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Hubpage Life

Updated on September 10, 2010

Hubpage Community

Jeez. Just when I thought I was using a decent username. After I wrote my first hub as a test trial, I naively went to the forums to explore the community and other hubbers. Wow, so it's actually full of intelligent and people with sense of humor. Oh, look at that – witty and awesome usernames. Their names befit their personalities and their hubs so well.

People know each other intimately (yes, intimately ;) .. like talking about their enema intimately). One can get caught up the plots of:

  1. evil, murdering cats,
  2. a story about another world,
  3. celebrations on your first significants (hubs, fans, a million pageviews, and highest hubscore),
  4. how to make extra bit of money,
  5. the serial fish killer,
  6. and sexual innuendos.

I know, it sounds like a lot. Don't worry, I'll make this easy on you... as easy as I can make it.

Now, I know I only joined just around 2 weeks ago. But really, how can one resist writing a hub about Hub Life with these people? It's a little scary just how quickly immersed you get. It's a conspiracy. Let me show you just how sneaky these people are.

Let me rewind and start at the very beginning of my Hubtivity.

In the Beginning....

Let's see.. yes, yes.. fan clubs, blah blah. (Wow, only six pages of Hubtivity so far. Lame). Ahh! Here we go. It all began with Haunty! Yes, Haunty. He was the first to reel me in with his kindness. I thought, how sweet. I'll read some of his stuff. So, I did. Such good stuff, too, like history and philosophy.

Then, there's Ralwus. Now, this witty, perverted, silly man …. mistook me for another woman! I first thought it was amusing that he considered me a 'mystery', then he simply explained himself that he had mistaken me for another. (Tsk, not quite how you deal with a woman, but I digress). He kindly apologized. Sad, really. Very sad. But you can not help but like him anyway. There's that sneaky appeal of being oh so very likable that many Hubbers on here have.

Only two so far, you say? Heck no. Let me get on with this one before some other Hubber distracts you with their side of the story. Like BadCompany, for example. Not only does he distract you, but there's that other voice in his Hubs that often interrupts and tells its own stories. He thinks his screen talks back to him when he tells his story, thus that other voice! He uses CabinGirl to soften his Rough Captain appeal, which usually works most of the time. Such a sweet girl, but yet... what agenda hides in her piratey cabingirl-ish mind?

My hublog here says a Russian became my fan. Oh yes, a certain Misha. Actually, he is a bit of a mystery to me right now still. Sorry, Misha. ;D

Gee, this Hubtivity is really useful. Seriously, though, all this is still hard work, man. Whew. Alright, keepin' on a-goin'.

Then, there are the Hubs that these people wrote that totally captivated me.

The Poet dude himself. Benjimester's The Definition of Melancholy.

The cute CennyWenny with her bit on Chai Tea. (Gawd, I love Chat Tea. Best thing ever).

The ever kind, thoughtful RooBee on California Wildfires.

Another Poetical person. Stacie Naczelnik (jeez, Nac is hard to write. I might just call her Snac! Makes things easier, I think *is lazy*) with her Evolving Poetry Exercise hub.

Then there was the mystery on Mark Knowles eye patch - or is it sunglasses? I think this may always be a mystery. Now this guy's hubs inspired my Cochlear Implant one to where I attempted to follow the guidelines (and well, fell short of it a bit). Absolutely love this from one of his hubs: “As a writer and internet user, I have to ask myself whether I want to add more garbage to that pile or help to reduce it. I think we all do.”

It gets a bit hazy after this the more immersed in the Hubworld I got. Hmm, something about BlondePoet (hm, need to fan her), SweetiePie, and so forth. Very sweet people, those, particularly SweetiePie. Too sweet - hmm, must take note of this. With Blondepoet, there's lots of stuff about prawns and such. Very intriquing.

Aha! Then there is a group of the ultimate funnies of the funny! Cindyvine who almost missed a party being thrown in her favor due to talking about crap (literally). Nanny J.O.A.T. - J.O.A.T. forever being a mystery (except to me. :P Maybe it is Jumped on a Toad, maybe not, I'll never tell!) - with her warm motherly of motherlinesses and humorness and such. In that same boat is Theresa McGurk who posted her 100th hub recently (omg! Read her short stories!!!).

Then there is a conspiracy somewhere about some people may actually be one person. Still figuring that one out, being the newbie as I am. However, the newest Hubber, Actionelly, I'm trying to convince her (or me?) to get to writing. She's my sister – or is she?

I believe the conspiracy came to a peak as I came across a certain frogdropping (the one who inspired me to write this hub). From there, the plot thickened. Or perhaps I just wrote this to ease her certain Froggy wrath on maybe becoming one of her 200th fans. However!!! She wrote that after!! I'm sure of it. I think this leaves me out of the Froggie wrath. (And hopefully keep me in with these people so I can continue my investi- ahem- admiration).

Edited to Add: Ah shoot, I almost forgot one of my top favorite Hubbers. She deserves a mention as her hubs and attitude are witty and spunky to boot. Definitely tops my list of suspicious folks, if you ask me, particularly on such sneezing matters. I introduce one of the top conspirators! Frieda Babbley.

Conspiracy or Paranoia?

So, what do you think??

See results

Coolest Screenames Everrr

So, which is it? (Holy crap, long list. I can't stop myself!)

See results

Here to Stay For Now

I shall continue in this vein and discover the conspiracy one day. In the meantime, I'm very much stuck in the fascinating world that is Hubpages. So many writers to investigate – er, I mean, appreciate –, so little time!

Stay tuned as I attempt to relay information amongst the carrot-thwacking, fan-nailing, hubbing chaos, and recovery from caffeine-overload.

(wow... it took me hours to do this one.)

Oh, I almost forgot the poll! Or maybe a few.


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