Do you think that the recent changes made by HP are helping or hurting us?

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  1. Petra Vlah profile image59
    Petra Vlahposted 11 years ago

    Do you think that the recent changes made by HP are helping or hurting us?

    Please be specific in which way are they helping or hurting.

  2. Anishpat profile image77
    Anishpatposted 11 years ago

    My traffic has really really gone down recently. I was getting a lot more hits earlier. Not sure if it has anything to do with the recent changes. I am hoping not. I'll just have to wait it out.

    1. joanwz profile image80
      joanwzposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I agree with you. I've noticed a drop as well and I'm not certain if or how it's related to the changes.

  3. Bedbugabscond profile image93
    Bedbugabscondposted 11 years ago

    After panda quality content is not enough, it is still king, but a good web design is queen. Google wants to give readers a good experience. They have raters who judge sites and algorithms to predict what raters won't like. Changing the web design to be more appealing to users, quality raters and the algorithms is meant to help us.

    All of the changes Hubpages makes are meant to help us. I have read a ton of interviews with Paul Edmondson, and checked out everything on his hub. I genuinely believe that he, and the rest of the staff want us all to succeed.

    I think all of the changes are done with us and our readers in mind. Will they work? Who knows, Google can be fickle. At least the hubpages staff is working hard to make changes that they think will make us succeed.

    1. Petra Vlah profile image59
      Petra Vlahposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Good intentions are NOT enough; suggesting unrelated hubs is Stupid on HP side and detrimental for us. All HP cares about is more visibility for the site - Quality writing is rarely appreciated, but Quantity is

    2. nochance profile image88
      nochanceposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I'm not sure what you mean when you say hubpages suggests unrelated hubs. If the hub has a relevant title and is categorized correctly then all hubs suggested should be related. I have not had a problem with this.

    3. Bedbugabscond profile image93
      Bedbugabscondposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I haven't either. All of the suggested hubs /what others are reading have been relevant to each hub. I am sorry that yours have not.

    4. Petra Vlah profile image59
      Petra Vlahposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      My hub "Adjusting the price" was about giving or not giving a tip to a waiter who performed poorly. One of the hubs suggested by the soever clever new format was a hub about "Adjusting beds".
      Is that "relevant" or what?

  4. A.A. Zavala profile image67
    A.A. Zavalaposted 11 years ago

    My traffic is fallen off by well over a third.  I am forever annoyed that the HP team changes formats or options THEY think are best for us.  We bring traffic to the site with our writing, not theirs.  We should be given choices and options on layouts instead of having them dictated to us.

  5. nochance profile image88
    nochanceposted 11 years ago

    I think all of the changes are ultimately good. As with every change to a website it takes a little time to adjust to but I don't think hubpages would do anything to hurt it's writers. They need us to survive. When we make money, they make money. … -sitewide/

    1. Anishpat profile image77
      Anishpatposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      The question is: ultimately as in after how long a time??? I was getting major traffic before the change and now it has gone down and keeps going down... Which means I won't even be earning the pennies that I was earlier!

    2. Petra Vlah profile image59
      Petra Vlahposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      HP ultimate goal IS to make money and there is nothing wrong with that, BUT why would they not explain to us how those changes will help us? Many outstanding writers have already left the site because they feel unappreciated and sabotaged.

    3. nochance profile image88
      nochanceposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I have seen no problems. My hubs have been getting more views than ever (though that might be due to the fact I've actually started writing on the site again). I dunno. I have no problem with the changes.

  6. liftandsoar profile image60
    liftandsoarposted 11 years ago

    I don't understand what's accomplished by suggesting several hubs by other writers at the end of mine. It gives the impression, perhaps unintended, that I'm endorsing them. So far I've never heard of any of them. Since I don't understand, I'm not sure how to evaluate. I guess I wonder whether my hubs are appearing at the end of other hubbers' work.

    1. Petra Vlah profile image59
      Petra Vlahposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      That is a lousy move on HP's part; diverting attention from one hub and its author and suggesting other hubs (some of them completely unrelated) is plain stupid. I would not mind if they suggest other hubs by the same author that I may actually read.

    2. SimeyC profile image88
      SimeyCposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      This has always been part of the hub design - there have always been a list of 'similar' hubs - it used to be far more prominent, on the right so this actually a positive move if you don't want 'similar' hubs listed.

  7. Bretsuki profile image69
    Bretsukiposted 11 years ago

    For me, recent changes have seen an average 33% increase in traffic. Much of this increase is coming from Google in various places around the world.
    Most of the views have been on some of my most popular and older hubs written between 1  and 2 years ago.  I am not sure if the age and so long standing has been the main cause of this affect. But seeing a rise from 3,000 views per month to 4,103 has been rapid, in the last fourteen days.

  8. SimeyC profile image88
    SimeyCposted 11 years ago

    With so many users there is no objective answer to your question. Hubpages are in a no win situation. When they didn't do enough and went into 'panic' mode many hubbers were not happy - and as you mentioned a lot of hubbers left.

    Now that they are being proactive and trying to move the site along and anticipate problems hubbers complain - the new design is not even out a week and it's already a 'failure' according to many.

    New designs take time to filter through the algorithms and to be honest a weeks worth of data is not enough time to give a proper answer.

    Paul Edmonson has already been reactive to users and has asked the 'published date' to be removed to see if it makes a material effect on traffic.

    I'd say give it a few weeks before making comments on how good or bad it is....


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