MY Very First Staycation

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  1. Jacqueline4390 profile image81
    Jacqueline4390posted 8 years ago
    I didn't even know that they existed until I decided I needed some time away from "working", social media and other stressful situations. It's a vacation that you have at home without the added expense of reservations, hotel stays and long road trips. I am going to sit back, relax, let my answer service handle the calls and only respond to "relatives who are NOT in distress." No cleaning ... minor cooking ..and no HP until Tuesday, July 14th. I may pop my head in for a second but nothing more!

    Have any of you ever taken a Staycation? How did it work for you?

    1. TIMETRAVELER2 profile image85
      TIMETRAVELER2posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Yes.  Last year my husband and I decided to take a week off at home.  Had a great time eating out, enjoying the beaches, visiting with friends, etc.  Plan to do more of that in the future!

      1. Jacqueline4390 profile image81
        Jacqueline4390posted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Peeking in again before my visit to the museum with my grandson. I'm really glad I asked. Having a marvelous time. Make a great article! See ya!

    2. liesl5858 profile image82
      liesl5858posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Staying at home instead of going out for holiday is great. Just chill out and do nothing except eat, drink and enjoy the sunshine. I loved it. I was working nights last month and when I wake up during the afternoon after my sleep, I don't feel like doing anything at all. I just chill out. Then on my nights off, I just stay at home and do some gardening or update my hubs and just chill out really.

      1. Jacqueline4390 profile image81
        Jacqueline4390posted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Yes, good for you!

    3. Suzanne Day profile image92
      Suzanne Dayposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I took a Staycation for 3 days recently. It was marvellous! I think people have trouble discerning between relaxation and travel. Travel is not relaxing, it is exciting. Staycations are relaxing, where you are meant to flop around doing nothing but eating, sleeping and watching movies/reading books/whatever away from work and the computer. I love them and will definitely do more!

      1. Jacqueline4390 profile image81
        Jacqueline4390posted 8 years agoin reply to this

        You are sooooo right! You have defined it perfectly! I am truly enjoying it! Thanks for your great comment!

  2. plogan721 profile image78
    plogan721posted 8 years ago

    With my finances, it seem that all I can do is take a staycation.   Like you, I don't do anything, except pop on my social media that are not business related.  towards the end, I set up what I am going to do the next day, but I do not touch it until then.  I make lists while on my staycation, I eat out more, I find things to do in the city that I live in.  I try something new, and if I think it is worthy of a post, I make a mental note to write about the experience.

    1. Jacqueline4390 profile image81
      Jacqueline4390posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      That is great ... I am so very excited that others take staycations too! Yippee!

      1. plogan721 profile image78
        plogan721posted 8 years agoin reply to this

        That is the problem.  I do not think that people know what is in their cities.  They do not take the time to find out, before they decide on where they want to go on vacation. Yes, you can go on vacation, save up for that fabulous vacation you want to go on, but do not go to Europe or Mexico every time the mood hits you.  I have found more things to in my city, than trying to hunt up a travel guide that may be two or three years old on the internet or in the bookstore.  i am currently saving up for a trip to Disney, but also I love exploring my hometown too

        1. Jacqueline4390 profile image81
          Jacqueline4390posted 8 years agoin reply to this

          That's the way to have real fun ... enjoying your own surroundings!

  3. Kimberleyclarke profile image83
    Kimberleyclarkeposted 8 years ago

    I try to have a mini staycation once a week! One day each week of nothing I 'have' to do. Only things that I want to do. I swear by it! smile Have a fab time on your staycation!

    1. Jacqueline4390 profile image81
      Jacqueline4390posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks so very much ... just ducking my head in for a minute!

  4. Jacqueline4390 profile image81
    Jacqueline4390posted 8 years ago
    Enjoying staycation and my birthday :-)

    1. quicksand profile image81
      quicksandposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      HAPPY BIRTHDAY! smile

      1. Jacqueline4390 profile image81
        Jacqueline4390posted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks! I'll be smiling all day!

    2. plogan721 profile image78
      plogan721posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Happy Birthday.  Enjoy!!!

      1. Jacqueline4390 profile image81
        Jacqueline4390posted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you so much ... it was great!

  5. Kimberleyclarke profile image83
    Kimberleyclarkeposted 8 years ago

    Happy Birthday! Enjoy your staycation big_smile

    1. Jacqueline4390 profile image81
      Jacqueline4390posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks, Kimberley ... it has so far been fab!

  6. Jacqueline4390 profile image81
    Jacqueline4390posted 8 years ago

    I had a great staycation but I still find myself extremely disenchanted with HubPages. At first, it seemed like a very exciting venture but now that I have had time to really reflect ... I find that it is very unfulfilling. I guess having a birthday made me aware of how very precious life is and how important it is to spend time wisely!


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