Do your friends or other family members also write on HubPages?

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  1. bankscottage profile image90
    bankscottageposted 11 years ago

    Do your friends or other family members also write on HubPages?

    Not counting friends you have met on HubPages, do any of your friends or other family members write on HubPages?  What influenced them to join us?  After watching me write and reading my Hubs, my youngest son has decide to write Hubs.  So far, he (hockey8mn) has already published 4 Hubs on his travels, experiences and interests.

  2. jprice90 profile image61
    jprice90posted 11 years ago

    Not that I know of lol. But it would be funny if one of my relatives actually did

    1. bankscottage profile image90
      bankscottageposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      As surprised as I am that my son writes on HPs, I would be shocked if my wife started.

    2. hockey8mn profile image67
      hockey8mnposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Wouldn't we all.

  3. BSloan profile image66
    BSloanposted 11 years ago

    No, as far as I know no one from my family or friends write on Hubpages.

  4. Ms Dee profile image85
    Ms Deeposted 11 years ago

    Yes, my husband also writes on HubPages. After seeing my write and reading my hubs at that point, he (Howard S.) also joined.

    1. bankscottage profile image90
      bankscottageposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Ms Dee, nice to meet you.  I follow Howard S after reading his Hub on Photo Capsules Advanced Techniques.

    2. Ms Dee profile image85
      Ms Deeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      bankscottage, nice to meet you, too. Great to hear you are following him! smile

  5. Poethepoet profile image67
    Poethepoetposted 11 years ago

    I had two co-workers who wrote for a short time on the hub pages. But both of them got disgusted for one reason or another, and haven't been active now for well over a year. However their profiles are still on the hub pages, even though they may never ever return.

  6. fpherj48 profile image59
    fpherj48posted 11 years ago

    That is wonderful that your son has become a member of HP!!  Good for him.   I'll have to look him up and welcome him!
    No one from my circle of friends,,,,,,nor any of my family write on least, not to my knowledge.   I would think that if they did, I would hear about it.....
    On the other hand, I don't go around making the announcement that I write on I don't know why I think someone else would...... Every once in a while I will send off a hub to someone......but I obviously haven't inspired anyone to jump on the HibPages wagon of wonders!!!

    1. bankscottage profile image90
      bankscottageposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      My son has a tremendous number of "experiences" and "opinions".  Seeing me do this every night, he has decided to give it a try.  In 2 days, he has 4 hubs published, a few in the works, and a few more concepts.  He may look at the apprentice program.

  7. Georgie Lowery profile image90
    Georgie Loweryposted 11 years ago

    My roommates are both Hubbers. She started four years ago and he followed last summer. I got into the mix this April. It's great for us, because we have a little bit of friendly competition and it gives us a lot to talk about. A couple of my friends have also signed on to HP after suffering through all of my sharing of Hubs on Facebook. It's like one big, happy family!

    It's awesome that you can share the HP experience with your son!

  8. afriqnet profile image65
    afriqnetposted 11 years ago

    I have relentlessly tried to encourage my friends to write HubPages but they just open an account and they stall. I think they are not motivated.

  9. profile image0
    Kommadantposted 11 years ago

    I am the only person that I know of in real life that writes on HubPages.

  10. carol7777 profile image76
    carol7777posted 11 years ago

    I have one friend who  turned me to HubPages and I am so glad she did. Other than that only the great ones I have met here.

  11. annart profile image82
    annartposted 11 years ago

    I suggested a friend of mine try it; she's been a teacher and wants to transfer her college essays to hubs.  She says it's a matter of having enough time and I know she's busy but it's diving in feet first that gets us going!  I'll keep nagging her to get on with it!

  12. Smora profile image0
    Smoraposted 11 years ago

    Yes my mum inspired me to join and now I'm trying to get my friends involved too! Its a fun community to be a part of!

    1. bankscottage profile image90
      bankscottageposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Good luck getting your friends involved.  My son seems to enjoy it.

  13. Samkoskei profile image62
    Samkoskeiposted 11 years ago

    No one in my family write on the HubPages.One day when I was interacting with one of my friend on Facebook,is he introduce me to HP,and i happy to share my stories with others on this site.


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