Scratchy the sand grains that grind the gearset in wasted time Rendering rivulets where tears trace surfaces once sublime Erasing the cranies from a stone rock made of crumbling lime While you silently shift through the rubble of yesterday's...
Lost in the hedgerow cut of each green, spiny lie Where the balance of reason slants sapiently awry Stood in a maze that slowly bled my heart bone dry A silken sliver of peace eludes my hook and eye ========================== Deceptive the...
Stood but a dot in the long, lateral arms cast off an old tree Hidden from the moon man's stone cold eyes too staid to see Logic in the cinematic chaos of our dance across the marquee While our cries commiserate in the pathos of human debris ...
Underneath it all, Rome's noble soldiers stand in nude chagrin Where fallacy falls into the crumbing cracks to hold court paper thin And the ancient See of the Pope canonizes holy from unoriginal sin While the stone-faced moon shines on...
Born under a dubious, shy star onto this planet blue Quiet as a maus, invisibility, inked her hunkered hue Sketchy prints patterned her unsteady passage through Life in the Twilight Zone, was all she ever knew ============================ ...
Old man in the moon I gaze up to see you looking down at me Is it loneliness hiding behind your misty, masked-man mystery Lightness of being belies the anchor of an atmospheric absentee Ghost guardian of every secret, who would you rather be ...
Scattered mixed pieces tumble into life through the love of two Juxtaposed into a space connected into the grooves under you Jigsawed beneath the stars seeking haven behind daylight's blue Another picture in the puzzle snaps into my peripheral...
Stole her security slithering in on a side-winding, slippery snake Tenacious tyrant twisted truth to two-faced thievery on the make Parasitic philanderer plies power from prey predestined to partake As memories escape with an insatiable...
Born with a purpose bound in subtle shades of gray Genetic gyrations dance to destiny be that what may Distant clan of a caveman beats the drum now still in play And we watch while the threads of our dreams unravel into fray ...
Said my prayers then checked for monsters beneath the bed Only stuff of fairy tales can rattle a saber inside my towhead Sleep slips slyly into dreams where angels stand in my stead Innocence never knew to pray for hope when trust laid ahead ...
A tiny sugar dusted Christmas tree looks out from the tabletop Bright lit eyes that shine with hope for a glimpse of you to spot Still waiting at the window patient soldier without a sigh to drop Beyond the bounds of heaven and earth, our love...
The beat of a paradox drums on in an empty space inside my head This way or that stomps confused footfalls from flying dust to dead While a chorus of angels cry silent unseen without daily bread And the stairs to heaven crumble while the rest...
Complexity sits tense on the canvas where I erase a sketch askew Failing to capture the strength you stand as subtle shades unglue Truncated linear lines of a gentleman with an angry point of view While the colors collapse on my canvas,...
Absence now resonates in the aria your eyes sang only for me Rumbles in the distance waiting to rise in dreams I wish to be Built a sand fortress to guard memories that sleep dares set free So, I can feel you safe in my soul, love, a soldier...
The numbers hit me square crashing thunder at my shore Left my careful words empty in the space of hunger's score Catching in my throat enough to suffocate an impotent roar As another stone turns to dust outside my wooden door ...
Beneath the storm clouds the air hung offbeat As if love was waiting its chance to take retreat Instead, collapsing on itself in cold silent defeat While the perfume you gave me still smells sweet =========================== Sudden the sun...
Hope that the cold concrete slab fuels connections to a softer view As if eternity waits, somewhere, between the lines for you But the godforsaken fog turns the path too blind to pursue And hell's a place that, sometimes, we all pass through ...
Guileless complicity begins another newborn day Naked in the nest cries independence awhile away Fear is a foreigner as absent as your concept of prey And innocence blurs gray into shadow play ============================ Subtle the...
From its distance the sun feels bold as it kisses your face Graces a mortal temple with glints of a golden god's place Shy relief in the clouds as the sun blushes with desires chase Maybe I'm amazed that you left without a trace ...
From the vast market aisles, a fortune cookie, called beyond the brie Through mama's innocent eyes live misty visions that yearned to be Through a cataract cloud, the lens widened, on wonders yet to see While the gift of your love, always...
Oils on Canvas Amy Becherer Larger view of oil on canvas Amy Becherer Innocence afoot puts a white frock on summer's brew Angelic light illuminates the path you pass through Shadows crouch low for your unobstructed view Sisters through life,...
You painted me a picture in interwoven shades of blue But my dive to submerge saw only one, instead of two Myopia can't hide your need for what you're feeling due While you turned your mind off to what I needed in you ...
Tossed too many jewels to the flow of the tide in the deep of the sea Collected a montage of faux stones as if rough hewn diamonds to be Emptiness filled the walls tight squeezing out space for love left in me I'm walkin' a midnight mile...
Winter canvas on the easel of my past began on an unsuspecting slate A child's dappled dreams rose in a watercolored dance of fairytale fete Abstract hopes in gentle slopes to the pond landed a frosty figure eight Searchin' for my purpose in...
You bring me amplification as infinity flows into vast blueray light Sound waves rock in pulse, I don shades to hideout in blind sight Control teeters tipsy, stealing my grip to sit high emotions tight Naked with my shadow exposed in the clear...
Crystalline snowflakes from the sky free fall through the light Each transformed through the trails of cold atmospheric flight Unaware of the other, innocent one, each in her own right Our lives fly in a parallel space where heart and souls...
Dancers couple as senses play an interlude of summer into fall Boots kick through the colors scheme to shuffle through it all Unraveling missteps to the steady misogynistic beat of my recall You touch me with the truth by the writing on your...
An outsider in the world, I live deep inside of me Too quiet, an anomaly, profess those who cannot see Unblinking glow of cats-eyes perceive pretending is key Fairy tales ain't always what they're cracked up to be ===========================...
Cosmic eyes through the airwaves see clear the light Invisible bridges interweave between wrong and right Rendering the old, discombobulated in a new plight But mama, this is the way to a straight line of sight =========================== ...
Try to pick up the pieces to put the puzzle intact Life runs to the river in waves of myopic abstract Introspection treads water as the tide looks back The earth moves on as I wait, bracing for impact ========================== Hiding...
Past reviews cast a pall on a complicated, conflicted, abstract mess Wanting to believe while reticence beats my heart into fears digress Petulant child looking for the naked truth convoluted in adult dress Even a damaged diamond still dreams...
Tiny winged hope skimming earth in symmetry speaks to me Color flickers by on guard a wary intruder, silent hints to flee Flawed feathered rebel left adrift forages amidst an avian sea One more hostage in an imperfect world struggles just to...
It was love at first sight for a spirit with fight born a naughty one Kicking the dust on a hot South African wild beast of a run Caution to the wind set sights to challenge the brutal sun Freedom was your right, but in the end, there was none...
A hammer in the toolbox, you lay next to me A nail, you take joy in pounding thought free But without my purpose you lay sans a plea Love holds the hands that harbor the key =========================== Impotent tool bent on a liar's,...
Beyond my wildest imagination into the outer reaches of space Observations on earth spin reality into a maniacal surreal place The sun and moon light to seek nurture's nook in the human race Looking to Mars, while the earth manages to escape...
Out of nowhere came a new vision the wind blew in 916 pages turn fall fashions in a surreal sexual spin Painterly inspiration draws a graphic palette reed thin An otherworldly transformation is about to begin ============================ ...
Moments join years as destiny is conceived by seed Flown in on the wind to satisfy an earthbound need Lone wild daisy, a vagabond rooted stands a tall reed Living without question as if born to succeed ========================== Seasons...
Tiny winged hearts flutter to the manic beat of a steel drum As heat shuts the door opening a space for the cold to come Holding mad mysteries close to the warmth they came from It's the little things that are the big things in the eye of the...
This piece was inspired by my mother's joy in feeding and watching the hummingbirds every season they return. Now, as my 85-year old mother's health is failing, I feel greater sadness as the hummers begin their trek south. I pray she is here for their return next year.
The hemisphere's fault line lies to the left and the right One side states its case day while the other rests night War between slugs it out as politically correct sits tight This battle inside me knows there's no truce in sight ...
You introduced me to your friend a tiny new find Made his way to your heart knowing it was kind Rapunzel, you be the reach of his refuge twined It's the littlest things that draw loves state of mind ============================ Nature...
Mad as a hatter looks back to see Face in the looking glass new to she Pity the poor girl locked up in me Lost herself and threw away the key =========================== Wanders alone in her head's reverie Talks to herself scared mute...
I once knew an introspective, sad, homeless man Roamed fecklessly free of compass, coat or clan With nothing to speak of, he ran full on less than Saw courage in the colors of his abstract plan ========================== I once knew a...
The Zodiac finds water at the eleventh a trouble sign When comfortably odd is wrapped in Aquarian brine Conflicted by the boxes deigned to walk a straight line Consistently resistant is the lay of my design ============================ ...
Random events rudely intervene to alter the script of my clan A choreographer steps to meet the beat of a stilted stick man Darkness renders the past to focus light on the naked scan Evolutions keep changing the story of my well laid master...
Cats got my tongue tells nine lives just a tale Caught skimming the surface for depth to inhale Silenced in the wake of an avalanche's detail Missed the truth in my search for the holy grail =========================== Youth vaporized in a...
With a face that defied even maternal pride brusqueness that walked away as he cried Turned innocence round to brush love aside Doc Martin's shoes walk Portwenn's seaside ============================ The walls kept secrets silent simmering...
A vintage photograph found me across the miles out of thin air Spent some time getting a feel for the family perched two pair It's fear that holds my brushes still and shames my paints bare Waiting on the light I wish on a star to catch the...
An element of mystery smudged with a smidgeon of pain Front row seat sits surreal screwing with the syntax of my brain Slivers of doubt that shoot straight up through the central vein Sometimes, losing control is all that keeps me sane ...
Born this way, a visionary with the power to see Draws pleasure as the changing light envelops thee Bespoken gifts in kaleidoscopic colors to share Nothing more necessary in an artist's prayer ============================ Born this way, a...
Paid my dues to earn a place in civilized society Missed a step on the stairs to slam into poverty Old leathered boots wore a frayed sense of finality Locked uptight in my own inner battle with anxiety ============================ ...
Crisscrossed cobwebs in the closet convene Choking acuity obscured in a smoky screen Black dress danced dirty to steal the scene Castaway the past on a canvas that's clean ============================ Mischievous beret caps a sway of...
In a celestial tango, the earthbound dance with the sun By depth of night the slow waltz of the lonely has begun Beneath the magic of moonbeams together we are spun And the light from the stars up above shine on everyone ...
A godforsaken scape in the land of have not Where fairytales exist in a dreams blind spot A wildflower blooms out of a crack in the pot Free spirit is born from less than naught =========================== A bud keeps time the beat of...
Just an aberrant fluke in the genetic line Outcast in a pattern of familiar design An arrow that curves supposed to align The blurred colors on the canvas I call mine ============================ Conglomerated mess bent towards disincline...
A thief of a storm surged and me it found Stealth in its footfalls with the nose of a hound Crash crossed my path at the speed of sound Cast away the shadows and turned me around ============================ Steady the course mapped lines...
Beyond consciousness, life comes to be Otherworldly complicity sets sail to sea Where logic defies any reason to agree The journey begins with no guarantee ============================ Without permission the map draws free While...
Standing on the positive side of August moon's appeal A strange Aquarius attitude sees things a tad surreal Summer's headed south while I stall surmising the deal Where do I go from here when I don't know what's real ...
A tribal legend celebrates the birth of one Miraculous rarity standing pure in the sun Sign from a prophet that peace will come One in ten million runs the white bison ============================ On the wings of a prayer thy will be done...
With chance on board, the trip is a bust Murphy's Law holds stock, note the rust Dreams take a ride in passive trust Luck be a lady bit the dust ==================== Faith in a ticket brought the bussed But, fate holds the key to do as...
Wore a uniform to parochial school Walked a straight line of majority rule I watched human nature battle a dual Dive in the deep end of the pool ======================== Abandon fancies the dance in tulle It's only the baby allowed to...
Watch you take note of your shadow on the wall Amazed that you seize upon the subtlety of it all Silhouette in a freeze frame that stands on stall I see you in my painting, there, down the hall ============================ Stubborn streak...
Paid my dues in full though I'm not for sale Meeting of the zombies looking kinda frail Hung up on these rules hit another nail Truth be told, no lie, we all spend time in jail ============================ Bland walls see the bent of...
Once upon a time, while I was at your knee Raptly intent on the tales revealed to me Saw the ice queen's mind meet the holy see Waiting for the happy ending to set me free ============================ Pious faced duplicity enters with a...
Just a nobody with something to say Tongue tied nuances trip in foreplay Pull at my threads as I walk away Shed light on the far side into the fray ============================ Visually vexed by the paints you display Tenderly torqued...
In the beginning there came light from the sky Teased to existence by the sun we glide by Touched by its heat it taunts live or let die Your place in the universe no one can deny ============================ By night the mood softens with...
Not enough game to see shards in the bran Misread the map where this trip began Missed the directions of the master plan Found nothing about you that's more than ============================ Cautions wings flew in the race youth ran Left...
Caught in the breadth of the planet's scope Magnanimous mysteries escape my grope And miniscule nuances defy a phantascope Wish upon a star, I rely on hope ============================ From the nematodes path that scales a slope to the...
Through perfumed lush of deep, dark green Where light dares to enter only in between Crawls a secret microcosm existing unseen Life lays low until the rain washes it clean ============================ Idle chatter, gossips patter, lies...
Fell out of step down the road a bit Maybe these shoes that don't quite fit Or is it the tune that doesn't transmit In the rock and roll play of a misfit ========================== Once upon a time, my story befit A dance on the wild...
Old woman, though bent and blind Sees the past where hope you find Strength in softness you're designed It's love that keeps you intertwined ========================== Faded blue in a face that's lined Releasing light that flickers kind...
Pick it up and put it square Run your fingers through your hair Time turns the corner into thin air Another day that she's not there ======================== Relentless lists that you prepare Lead the blind down a dark stair Lost the...
A passing moment freed in a wave goodbye Stranger's appraisal under cool Nordic eye Quickened my heartbeat as I passed by Grateful for a gift no need to untie ========================== Gimme warmth that's been short in supply My table...
Isn't it funny we're so much the same Fruit of passions that began with a flame Love rocked the cradle in our name Still, life never promised a perfect game ============================ Hope meets the wall in the picture frame Seen in...
Bravado's mask can hide only so long In paper-mache that's come and gone Seductive carnival casts careless debris Your sorry disguise doesn't fool me =========================== Pleasing the crowd you play along Silent the beat of the...
Goin' for broke focused on blue To the cuckoo's nest crazy flew Mad as a hatter gets me through Seein' things from a zero point of view ============================ Stripped of ties once seamed true Doubt dims the light the day drew ...
Love the wingman who flew you home To a place in my heart you'll always own Synchronized forces bring what is to be The mystery of life in what we can't see =========================== Destiny maps the path we long to roam A trail of...
Step on the gas, stop on a dime Another day that challenges time Bearing a load enough to smother If it's not one thing, it's another ======================= Clock alarms its partner in crime Out of bed refutes the sublime Destiny...
Runnin' on empty as my tattered shoes know Bag lady who carries the remains of your stow Living on the edge of the tide's turbulent flow With nothin' to lose, it's tough to bestow ============================ Competing in a race with my...
He said, she said, that's a lie The insanely jealous need not apply And logic can't figure how to comply Life is a mystery, don't ask why ======================== Saying yes to what you now deny Blaming the other, once an ally who...
Stuck in a sad country song I detest Wailing the beat of this damn road test Kicked to the curb away from life's blessed Locked inside an empty hope chest =========================== Feel like a sad clown played a cruel jest Too clumsy...
Linked we stand locked in free will Polarized you run as I stand still Battle of the wits runs up the hill No doubt that love will survive the chill ========================= Antagonizing discourse sounds a fire drill You stand your...
Hot July night under a cool mooned sky Silent the mood not a breeze on the fly Hollow shots ring out a final goodbye No place special, the city, waiting nearby ============================ Lonely old man without a piece of the pie No one...
Bloom's off the rose beat from the heat Rendering the visual in a hot, sticky treat Without the ambition to put feet to fleet In need of a rescue off the mean city street ============================ Just silent pretty candy posed in...
Lay me down, I try to sleep Crossing boundaries into the deep Where subconscious lives without a peep Dreams that matter rise from the heap ============================ Part of me now back in you creep Vision that holds me while I weep ...
Sneaked in like a thief, grabbed me tight Leaving me more than a little alright A magician without an ounce of sleight Under the spell of my brave, white knight ============================ Nobility the lineage of your aristocratic right ...
The delicate balance between reality or not Anxiety finds confusion the battle is wrought Driven to the edge on a mission for naught My vision is clouded in your blind spot ============================ Grew up in a maze of your convoluted...
Lit the first flame, a long time ago Made a wish, unaware the seeds I'd sow Eyes on a fairytale, innocent hopes in tow Burned that candle as far as it would go ============================ Fire in my heart for what I didn't know ...
Pattern in the print you wear brings visuals into play More than a fashion statement, speaks volumes you don't say Like footprints in the sand and the way in which you sway Can't hide in the patterns, your secrets they betray ...
You tease, you taunt and take it back Arrogant bastard runs on a sadistic track Powerless to thwart your means of attack We all get our turn on your merciless rack ============================ Your lesson is lost in the deck you stack ...
Hot, young chick thinkin' about a cool and tall And, in a blissful state, afraid of nothing at all Potent horizons blurred the writing on the wall Wish I may, can I please, put the clock on stall ============================ No need of...
Stop the presses, hold the phone A stranger enters the combat zone A bumbling head without a clue Who do you think you're talking to ========================= Thinkin' your ego is overblown A mouth you really ought to disown Speakin'...
Rebel against you, the child in me All grown up, why can't you see Tired of your tests, just let me be Father, Father, will we ever agree ========================= Strength instilled in the likes of she Cast the bait and thrown to sea ...
Mystery shopper lookin' at me Not a spice for your recipe And, you, no, not my cup of tea Love ain't for sale in this grocery ======================== Trip down the aisles with a mission to see Eyes on dessert reads a book of debris A...
Proud warrior, I once knew An ax to grind was nothin' new Squint to see the scrutinized view Once, no detail ever escaped you ========================== Slayed the dragon down by the slough Conquered the con man's clever rue Fearless...
Undertow that pulls me down Fight to be free so I won't drown Hands that hold me I unclasp I sing alone out of your grasp ====================== One-way sign lays facedown Up you say as I head downtown Leash around my neck I unhasp I...
I remember you, dad, when I was just a tot Quiet, strong, devoted kept you tied up in a knot Homeward bound the train of every waking thought You're in my thoughts now, dad, more often than not ============================ Arms that...
Open the door to your full on frontal view The sun on your skin concocts a warm brew The look in your eyes is something new Even my dog idolizes you ==================== Conversation feeds a slow philosophical chew Cheap wine is turning...
Stuck in the muck of your own simple mind A dinosaur fated to a design that's resigned Didactic delegation your mandate for me You refuse to see why I disagree ========================= Boast logic like Spock you hide behind Passive...
A little too thin, you move with quick feet Low profile allows you to steal what you eat Hunkered down in the corner, you take sleep A different drummer drives your stoic heartbeat =========================== Silent night you bed down away...
Glass looks out on Locust Street downtown A symphony of feet, the steady beat goes down Catcalls raise my eyes to see the view I remember and wonder what became of you ============================ Rappin' and wavin', no sign of a frown ...
A name on paper, a face in the crowd More or less than some I'm endowed Broke some hearts, even though I vowed Have I mattered, though, no, I'm not proud ============================ Too soft sometimes I have bowed Too strong at times...
Born with an attitude, headed down Whispers that said no, no, never a crown Primitive scribbling on a weight bearing wall But, you are a rock made to weather it all ============================ Chip off the old block meets with a frown ...
Got it goin' on, yeah, the world by the tail Fingertips that touch like reading braille God, I believe, here lies the holy grail Takin' it in, yes, yes, every detail ========================= Strong like wood, stands without fail Keep...
The world, at large, is smaller today Boundaries blurred, nowhere too far away No holds barred with nothin' to weigh Just hangin out with it all on display =========================== Thinkin' you're clever with a fantasy to convey Just...
Guilty thinkin' I was special, nothin' less than all Played a game of life, didn't see the curve ball Never sang the blues, M.I.A. the day of that roll call My mistake, life it seems, I had to take a fall ============================ ...
Beat and battered by the news today Mass killings in a country far away Cut down to size, reduced to prey Silent children, no time to play ======================= How many carats does the jewel weigh that renders a price that cannot...
Shuffle the sidewalk, like an old man needing a cane It's only myth that a turkey can drown in the rain Steady your course, gaze this way, back and again The motor still putters, but the fires left your brain ============================ ...
Strut through the airport with sin in my walk on a mission, my boyfriend is ready to dock Primped and perfumed, chance stops the clock I remember the moment our eyes meet and lock ============================ Standing in the midst, an...
What ideology is worth a life A child, a lover, a husband or wife Yet power holds fast to the reins of the past Peace relinquishes to the rule of the caste ============================ No mercy cut with a surgeon's knife Slowly, cruelty...
I give, and I give til there ain't no more Alone, depleted, just everyone's whore Your boot on my back I look to the floor Love demands yet one more chore ========================== Tired of being the strong hand onshore I'm treadin'...
Mama gave me all that I need Power in brains and plenty of pretty Still tryin' to figure what misdeed Held me outside the gates of your city ============================ Follow the rules, but take the lead Keep the peace, but don't get...
Less than whole, this cup ain't full Sunshine relinquishes to the moon's pull To cross the bridge, you pay the toll Where do you go when you've lost your soul ============================ Into the light, pull down the wool Hangin' on the...
There was a time long ago the story went, don't you know Kids are starving, could've been you What if, someday, the other shoe ----------------------------------------------- Entitled to all that you can bestow Pound away to make the...
This poem is based upon a true life event that happened a couple of days ago. It captivated the city of St. Louis in an incomprehensible tale of parental frustration with a horrific conclusion.
Art leaves a legacy of those people, places and things valued most by the artist. Art is timeless.
Although, I remain determined to survive, this piece attempts to describe the reality of my life since the divorce I initiated, and my quick to follow surprise in a layoff, due to the economy. This piece relays the emotions of initial anger, the fight to get through and eventual resignation over...
This is a poem describing the sad impact of sudden deafness in my companion Scottish Terrier.
Bigger than life, charm in a Hollywood smile Dressed to the teeth suit of armored beguile Mirror, mirror, on the wall A golden prince never to fall This child, my son, my love, my all ---------------------------------------------- ...
This is my poetic expression about growing up, letting go, the realization of our vulnerability to aging and the inevitability of death.
This is a poem centered around the recent Royal wedding that focuses on the vast dichotomy between the rich and the poor.
There's a creepy woman, stalking me these days She needs to be pitied, walks around in a haze Get up, stupid bitch, and crawl out of this maze Holdin' out for hope ain't the way the world plays ...
This is a poem regarding the feelings of hopelessness engendered by the recession. I addressed this piece and sent it to President Obama.
This is purely fictional and in no way represents my lifestyle or interest in any way, shape or form. It was fun to write as this week has been filled with sadness and very "heavy" news from Japan. I wrote several pieces in that frame of mind...
This poem is a study in contradictions inherent in life from societal to personal.
This is a poem inspired by and dedicated to the victims of the 2011 devastating earthquake in Japan.
This is a poem illustrating a true life picture of a breaking news item in St. Louis. Someone's son died that morning.
The oil on canvas painting is my original art. The poetry is my imaginary synopis of what lies in the heart of the subject on his journey.
Slather me with sunscreen, you make Heaven hot as hell Ray Bans can't shield my eyes from your mezmerizing spell Sleight of hand, sweet magic man, my future you foretell Too far gone, no going back, you own where I dwell ...
This is a poem that illustrates the invisibility of the poor, their plight and the callousness of those that could help, but choose to turn away.
Paints on canvas colored by heart My hands created this work of art Scape of an image valued by you Teach the painter to trust the view ------------------------------------------------ Game of players that learned the part Advantage...
The painting is my original art of oil on canvas. The poem is my original poetry that illustrates the loneliness in the aging.
The clock face moves, I see it's quarter to you Across the time zone, day to night is askew Same moon orbits the earth counterclockwise Earth tilts and it moves us to love without guise ...
This is a poem depicting the plight of the poor in America today.
I hold a secret close to me Want to make you trustee Fill the void yet make me need Loving you is the book I read ------------------------------------------ There's the lock, here's the key Open it, you set this free Picture of you is...
Crime in givin' it away for free Not much value in what was me Closed account went bone dry The easy way wins, just say goodbye ----------------------------------------------- Once the beggar, a willing detainee My heart not present, in...
I fell asleep perchance to dream You woke me up by a light stream Fully roused upon that first note Along for the ride in your pleasure boat ------------------------------------------------- You work the crowd now your regime Passionate...
This is a poem about friendship, magic and hope in the future.
This poem uses imagery to convey evil disguised in beauty. Vampires exist in societal parasites, who will use their victims for their own selfish purposes with love our only salvation.
This is a poem about the chances and risks inherent in love.
This poem uses financial terms to sum up the balance in the sum total of a relationship based on credits and debits.
This is a poem inspired by a tragic murder of a young girl in St Louis, MO.
You call me in another snit Demand of me I must submit Loyalty is mine to commit You can’t have me, I’m done, I quit --------------------------------------------- Wheedle and whine, the tools in your kit No glue to bind, no bracing...
Its funny how sometimes old becomes new How someone who’s been there, only for you A moment of clarity, a light in your space The love from your eyes is all over your face ------------------------------------------------- Iowa your home...
A little distance now is all that I need To soften a blow, take sting from the reed Name the lie bullshit, let it lay where it may Take what I need and forget yesterday ------------------------------------------------ Power in knowing your...
The best of all that money could buy You gave my brother, sister and I Blue collar work and sacrifice Love is always worth the price --------------------------------------------- Don the uniform, time to say bye Afraid and uncertain,...
If I were you, I’d lose that line All used up, you’re not so fine And it don’t take long to understand The game you play is sleight of hand ---------------------------------------------- If I were you, I’d see the sign Your plan...
She’s got it, she’s hot, loves me, loves me not Creating a stir, hey baby, look, give me a shot All vie for her favor, she throws them a bone The clamor is deafening, she’d rather be alone ...
My blanket is gone and it was key Locking me into safest security Now like a babe afraid of the dark Somehow, someway, I miss the mark ----------------------------------------------- Where did you go and why did you flee Alone to...
A low-point of mine, no, I wasn’t fine Disillusion and despair I called mine I found someone new on who I depend My salvation, and I call her friend Encouraging me, yes, “all in good time” Her words supplied my steady...
Standing together, we got the look A passing glance turns into a stare Ordinary no, not by the book I had dreams you’d always be there Sitting together, little time we took You asked me to show you I care Caution my way, your...
Another year’s spent, the monies all gone Lament the past, no, conclusion forgone Divorce, a new lease, my job so long Now is the time to write the wrong ----------------------------------------------- Around every corner another new...
This is a poem that illustrates the road from loneliness to fear to growing up and taking responsibility for personal power.
This poem was personally inspired by the perpetuation of insecurity in women by societal ideologies of beauty and desirability.
Living high, newly free, saunter city jauntily Cruising eyes land, yeah, on me Hope eternal without chains to flee I knew not yet what was to be ------------------------------------------ On wings and a prayer I fly carefree But life...
Sense of entitlement enters the room Air of superiority, the hell with you Cause and effect, nothing can bloom Crash and burn, you turn the screw ------------------------------------------- Illness your weapon, hand me the broom Pass on...
You crept through the back door into my brain Lodged in the recesses, at first causing no pain Polished and buff, refined, not rough I wanted to love you, there’s just not enough ------------------------------------------- It took me...
There goes that girl, red-haired and fair On her mission, no, no, not without care Hot enough to burn the streets but unaware Her beauty belies what she sees out there ----------------------------------------------- Young and old, easy to...
Its Christmas time, 2010, no room at the inn A child is born, no star to light his way Downtown doorways shelter the grim Where is our Savior this Christmas Day? ------------------------------------------------- Cold and alone, the...
You wield your illness like a sword, Cutting me to the quick Nothing is right, face monitored Yes, yes, I know that you are sick ----------------------------------------- Your body’s betrayal tightens the cord Stranglehold trips...
The concoction, a potion Courtesy of two Creation gave the motion Guiding me to you --------------------------- Life survives commotion Typical, times two Seedy, new location Unlikely finding you ---------------------------- ...
This is a poem that peruses the season's in a life, time passing and looking back.
Once upon a time, in days gone by, I was young and kissed by the sun I met you, married, untrue, unhappy and blue, older than I by a long run The temperature high, love on the fly, living a lie, that, the sum of our union Hope eternal, not...
Let's just say You pronounced me OK I fit in the slot Rather than not -------------------------- Let's just say As a daughter may I longed for your attention Tried and failed, I learned pretension ...
I’d like to meet a man Doesn’t have to have a plan Just has the urge to be with me Laughing, loving, dancing, free ------------------------------------- I’d like to have a man He’d have to be my biggest fan Seek me out, make...
When all is said and all is done At the end of the day, new chapter to come To dream of the past, reliving the truth Did you do what you wanted in your youth? -------------------------------------------------- When all is said and all is...
I met a new man on the street yesterday Three male acquaintances round me say He shouldn't be walking, better to lay You lock my eyes, no looking away ------------------------------------------------ Shuffling, continuing along your way ...
This is a personal poem dedicated to the plight of homeless animals. It was a personally devastating lesson in the desperate need for change in the attitude that it is someone else's problem.
This poetry is dedicated to the right of opinion, to be heard and respect for all.
If choice had been an option with genetics in motion I'd grant yes to the potion prequelling my creation -------------------------------------- If choice had been an option in my predestination I'd grant yes to the concoction My best...
A demigod is defined as a mythological being, half human, half god; Leo, the lion-hearted inhabited the category of demidog, half canine, half god. Discovered, for sale, in a local pet store, he possessed all the characteristics of a puppy...
I should have seen it coming, but my inclinations reject assumptions. My gut told me be careful, but my politics insisted I not jump to conclusions. My friend told me to trust my intuition, but I, like my terrier, am a blockhead. For reference, I...
I'm not straying too far from home these days. No job, little money, but primarily, I have been helping my friend and neighbor in her recovery from surgery. Our apartments are separate, but in the same "Art Deco" building. I have been walking her...
"Yo, what's the big fucking deal" sounds like a rap star. "Y'all", sounds like southern cooking maven, Paula Deen. Who will ever forget the sound of former president, John F. Kennedy, from Massachusetts, whose resonating speech patterns were as much...
I was not aware, until recently, that the bagel's formal roots in New York occurred some time between 1910 to 1915. Legend has it that the beginnings of bagel baking originated in 1683 in Vienna, Austria, when a local Jewish baker, as a thank you,...
This is an article that describes the hopelessness and invisibility of the homeless.
This article is intended to humorously depict the ability to carry on in the face of adversity.
This is an article about the joy, loyalty and companionship in sharing life with a Scottish Terrier.
In every life there is sadness eventually. No one escapes unscathed. Some of us are more resilient, but those that are not feel fewer options, no relief and little hope. Such was the case of Tyler Clementi, the 18 year old Rutgers University...
New life knows nothing. We arrive innocent, free of intent, open to everything. The gradual process of learning begins when newborns instinctively react to hunger. The quest for survival is exhibited in the relentless need to feed. The healthy...
This is an article regarding my personal experience in becoming another casualty in the unemployment line due to the economic recession in 2010.
Connection to the world is vital and extraordinary. Today, most of the world is connected to each other via the internet. It is considered as necessary as all other daily sustenance, food, water and oxygen, although the world existed and functioned...
This is an article I wrote following my layoff due to the economy. It focuses on the impact of aging on employment and the efforts to stay vital in a failing economy in a youth oriented society.
Entertainment reporters are abuzz over the purported hypocrisy inherent in exclamations from America's Next Top Model host, Tyra Banks, upon gazing at the "smallest waist/waste in the world" possessed by an up and coming potential next top...