Tip for recovering missing content: Squidoo edit mode works!

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  1. sockii profile image70
    sockiiposted 9 years ago

    Something I just got a heads up about this morning which is HUGELY helpful, if your lenses are missing photos, plexo lists, etc after transfer:

    Once your lenses have transferred, you can actually go back into "Edit" mode on your Squidoo lenses, from your Squidoo dashboard, and recover the missing content! While edit mode was locked/unavailable before the transfer was complete, now I'm finding it working again on my account.

    Hopefully this will be the case until all transfers are complete....

    1. Cari Kay 11 profile image85
      Cari Kay 11posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you so much!  I unpublished one hub yesterday because searching out the links seemed daunting.  You made my morning!

    2. Judy Filarecki profile image69
      Judy Filareckiposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for that info. I also ran into a block at first so I haven't gone back, but I will.

  2. relache profile image72
    relacheposted 9 years ago

    Lenses have been available in edit mode since August 25th before the transfers began. Just the publish button is disabled.

    1. Paul Ward profile image69
      Paul Wardposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      As the first post says, edit was unavailable for a while.

      Do you have to snap at or gainsay everything?

      1. sockii profile image70
        sockiiposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        That was indeed my experience as well, in the time between August 29-30 and the transfer of my lenses.

  3. relache profile image72
    relacheposted 9 years ago

    Being able to access lenses from the edit mode but with publishing frozen was first reported on August 25th.  I posted that info to the Giant Squid G+ group, HubPages and Twitter that day.

    I've been offering insider tips for the content move this entire process.

    1. sockii profile image70
      sockiiposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      So because you reported one thing to be the case, you dismiss what those of us, including myself, have actually experienced?

    2. profile image0
      Jason Sositkoposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I don't understand the attitude, why would you want to drive people away from your obvious knowledge and expertise?

  4. David Stone profile image73
    David Stoneposted 9 years ago

    Thanks for the help, sockii, in spite of the noise.

  5. vineliner57 profile image90
    vineliner57posted 9 years ago

    Editing WAS disabled early in the process. When I first tried I would get one of the big green monsters saying editing was disabled. I took a look a couple of days ago, and it is now accessible. I have been transferring the individually tailored bios lens info I wrote into the summary boxes on the hubs.

    Not sure when it was opened back up, but it was a good decision on somebody's part.

  6. SusannaDuffy profile image81
    SusannaDuffyposted 9 years ago

    This is indeed good news. A good move by squidoo to allow editing once more

    Thanks Sockii

    1. sockii profile image70
      sockiiposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      You are welcome Susan and indeed, it is good news. As much as I tried to back things up before my account was transferred, I have been dealing with huge personal and family matters that had to take precedence, so there were lenses I didn't get to save entirely. To be able to now access them on Squidoo in edit more has helped with content I could not retrieve via the Wayback Machine (like plexo text lists where the "more" text was missing.)

      1. HomeArtist1 profile image57
        HomeArtist1posted 9 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks, Sockii! I miss out on info with my being busy tidying up my work.
        I'm sorry your advice wasn't appreciated by some, here. But know that the more
        info we keep fresh and understood, the better for the site overall. Keep your observations
        going, they're well received by most and equally appreciated . smile

  7. profile image0
    BarbaraCaseyposted 9 years ago

    Oh boy... thanks for sharing this. Very helpful for Amazon snafus.

  8. iijuan12 profile image63
    iijuan12posted 9 years ago

    Thank you for the helpful tip!!!

  9. carny profile image91
    carnyposted 9 years ago

    This is great. Not only Plexos didn't transfer, Squidoo's own export tool didn't save them at all! If not for the reinstated access to the Workshop, they'd be gone for good.

  10. kislanyk profile image67
    kislanykposted 9 years ago

    Great news sockii, I tried earlier on (after I pressed the transfer button, but before actually moving to HP) and I couldn't edit anything (heck I couldn't even access the Dasbhoard), so many thanks for the tip, as I thought that part is over and done with. At least until Squidoo disappears, it will be a time saver to get back missing stuff (I was using in the meantime the way back machine or the lens cache.


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