how do i get listed with google quickly?

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  1. kobimal profile image40
    kobimalposted 15 years ago

    free ways are better

    1. compu-smart profile image90
      compu-smartposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Kobimal
      Google has tools such as site submission and webmaster tools among others to help get better indexed in the search engines..Free;)

      Here is a list of all Google Products and services to help. … archengine

    2. profile image0
      terrygposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      One sirefire way for free is leave a comment on a education blog or PR8 blog.

      The urls are there but this is not the place for me to leave them for fear of spam of the particular sites.

      Suffice to say, if you have an rss feed then submit it to bloglines and hold on as G will be there within minutes.  Generally the site will be indexed but held out of the main index page and over time each individual page will enter the main index.

      Maybe this url will help you and others.

      No comments required that your account will be banned etc as SU allows the site to operate.

  2. gamergirl profile image83
    gamergirlposted 15 years ago

    Write quality content.  Make good and appropriate use of your tags.  Write a stellar summary instead of letting the hub editor autocalculate.

    A part of being successful online is doing your research.  So, my suggestion on that would be to go out and do research on keywords, how to market yourself, how to write in a way that appeals to search engine traffic.

  3. Inspirepub profile image73
    Inspirepubposted 15 years ago

    Write a Hub.

    Hubs generally get indexed pretty darn quick.


    1. JYOTI KOTHARI profile image60
      JYOTI KOTHARIposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      No doubt of it.
      Mostly it is instant.
      Jyoti kothari

  4. Mark Bennett profile image60
    Mark Bennettposted 15 years ago

    At the risk of sounding self-promotional, I wrote my last Hub three days ago, and it is already number 1 on the first page of Google results for "High Mileage Auto Refinancing".

    I realise that Mr Knowles will probably point out that he dominates "Frongelous Facial Growth" in the same way. I don't mean to promote myself as an SEO guru.

    But just to support what has been said in other threads about promoting your Hubs, if you look at #2 to #5, you will see that they are blog posts in various places, all of which link back to my Hub from the keywords "high mileage auto refinancing".

    Thanks to all the wise ones - I have been listening!

    Backlinks. Very important.

    (Hmmm, now that I have rewritten the first page of Google results, maybe I should go back and edit the Hub, since it currently says the first page of Google results are all rubbish!)

    1. profile image0
      terrygposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I didn't see a Squidoo lens there or an Ezine article or a blogger platform targeting the keyword , have you not done one as then you might dominate the whole front page.

  5. Mark Bennett profile image60
    Mark Bennettposted 15 years ago

    I just looked again, and blog posts about my Hub are at positions 2,3,4,6,8 and 10. The Hub is still number one.

    Definitely rewriting the Hub now!!!!

  6. profile image0
    IMHustleposted 15 years ago

    I don't believe in the passive approach. When you publish your Hub, ping the URL @ Pingoat, submit it to StumbleUpon and OnlyWire. That should get those search engine bots to come visit your Hub pretty quickly smile.

    1. Misha profile image62
      Mishaposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I used to actively used Onlywire, but it seems to stop working.

      1. profile image0
        IMHustleposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Misha Onlywire can be a bit buggy smile at times. I've used SocialMarker as an alternative - it works well, but can be time consuming if you want to post your link to a number of bookmarking sites. Another free social bookmarking site is SocialMarking 2.0 (note: the site offers also offers a paid submission service). I haven't used Social Marking 2.0 yet, but it looks pretty easy to use.

      2. vietnamese profile image67
        vietnameseposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        What is your definition of seem to stop working here? Is it because other sites banned onlywire?

    2. CJStone profile image77
      CJStoneposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      what on earth does "ping the url at pingoat" mean? does anyone have an english translation of this?

      1. Misha profile image62
        Mishaposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Oh, that's easy: You go to the site, paste your url into a corresponding field and press the button big_smile

      2. profile image0
        terrygposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Search engines of all flavors have little bots running around. Some land on a new page and send it to their other friend bot who then indexes the pages. Other bots hang out out PR^ plus sites, forums, major blogs and rss feed sites all trying to beat each other to the latest content.

        To ping means you submit your url to the rss feed where these hungry bots are waiting.

        To rss you need a blog where the feed is defined. If your a static site, html etc, then you need to set up a rss feed xml file. Very easy to do.  When you have your rss feed that basically lists your pages, posts etc it is listed on a rss feed. Pinging means very similar to submitting your site to a directory. You let them know your there, and when rss feeds are new or updated that little bot will come and chew it up pushing it out to all of its friends to be indexed etc.

        Now personally I do love those little bots for their efforts. RSS = post and ping = links = traffic = $$.

        1. weblog profile image57
          weblogposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          Very informative smile I have a doubt - Some sites say they can submit(ping) the blog/rss to multiple search engines in single step. is such a site.

          What is the actual process? Is it really possible for multiple pings at once? (sometimes they show ping error)

          1. profile image0
            terrygposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            Yes, it is possible.

            1. weblog profile image57
              weblogposted 15 years agoin reply to this

              Fine. Thanks smile

  7. Mark Knowles profile image58
    Mark Knowlesposted 15 years ago


    Even I will admit that "high mileage auto refinancing" is probably a more searched for term than "frongelous facial growth." big_smile

  8. Mark Bennett profile image60
    Mark Bennettposted 15 years ago

    Thanks, Terry.

    I have one Squidoo lens on refinancing generally, but it isn't optimised for "high mileage auto refinancing".

    And I only have the one Blogger blog, which has articles about all different money topics - I did post an article there, but I guess it didn't make the front page.

    Haven't done a ezinearticles article on this topic yet ... more things for the "to do" list!

    I shall not rest until I DOMINATE ... evil laugh ...

    1. profile image0
      terrygposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I find if you name the lens, blog and article that single long tail keyword and use it at the start middle and end of your post or article, you will dominate Page 1.  Social bookmark the lens, blogger blog and article. Even submit the rss feeds of each for some extra punch.

      Here's a breakdown of the cpc for the keyword your targeting so it seems quite worth it.

      Cost/Click:      $1.06 - $10.32 thats for auto-refinancing

      Wait there's more, this is for refinancing -

      Cost/Click:      $2.23 - $37.11
      Clicks/Day:      7.38k - 9.34k

      WOOOOOWWWW  There is nothing more satisfying then getting your cheque by courier.

      1. profile image0
        IMHustleposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Excellent point Terry! That's how you "dominate the conversation" (borrowed from Howie Schwartz smile) in the search engines. Not only name your Hub or lens with that keyword phrase but make sure it's also the URL. You can get extra love by targeting some additional keyword phrases on these pages. But the power move is to interlink all of these pages to create your own mini-network on these authority sites.

        Yes it's really cool getting checks from companies you're an affiliate for. Even my kids think it's cool that their Daddy get's money from the internet wink

  9. First_home_buyer profile image53
    First_home_buyerposted 15 years ago

    Lots of good tips in this thread. Thanks to everyone for sharing.

  10. spuds profile image60
    spudsposted 15 years ago

    Make good content and get backlinks from relevant site. Not much more you can do. Don't panic Google will find you pretty quickly.

  11. Misha profile image62
    Mishaposted 15 years ago

    Thanks IMHustle, I looked at those alternatives and finally settled on a paid soft called BookmarkingDemon. It does what I need. smile

    1. profile image0
      IMHustleposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Congrats, Misha. I've heard BookmarkingDemon is a very good paid option for creating backlinks automatically. A case study on your results with it might be an excellent Hub topic wink.

  12. Misha profile image62
    Mishaposted 15 years ago

    I don't remember exact figures, but after some time I checked actual accounts and it appeared that instead of posting to more than a dozen sites as advertised, it was posting to only three sites, and several my accounts have been banned...

  13. Inspirepub profile image73
    Inspirepubposted 15 years ago

    "the site" being ...



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