I'd like feedback on my Hub: The positive and negatives of Organic Search Engine

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  1. robinjoe profile image56
    robinjoeposted 7 years ago

    Hi Hubbers,

    I'd like some help with passing the Quality Assessment Process. Will you please give feedback on my Hub The positive and negatives of Organic Search Engine Optimization (must be signed in to view). What can I do to improve? Thanks!

    1. theraggededge profile image97
      theraggededgeposted 7 years agoin reply to this


      1. Correct your title. It should be "Positives and Negatives of Organic Search Engine Optimization".

      2. It's vague and woolly. What real information are you offering? Not much as far as I can see. I'm a blogger and I didn't read one thing there that helps me. There are no examples and no concrete comparisons.

      3. A list or table of positives and negatives would be helpful.

      4. No suggestions how someone would incorporate organic SEO other than 'content'.

      5. Who are your readers? What does your article offer them that they couldn't find on a more authoritative site. Where are your credentials?

      6. You've included a vague, generic image. Not attractive.

      I'm sure if you worked at it, you could produce something really useful. Good luck... and welcome to Hubpages.


      1. profile image0
        RTalloniposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        On target and yes, good potential in it.

    2. NatashaL profile image79
      NatashaLposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I somehow managed to erase the original draft of my reply, but I wanted to give you some honest critique.  I'm looking at this as a former English teacher, so not all this advice might work for you.

      Writing an outline might help you arrange your ideas and be sure you've gone into equal depth for all of them.

      General observations:

      *  The title is a bit misleading, since you're mostly identifying advantages of organic SEO. 

      *  Grammar and sentence structure concern me.  You have several long sentences that could be broken up  into shorter sentences.    The more complex a topic is, the more simple your language and sentence structure should be.   Your Hub overall could be more succinct.  (You can visit my writing Hubs here to see what I'm talking about.)

      *  You make several general statements about the benefits and disadvantages of organic and non-organic SEO, but you don't cite any sources.  Statistics, tables, and links to authoritative sources would lend credibility to this Hub. 

      *  There are too many general statements.  For a layperson like me, these generalities don't tell me anything.  When I finished reading your Hub, I didn't feel that I had learned anything.  Expand on these general statements by explaining HOW fickleness affects search results, WHICH expenses companies incur with non-organic SEO, and such.  WHY are meta tags important?  If I'm asking you these things, it's because you haven't told me.

      *  There are no links.  With so many Web sites looking for ways to effectively use SEO, you should be able to find several useful links that readers can visit for more information.  The links section would also be the place to link to sources you consulted when you wrote the Hub.

      *  The one picture you use doesn't look professional and doesn't enhance your content.  (What is PPC?  You don't explain this in your Hub.)  A graph with real data would better complement your content.  I was able to find several results when I searched YouTube for "organic SEO."  A brief video explanation would also be helpful for your visitors and would make this Hub look more professional.

      Now for my observations about individual paragraphs:

      ¶ 1:  Don't assume that your readers know what SEO is.  Your first paragraph should introduce the readers to your topic and give them an idea what they can expect to read in your Hub.  I'd combine this paragraph and the next one.

      ¶ 3:  The first sentence in this paragraph is a run-on.  Generally, a sentence starting with "There is" or "There are" can be made more succinct.  For example, you could dedicate this entire paragraph to organic SEO.  "One type of SEO is organic SEO.  Its goals are...."  You'd then be sure to cover these goals in subsequent paragraphs. 

      ¶ 4:  The first sentence is wordy.  "The effects...are less effective" is redundant.  "Though it has the positives of creating quick brand awareness, and is ideal for customer targeting, it’s an expensive process, in which the ranking can drop if you stop constant tweaking that this process requires."  This sentence is long and should be broken up into several small sentences.  You could make this paragraph more informative if you expanded on the several points you raise in this sentence.  Each point could feasibly be the focus of its own paragraph.

      ¶5:  The second sentence is a run-on and is wordy.  "It also has the same goals, that is to obtain a high ranking on a search engine result page for a particular website."  I'd reword this:  "Organic and non-organic SEO have the same goals,  Webmasters use them to improve their sites' rankings on search engines." What expenses are incurred with non-organic SEO that are not incurred with organic SEO?  How does inserting relevant content improve search rankings?  What makes content relevant?  What is back linking, and how does it help Webmasters?

      ¶6:  Expand on the general "more relevant and informative content which are directly linked to the searched keywords."  Cite your source for the 80% statistic.  Overall, this paragraph is wordy and difficult to read.

      ¶7:  The final paragraph should "clinch" what you've already told us.  I would write one more paragraph ahead of this, expanding on the drawbacks to organic SEO.  How and why are these drawbacks?  How do the positives outweigh the negatives?

      I think this could be an informative Hub if you put some TLC into it.


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