How do hubs get found by search engines with no tags?

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  1. lrc7815 profile image82
    lrc7815posted 11 years ago

    How do hubs get found by search engines with no tags?

    I am Internet "dumb" so forgive my question.  Since HP stripped our hubs of tags, what does google look for?  Will this affect traffic?

  2. bumbershoot profile image66
    bumbershootposted 11 years ago

    I think Google (and other search engines) are only using the words in the title of your hub and in the hub summary - the 2-4 sentence summary of your topic.  You can add the summary to the right of your hub, where the ad level and group categories live.

  3. chef-de-jour profile image100
    chef-de-jourposted 11 years ago

    It's a good question. It seems tags were an issue because many people were overdoing it, being repetitive and not helping the site as a whole? Also RSS was being abused in some way, perhaps by those who didn't really know how to create relevant links.
    HubPages in their wisdom will automatically generate tags for each hub? so I've heard - how I do not know.
    Tags gave us some creative input - to help get traffic to our hubs using the keywords. This has now gone!
    As for RSS - didn't it guarantee fresh/updated content, which is what Google prefers? Now we'll have to update manually? Or can you leave a decent hub for ages and ages without any updates or fresh content?
    I'm confused.

    1. bravewarrior profile image83
      bravewarriorposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Are RSS feeds automatically configured or are we supposed to configure them?  If so, I don't know how to do that.  :-(

    2. lrc7815 profile image82
      lrc7815posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Shauna, RSS feeds have been disabled.  You can't use them anymore.

  4. safiq ali patel profile image66
    safiq ali patelposted 11 years ago

    As far As I know as far as hub page goes Hub Pages will use software to Automatically tag our hubs and posts and questions. The software will then inform the search engines of tags to each hub here on facebook. The tags were removed because they were being used too often by spammers.

  5. thephoenixlives profile image60
    thephoenixlivesposted 11 years ago

    The feed page on hubpages carries each new hub, it is a PR 6 page and is in constant change. The Google bots are on this page every few mins or so, so as your new hub sits on the feed page, google spiders it and finds new hubs. Simple.  Once the hub is found, the spider will return to the page every so often to look for changes.

    If it comes back to your hub 3 days later and there are more changes, it may come back 2 days later, if it does that and there are no changes, it may not come back for 5 days. The spiders develop a patter based on the amount of changes to the hub in question. The Feed page is constantly changing and has a lot of authority, so new hubs are found and indexed fairly quick. no tags required.

    1. lrc7815 profile image82
      lrc7815posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Than you soooo much for the wonderfully simple explanation that even I can understand.  It is much appreciated.

  6. nicomp profile image61
    nicompposted 11 years ago

    Tags were always a red herring anyway. No search engine takes them seriously these days. All you can do is "Write good" and hope that Google agrees.

  7. Everyday Miracles profile image85
    Everyday Miraclesposted 11 years ago

    The search engines find your hub through external links coming to your hub. So if you post a comment on a blog entry that is related to your hub and you leave the link to your hub (or your hubpages profile) in the link field, then Google will follow that link when its spiders crawl over the blog post on which you've just commented, covering your hub and crawling out across the links that you have posted on your page.

    A lot of what we used to think we knew about SEO is red herrings. The tags were always meaningless and only helped to connect related pages to one another. Your best bet with attracting search engine traffic is to write a high quality and engaging hub that your readers enjoy enough to pass on to other people via Twitter, Facebook and other social networks, and which people feel are good enough to link to from their web pages (or other hubs), thus giving you a boost with search engine traffic.

    It has to be above board; Google does punish black hat techniques as much as possible, and the most recent updates have really penalized some of the bigger sites (HP included).

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