Why, when the US is one of the wealithiest countries in the world do we still ha

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  1. cazcat profile image61
    cazcatposted 15 years ago

    Why, when the US is one of the wealithiest countries in the world do we still have people who are hungry and homeless? What could we do to change it?

  2. icewave5 profile image59
    icewave5posted 15 years ago

    This is inequality which occurs throughout the wealthy nations. Wealth isn't equally spread for example fat cat executives of a company and non-educated man. A number of factors affect inequality like education, crime, unemployment etc. Some cities have more opportunities some have less, its always different

  3. profile image48
    daym1posted 15 years ago

    Because they are too busy supporting the rest of the world!  Take care of ours first and then help others!

  4. MNichopolis profile image59
    MNichopolisposted 14 years ago

    If you choose to think the glass if half empty... then some say it's because of inequality. Some say it's because of prejudice. Some say it's because fat cats are taking more than their fair share.

    But if instead you choose to think the glass if half full, and you ask the question "why are people able to become fantastically wealthy in the United States?" then some would say it's because we're all allowed to exercise our ambition. Some say it's because we're all allowed to pursue excellence.

    Some say both of these views are true, because we're all free to do what we choose to do. And we all can choose to be poor or homeless if we like, or we can choose to get out there and build our lives up into anything that we can imagine.

  5. john guilfoyle profile image61
    john guilfoyleposted 14 years ago

    excellent questions!!!!!!!!!!!
      ones i've pondered all my life...I only wish I had answers.

       quandaries of prodigious proportions...

       difficult solutions because of the monomaniacal glut of greed...

        sadly it seems that aggressive power hungry people generally grab the reins...

         good cool people don't desire to manipulate and control...

          we need a fine field general because we good cool folk are a rabble of rebels...

           because we are individuals....

             we are in dire need of a true revolution...by peaceful means...

              we have all seen the power of civil disobedience on this planet...

               we can overcome!!!!

                but initially we must organize...

                 somehow we must come together....

                   RIGHT NOW!!!!


         HEY CAZCAT, thanks for asking these most important questions..they certainly need to b addressed....over and over....until we find solutions.


  6. profile image0
    blueraven6posted 14 years ago

    The problem is raw naked greed. Each of us only needs a limited amount of resources to live comfortably. These rest is excess, and should be distributed to those in need.

    Why don't we do it? Ego. Pure Raw Ego and Pure Raw Greed.

    Our culture never allows us to be happy with what we have. Ad revenues require more and more and more....

  7. barryrutherford profile image75
    barryrutherfordposted 14 years ago

    The Economy of America is capitalist. Capitalism in it's purist form is survival of the fittest.  In an unfettered market every man and women are required to fend for themselves.  Some people through lack of resources,skills and education as well as a host of other disabilites are unable to support themselves.  There are not the many if any jobs out there in which they can earn sufficient funds in which to support themselves.
    The only way the marginaised and disadvantaged can survie is if we implement social programmes including housing and welfare including food to meet the needs of these people.

  8. swefelix profile image61
    swefelixposted 14 years ago

    “No, not rich. I am a poor man with money, which is not the same thing.”
    - Gabriel Garcia Marquez

  9. Messenger_of_god8 profile image60
    Messenger_of_god8posted 14 years ago

    because of greed peope dont like to spend a penny on others.
    but the hell with them!!!!!!!! greedy fools will not matter here again or everafter but wil return once again only to be poor homeless and hungry with no helping hand.

  10. Debarshi Dutta profile image66
    Debarshi Duttaposted 14 years ago

    Why, when the US is one of the wealthiest countries in the world do we still have people who are hungry and homeless? What could we do to change it?

    Was the world not poor before the discovery of the United States of America was made?

    Was there not injustice and poverty in the world before united States was colonized?

    So poverty would always remain. Prima Facie.

    Does not united States contribute to the wealth and resource of the world, significantly..It does..

    US produces a lot of wealth..US is geographically enriched with numerous natural resources which it utilises to the fullest.

    The only difference between The united States and the rest of the world is that all labour and efforts in the United States are well rewarded.
    The rest of the world is not able to pay similarly for the goods and services produced.

    But then the wealth that US generates rightfully belongs to it's citizens.

    And the rest of the world should not covet their wealth.

    However it could be true that due to the sustained habits of wealth and riches and comfortable lifestyle coupled with social and peer pressure..the people of US are not as charitable as the rest of the world expects them to be.
    They instead are becoming more interested in hoarding wealth than contributing wealth for the good of all.

    Charity, my friend, begins at home.

    Maybe the people of US are better competitors than friends.And we all know that they are perfectionists to the power of 'n'.

    So, their homeland  is a fairly competitive place and not quite that friendly place that they would like us to believe.

    Thus the lack of charity towards the conditions of the people of the 3rd world.

    But then charity is something voluntary, otherwise it is extortion.


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