Will libraries fall due to the Internet and eReaders?

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  1. Rachelle Williams profile image83
    Rachelle Williamsposted 13 years ago

    Will libraries fall due to the Internet and eReaders?

  2. CassyLu1981 profile image74
    CassyLu1981posted 13 years ago

    I hope not!!! I'm a huge "book" lover.  My husband has wanted to get me an eReader and although it would be convient, I would prefer to stick with my books.  I've always wanted that huge library in my house with all kinds of different books, all one's I've read.  As a family we always go to the library or book stores and sit and read.  I would be dissapointed if libraries didn't exist anymore.  That being said, I do think they are on their way out.

  3. Seeker7 profile image76
    Seeker7posted 13 years ago

    I think there will always be a place for libraries, especially as most of them now have interenet access for members and will no doubt invest in e-readers at some stage, if they haven't already. Also many people like to visit the library just as a place of relaxation and to meet people. Also, libraries are now more than just a 'borrow a book' service, having diversified to meet the local communities needs.

  4. Amo1219 profile image60
    Amo1219posted 13 years ago

    Due to the number of Homeless people who enter the library everyday in Downtown Chicago, just to use the computers.  I would say libraries will never fall but the reading of books will continue to decline

  5. katedonavon profile image72
    katedonavonposted 13 years ago

    Surely not as long as I'm around! I'm a big fan of the free books that I can read and then return and not have to store. I love going to the library. It's relaxing and I can usually find something interesting to read; if nothing else, I will take home one of my old favorites.

  6. Alecia Murphy profile image67
    Alecia Murphyposted 13 years ago

    The way we read has changed as well as how often we read which is bad, but I think libraries do serve a purpose in helping the community. That aside, I think they may be going the way of the post office.

  7. profile image48
    moradmposted 13 years ago

    Readers who have started their reading experience through a book (and not through an eReader or through the Internet) will always stick to the physical book.
    For one thing, the book is literally physical. You are holding the true key of power and education within your own hands, as you flip pages and look the words in the eye.
    Secondly, nothing equals going to a library, sitting between millions of books on a wooden table with a hot cup of coffee next to you and a book that deeply interests you, nothing equals that feeling! Especially in the winter!
    Writing and reading started with books, and they will always reside in books. After all, books are the things that started the Internet and eReaders and every little and single technology around nowadays.
    For me, there will always be a big library of books in my house. No way I'm letting that amazing magic go away.

  8. georgethegent profile image60
    georgethegentposted 13 years ago

    Not every square mile of the world gets access to the internet so the written word will be required for a few years yet - thank goodness.

    Last thing at night, when I've just got into bed, I love a good read to get me ready to sleep. I need the library!!!

  9. THEHuG5 profile image60
    THEHuG5posted 13 years ago

    I think that libraries will adapt to the "mordern" age. I know many libraries are already letting you borrow books online. The sad part is, there will be some people out of jobs. Hopefully libraries will hold on for as long as they can cuz I love going to the library even though I have an eReader.

    At the same time libraries aren't just for reading they are for studying and computer use as well. I think as long as libraries have internet access and wi-fi people will continue to go.

  10. athena2011 profile image59
    athena2011posted 13 years ago

    My guess would be, probably not. Human beings do not like change and very often resist it. So even with the internet and e-readers they will not be satisfied.

    I believe there will always be people who want to have a physical book in their hand to read, so libraries will always exist.

    Libraries are a great way for a poor person to educate themselves about the world we live in and maybe bring themselves up economically.

  11. jeremejazz profile image60
    jeremejazzposted 13 years ago

    No I disagree. Since most people still prefer books printed. And not everyone can afford to have an e-reader like a tablet yet


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