought a lot of how to books online for writing, affiliate marketing and blogging...oh and Howard the Duck on dvd, such a classic!!!
My primary online purchases are electronics (digital camera, computer accessories and the like) and I shop for best price & availability and then choose based on "trust". I usually end up buying from Amazon.
Recently bought Labyrinth, such a Jim Henson classic.....the bog of enternal stench!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wonder what would happen if we all told each other what we're wanting to buy and then a few Hubbers could then create Hubs about those types of things we're looking for.
Then, if the person looking sees what they want, then they would buy it directly from the Hub via Amazon or Ebay Capsules.
It would be like a cool, little HubPages marketplace and we could all support one other.
I mean, if we're going to be buying something anyways, why not buy it from another Hubber and support our community?
Is this crazy (or against the Amazon/eBay TOS)??
Nope sounds legit!
Maybe there is some way of incorporating the hubtivity into something like this with the questions and answers....
I've bought fishing licenses, Celtic jewelry, and clothes and boots for me and for the grandkids.
I usually by my airline tickets online from orbitz.com and I also love buying jewelry - unique stuff that I can't find in the stores here.
i bought a Casio keyboard. it is still in the box! once i got my iPad i lost interest
maybe i will give it to one of the kids in the family for Christmas...
oh wait...i forgot...apps! and music from the iTunes store, duh. i was thinking real stuff, not intangibles.
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