How Do You Think Animals Communicate With Each Other?

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  1. toknowinfo profile image70
    toknowinfoposted 12 years ago

    How Do You Think Animals Communicate With Each Other?

  2. tlmcgaa70 profile image60
    tlmcgaa70posted 12 years ago

    A brief article on how animals communicate with each other. read more

  3. profile image54
    Spiritguy53posted 12 years ago

    All animals make some sort of sounds or language that is innate to that particular species.  I think that when they make those sounds and the different tones that they use they can communicate with each other

  4. Nettlemere profile image76
    Nettlemereposted 12 years ago

    Communication in Domestic Pets:
    Visual: body language such as play bow, submissive pose, finger waggle.
    Sound: Vocal such as zebra finch song, dog growl, cat hiss, rat squeak or other such as rabbit's foot thumping.
    Touch: such as grooming
    Scent: such as dog urine and horse pheromones
    Unfamiliar methods such as by electrical charge read more

  5. rocknrollcowboy profile image61
    rocknrollcowboyposted 12 years ago

    I think they communicate with their body language, sounds, and tones.

  6. Bonitaanna profile image60
    Bonitaannaposted 12 years ago

    I beleve animals have a 6th sense that most of us do not have.  I lived on a ranch growing up and at one time or another I was around horses, cows, sheep, ducks, chickens, pigs, rabits, dogs, cats and parakeets, parots, and geese.  I could tell when they did not like someone just by their demeanor the first time they met them. I think they could see their aura around them, and they could sense whether or not the person was full of the Holy Ghost.  Even now when I visit people, I have no trouble with their animals wanting to be mean to me.  They know whether you like them or not and they sense when you are afraid!  I took a quadruplegic friend one time to a stable to see the horses.  This horse was a nervous wreck and the policeman was trying to tame him to get him ready to ride in the city.  When the horse saw Pat in the wheelchair, he stopped in his tracks and quit stammering and walked calmly over to the fence and put his head over the fence and put it on Pat's  face.  The horse had never even seen Pat before, yet it was like night and day when he met Pat. The policeman was shocked. He ask me if he could take the horse our of the coral and bring him around to Pat. Pat said yes.  The horse walked calmly up to Pat and stood right in front of the wheel chair and put his nose right into his neck.  He sensed the Holy Ghost in Pat. You see Pat had been in a coma for 5 months and walked with Jesus in the garden and talked with him. When he returned to his body, he came back with a beautiful aura around him and the presence of God with him.

  7. Amy Becherer profile image66
    Amy Bechererposted 12 years ago

    Like human beings, animals uses their senses to determine friend or foe and communicate using body language and verbal intonations.  My Scottish Terrier, MacGregor is a good communicator with other animals and people. In a matter of minutes, he uses his eyes, ears and nose as his cue to engage in play or walk away from another dog. The alpha dog is dominant in short order, with body language of followers connotating submission, by avoiding eye contact, waiting on cues from the boss and rolling on their back. When MacGregor cued a neighbor's rescue pitbull he wanted to play, he waited for body language signals. If the pitbull approached in a playful manner, they joined in friendly interaction. When MacGregor felt threatened by over-exuberance, he stands like a statue, virtually shutting down the action without being aggressive.  It is an interesting, telltale dance that illlustrates an instinctual language among canines.

    When MacGregor interacts with me, it is a combination of instinct and learned adaptive behavior that speaks to me.  He has learned my patterns and has devised a way of letting me know without making a sound that he needs to go outside. At precisely 4 p.m. his behavior reminds me it is his dinner time.  He uses different vocalizations for different emotions or needs.  He uses a high-pitched, clipped bark when one of his toys has escaped beneath the couch or a corner that he cannot access. Outside he barks and then waits for reciprocity from another, unseen, barking dog.  If he sees someone from the apartment building that he recognizes, he wags his tail and trots up to them.  If they do not acknowledge him, he barks in an excited, demanding way, usually with the neighbor turning around to pet him.

    Last summer the credit union across the street was robbed and we were outside walking when the offender left the rear exit of the credit union on foot.  Mac sensed something wrong and would not desist his animated barking and growling, until the man boarded a bus. I realized, after the fact, while watching the news and seeing a photo of the man that we had seen the bank robber. I would not have noticed him, but for MacGregor's strong reaction.

    Animals have innate sensory abilities that give them advantages in communicating that are built-in to use for survival and protecting those they love.


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