Where Are My Examples

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  1. soldout1 profile image61
    soldout1posted 13 years ago

    In ancient times the philosophical rulers sort to create a type of utopia; never considering the outcome that would create damaged and dual personalities within mankind. This state ultimately separated mankind from his own being. Dividing the inner from the outer just to fulfill another man's agenda. This is when the human conscious of mankind became a plowing ground for outsiders.

    I know' you're probably thinking to yourself. Without learning man is simply barbaric. Yes' you would be right,if mans creation was left to another man's development, how great is their development? My question to you is this?  What human being is deemed qualified to develop something that has been created apart from it? Education is good, though it plays a crucial part in the segregation of one's true being. Who are our examples? Is Self Centerness, or the created sense based Ego that has now become dominated by a media controlled world?  Who are our examples? Is it Greed, Lust, Self gain, or Religion, the diversity of an even greater evil? Real examples have become(ONE)not only with themselves but something much greater.Wholeness, wouldn't this be the greatest example of all?

    1. couturepopcafe profile image62
      couturepopcafeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Hey soul sister, how've you been? - So this is the age-old question.  Man's quest for the inner self, to find where God exists within us, to belong to a universe in some meaningful way, to remember what the nature of our essence really is.  I think you're absolutely right.  But what does it mean to be whole?  To be free from the afflictions of the mind: ignorance, egoism, attachment, aversion, and the desire to cling to life - this can be part of wholeness.  Or to have mastery of property, character and conditions through detachment from outcome.  To find supreme happiness through contentment?

      1. soldout1 profile image61
        soldout1posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Hi Sis, your response is Outstanding. There is no question that humanity is turned away from their inner being.  They are currently attending the physical duties of the flesh for the sake of mere survival. Society is convinced that they are what externally defined them.  We are so much more then knowledge, as a matter of fact knowledge alone creates an inflated ego.  If you do your research you will also find that the ego does not arrive with us at birth. But it must be developed. Some of us from childhood came here connected to our inner origin. And our struggles in the world seem to be rebellion against authority but rather it was the artificial self we resisted that forces us into conformity.  The brain has been the guide for many; this is the reason for many blowouts such as strokes, heart attacks, etc. The mind has been imprisoned to this external state. Many identify only with the external world and determine their success on material gain. Without external exaltation these have no affirmation this creeps me out; because it is total vacancy. Fulfillment can never be found on the outside, ask a few of your millionaires.  The life many seek to cling to is nothing without their true being  which can only be found in something much greater then themselves; whether mankind believe it or not. This is a pretty touchy subject Sis.  Thanks for your (Awesome) response, have a wonderful holiday.

        1. couturepopcafe profile image62
          couturepopcafeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Thanks, you do the same.  I'm going to ponder a bit over "the artificial self we resisted that forces us into conformity".

          1. soldout1 profile image61
            soldout1posted 13 years agoin reply to this

            It is simply being made a physical you through the sensory your feelings; without any direct connection to the true essence of Mind (True Consciousness). The will under the influence of the knowledge based intellect and emotions that are primarily controlled through the nerves system (Sensory). I know it sound's science fiction Huh?  Yet in reality mankind has been nothing more than a science for a very long time, pretty basic stuff. Thanks

            1. couturepopcafe profile image62
              couturepopcafeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              So, if I understand you correctly, you're saying we develop almost by remote control, or rather like robots, losing the link between our true essence or inner self, maybe the inner child, and the potential we were meant for.  The world draws us in, while we resist, and eventually cave.  So this is probably what Socrates meant (or maybe it was Aristotle) when he said we must remember, not learn.  Remembering where we began, what we were at birth or before and getting there again, all the time relating to the world from that remembered place, not the place or thing which the world created in us.

              1. soldout1 profile image61
                soldout1posted 13 years agoin reply to this

                Girl you are sharper then sharp. I like that, robots exactly, A mechanical system. Everything Americans utilize comes with a program; even churches use programs. So yes this is what I mean. The id, meaning they do not understand this entity. So we through this same word were given our artificial id-entity, Crazy huh? Memory is brain stuff; this is why when the brain shrinks memory is lost. The mind does not shrink, and meaning takes the place of memory. Without mean-ing you become mean. Lol   Aristotle's, Socrates, they were all working from the same frame. You’re one hundred percent right.  And your simplicity is a powerful tool. By the way I never caved, and my life was very difficult.  I've been free a long time. Now I am happy because I know who I am.  But I am not evil. I do understand that many restrictions are necessary, some people are beast. They were born this way unfortunately, evil at their core.  I feel so sorry for these types of people, Scary stuff.  I've enjoyed your responses, deep but yet great simplicity. I realized many years ago that the less they want mankind to know the more complex everything became. This was the greatest segregation-al device ever implemented. Have a wonderful night and again I have enjoyed your insight.

    2. Shahid Bukhari profile image60
      Shahid Bukhariposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Dear sister

      Yours is a closer approach to Religious fact ... within a Pragmatic understanding ...

      I hope you can see yourself some day ... You will see the Example you are searching for !


      1. soldout1 profile image61
        soldout1posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I hate religion it creates diversity and division, my insight comes from  a much greater source, one that is rooted within the Truth. An Eternal heavenly truth, that reaches beyond the rectum of a physical  church. I will say that I started out on a religious path and soon discovered all of the trappings of the Roman Catholic Church which is the foundation of Christianity and all othe religious sects.  A spiritual Evolution is eternal, but it also has a beginning. I personally believe that philosophy is all about the male Ego. So as far as delegating my person through a pragmatic understanding, this would be a no. Seeing me has nothing to do with the outside, nor the reflective thought of another.  Thank you for your kind advice, I do appreciate you dropping by, Take care.

        1. couturepopcafe profile image62
          couturepopcafeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          I think Shahid is right about one thing.  You are the example for a lot of people.

          1. soldout1 profile image61
            soldout1posted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Indeed, Thank you for stopping by.


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