Balancing life every 7 years is a good way to estimate whether you've reached your goals. It will help you to set new goals as well as to keep up the balanced life you want to live.
Why Paris has been the missing link, in facing my deepest fears to finally do what I wanted to do. To live my life underneath the warmth and comfort of the exquisit Spanish sun in Valencia.
The end of a series of Hubs on my relationship with a man I never really got to know.
A short walk through another beautiful part of Valencia, Spain. Be enchanted and finish your walk with a tasty chocolate fondue at Plaza de la Reina!
Walk with me in 30 minutes through the most beautiful part of Valencia, Spain.
Valencia is a real Spanish city. You will enjoy good food, great wine and lovely people. You might visit once and move to this city. Like I did.
My birthmother. Is she still alive? Does she want to be found and if we finally meet, will I think back of the Tarrot Card reading in Valencia, Spain?
Bipolar Disorder and medication belong together like the sun and the moon. How do you cope with your medication? What beauty lies in mental stability?
Losing your virginity is much more than doing it for the very first time. Irreversible changes happen in life to make you grow as a person. I'll tell you about mine.
Winter in Valencia is like a sea of lights. No beach weather but certainly as beautiful as Paris and Londen.
Adopting a child in order to save a dream, might be the wrong choice.
How many questions can you ask yourself when you decide to look for your biological parents? What do you need to know as the adoptive parent, when your child is ready to look for their biological familymembers?
How to feel when you're adopted? Forever lost or extremely grateful? Do we ever consider the basic feelings of the birthmother, leaving her child behind? Or do we only remember 'her' for having done the wrong thing?
How nakedness and self mockery could help you to start accepting your own beautiful self. Aging is a gift. How to accept it? That's the question.
Do you know about the effects of seasonal changes on Bipolar Disorder? Why not move to a warmer climate and enjoy the wonders of sunlight and a stable life. It might be the best thing you ever did.
How to get you addicted to the beautiful island Ibiza! Café del Mar, the best views, Pacha, San Antonio and many interesting facts.
Symptoms, consequences and treatment for Manic Hypersexuality. Next to Depression and the lack of sexual feelings.
Are you addicted to your maniacal highs? Do you know yourself well enough? Find out how Bipolar life can be an easy life after taking some meassures.
Questions about pregnancy, Bipolar Disorder and every risk there is to take. Wise decisions can guarantee a life long stability. I chose the hard way but ended up to be stronger than ever before.
Pregnancy and Bipolar Disorder. Questions to ask yourself and coping strategies to stay healthy and stable.
Shame, suicide, therapy and success with Bipolar Disorder. About losing control and fighting your way back.