HubPages vs Ehow

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  1. scotto987 profile image61
    scotto987posted 15 years ago

    I enjoy creating pages on HubPages more than Ehow, but I make considerably more money on Ehow.  Does anyone write on both and make more on HubPages?  It seems like there is just less traffic on HubPages.

  2. gamergirl profile image84
    gamergirlposted 15 years ago

  3. Marisa Wright profile image85
    Marisa Wrightposted 15 years ago

    I've heard people say they do better on eHow but have never seen anyone offer concrete $ figures.

    Search the webs and you'll see people like Whitney admit they're earning $400-$500 a month on HubPages. I'm nowhere near that figure but it sounds good to me!

  4. charlemont profile image75
    charlemontposted 15 years ago

    Promotion is the key in my opinion. Making a great hub is half of the story - it should be properly promoted.
    I tend to refer to this post:
    There are pure gems of advice that are sure to make drastic changes to your earnings.

  5. kerryg profile image83
    kerrygposted 15 years ago

    I signed up at eHow early this month (I figure diversifying can't hurt, especially in this economy) and have $0.30 so far, with ten articles.

    There are definitely people over there doing pretty well (WriterGig, for example), but I don't get the impression that they're necessarily doing any better than the top folks here on HubPages, or that the lower earners are doing any better there than they are here either. It's just different strokes for different folks. But ask me again in six months. wink

  6. Uninvited Writer profile image80
    Uninvited Writerposted 15 years ago

    eHow is only a good site for US citizens to earn money.

    1. ripplemaker profile image78
      ripplemakerposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Yes that is true...non U.S. citizens are disqualified for the writer's compensation.

  7. charlemont profile image75
    charlemontposted 15 years ago

    If eHow is any similar to AssociateContent, then my experience with the latter is as follows.
    They promise to pay me $1.50 per 1000 impressions. Compared to Hubpages, this is a lot less because with 1000 impressions at hubpages (even with 40% share going to HP) I'm making several times more.

  8. michele jane profile image59
    michele janeposted 15 years ago

    Hi, I just joined here! My name is Michele. smile

    I just wanted to jump right in and say that I've been writing for eHow for over a year now and I've only made about $100 with 60 articles.  A few claim to make a lot more (like $1,000's a month) but of course, that seems over-exaggerated. They've been there as long as me, give or take a month or two, and only have about 50 to 100 articles more than me. But who knows.

    Well, anyway...I have noticed that the eHow 'editors and experts' (they label them this by "experience") are less informative than the actual members.

    One some days, their site is very unreliable. If you've spent a couple of hours writing an article, even if you've saved it repeatedly, you can lose it at anytime, even while writing.

    It seems they're always "upgrading" but not getting anywhere.

    Their articles are becoming (very) sloppy. The 'approval' process seems to be null. They actually, more than once, approved an article from an "expert" that could of gotten someone hurt, if not killed. It was flagged and within 30 minutes, it was removed. I do give them that, but they did put it on the front page, in the first place, without actually reading it first (I'm assuming). I'm sure he (the "expert") made a huge amount of money off that article, even if it was dangerous. (you get paid per comment along with clicks)

    Their tech 'staff', I believe is just one person. You can find problems all over the forums directed to this one person and he also handles other things as well, which leads me to believe, it's either ran by him and him only, or him and one other person. The site just seems that way. If you send them a contact email through their 'contact us' link, you'll be very lucky to get any type of reply. I'm still waiting on a reply that I sent over 4 months ago -since then, I've fixed the problem myself. lol

    Sure there are nice things about them to....such as, they do pay you through PayPal when you hit $10 or more a month...let's see..what else....oh you can go back and update, change, delete an article after it's been published, if you want. You can see how many have viewed your article....I think that's it.

    wow! ...I guess I'm rating them pretty be honest, they may seem nice, but all in all, if you've been there a while, check the articles, forums, have a tech issue (big or small)'ll be saying this stuff to, and probably at a new place just like I am! lol

    Hope I didn't give off a bad impression..just sharing my experience with them smile They were alright at first, but now that they've gotten so many members added on.. it's like they're really losing it, and losing it big....

    smile Michele

  9. SoManyPaths profile image60
    SoManyPathsposted 15 years ago

    what if you're a US citizen based overseas?
    I found the Hubs to have more depth than eHow anyway.


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