Pay Per Click to Promote Your HubPages?

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  1. profile image0
    multimasteryposted 13 years ago

    Greeting Hubbers!...

    Just wondering if anyone ever tried pay per click like google adwords, yahoo ad center or other to promote one of their "money" hubs?  And are we allowed to use a HubPages landing page for pay per click?  I didn't see any hard fast rules on this.  I've just been hearing so much about how pay per click can really accelerate ones income IF you know what you're doing of course. Would love to here feedback on this, thanks!

    1. thisisoli profile image71
      thisisoliposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I think it would be fine as long as you dont compete with Hubpages on any of it's PPC phrases.  Whether you would make a profit off it or not is a completely different matter though!

      1. profile image0
        multimasteryposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Well how would you know all PPC phrases Hubpages is bidding on??  I'm sure there's tons!...

  2. Pcunix profile image90
    Pcunixposted 13 years ago

    Google for "Adsense arbitrage".

    1. bgamall profile image68
      bgamallposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Very cryptic Pcunix. Is that good or bad? smile

      1. ThomasE profile image68
        ThomasEposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        If you Google it, you will find out smile

        I'll give you a clue, arbitrage is where you buy something low, and sell it high. If you buy traffic using advertising, and send it to a page with adsense on it.... this is arbitrage.

        Though it is more complex than that. So you should google it.

        Arbitrage is a good way to send your adwords and adsense account to /dev/null.

        Personally, I would never use adwords on hubpages.

      2. Pcunix profile image90
        Pcunixposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        As Thomae said, Google it.  Let's just say this: Mother Google does not approve.

        1. bgamall profile image68
          bgamallposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          I knew that. But then you are so obscure Pcunix. Thanks to both of you for a good answer. However, if you have a landing page that leads to pages that have adsense on a different domain that would be ok right?

          1. Pcunix profile image90
            Pcunixposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Why? Because you are masking your intent?

            1. darkside profile image65
              darksideposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              The intent of what? Using Adwords to get traffic and qualifying that traffic before it lands somewhere else?

            2. bgamall profile image68
              bgamallposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              Pcunix, I am not smart enough to mask my intent. smile I am just wondering how people drive traffic in an honest way to pages that have adsense on them.

          2. Pcunix profile image90
            Pcunixposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            I don't mean to be obscure. It is a complicated subject.

            I sometimes use Adwords to drive traffic to pages that advertise products and services I sell. Those pages sometimes carry Adsense too, but apparently it is obvious to Google that my Adwords search terms and my Adwords text match the page content, so they have never given me any trouble over it.

            I don't know what specific actions would cause them to dislike you. It is obviously complicated.

            1. darkside profile image65
              darksideposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              So sometimes you are breaking the rules?

              1. Pcunix profile image90
                Pcunixposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                No. I explained what I am doing and why.

                But of course you dislike anything I have to say. I quite understand why you'd automaticcally look for evil intent.

                1. darkside profile image65
                  darksideposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  Correct me if I'm wrong, but what you explained was that you had Adsense on pages that you are using Adwords to drive traffic to said pages.

                  Am I missing something?

                  1. bgamall profile image68
                    bgamallposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                    I wonder about this too. Arbitrage is against the rules but is all adsense banned from adwords? That would seen to be wrong too, but how would you know where you stand?

          3. darkside profile image65
            darksideposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Yes, it would be okay.

  3. Richieb799 profile image75
    Richieb799posted 13 years ago

    You might as well start your own website and use PPC and received 100% Adsense revenue or get a free Blogspot blog, they give you 100% revenue.

    1. ThomasE profile image68
      ThomasEposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      You should not send paid traffic to a page with adsense on it. That is not advised.

    2. profile image0
      ssaulposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      So true!

  4. profile image0
    multimasteryposted 13 years ago

    Looks like ole Google has their double standard on this and they punish who they want to while giving their top money makers wiggle room.  Not surprising to me at all.  Here's an interesting article I found on the subject: … mment-8704

    1. tritrain profile image71
      tritrainposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Google has a lot of double standards.

      But we are little fish in the big sea.  We must try to keep in Google's good graces.

  5. tritrain profile image71
    tritrainposted 13 years ago

    Better yet, build a website/blog and point it to your Hubs.  You could then use your Adwords credits (among others) toward the website/blog.

  6. sunforged profile image71
    sunforgedposted 13 years ago

    The simple question of

    Can I have adsense on a page promoted by adwords? is a clear and 100% .. YES

    that alone is in no way a TOS violation and is very, very common and normal.

    As PU points out - its all about intent, anyone who uses adsense/adwords (especially, Google staff) could see clearly whether your goal is a variant of the arbitrage method. Its clear as day when you look at the page/site.

    Do you regularly get .50+ clicks on the page and are bidding on tons of odd longtails that cost you .05 cents? When someone arrives on your page is is smack dab full of adsense ads (front and center) .. what else could a visitor do when they arrive besides adsense? is there a mailing list sign up or a product for sale?

    A hubpage is generally not something that would be seen as an arbitrage page - way too many exit links in the sidebar, tons of useful content and other activities for a visitor to do.

    But, its not really the best of places to use money on ads for unless you have a great conversion rate on some sort of product, otherwise, its hard enough to learn how to use adwords and make a profit on your budget - losing 40% of your opportunities for amazon/ebay from the jump is a hard margin to makeup. Even if your goal was adsense arbitrage - a hub would not be a good location, loss of 40% impression, again hard to make up for.

    I used a free voucher on hubs before and (keep in mind adsense is my least important revenue source) - I did see an increase in adsense but it would not have made up for the cost if I actually had bought the traffic - but it did work out great for the product I was targetting and which my intent was to sell.

    ( I now have an entire site dedicated to the product and still use adwords to promote it)

    in short - one would normally KNOW they were attempting arbitrage, it would be their intent and they wouldnt have to ask in a forum if it was ok.

    1. bgamall profile image68
      bgamallposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Just a question: how does google know intent? I mean, if there is sort of an arbitrage going on, yet that was not the intent, how can Google read intent?

      1. sunforged profile image71
        sunforgedposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        lol, well of course they cannot read intent with algorithms - but a human staff member, and adwords has plenty of staff members, would recognize an arbitrage page right away.

        and keep in mind - google is a brain trust - … sheet.aspx

        they dont hire stupid

        1. Pcunix profile image90
          Pcunixposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Sure they do. They can't have 20,000 plus employees without hiring SOME stupid smile

          But, yes, you have made a far better explanation than I did.

    2. profile image0
      multimasteryposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Hi sunforged you make a lot of great and valid points! But I still say Google has double stands and can be very unfair.  Many people get penalized and banned left & right from them every day - for no good reason - while others walk away unscathed.   So far, based on what I've gathered,, I would not even fool with mixing Google Adwords with Adsense.  Too risky - Not enough rewards ~ and too many complications!

    3. ThomasE profile image68
      ThomasEposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      In the past I have generally advised people not to put adwords on hubpages. It seems obvious to me that you will lose money. You are talking about a site full of distractions, where 40% of the impressions go to someone else.

      I don't see how you could make money, most of your paid customers would just leak away.

      Add to that the slim margins (6% commission on Amazon) and typical amazon conversion of 20% of ctr...

      well, the maths says you will lose money.

      And, the benefit of hubpages is generally that it is fairly easy to rank in the organic search... if you pay for traffic you don't need that advantage.

      1. Pcunix profile image90
        Pcunixposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Yeah, that is the other side of this: arbitrage would  tough enough without the disadvantages added here.

  7. sunforged profile image71
    sunforgedposted 13 years ago

    to be specific - that is a list of prohibitions not definers of what arbitrage is.


    I do see how it could be confusing and interpreted in many ways.
    Just another example of how nebulous google policies can be.

    As a consumer I would have no problem with the site shown, it presents related products in an easy to navigate manner, presumably I can find products from dozens of suppliers all from one location rather than going to each supplier individually.

    The adsense ads are at the bottom of the page below the fold in a position that would not normally be considered "optimized"

  8. waynet profile image68
    waynetposted 13 years ago

    Pay per click for Hubpages has never interested me, because I just know that wasting money is not good in these economic times.

    I've fluttered with Facebook ads, but on my websites, but never on individual Hubpages as I don't see me paying for traffic will help.

    If you play your cards right Facebook ads can be more direct and to the point of getting some qualified traffic, all be it social networking traffic from the Facebook crowds, but hey, everything's becoming connected now and who knows what might happen....

    I just find the idea of paying for traffic daft, but it's best to test things out even if it's only the once!


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