How do you get a hubscore of above 90?

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  1. wanzulfikri profile image59
    wanzulfikriposted 12 years ago

    How do you get a hubscore of above 90?

  2. GmaGoldie profile image82
    GmaGoldieposted 12 years ago

    In real estate they say one word three times - you know the word. Here I would say content, promotion, key words.

  3. jainismus profile image73
    jainismusposted 12 years ago

    I do not know exactly what are the requirements to increase the score, but I think writing regularly and getting more visitors increase the score.

  4. Millionaire Tips profile image91
    Millionaire Tipsposted 12 years ago

    I am not at 90 yet, but here's what I've tried so far. 
    1. Write original, quality content that someone will want to read.
    2.  Make sure to spell check it, grammar check it, and reread it for clarity.
    3.  Add links to sources on the internet and back to my own hubs.
    4.  Add an original picture or two.
    5.  Make sure I add tags and summary.

    I am writing many hubs, following those five steps in each one.  Over time, the score  goes up.

    Also do some marketing.  Visit other hubs, the answers and forums sections to keep my name out there.  Drive traffic to your hubs through your other sites - facebook, twitter, blog, email friends, etc., so you get more views.

  5. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image81
    Wesman Todd Shawposted 12 years ago

    I think it's mostly just participation and writing good hubs.  I'm not sure which is most important, but I'd have to think that it would be the hubs.....but I see some of the best content creators on this site that sometimes have scores just below 90.

    Those scores change quite a lot, and HP sometimes changes their algorithm that scores both authors and hubs - they aren't going to tell any of us how their scoring system works - but I've been over 90 for more than a year, and probably longer than that.....and I think that participation has a lot to do with it.

    If you want your author score to go up - then answer some questions, and leave really good answers.  Hop some hubs - and rate good ones up, rate bad ones down - flag the ones that are poorly written or look like spam or terms of service violations.

    I pretty much promise you that your author score will go up about a day after you spend and hour or two doing stuff like that. 

    Leaving good comments on hubs is another major thing - it can only help you to have more followers and friends - and you are likely to get those by reading someone else's stuff, and leaving a well thought out comment on it - people appreciate that, and always will.

  6. Dumbledore profile image74
    Dumbledoreposted 12 years ago

    wesman todd shaw provided a very good explanation about how to increase or maintain your hubber score.  Which makes me realize that there are actually two scores you deal with:  the hubber score, which is a general score ranking authors, and a hub score, which ranks individual pages.

    Increasing the hubber score was covered above.  To increase a hub score requires good content.  I have read on other hubs that a great hub should be over 1000 words in length but that in itself does not ensure a great hub score.

    The hub must be interresting and draw readers.  I have noticed that the scores on hubs goes up and down as traffic to a hub increases or decreases.

  7. wmhseo profile image56
    wmhseoposted 12 years ago

    Post hight quality, informative articles... do commenting on other hubs, vote it... answer to quations... you should do daily activities here.

  8. Escobana profile image77
    Escobanaposted 12 years ago

    Just voted up the answers of Wesman and Dumbledore! They say all there is to it even though writing good content is quite a challenge here on Hubpages.

    There are soooooooo many good writers and finding a niche topic, writing about it with passion AND being rated for it to get your Hubscore above 90 is a matter of hard work and trying to write good content....all the time!

    Bipolar Disorder seems to be a hot topic on Hubpages. I've been here quite recently, written just a few hubs and I have seen my score going up and down.

    In all honesty....I try to keep up the pace in every sence of the way. I'm new and having my Hubscore this way, makes me want to keep it like that. That way it's worth all the hard work:-)

  9. Seeker7 profile image80
    Seeker7posted 12 years ago

    I really don't bother about the hub score but  I think the reason I go into the 90's was by doing a few things and I still do.

    Apart from the hubs produced being good quality, take the time to go about Hub Pages and take and interest in what other hubbers are doing. I frequently hub-hop and vote on hubbs, leave comments and so on. I also regularly follow other hubbers, answer questions, put forward questions and go onto the forum. I was doing the same kind of things for a few weeks and found that my hub score went into the 90's.

  10. profile image0
    Indigitalposted 12 years ago

    Mine is normally peaking at 95 and sticks to above 90. Yet, I doubt I'm at that good of a level out of 100. I guess it's just participation, followers and Hub content.


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