Blogger VS WordPress

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  1. Whitney05 profile image82
    Whitney05posted 15 years ago

    Blogger VS WordPress

  2. David Verde profile image67
    David Verdeposted 15 years ago

    If you're brand new to the internet or blogging you might not be familiar with Wordpress Blogger (Blogspot) debate.  Chances are though, that you've at least heard the names.  Blogger and Wordpress are both "web log" or blog programs.  They can be... read more

  3. Trekkiemelissa profile image64
    Trekkiemelissaposted 15 years ago

    Like everything that is technology related, I have tried both of these out.  Personal preference, I like Wordpress better than Blogger.  That does not mean that you will not like Blogger.  In all honestly, it is a great blog software for people whom are just starting out.  It may even be good for a season blogger to. read more

  4. buzzyblogger profile image56
    buzzybloggerposted 15 years ago

    I like word press standalone because you can optimize it for search engines with all the modifications in the libraries.

  5. Ishan Sharma profile image59
    Ishan Sharmaposted 15 years ago

    WordPress is better than blogger at any time!

    If you do not want to spend money on hosting and want to make money, then Blogspot is only option but if you are ready to spend/do not want to make money from blog, WordPress is best option.

  6. profile image0
    probyte2uposted 15 years ago

    Blogger is better for the following reasons.
    1. You could add adsense code with ease.
    2. Have your own domain and get easily indexed by google.
    3. No need to worry about web hosting.

  7. regality profile image61
    regalityposted 15 years ago

    blogger is best when you want free hosting and out of the box monetization. It has widget ready monetization modules too. Blogger, as it is owned by google, is prioritized for indexing too, so you got credits when it comes to SEO.

    The free wordpress blog is not made for monetization. But it is a very good platform for blogging. The software is open source, so you may download it if you want to host your own site. If you are hosting your own wordpress site, you can add monetization modules and you can do almost anything with it as it is open source.

  8. zeromarket profile image56
    zeromarketposted 15 years ago

    Word press for 2 reasons

    1). lets me use my hosting account and add the details or updates by ftp such as filezilla however i know since the change has not allowed ftp updating( i could be wrong but im quite sure they have stopped ftp)

    2) is great for ad-sense but it's page rank is lower then wordpress which i found curious as i have written 4 or so blogs on and only two main affilate blogs on products however the page rank after the steps of backlinking and ping shows that wordpress was liked more by

    to in my general option i am a big fan for blogger two as if anything is closly like anyone elses blog on wordpress then wordpress will destroy the blog! period!

  9. MikeNV profile image68
    MikeNVposted 15 years ago

    They are not in competition with each other.  Entirely different platforms.  WordPress makes available a self hosted product that allows you to control you own destiny.  The which is best questin is asked over and over.  The Best is irrelevant as the products are not the same.

    The self hosted version of WordPress is highly extensible.

  10. sohaibshaheen profile image60
    sohaibshaheenposted 15 years ago

    This question is worth asking and confusing to many peoples.

    Wordpress is in form of software that can be hosted on your site or you may have an account on wordpress'  own site too e.g.

    Blogger is a well known service by google and can be only on bloggers site i.e. you cannot have it on your site. Although you may apply your domain to it making it look like self hosted.

    Wordpress is superior to blogger in many ways including number of options, themes, widgets, help etc..

    Whereas blogger has its own advantages including better indexing as it is hosted on and googles gives it more importance and indexes it faster then others self hosted  blogs.Easier to use and well known to many... but it lacks widgets and great looking themes... 

    So its just a matter of use...

    If you want to write blog just for fun or to convey message then is better since your content will be indexed faster and will have more impact. Also chances of earnings are higher.

    If you want to promote your site or have already working high ranked site then you should consider hosting WORDPRESS on your site as it has full set of features ready to attract and enrtain your user in many ways....

    Hope you are satisfied. I have more to convey only if you wish...

  11. profile image51
    jennismortalposted 15 years ago

    Helpful information. One other comparison is the difference of how each handle leaving comments. Wordpress allows a handy comment box with the post. An annoying feature of Blogger is that it opens another window that does not match the theme of your blog. There are hacks, however, that can be made to the code to simulate wordpress that way. This is my only beef with blogger.

  12. freedomdebtscam profile image54
    freedomdebtscamposted 15 years ago

    Wordpress is good as it helps in backlinking.

  13. mozakdesign profile image61
    mozakdesignposted 15 years ago

    Wordpress!!! and I highly recommend you host it yourself if the blog is going to be used for anything formal

  14. element321 profile image61
    element321posted 15 years ago

    I have used and setup for clients with both Blogger and WordPress self hosted.

    For businesses purposes and advanced bloggers, WordPress is the way to go. There are some many themes, plugins and it is easier to optimize for the search engines and with certain themes you can easily run affiliate and adsense programs.

    For new bloggers or the causal blogger, using Blogger works well. But there is not a lot you can do with it. Not that many blog plugins and its a lot harder to optimize for search engines.

  15. WebMag profile image61
    WebMagposted 15 years ago

    If your gone host WordPress CMS on your own (you will not open account at, but download WordPress from and host it wherever you want), then WordPress is the better choice because it is customizable so you can adopt it to your needs. It will be a little harder in beginning, however, later on you will be glad you choose it instead of Blogger.

  16. cyberetto profile image59
    cyberettoposted 12 years ago

    Wordpress really is the way to go!  It's becoming the most-frequently used Content Management System (CMS) for organizations of all sizes, for use as a personal blog right through to use as a news organization site or businesses or government organizations.

    The key is flexibility.  Wordpress is already flexible from the beginning, but with the huge amount of themes and plugins, free and bought, it's infinitely extensible, customizable to suit your unique needs. 

    I just don't see that level of flexibility there in Blogger.

    (I'm talking about self-hosted Wordpress, i.e. not on, which has more limitations, although a good starting point.)

  17. maxravi profile image54
    maxraviposted 8 years ago

    I think WordPress is good for serious blogger and Blogger platform is good for initial and part time blogger.
    You can start with blogger platform, but as you grow as a blogger, you need more control and flexibility with your Blog.
    self hosted WordPres s provides all this featureto you.


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