Conseratives and Liberals

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  1. peoplepower73 profile image90
    peoplepower73posted 11 years ago

    I have been in many controversial political discussions on hub pages. I consider myself a centerist.  I believe we need both some components of socialism to provide the things that we can't do as individuals and some componets of capitalism, but not enfettered capitalism. It seems that conservatives have all kinds of derogatory names for liberals: Socialist, Communists, Fascist, Nazi, and so on.  But when it comes to derogatory names for conservatives, there are none.  Why is that and does anybody have any names for conservatives?

    1. JSChams profile image60
      JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Excuse me? Where so you live?
      Teabagger? Moron? Idiot? That's what I get on a daily basis because I am a Conservative.
      Are you deliberately being disingenuous?

      1. Uninvited Writer profile image80
        Uninvited Writerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        I have never seen anyone on here call you a moron or an idiot. You are the one who gets negative whenever anyone says anything you might disagree with.

        Teabagger was their own name for themselves...

        1. JSChams profile image60
          JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Teabagger was not their own name for themselves and I challenge you to re-post to me one derogatory name I have called ANYONE here.

    2. JSChams profile image60
      JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Also it rather looks as though you are asking for a name calling session here.

      1. profile image0
        PrettyPantherposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        It is my understanding that if you call someone a moron or an idiot you will get banned from the forums.  I was banned for telling someone they were stupid (it was worth it, though).  However, one can falsely label someone a Socialist, Communist, Nazi, or Fascist without retribution.

        As for teabagger, that is a label the Tea Party invented for themselves.  They have only themselves to blame.

        I have seen conservatives referred to as "wingnuts" here, though.

        1. JSChams profile image60
          JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Well if someone there invented it they are not very bright. I will admit to a mistake if that is so.
          I have been banned for lots lots less.

          I have been referred to as lots worse that"wingnut" and I am not even a Republican. Whether it happens here is not the intent I don't think of this forum.

    3. mio cid profile image59
      mio cidposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      thank god for moderates and centrists because they are indispensable in any democratic government,I'm a liberal and a leftist and a democrat voter ,I wouldn't vote for a republican in this day and age if my life depended on it, because of the hatred the party exudes towards immigrants and minorities, and the excuse that not all republicans think that way is not good enough for me.I understand the party is being held hostage by the right wing nut talking heads, the let them eat cake and  I drink tea party,and the extreme elements dominating the base, but until the adults are able to if ever  take control of that once big tent party they won't have my vote and they shouldn't have the vote of any minority or immigrant.The ideology that best resembles their ideology is the nazi,the fascist, and the falangist, but they are too ignorant to even know that.

      1. JSChams profile image60
        JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Hey peoplepower! One of your respondents took care of it for you.

        1. peoplepower73 profile image90
          peoplepower73posted 11 years agoin reply to this

          No I'm not.  I really didn't intend it to go that way.

          1. JSChams profile image60
            JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Possibly it was inadvertent but your opening statement almost begs for it.

    4. JSChams profile image60
      JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Al Gore in a speech that there is audio and probably video of called Republicans the "extra chromosome party".
      Bill Maher....million dollar donor to Barack...this weekend told Sarah Palin that now if one of her kids gets knocked up they are covered.

      This is a ridiculous sham you have started here.

    5. kingmaxler profile image61
      kingmaxlerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I like your classification, "centerist." I am going to look that up and see if it fits me. I think that name calling is the most base way of creating a bad guy/good guy arena within which those in power can manipulate the masses with fear. It is an age old tactic with results that spark wars. It should not even be allowed on the playground and much less in the political dialogue of those who represent the most powerful nation on the earth at the moment.

      1. peoplepower73 profile image90
        peoplepower73posted 11 years agoin reply to this

        That's true.  They say that names can never hurt you, but they do.  They are very powerful and push our buttons to evoke our emotions. I think Centrists is a good name for people who can see benefits on both sides of the aisle.  I believe in promoting the general welfare, but not to the point of taking other peoples money and giving it to someone on the dole.  But I also believe in capitalism, but with regulations to prevent greed and corruption. If we could have that, then we could take the best parts of both systems and have true democracy.

        1. kingmaxler profile image61
          kingmaxlerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          I agree wholeheartedly

          1. JSChams profile image60
            JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            So in agreeing then I can't call someone a Socialist but they can call me a Teabagger?
            That's ok isn't it because obviously I am evil.
            I missed the double-double standard memo somewhere.

            1. kingmaxler profile image61
              kingmaxlerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              Wow, JSCHams, I did not read all the posts and I in no way was commenting on you. I never said anyone was evil and I didn't read the part of the thread where you were called "teabagger" or evil. I think that labels can be problematic and I believe in acceptance. I also believe I can disagree with someone without making them wrong or making myself right. I have my values and I will support those values while letting others believe the way that feel inclined to believe.

              1. JSChams profile image60
                JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                No it's not you.
                You have to start from the first of this.
                Somehow calling someone a Socialist was really hateful but Teabagger(do you know what THAT'S about????It's sickening)would be far less egregious.

                1. kingmaxler profile image61
                  kingmaxlerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                  I started from the beginning and did not see any place where peoplepower73 called you or anyone a teabagger. You said you were not a Republican nor a teabagger. I think that you have a huge chip on your shoulder and you are attacking peoplepower73 who really just wants the political parties to join together and find common ground. He sincerely asked about namecalling. I would look at the yourself before you decided to attack someone else.

              2. JSChams profile image60
                JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                Yeah they tripped my trigger.

              3. JSChams profile image60
                JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                Did you know Conservatives actually bear their young live....they aren't hatched?

              4. habee profile image92
                habeeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                I feel the same way.

    6. MelissaBarrett profile image58
      MelissaBarrettposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Isn't being called a conservative bad enough?

      1. paradigmsearch profile image61
        paradigmsearchposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Glad to see you made it through OK. big_smile smile

        1. MelissaBarrett profile image58
          MelissaBarrettposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          *Grins*  Don't be glad yet... it's currently storming here again.  Half of the state still doesn't have power.  I'm just lucky enough to be on the same grid as both the police department and fire department.  They are the first to be repowered.  There are two hour long lines at gas stations and now we are starting to see food shortages because they can't get gas into the trucks to deliver food because the main fueling stations in the state still don't have power to fill the tankers to bring gas to the gas stations that do have the power to pump it.  Societal decay is actually occurring pretty rapidly... it's a wonderful examination of sociology at work.

          1. habee profile image92
            habeeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            We're having a big thunderstorm now. Our power went off twice, and the wind was howling. It's winding down and headed out now - straight to Randy and Beth Godwin! lol

            1. MelissaBarrett profile image58
              MelissaBarrettposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              Not trying to hijack the thread but I wanted to say I hope you (and everyone down that way) stays safe.

              1. habee profile image92
                habeeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                Thanks! You, too.

  2. peoplepower73 profile image90
    peoplepower73posted 11 years ago

    I don't mean it as a name calling session.  It just occured to me that there are no names for conservatives.  This gives them the edge in political discussions, because when they call a liberal a socialists, the first thing that person has to do is defend themselves against that name. Names are very powerful in promoting propaganda. I'm trying to learn something here. I don't want to create any arguments.

    1. JSChams profile image60
      JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I just listed you a short clean list of what you get when folks know you are a Conservative.
      Being called  a Socialist or liberal is nothing to being labeled with names that invoke sexual acts or mental disorders.
      I cannot believe someone with your obvious intelligence wants to make people believe he is unaware of these things.

    2. peoplepower73 profile image90
      peoplepower73posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      You see, idiot, teabagger doesn't have the same connotation as socialists or marxists, because intuitevly people relate to those names as  being evil ideologies.

      1. JSChams profile image60
        JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        They were calling Conservatives fascist and Nazi long ago. i can point you to forums and places on YouTube where that is the order of the day.
        The idea that progressive liberals are being put upon by having their own methods turned on them is absurd.

        1. kingmaxler profile image61
          kingmaxlerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          My dad is calls himself a Republican Conservative and he calls the President and the Democratic party fascists and Nazis. I do not listen to hate radio and I  do not have cable TV so, I never hear the names that political parties call each other. I choose to stay away from those who hate when others do not believe the way they do.

          1. JSChams profile image60
            JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            I am a Conservative Democrat. I am also a Christian.
            I have been called everything but a Caucasian.

      2. JSChams profile image60
        JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        So to your frame of mind it's more hurtful to call someone a Socialist than to call them a Teabagger?
        Are you aware of what that term refers to? I am certain the unfortunate individual...apparently in the Tea Party...didn't realize either. You wouldn't unless you were around a particular portion of our culture for a bit.
        I certainly didn't know.

        1. Josak profile image60
          Josakposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Well it's just presumably the Tea party member is a member of the Tea Party while most people being called socialists are actually not. The Teabagger term is insulting though...
          One is insulting while the other is a lie, it's a tough one.

        2. kingmaxler profile image61
          kingmaxlerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Where is this thread were you called a teabagger JSChams?

          1. JSChams profile image60
            JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            No, you misunderstand. i was explaining to the originator of the forum how that name has been used on me and got into a discussion that I was talking about. It didn't happen here...yet.
            The idea having been that was nothing compared to being called a Socialist.

          2. Ron Montgomery profile image61
            Ron Montgomeryposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            It doesn't exist.

            1. JSChams profile image60
              JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              I explained all that. Go back to sleep.

              1. Ron Montgomery profile image61
                Ron Montgomeryposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                See....that's the kind of post that can get you banned.

                1. JSChams profile image60
                  JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                  If it does it hasn't yet.

  3. JSChams profile image60
    JSChamsposted 11 years ago

    Sorry folks but I ain't sitting back in the corner with this drivel playing in the background.
    All of you know better than the premise of this forum.

    1. peoplepower73 profile image90
      peoplepower73posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Just for a moment, put yourself in the place of liberal.  Here is the logical connection that is used by conservative.  You are liberal, therefore you are socialists; therefore you are a communists; therefore you are anti-American.  I hate being called an anti-American and find it very offensive. I find this logic used over and over again.  This is the premise of my forum.

      1. JSChams profile image60
        JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        NO....thee connection with Socialism will only come when that ideology is plainly shown. I have family who are liberal but not Socialist and am a registered Democrat.
        Your last couple of posts show a stereotypical view of Conservatives....which is certainly fostered on these forums...and therein lies your confusion.

  4. peoplepower73 profile image90
    peoplepower73posted 11 years ago

    But you see people who use those names really don't know the true meaning of them or don't care.  How can a conservative be any of those things.  It's easy for a liberal to be called a socialist, because they do belive in some sociial values.  They believe that the government should provide those services can not be provided by the individual. But that doesn't make them a communists.

    But those values are very hard to defend against a conservative. Because any hint of social values immediately makes them a communist. It's not that I'm having my methods turned on me.  It's how they are being construed. I suppose the preamble to the constitution is really a communist manifesto because it says "promote the general welfare."  You get my point?

    1. JSChams profile image60
      JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      You really know nothing of Conservatism but the stereotypes fed you.

      1. peoplepower73 profile image90
        peoplepower73posted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Can you elaborate on your statment?

      2. peoplepower73 profile image90
        peoplepower73posted 11 years agoin reply to this

        I have many friends and family members who are conservative and I have been called many of those names from them as well.  We get into some pretty heated discussions.  I get the feeling that any hint of sociaism is a threat to a conservative's values and belief system.

        1. JSChams profile image60
          JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          A Conservative will get out and work in the community and does not need the cameras and the limelight to know he has helped his neighbor.
          A Conservative will give to a charity gladly and not have to have a picture in the paper.
          Conservatives will work with others without the fame and glory.
          Maybe that's why liberals don't want to believe it happens.

        2. JSChams profile image60
          JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          No a hint of socialism isn't a threat.
          The ACA is not a hint of socialism now is it? It's an all-day sucker.
          Now because I would fear someone might be offended that I believe that way about it, am I supposed to just fold my hands and sit in the corner?

  5. Cody Hodge profile image59
    Cody Hodgeposted 11 years ago

    Yes, please elaborate. I consider myself a moderate as well, but I don't see any part of the GOP reigning in the crazy talk that has dominated the party over the past five years.

    1. JSChams profile image60
      JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Have you paid any attention to the liberal media mouthpieces over that same period?
      Give me a break!

      1. Cody Hodge profile image59
        Cody Hodgeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Are you going to reference Bill Maher again? He isn't a liberal mouthpiece.

        1. JSChams profile image60
          JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          You don't have to mention Bro.Bill.
          Matthews,Schultz,Olbermann, O'Donnell(an avowed Socialist),Maddow

          All these have used many many many insulting terms and phrases against Conservatives. We have been called murderers, accused of blowing up the World Trade Center.

          You won't me to fish you some examples of this stuff off of YouTube? It's real simple.

          1. peoplepower73 profile image90
            peoplepower73posted 11 years agoin reply to this

            You can find anything on the internet to support any argument you want.  That doesn't mean that it is valid or the truth.

        2. JSChams profile image60
          JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Oh by the way....
          He donated 1 million to Barack and regularly slanders all conservatives. He is indeed a mouthpiece. A filthy one at that.

  6. JSChams profile image60
    JSChamsposted 11 years ago

    and let's not forget R A C I S T !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Anyone disagreeing with a Democrat policy is now a RACIST!
    All Conservatives are RACIST!

    The chief bludgeon of the left.
    Also why no major Democrat ran against Barack Obama.

    1. Josak profile image60
      Josakposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Frankly I don't see many people pulling the race card an maybe it should be considered a more important issue, jut a few months ago GOP primary voters were asked about interracial marriages about half said they were wrong about a third thought they should be illegal. Racism is alive and well in the conservative camp and that is coming from someone you know never uses the race card.

      1. JSChams profile image60
        JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        You don't see of hear much American media over there do you?
        I'm surprised I haven't been called a racist here today.

        1. Cody Hodge profile image59
          Cody Hodgeposted 11 years agoin reply to this




          1. JSChams profile image60
            JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Actually you helped prove my point.

            1. Cody Hodge profile image59
              Cody Hodgeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              So I'm guessing you didn't pick up on the sarcasm?

              1. JSChams profile image60
                JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                Oh yeah...........good job.

        2. Josak profile image60
          Josakposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          I live in the US half the year. Way to not respond to the facts by the way, the truth is racism is alive and well in the South particularly in the conservative camp and it does influence opinions and votes.

          Polling shows 73% of Tea party supporters believe blacks would be better off if they just tried harder.

          1. JSChams profile image60
            JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Way to deflect. Never said racism didn't exist. What I was saying was it was and is used as a false generality against Conservatives.

            1. Josak profile image60
              Josakposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              The stats seem to indicate it is a generality amongst conservatives , at least a lo more than in the general population.

              1. JSChams profile image60
                JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                Baloney Josak. And you know it.

                1. Josak profile image60
                  Josakposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                  Hey I am just quoting the numbers, I am not saying all or even most conservatives are racist just a very large portion, the stats prove it.

                  1. JSChams profile image60
                    JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                    Josak you have too many stats and things you read which may come from a skewed perspective toward the left. Did you ever consider that?

      2. peoplepower73 profile image90
        peoplepower73posted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Sorry, this was meant for JSChams.

        1. JSChams profile image60
          JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          When I said all Conservatives are Racist that was what you will get when you are a Conservative.
          You get called that daily BY the MSNBC talking head crowd . And millions lick it up.

    2. peoplepower73 profile image90
      peoplepower73posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      O.K. You are the one that was concerned about name calling and you are doing that.

      1. JSChams profile image60
        JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Nope...not a bit.
        That is what you get called as a Conservative.
        You know that's what I was pointing out.

  7. profile image0
    Chris Hughposted 11 years ago

    Yeah, differences of opinion are never based on different interpretation of facts, different values or different world views. If we disagree it's because we're: ignorant, racist, evil, stupid, don't care about others, mindlessly follow Rush Limbaugh, or are Hitler. The people who categorize us like that are to be referred to as "tolerant" and "open-minded."

  8. JSChams profile image60
    JSChamsposted 11 years ago
    1. peoplepower73 profile image90
      peoplepower73posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I watched that and it is a classic expample of fear propaganda. It's exactly what I'm talking about.  Do your realize the number of times that he called liberals names that are designed to invoke our emotions? I think there is a distinct difference between the liberal mind set and the conservative mind set. Does that mean that either side is right or wrong... I don't know.? I think one side sees the other side as evil and could harm their well being.  I think conservatives do have the edge though because it's much easier for them to make the case of any social endeavor to be equated to communism and therefore anti-American.  Social issues seem to mess with a conservatives right to individual liberty.  They always feel that their liberty is in jeopardy because of the way liberals think.

      1. JSChams profile image60
        JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        And to prove his point the message to me is....Shut Up!

        1. peoplepower73 profile image90
          peoplepower73posted 11 years agoin reply to this

          That's not true. I appreciate your input.  Is not what I said about liberals, liberty and jeopardy not true?  I have experinced this many times not only on hub pages, but with friends and family and the media.  The issue of individuals rights and  liberty always seem to come up.

          1. JSChams profile image60
            JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            You began this forum under the premise that liberals where called very egregious names like Socialist. I agree they may or may not be Socialist.
            I then gave you a list of incomplete one I might add...Conservatives are daily slapped with.
            Lot's of that name calling is, just as our friend in the video said, an attempt to intimidate and get you to shut up. They only want one voice and for that matter one party. Many of them make no bones about that.
            If anything here I look for fairness, however all I hear is how many people apparently get their feelings hurt by being called socialist.
            Then I apparently am supposed to bow before the altar of civility and cease to call them Socialist.
            They will in no way pay any attention to you, I assure you, should you attempt to dissuade them from calling me a Teabagger.

            Am I not right?

            1. peoplepower73 profile image90
              peoplepower73posted 11 years agoin reply to this

              I would rather be called a centrist.  Like I said in the beginning of this forum.  I see there are good qualiites that both sides have to promote a healthy democracy.  I think Centrists is a good name for people who can see benefits on both sides of the aisle.  I believe in promoting the general welfare, but not to the point of taking other peoples money and giving it to someone on the dole.  But I also believe in capitalism, but with regulations to prevent greed and corruption. If we could have that, then we could take the best parts of both systems and have true democracy. But whenever I talk to a conservative about social anything, their first response is keep government out of my life, you are screwing with my freedom and liberty, and you want to give my property  and income to someone who doesn't deserve it.  In fact, there are bad qualities on both sides.  When unions become too powerful, that's not good, but by the same token, when capitalisme is not regulated, thats not good.  But the first time a liberal talks about regulation, a conservative says you are messing with free market enterprise.  You are a socialist and anti-American  I'm not looking for sympathy.  I'm trying to understand the mindset of conservatives. It seems to be their knee jerk reactions are extreme. The preamble to the constitution says, promote the general welfare. Is that part of a communist manifesto?

              1. JSChams profile image60
                JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                Not all do that and I explained that part to you which you obviously don't care to acknowledge.

                That's fine:

                Hear ye, hear ye...I am an evil Conservative and must not label anyone anything no matter what kind of pile of steaming bull I get called.

                1. peoplepower73 profile image90
                  peoplepower73posted 11 years agoin reply to this

                  I acknowledg it but, Not all is a relative term. Is it 30%, 75%, 90%?  I venture to say you don't know. I just substituted liberal for conservative in your statement. It cuts both ways:

                  Hear ye, hear ye...I am an evil LIBERALand must not label anyone anything no matter what kind of pile of steaming bull I get called.

                  1. JSChams profile image60
                    JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                    Ok that;s fine.
                    The whole premise here is the old saw that Conservatives are just un-civil.
                    And it fits right in with that video and you know so.

      2. JSChams profile image60
        JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Why should their little slurs be ok?
        What makes that all right?
        It is all pervasive in our media.
        I gave you many examples of what and how lopsided that is.

  9. Ron Montgomery profile image61
    Ron Montgomeryposted 11 years ago

    The early days of American conservatism...

  10. startupninja profile image59
    startupninjaposted 11 years ago

    Since it's my first reply int his forum, let me start by saying that I can think of a whole bunch of derogatory names for Conservatives, since I believe that this ideology is the key obstacle which hinders the evolution of society.

    Let me explain this statement... Conservatism is a beautiful way of convincing those who were taught to dream of the "good old days" to stand behind any candidate or policy which protects the interests of that 1% of trust-fund babies, and the nobility and industrialists of old, who actually acquired their wealth in those "good old days"... and while half of the population of industrialized nations is being scared in believing that "things were better before", attention is being diverted from how we can make things better for our Global tomorrow.

    It is impossible to solve the issues and problesm that the present and future bring by looking for solutions in the past.

    We currently live in an age which society is rapidly evolving under the influence of science and technology, for which there is no precedent at any point in human existence. No one knows what is going on! I am convinced that people who were swindled in believing that going back to past practices, or fighting to the last breath to keep things as they are, are wayyy behind the curve on this one. The fear of change is normal, however we are all waking up to the inevitability and constancy of change and thus we should strive to make it, not slower, as most Conservatives would like it, but faster, so we can solve as many problems in this mixed up world and use this incredible opportunity to build the next world order ... 

    and a point of argument to PeoplePower73... Socialist, or Communist are derogatory names for liberals only in the US (and this is due to the propaganda to which the baby boomers were subjected to)... in the land where I was born Conservatives = Communists wink

    1. JSChams profile image60
      JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this



    2. Bob Zermop profile image67
      Bob Zermopposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I was just going to read through this thread, but I need to respond to your post, startupninja. Conservatives have reasoning behind their ideology far beyond just going back to "the good old days". Believe me when I say I understand your opinion of conservatives as greedy and backwards, as some of them are, but those are the ones that just grab the headlines. Especially abroad (and especially then in Europe), I get a lot of criticism for my conservative views, even though I consider myself quite "centrist", for no reason beyond instinctive aversions to conservatism. I actually wrote a hub a while back called Why capitalism works and socialism doesnt. Here's the link: … ism-doesnt . The conservative ideology is solid, despite some nut jobs that give us all a bad name.

      1. JSChams profile image60
        JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      2. peoplepower73 profile image90
        peoplepower73posted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Bob Zermop:  That was an excellent explanation of the entire issue. I like the way you took the extremes and then brought them towards the middle.  I cound visualize a teeter-totter with extremes on both sides, but it's cracked in the middle and both sides are on the ground.  When in fact what we need is a teeter-totter with balance where both sides can play together.

        1. peoplepower73 profile image90
          peoplepower73posted 11 years agoin reply to this

          In reference to my comment above, I forgot to say I read your hub page on the subject.  Excellent work.

          1. Bob Zermop profile image67
            Bob Zermopposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Thank you for the kind compliment, glad you enjoyed it.

  11. JSChams profile image60
    JSChamsposted 11 years ago

    She means like this: … plpp_video

    I have these things saved in my YouTube account. Forgot completely.

  12. JSChams profile image60
    JSChamsposted 11 years ago
  13. JSChams profile image60
    JSChamsposted 11 years ago
    1. Josak profile image60
      Josakposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      If he is a socialist then he can't be a liberal and vice-versa, it's very simple it is literally impossible to be both.

      1. JSChams profile image60
        JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        How so?

        1. Josak profile image60
          Josakposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Liberals believe in a capitalist system, which means private ownership, socialists believe in public ownership of industry and business. It's a clear ideological break and you cannot believe both.

          1. JSChams profile image60
            JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Maybe the liberals where you are believe in a capitalist system but not here.

            1. Josak profile image60
              Josakposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              That's what liberalism is, private ownership and a free market with invisible hand guidance, if they believe in governemnt owning business and industry they are socialists otherwise they are not, you cannot possibly be both, I live in the US half the year btw.

              if they do not believe in a capitalist system they are not liberals.

              1. JSChams profile image60
                JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this
              2. mio cid profile image59
                mio cidposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                the most successful economies on the planet are capitalist systems with socialist policies implemented to assure the existence of a middle class ,remove the socialist elements and you'll have the ultra rich and masses of poor.

            2. peoplepower73 profile image90
              peoplepower73posted 11 years agoin reply to this

              Like I said before, I'm a liberal with a centerists bias. I believe in captialism but not unfettered free markets.  That's what caused the financial meltdown was that the Glass-Stegal act was removed that controlled the greed and corruption in free markest.  It was replaced by the Gramm-Leach Bliley Act that deregulated the banks and investment companies and created all the exotic instruments for exploiting the people.  I agree with Bob Zermop, we need balance. But that doesn't make me a communist!

            3. profile image0
              PrettyPantherposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              See, JS, let me offer up an idea for you to chew on.  When you make a statement like this, you reveal that you are not absorbing anything that liberals and independents here are trying to tell you.  It is really hard for me, a liberal who owns a small business and has a job working with small businesses to help them be successful, to read that and not think that either you are dense or you are intentionally ignoring the facts presented to you.

              Now, you will probably interpret that as me calling you stupid and I really don't care, because you just made a statement that is false, and since you have been provided ample evidence on these forums that liberals do believe in a capitalist system, then how can we not believe that you prefer to remain ignorant?  And if you prefer to remain ignorant, what does that make you?

              1. JSChams profile image60
                JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                Ok....let me put this right.

                Liberal PROGRESSIVES like the guy I just posted the video of don't believe in capitalism.
                Take a look and tell me about him.

                1. Josak profile image60
                  Josakposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                  So three liberal posters just commented above telling you exactly what I am, they believe in a capitalist system, they are not socialists.

                  That guy is apparently not a capitalist which #1 does not mean he is a socialist and #2 means he is not a liberal.

                  1. JSChams profile image60
                    JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                    That guy is Bill Ayers. Do you know who he is?

                  2. JSChams profile image60
                    JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                    And by the way....the black gentleman being very racist in two of those videos has been identified as one of the men who was charged with voter intimidation that Holder refused to prosecute. He was the one with the nightstick.
                    Nope, there are no racist or violently racist liberals.

                2. peoplepower73 profile image90
                  peoplepower73posted 11 years agoin reply to this

                  A progessive is a word that some liberals use because the Right demeans the word liberal.  Allen West a representivtive from Florida said that there are 87 members of congress who are communists.  When asked how he knew it was because they used they called themselves progressives.  He later retracted his statement when he came under fire for stating that.

  14. JSChams profile image60
    JSChamsposted 11 years ago

    Finally, some relevant words on Socialism from one who knows: … plpp_video

  15. Dr Billy Kidd profile image90
    Dr Billy Kiddposted 11 years ago

    The priortiy of the Republican party is to corporatize the ecoomy. Corporations are now people and will replace mom and pop businesses with franchises. Big business will work with a strong government to manage nearly everything--including the corporatizing the drone business that watches us from overhead (63 done bases now in the U.S.)

    The original fascist concept in Italy was to have corporations dictate to government for the good of the people. And yes, the trains suddenly ran on time. This is what is happening in the U.S. Take ALEX. 2200 state legistators go to meetings to learn what the corporate giants want. They wanted voter IDs shown at elections so more Republicans would be elected, and it happened.

    So, bottom line, I call these strong government corporative dictatorial types like  Pual Ryan, House Budget Committee Chaie, Neo-Fascists. The other word I use is Bullies. They've made hatred a family value.

  16. peoplepower73 profile image90
    peoplepower73posted 11 years ago

    The reason I created this forum has two parts.  The first part is the one that I stated, where I have been called every name in the book as a liberal, without much recourse as far as name calling goes. The second part is that I started to read a book called "The Righteous Mind...Why good people are Divided by Politics and Religion. I have now finished the book. The Author is a Moral Psychologist who has reasearch the way the liberal and conservative minds work. 

    Through his research, he has found that there are six moral foundations that everybody ascribes to. They are: Care, Liberty, Fairness, Loyalty, Authority, and Sanctity. He found the liberal mind has a stronger attraction to the first three and not so much to the last three.  While the conservative mind has a very strong attraction to all six of the moral foundations.  Thus giving the conservatives the political edge over the liberals because of their moral ties to loyalty, authority and sanctity, while liberal, not so much.

    From a moral standpoint, I could see this in the posts on this forum and the arguments that I have been in with friends, family, and any other form of communication.  Thanks to all of you I have learned a lot from this forum and I hope you have too. I'm going to do a book review hub of this author's work.

  17. Reality Bytes profile image74
    Reality Bytesposted 11 years ago

    All labels are used to divide the people.  A unified population puts fear in the hearts of the global masters!

    You are all using them against each other, doing your masters bidding.  smile

  18. peoplepower73 profile image90
    peoplepower73posted 11 years ago

    I think you mean this in a kind way, because of the happy face!

    1. Reality Bytes profile image74
      Reality Bytesposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I do mean it in a kind way.  If we treated each other as human beings instead of fictional labels, we would find that we had more in common than not!

  19. mio cid profile image59
    mio cidposted 11 years ago

    we should separate the person we argue with from the political idea he defends,he may be a person we love and the idea we may hate, that's how politicians were able to govern in the past, fight on the floor of the house or senate, and go for a beer together after the session was over.

    1. peoplepower73 profile image90
      peoplepower73posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Here is the reason this is not done anymore, according to the author. Before Lyndon Johnson enacted the civil rights movement, there were many dixiecrats in the democratic party.  That meant that they had republican leanings but were from the south. They would mingle with their brethren on the other side of the aisle and drink a beer with them.  Once Johnson enacted the civil rights movement, the dixicrats jumped ship and joined the republicans party and the Reagan movement.  They are still there and that divide is deeping because technology makes us more isolated to personal interaction. It has even become geographical. If you want to socialize with conservatives, go to a cracker barrel resteraunt. If you want to socialize with liberals go to a whole foods or sprouts.

      1. Reality Bytes profile image74
        Reality Bytesposted 11 years agoin reply to this


        You do realize that these blanket statements do not have a shred of truth to them, don't you?

        1. Randy Godwin profile image59
          Randy Godwinposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          I believe he meant to say "Denny's" instead of Cracker Barrel!  lol


          1. Reality Bytes profile image74
            Reality Bytesposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Well, that's different then.  lol

        2. JSChams profile image60
          JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          That's what I have ranted about since yesterday.
          This whole thing is a farce.

        3. peoplepower73 profile image90
          peoplepower73posted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Well if you don't believe in labels, then nothing in politics has thread of truth.  Because, you can't have politics without labels. But the facts are that the Dixiecrats did jump ship after the civil rights movement was passed.  Don't forget, the Republican party started out as the party of Lincoln.  What did Lincoln do?...he freed the slaves. That's why the Dixiecrats were with the Democratic party.  This is fact, not a farce.

          1. Reality Bytes profile image74
            Reality Bytesposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Individuals cannot reach an agreement unless they are divided in to factions?

            But, nothing in politics has a thread of truth now?

      2. JSChams profile image60
        JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Do you realize the stereotypes you brought forth at the end of that statement?

        1. Randy Godwin profile image59
          Randy Godwinposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          This is an extremely amusing question, especially coming from you, JS! lollollol


    2. Josak profile image60
      Josakposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Wouldn't it be nice if they could still do that.

      1. Reality Bytes profile image74
        Reality Bytesposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        I am sure you are aware that they still do, the same agenda is pushed regardless of the party in power.

        1. Josak profile image60
          Josakposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Unfortunately I think not.

          1. Reality Bytes profile image74
            Reality Bytesposted 11 years agoin reply to this




        2. JSChams profile image60
          JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          RB, did you see anything "centrist" at all in any of this?

          1. Reality Bytes profile image74
            Reality Bytesposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            I would not even know a "centrist" if one came up to me and kicked me in the shin.

            I have never met a Republican or Democrat either, I believe they are fictions.

            All the people I meet are simply human beings, labels do not exist outside of one's own mind!

            ""I do not accept corporate entities to be people""


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