Where is the most romantic place to visit?

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  1. Hawkesdream profile image65
    Hawkesdreamposted 13 years ago

    Where is the most romantic place to visit?

    It is our 20th Wedding Anniversary soon, and we would like to celebrate in style. Can you please give us some suggestions including a few things to do and places we must see, when we get there?

  2. billericky profile image71
    billerickyposted 13 years ago

    There are many tropical and beautiful places to visit around the world. Unfortunately, many have armed gangs and terrorists kidnappimnd and killing people. If they laid down their guns their whole country would benefit from a massive tourist boom.

    For my choice, it would have to be Liverpool. The accent is a little quirky, but once you get used to it, it still sounds strange. The people are friendly, the weather is not brilliant, but the Beattles came from there and there is always the football clubs. The nightlife is electrifying, and a romantic ferry across the Mersey is excellent as the sun sets.

    Historically, Liverpool is littered with period buildings and social places of interest. Including opportunities to visit the one majestic docks and the birthplace of me.

  3. profile image50
    gregoryamosheposted 13 years ago

    I would suggest you taking a safari to Kenya. Its warm right now, security is tight and the people are very hospitable. Besides, you'll have the opportunity to interact with some great people, fish, dine, climb mountains and connect with each other. I would suggest you visit: http://www.twiga-tours.com and have a look of what is there. You'll be surprised!!

  4. profile image50
    halfpricetoursposted 13 years ago

    If planning to visit Florida, We always recommend the quite lands of Key West. Nothing more romantic than the beautiful sunset over the coral reef found there. One of the most beautiful hotels is the Casa Marina. They can arrange a romantic dinner with your feet on on the sand, jetski, snorkeling, glass bottom boat tours and more!

  5. thebookmom profile image68
    thebookmomposted 13 years ago

    Jackson Hole, Wyoming is our favorite.  Beautiful scenery, lots of fun dining choices and lots of opportunity for quality alone time without a lot of touristy interruptions.  We loved the "Grainary" restaurant and we loved driving the scenic route through the Grand Tetons.

  6. Alan Nelson profile image60
    Alan Nelsonposted 13 years ago

    I suggest you follow my example and take a trip from Townsville on the "Coral Princess". You can do as little or as much as you like. It is not a big cruise ship, only 42 passengers. The meals are Outstanding and the crew both friendly and professional. April to October is the best time for any travel in North Queensland.

  7. profile image0
    gogogoposted 13 years ago

    That is a hard question as there are so many places that come to mind - right away - but after thinking about it I decided the Island of Bora Bora in Tahiti, in an overwater bungalow.  Of course I love the sea the reason for my choice.  Just doing the simple things, go out in a outrigger canoe, have a picnic on a tropical offshore islet, snorkle, lie in a hammock and read, visit the local shops and market place.  Just do all the things you both like, and don't forget the romantic sunset dinner cruise.  Have fun Happy anniversary

  8. issywiggy profile image60
    issywiggyposted 13 years ago

    For me it has to be the Maldives. As you fly in and land on an island you step outside to the view of blue skies and your choice of hotel transfer is a light sea plane or a speed boat.
    We took the speed boat option and as we zoomed out over the blue sea we had our first James Bond moment!  On arrival at our island we kicked off our shoes and were welcomed with a cold towel and a refreshing cocktail.
    Now if I tell you we are normally golfing every day or in the winter skiing then you might think why go to the Maldives? To be honest we just wanted some time together to chill and the Maldives was perfect. We put our watches and phones in the safe and got into Kani (our islands name) mode and got up when we wanted, ate when we wanted, snorkelled and lazed around for 7 days.  Just perfect.
    If you want relaxation I'd seriously consider it as a destination, and if you want adventure, combine it with Sri Lanka.
    You can check out our pictures here http://on.fb.me/zaPLLn

  9. wonderingwoolley profile image59
    wonderingwoolleyposted 13 years ago

    Generally I would say anywhere that you are with your loved one, where you focus on who you are with, is the most romantic. However, I think somewhere secluded in the mountains with a fire would be wonderful!

  10. Kristy Borowik profile image60
    Kristy Borowikposted 13 years ago

    Any island resort makes for a romantic vacation. My favorite so far has been at the Hilton Resort in Hawaii (on the Big Island). The resort itself has plenty to do. The island is full of waterfalls and beautiful beaches to explore. You can also go ziplining and drive or hike up to Mauna Kea. Volcanoes National Park and Pu'uhonua o Honaunau National Historic Park are also there.

    http://voices.yahoo.com/photos/puuhonua … tml?cat=37

    http://voices.yahoo.com/reaching-summit … tml?cat=16

    http://voices.yahoo.com/waterfalls-near … tml?cat=16

    http://voices.yahoo.com/your-guide-vaca … tml?cat=16

  11. elayne001 profile image80
    elayne001posted 13 years ago

    Hawaii has some wonderful places to celebration wedding anniversaries. I already wrote a hub about some of them - wishing you all the best on your 20th!

    http://elayne001.hubpages.com/hub/Honey … -in-Hawaii

  12. webbience profile image38
    webbienceposted 13 years ago

    If you are really interested for you honey moon.. why dont you think to tour abroad.. like Indian.. for a change...?

    There is lot of romantic places in India where your honey moon will be wonderful.
    get the real identity at http://www.webbience.com

  13. profile image0
    MP50posted 13 years ago

    Spend your anniversary in Milan Italy, I can recommend the four seasons hotel. The food, the style, the people and the architecure are "Awesome" Happy 20th anniversary.

  14. lawdoctorlee profile image82
    lawdoctorleeposted 13 years ago

    I would say Rome.  Rome has everything:  culture, history, modernism, ancient ruins, awesome food everywhere (even in a "dive").  Gorgeous basilicas, museums, the Italians are just fantastic people and have learned how to enjoy life and not take it too seriously.  Going to the Roman Forum at night, when those ruins are lit up, is fantastically romantic.  Though I was alone on my trip there...I did fall in love.  I fell in love with Rome.  If you would like to read my hub about it, it's entitled Reflections of My Italian Experience (Parts 1 & 2).  Lots of details in there about how it is, what to see, etc.  If  you do go to Rome, check out Pizza Blue - the best pizza in the city; and, if I remember correctly, they had like 50 kinds of pizza.  Get there early for dinner because it is packed!  It's near the Hard Rock Cafe - Rome.

  15. Janis Goad profile image81
    Janis Goadposted 13 years ago

    The Caribbean has been one of my favourite places on the planet for decades, and I think my current favourite island is St.Lucia.  If you can spend the money, check out Anse Chastanet, or even Jade Mountain.  They are a trip of a lifetime, and St Lucia is full of things to see and do if you want an active vacation--volcano, rainforest, reef diving, botanical walks in elfin canopy forests up the mountains, mountain biking, horseback riding, and more.  Come home to exqusite art in your room, spa treatments, local music, and great food.  These resorts are "unplugged" from TV and internet, so  you can spend lots of time enjoying each other and relaxing.  Renew your vows on the beach at sunset, and have a great time!

    See my hubs:
    "Yoga at a Honeymoon Hotel" http://hubpages.com/t/1ecba9
    "Saint Lucia Chef Jonathan Dearden of Jade Mountain" http://hubpages.com/t/1ec26e

  16. vietfamilytours profile image61
    vietfamilytoursposted 13 years ago

    Do you know anything about Vietnam? if you have a few information, please visit our to get further information about Vietnam honeymoon tours.

    http://vietnampathfinder.com/toursline/ … n-packages


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