Discussing Evolution - Why do smany Creationists ignore the arguments?

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  1. Trish_M profile image81
    Trish_Mposted 12 years ago


    I have had discussions, on this site and elsewhere, with a number of Creationists.

    For those who have not been involved in such discussion, I should clarify a few things:

    I do not think that the Bible is the word of God.
    I do not believe that the Bible describe's our origins.
    I accept evolution.

    I have written hubs on evolution, and contributed to forum discussions and conversations in the 'comments' sections.

    I enjoy lively discussion, and accept that we are not all going to agree on everything, but what I find really frustrating is when certain Creationists simply ignore the pro-evolutionists' arguments and persist in trying to make them look foolish.

    Some will persist in saying that evolutionists believe that monkeys can either turn into, or give birth to, humans.

    Some will persist in saying that evolution is 'only a theory', so it can be ignored.

    Some say that there is no revidence for evolution.

    Some mock evolutionary scientists ~ and those who agree with them.

    Some pray for them.

    And if the non-creationist argues that, of course, monkeys don't turn into people; or of course there is evidence for evolution; or of course humans are classified as animals, then these comments are simply ignored, and the claims ~ insulting claims, in my opinion ~ are repeated.

    I appreciate the evolution is hard to believe and that creationists may not feel comfortable with it. That's fine by me. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions.

    But why tell untruths?

    Why make scientists look ridiculous? ~ They are usually hard-working, interesting, intelligent and well-educated people, yet those who have not had their level of education feel qualified, not only to disbelieve them ~ but to mock them.

    That is totally unfair and very wrong.

    Why does it keep happening?

    Why do the silly accusations keep getting repeated?

    1. Evolutionists do not believe that fish turned into people overnight; or that a cow will turn into a zebra; or that a chimp could wake up one morning to discover that it had turned into a human, or that humans can give birth to monkey babies.

    2. Evolutionary theory is not just a suggestion or a hypothesis. It is backed up by lots of evidence.

    3. Yes, lots of evidence.

    4. Evolutionists are not all atheists.

    5. Evolutionists are not satanists.

    6. Evolutionary science does not have an anti-Christian agenda.

    7. Evolutionists are not usually uneducated fools.

    It's not all creationists, but quite a number do do this.

    (PS. Sorry about the typo in the title)

    1. kerryg profile image84
      kerrygposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      1. Evolutionists do not believe that fish turned into people overnight; or that a cow will turn into a zebra; or that a chimp could wake up one morning to discover that it had turned into a human, or that humans can give birth to monkey babies.

      Ugh, this one drives me nuts. I was arguing in the forums with someone last month who apparently believes that evolutionists believe that bats evolved from bugs! It's no wonder she thinks evolution is nonsense if that's the kind of crap she thinks evolutionists believe. tongue

      Sadly, she proved incapable of acknowledging that she'd set up a straw man theory of evolution to "debunk" and her response to any and all examples of peer reviewed scientific papers concerning the actual evolution of bats was "that's just speculation," so I think her ignorance was willful.

    2. A Troubled Man profile image58
      A Troubled Manposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      That is the result of religious indoctrination in which believers minds have turned to mush from childhood resulting in their inability to think and be honest about anything they believe would jeopardize their belief system. They will ignore and deny facts at any cost to defend their beliefs.

      1. Trish_M profile image81
        Trish_Mposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Well, it is very frustrating.

        I don't mind people having a belief and admitting that their belefs are based purely on faith. They are free to believe as they wish. It is the untruths, the complete dismissal of statements against the lies, and then the repetition of the nonsense that gets to me.

        When I say nonsense, I mean, for example, the 'fact' that evolutionists think that frogs can turn into cows, etc.

        1. A Troubled Man profile image58
          A Troubled Manposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          One of the most common attributes of believers is the fact they simply don't understand evolution, as simple and elegant an explanation it is, as well as the fact they are unable to grasp the vast amount of time required for most evolutionary processes to work. That's why they will ask why frogs can't turn into cows.

          And, it's not only evolution, they will attack many concepts, ideas, theories and facts they believe will jeopardize their belief systems.

  2. janesix profile image60
    janesixposted 12 years ago

    Because most creationists dont WANT to believe it.

    That being said,almost all of the arguments for evolution are simply wrong and outdated.

    Evolution theory is in its infancy.

    Much of what is being learned today in genetics is completely different than it was even ten years ago

    1. Trish_M profile image81
      Trish_Mposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      But that's the thing with science, it is always a work in progress.
      This is something that many creationists seem to see as a weakness, but it just is as it is.

      Science acknowledges that new information could be discovered at any time, and that the theory may have to be tweaked a little ~ or a lot, even.

      1. janesix profile image60
        janesixposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I agree.

        I believe in both creation and evolution, i dont think they have to be mutually exlusive.

        1. Trish_M profile image81
          Trish_Mposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          A lot of people would agree with you, but there are also many 'believers' who do not.

        2. Randy Godwin profile image61
          Randy Godwinposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Do you also believe in the great flood myth? 


          1. janesix profile image60
            janesixposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            I dont believe in the flood myth.

            1. Trish_M profile image81
              Trish_Mposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              I do.
              I don't believe in the associated supernatural stuff, but I think that there was probably a major flood that has passed into the local mythology.

            2. Randy Godwin profile image61
              Randy Godwinposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              Which myths do you believe in?  Jr.?


              1. janesix profile image60
                janesixposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                Who, me?

                I dont believe in any myths.

                1. Paul Wingert profile image61
                  Paul Wingertposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  The Noah's Arc story is based on an actuall event that happened on the Tigress River in Iraq involving a Semertan merchant that constructed a huge barge (by strapping together a couple barges to haul more cargo up and doen the river). He got caught in a flash flood with a cargo of animals, and othere goods. Apparently a couple Jewish writers caught wind of this story and ran with it. It's simply physically impossible to flood the entire earth and build a wooden vessel half the size of the Titanic.

        3. janesix profile image60
          janesixposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          I believe that everything was created by a higher power. Not any particular creation myth.


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