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Workplace Motivation

Updated on May 27, 2018

Personal and workplace motivation for everyone.

It's not really possible to separate personal motivation and workplace motivation because the common denominator is people. People are looking to succeed in their personal lives as much as at their workplace.

For that reason, all of the workplace motivational quotes that you see below can be used as personal or workplace motivation. But be careful, they're very powerful!

Sprinkled throughout these suggestions for thinking positively and staying motivated you may even find a thought or two about goal setting.

Keep in mind however, quotes are good, but in order for them to truly help, they must be applied to daily life by taking action.

Here are the quotes! I hope you find them helpful.

Scroll down for workplace motivation quotes.
Scroll down for workplace motivation quotes.
  • Spend time trying to prove to others what your limitations are and you will own those very limitations!
  • If you try to make everything a priority, you will succeed, but it will be in making nothing a priority!
  • Avoid those who belittle or berate your dreams and ambitions. It’s better to be by yourself than around someone who is negative or wants to steal your dreams. Hang around those who want to build you up, not tear you down. Ask yourself, when others look at you, do they see a dream stealer or dream builder?
  • Define your life - or it will define you! In we don’t make our own choices, they will be made for us. The best way to start defining your life is to commit your goals to writing, now!
  • Constant personal development is critical. Make a commitment to do something everyday to improve yourself. There isn’t a good alternative to growing.
  • There are two areas of knowledge. The knowledge you have and the knowledge of others. Don’t re-invent the wheel, seek out those who have accomplished what you want to in life. Save time, learn from the experience of others.
  • Your thoughts determine your destination. If you don’t like the direction in which you are currently heading, the most powerful thing you can do is change your thoughts. The slightest shift in your thinking can have a huge impact on your future.
  • Any improvement in our lives is meaningful, regardless of size. Remember, it takes many small steps to scale a great mountain.
  • It is good to keep in mind that neither success nor failure is final.
  • A friend once said to me, “I didn’t seem to get anything accomplished today.” I asked him, “What did you have written down on your ‘to-do’ list today?”  He said, “Nothing.”  I replied, “Congratulations! You accomplished everything you set out to do!”
  • Be consistent! Consistency is underrated. We all want to know people we can count finish a project, to return our call timely, in short, to do what they say, and to be decisive.
  • Stop procrastinating! Everyone has something they have been putting off doing. Make some day, today. Do at least one thing you have been putting off, TODAY!
  • As long as we are still breathing, there is time for us to improve our attitude and the way we think about ourselves and others. Don’t ever believe that it’s too late for you.                
  • One of life’s great equalizers is that people with more perseverance than talent most often accomplish more than those with more talent than perseverance. Some of the most successful people in sports or business got there because they just wanted it more and worked harder than their competition.
  • I have heard some people say, “I don’t have dreams or goals. At least that way I won’t be disappointed.” The reality is, they are the ones who will be the most disappointed.
  • Want to be on vacation for the rest of your life? Find a career you love and you will never have to “work” again.
  • Would you like to see the person who not only has the potential to do you the most good or the most harm? It’s easy, just look in the mirror!
  • Success always comes with a price, a price by the name of work. And it is always paid in advance! The dictionary is the only place you will find success before work.
  • All opportunities are disguised as problems. The person we call “lucky” is usually the one who recognized a problem as an opportunity and was prepared for it when it showed up.
  • Setbacks are only bad if they stop you completely. You don’t drown by falling in water, you drown by staying there!
  • Be enthusiastic! Enthusiasm is contagious! If you have it, share it! If you don’t, catch it! Be enthusiastic about your life, your goals, and your ambitions!
  • Positive thinking is perceiving. Positive believing is the beginning of achieving.
  • Every problem we have has a limited life span and we control that life span.
  • Your mind grows in direct proportion to how much you feed it. How are you feeding your mind? Are you using high-grade fuel? That is, positive thoughts and images.
  • It doesn’t matter where you begin, only where you finish. 


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