Google Wants to Reap and Keep All the Ad Revenue

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  1. jaymelee23 profile image65
    jaymelee23posted 14 years ago

    Any thoughts to this and what the future will hold for us that rely on Google and Adsense? … d-content/

    1. thisisoli profile image81
      thisisoliposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I think you are misunderstanding what this signifies. It actually means that Google may begin to pay writers MORE for creating content.

  2. Jane@CM profile image60
    Jane@CMposted 14 years ago

    "If Google were to proceed in this direction, it might use its knowledge of online auctions to create a reverse auction process for content topics. Qualify writers and editors and then publish a list of topics and let the writers bid each other down to minimize the cost of populating sites."

    I don't like this idea at all...I'm not up to bid for article.

  3. ilmdamaily profile image68
    ilmdamailyposted 14 years ago

    That's extremely interesting.

    On the one hand, yeah - there'll be more "paid" writing jobs.

    But if we're all bidding down on each other, there'll be no money in it. This bodes poorly for quality ocntent on the net.

    All the good stuff will be outranked by the mass-produced stuff backed up by multi-million dollar search engine intelligence.

    It's the same trend you see with every new technology: the trend towards commoditisation.

    What started as a cottage industry (writing content for the 'net) sees the emergence of a few larger players - aggregators (hubpages, ezine, goarticles, demand etc...), with those eventually colaescing into ever largening commercial entities.

    Success will eventually be a function of efficiency. Who can produce the most content, most accurately, most cheaply.

    Like widgets. Except now they're words.

    It's probably not all bad though. The patents really only signal a battle between Demand and Google. The rest of us are fine.

    There's nothing to stop anyone from setting up a paper company like Demand in singapore, taiwan, shanghai or anywhere else for that matter.

    Patents are only as good as the powers that can enforce them.

    1. thranax profile image70
      thranaxposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Powers that can enforce them? Google IS the power. Google owns the internet if you believe it or not. If Google drops your site you have as much a chance to survive as swimming in the middle of the ocean trending water with no drinking water, food, or method of floating while relaxed.


      1. ilmdamaily profile image68
        ilmdamailyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Yes, they are powerful.

        But as long as they maintain an advertising system based on competitive bidding, then they're obliged to keep at least *some* of their keyword data publicly available.

        The dynamics of their business model dictate that the more data they make available, the more revenue they will make. More data = more niches to explore. More niches = more markets. More markets = more advertising $.

        And as long as that's the case, we'll always have a way to find new keywords.

        I wouldn't worry too much. These things have a way of working themself out.

        Opportunity is a hard lady to pin down;-)

        As an aside, for those of us who grew up using the net PG (pre google) we (well, I) sometimes still think of google as a "startup" - even though they're like the largest company ever.

        Makes you wonder - when did google stop being a "startup" and become a "coroporate monster"? So sneaky!

  4. thranax profile image70
    thranaxposted 14 years ago

    Well, it seems google wants more of the pie, and to slowly cut all but top notch content creators out. If that happens ,sites like Hubpages unless bought by google for the purpose of ads (like eHow) will be unable to use adsense. We would need to have another method of revenue (god not kontera). Although right now it seems google isnt going to make any actions towards taking over writer sites other then eHow (Yahoo has Associated Content). If Yahoo and Bing can keep there hands on part of the content market then that will defend us from google (no way google would opt out to let publishers on these large sites NOT use there ad program - it loses them money).

    Yahoo and Bing may be our savers,


  5. Jane@CM profile image60
    Jane@CMposted 14 years ago

    I wish I could get traffic from Yahoo and Bing.  Anyone know of any backlink sites specifically focused on those two?

    1. Pcunix profile image84
      Pcunixposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      You don't  get traffic from them because almost nobody uses them except for clueless newbies and even then somebody introduces them to Google sooner rather than later.

      1. ilmdamaily profile image68
        ilmdamailyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        They can be useful for specific types of ppc affiliate campaigns...

        ...but yeah...kinda crap by and large.

  6. Pcunix profile image84
    Pcunixposted 14 years ago

    Ok, so Google would rather we all write at Blogger rather than HP. 


    Make  Blogger even 75% as good as HP and I would pack up my kit and move.  But so far, Google seems clueless about what it would take to make Blogger attractive.

    I've often thought that Google's elitist hiring is harmful to them in some areas and I think Blogger is a great example.

    By the way, 'Googled" by Ken Auletta can give you insight into Google's weak spots.

  7. Smart Rookie profile image60
    Smart Rookieposted 14 years ago

    I wish I hadn't come across this. Google and Demand are basically fighting over who gets to destroy the internet first.


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