How Much Do People Know About The Chinese People?

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  1. ngureco profile image76
    ngurecoposted 14 years ago

    How Much Do People Know About The Chinese People?

    I ask this question because many ordinary people like asking me silly questions about the Chinese people. They ask me questions like: Do Chinese people eat babies? Do Chinese people eat dogs? Do Chinese people eat cats? Do Chinese people have eyelashes? Do Chinese herbs work? Do Chinese people make babies? Do Chinese people eat rats? Do Chinese people eat monkey brains? Do Chinese people do this and that? Etc, etc,. These are silly questions you wish people should not ask but they just keep on asking them. Do people ask these silly questions because they know very little about Chinese people?

  2. profile image34
    hulaboy808posted 14 years ago

    Humm thats odd, im Chinese and i never had those questions asked.

  3. elayne001 profile image83
    elayne001posted 14 years ago

    I think many of us are ignorant about the Chinese. It was not until I became a very good friend of a girl who came here from China that I learned so much from her. There are so many different cultures of Chinese and they do not all look the same like so many believe. I wrote a recent hub about the traditional Uyghur food from East China. It tells some of the things I have learned so far.

  4. telltale profile image61
    telltaleposted 14 years ago

    The Chinese people are no different from the other people in the world, we are just one of the races of the world.  As in different cultures, we are different, in practices, "our" type of food we eat, the way we dress (those ancient days, but not nowadays, as most are in western dressing - coat and tie), etc.  It appears people in general are mostly ignorant about the Chinese, and in today's world, the questions you mentioned, should not have been asked at all, since knowledge about the Chinese (for that matter, any race in the world) is readily available via the Net, unless one still wants to remain ignorant, that is a choice.

  5. ngureco profile image76
    ngurecoposted 14 years ago

    The people of China are no different from other
    people in the world. If you find yourself asking, ‘Why are People Extremely Terrified of Chinese
    People?’, then, you may as well ask yourself this, ‘Are Chinese People Extremely
    Terrified of... read more

  6. Kyle.S profile image60
    Kyle.Sposted 14 years ago

    Sure, those are silly questions. As I am a Chinese, I don't know why there are such guys exist.  we have a great history, our country is one of the most powerful country in the world.  We are the NO.1 in the 2008 olympic game. And in the following years, we will become more developed.  It really make me laugh to hear someone ask "Do Chinese people eat babies? ". China has a very good eating and life habit compare to most of the other countries. I don't think one who can ask a question like "Do Chinese people eat babies? " because of knowing little about Chinese people.  The only reason is " there are some problems in their brain".
    It is really confused that why people from different country can not live happily with each other together but to say dirty thing to hit each other.

  7. Will Apse profile image91
    Will Apseposted 14 years ago

    This is the kind of question members of Stormfront and other Neo Nazi groups like to pose in forums in the hope of stoking hatred. I am guessing you are not a member of any these groups but it is still pretty unpleasant to read.

    If you have lived in any Asian country (which I think you do nguero) you will have come across many Chinese people peacefully integrated into the social fabric and making a great contribution to local economies.

    In your hub on Chinese people, you talk about Chinese people eating dogs as if it is common (it is not), This seems just a way of stirring up ill feeling and exploiting the silly fears of silly Weaterners- they appear different so they must be dangerous etc etc.

  8. lovelylizzy profile image60
    lovelylizzyposted 14 years ago

    NO!!!!Stupid!!!!!!Why the heck are people always saying they eat rats,don't have eyelashes and kill babies?I'm pretty sure they don't kill babies.I live in the bahamas,i am black,and 12 years old,and i don't just LOVE chinese food,i think chinese people are beautiful.Every day Ignorant school kids are always talking about how gross chinese people are.Let me clear something up for you.
    Chinese people DON'T eat babies.
    Chinese people DON'T eat dogs,nor cats nor rats,AND THEY SURELY DON'T PUT IT IN YOUR CHINESE TAKEOUT.
    Chinese people DO have eyelashes.Who doesn't.
    They don't eat monkey brains.NOBODY eats monkey brains.
    Perhaps,their herbs work,but that is based on culture and belief.DON'T BE STUPID.THESE QUESTIONS ARE CRAZY.

  9. Edwin Clark profile image56
    Edwin Clarkposted 14 years ago

    There are a lot of misconceptions thrown out by fear mongers regarding China, especially since they are on the verge of becoming the world's super power.

    And there are certainly enough ignorant people in the world to begin with without having to fill their heads with propaganda.

    That said, people in certain parts of China do eat cats and dogs. But it's not because they are cruel people. Just think about it, there is a vast majority of poor Chinese who live in the countryside with little resources of food. If you're a farmer or herder living in the prairies your food source is scarce.

    And if you are a parent you have to feed your children.

  10. VENUGOPAL SIVAGNA profile image61
    VENUGOPAL SIVAGNAposted 14 years ago

    I am an Indian. I assure that Chinese people are better civilised than those who criticize them about their eating habits. Politically, they never insert their nose wherever possible and get struck up like Americans. They are the first to use paper and ink. Their silk clothings made history by providing avenues for international trade, via Afganistan from the West. Their civilization, their discipline, their dreams of becoming No.1 in the world are to be and must be appreciated.

    23 centuries ago, they embraced Budhism from India.... Budha was born in Nepal; but his religious journey started in India. All his teachings were collected and spread by Indian emperor Ashoka.   India is proud that we have religious bonds for 2300+ years with China. Though there are some border disagreements, we cant afford others to cash in on the disputes.

    In a book written by a German author named "Himalayas, Mountains of Destiny", it is outlined that one day, the three major powers of the world, India, China and Russia will rule the destiny of the Globe..  USA & Co. are taking care that this does not happen.


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