Does it matter to you where you sit on a plane?

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  1. Michelle Hawkins profile image61
    Michelle Hawkinsposted 12 years ago

    Does it matter to you where you sit on a plane?

    Would you rather have a middle seat, the window seat, or a seat on the aisle?

  2. freecampingaussie profile image59
    freecampingaussieposted 12 years ago

    I love sitting by the window but hate feeling trapped if I am on my own so I have started to ask for an aisle seat so I can stretch out or get up when I want rather than have to ask someone to move for me .
    Some people are so big you cannot squeeze past them & make me feel trapped in .
    Also so many people seem to be so grumpy these days I hate asking them to let me past especially if they are asleep.
    On my floght to Adelaide last week I had a row to myself so got to sleep comfortably asit was the middle of the night !

    1. Michelle Hawkins profile image61
      Michelle Hawkinsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I agree, it depends on the situation and the people you'll be dealing with.
      Luck you on getting the row to yourself, that doesn't happen very often.

  3. Pavlo Badovskyy profile image74
    Pavlo Badovskyyposted 12 years ago

    Steward in one of the plane told passengers:"What are you looking for? Take any seat. Believe me they are all the same"!  It was a budget flight and seats were not assigned to passengers beforehand. In fact it depends what exactly you want . If you are afraid of a catastrophe - take rear seats. According to stats passengers there survive more often. If you need to stretch you legs - take an isle seat. If you are going to stay all flight in your place - take a window seat and none botheres you trying to go to WC.

    1. Michelle Hawkins profile image61
      Michelle Hawkinsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      A lot of people who choose an aisle seat pick them for the extra room, whereas people who tend to sleep often choose  a window seat.

    2. freecampingaussie profile image59
      freecampingaussieposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I always used to sit down the back as more survive down there ! Last week I was right near the front   but felt strange , On my last flight I had a big person next to me  was really squashed . I would have moved to an emmty row but I knew her.

  4. Goody5 profile image59
    Goody5posted 12 years ago

    No not at all, because I have no intentions on ever stepping foot onto an airplane again as long as all of this stupid airline security is happening around us. If that means that I'll never fly again, then so be it!

    1. Michelle Hawkins profile image61
      Michelle Hawkinsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I hope things get better and hopefully you won't have to fly any time soon.

  5. bdegiulio profile image98
    bdegiulioposted 12 years ago

    I usually opt for a window seat as I like to see what's down below.  But I'll only do this if my wife is next to me.  Otherwise I will select an aisle seat.  I will avoid a middle seat at all cost.  I need "my space" and being trapped in the middle gives me the heebie jeebies.

    1. freecampingaussie profile image59
      freecampingaussieposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Same - You put it so well lol !

    2. Michelle Hawkins profile image61
      Michelle Hawkinsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Skyscanner did a poll on several passengers and less than 1% chose the middle seat. 60% chose the window seat, which I prefer too.  Like you said I want to see what's around me.

  6. Globetrekkermel profile image65
    Globetrekkermelposted 12 years ago

    yes, i always choose the first 10 rows preferably by the window seat and near the bathroom if there is a bathroom near the first 10 rows.

    1. Michelle Hawkins profile image61
      Michelle Hawkinsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Spoken like a professional traveler! This is actually the most popular answer given on a recent poll done on over 1000 passengers.

    2. Globetrekkermel profile image65
      Globetrekkermelposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks Michelle.After traveling quite a bit, I had several mishaps in seat arrangements and i kinda have learned the tricks over the years. Best to reserve your seats on line while booking so you can have the pick of the crop.LOL!

  7. dghbrh profile image82
    dghbrhposted 12 years ago

    It simply does not matter at all where i sit in a plane.

    1. Michelle Hawkins profile image61
      Michelle Hawkinsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Too bad more people don't feel this way, then maybe I wouldn't have such a difficult time trying to find a window seat. smile  I like the window seat because I feel claustrophobic at times and staring out the window helps me to  preoccupy myself.

    2. dghbrh profile image82
      dghbrhposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      U must read one of my hub if you get time dear...LOL ....Its about the issue you are referring here.

  8. lilian_sg profile image66
    lilian_sgposted 12 years ago

    Worst seat = middle seat. My favourite is the window seat because I like to look out, when the plane is flying and also stare at the clouds smile

    1. Michelle Hawkins profile image61
      Michelle Hawkinsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I feel the same way. I definitely try to get a window seat 1st if possible, 2nd choice an aisle seat, and last the dreaded middle seat. I think most people just like their own space and being stuck in the middle seat hardly allows for it.


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