Should President Trump Have a Private Email Server?

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  1. Sychophantastic profile image86
    Sychophantasticposted 7 years ago

    A recent poll said that his supporters believe this is a good idea and I agree.

    President Trump has good reasons to have a private email server where he can keep private email since he has business interests around the world. Somebody of his business caliber obviously has to keep his business interests separate from his government interests. I see no problem with it.

    How about you?

    1. wilderness profile image95
      wildernessposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      None at all; presumably he learned not to put official emails on it.  Nothing from President Trump, but it's fine for Donald Trump.

      1. Sychophantastic profile image86
        Sychophantasticposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        I agree, but I think he should be able to put anything on it he wants. Democrats are likely to be attacking him non-stop, asking him to turn over all sorts of things. Look at their insistence on releasing his taxes! He needs to be able to conduct his personal business privately.

        1. wilderness profile image95
          wildernessposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          "Anything he wants" does not include official emails.  Only his personal business.

    2. colorfulone profile image79
      colorfuloneposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Trump hasn't been a person to use email except for very limited use from what I have read.  I don't think he will feel he needs a private email server.

      Cybersecurity has to close backdoors that were left open so everyone could be spied on by the government.  Which has been the government's own undoing once hackers found those backdoors. They were warned about leaving those backdoors open by the people who created the security from what I understand.   Edward Snowden blew the whistle on all that first, and William Binney then others.

      Trump will be having a review of cybersecurity.

    3. Marisa Wright profile image87
      Marisa Wrightposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      But surely, Trump should not have private business interests while he is President, because of the risk of conflict of interest.

      He said he would hand over control of his businesses to his sons for the duration, and they should be the ones who handle the emails.

      1. profile image0
        ahorsebackposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Perhaps it is the socialist mentality that decides  that a man with a corporate interest just has to have illegal connotations ?   What national leader hasn't  attained his wealth from some form of a business ?
        Why is owning a business  negative to national interests ?

        The left has,  for far too long , relied heavily on Ivory Towered intellectualism and its  institutions for it's leadership vetting , How shallow to elect people like Obama  who are intellectually strong yet  leadership challenged .

        1. Marisa Wright profile image87
          Marisa Wrightposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          Don't you understand what a conflict of interest means?

          Even the most honourable man or woman can be tempted to allow personal interest to influence their decisions.  A leader of a country must be seen to be above reproach, so people normally expect them to remove themselves from the possibility of temptation. 

          I would expect all political leaders of all kinds to do the same.

          For instance, one of our Prime Ministers, was married to a woman who ran a business which dealt regularly with government.  As soon as he became Prime Minister, she sold the business, to avoid any possible accusations of favoritism.

          1. colorfulone profile image79
            colorfuloneposted 7 years agoin reply to this

            The President of the United States, and the Vice President are exempt from financial conflict-of-interest laws. When the law was written the president was exempt, its been that way since about 1974, and later Congress codified the exemptions.  The President has never needed to have a blind trust. 

            Title 18 Section 208 of the U.S. code

            They can accept gifts too.  Anyway, all high-level federal employees have to disclose their finances, so we get to wait and see until that time comes.   We have something to look forward to together till next year I suppose.

            1. Marisa Wright profile image87
              Marisa Wrightposted 7 years agoin reply to this

              Presidents are exempt?  Well, they shouldn't be.  What an incredibly stupid idea.  You give a politician more power than any other politician in the world, and you exempt them from having to obey any of the rules other politicians have to follow.

              What kind of Kool Aid were people on when they thought up that rule?

              And since Trump has refused to disclose his tax returns to date, what makes you think he'll disclose anything this time next year?

              1. colorfulone profile image79
                colorfuloneposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                There are plenty of rules where the President and the Vice President are not exempt.  If a president violates the conflict-of-interest laws then Congress can impeach them.

                Presidents Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton were impeached.  Richard Nixon would have been impeached but resigned instead. 

                I don't pretend to know the laws in other countries for politicians, but I'm sure there are exemptions for the highest offices.  I don't have any interest in other countries laws, at least for now, unless it affects me personally...which they don't.

                1. Marisa Wright profile image87
                  Marisa Wrightposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                  Not for Britain and Australia there aren't - and our prime ministers don't have as much power as a President does.

                  Your complete lack of interest in how the rest of the world does things - speaks volumes.

                  1. colorfulone profile image79
                    colorfuloneposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                    Snarky?  smile

                    Me ~ " I don't have any interest in other countries laws, at least for now, unless it affects me personally...which they don't."

                    That is not "complete lack of interest". I said at least not for now.  I have many other priorities, but I do follow what is happening in other countries because it does affect me personally. Although, I don't have an interest in laws for politicians elsewhere, they don't affect me. 

                    I'm interested in the laws here, and now.   

                    Your comments speak volumes about how you are ignorant of the laws in the USA, but you say how its suppose to be or not suppose to be here like you have some kind of authority.  Are you serious?

            2. WandaSears profile image60
              WandaSearsposted 7 years agoin reply to this

              This is true.  Presidents are exempt from conflicts of interests, and correct again...DT is not required to have a blind trust.  The issue is that THIS man refuses to follow age old traditions and separate himself from his businesses so as to not to fall into conflicts.  The fact is HE LOVES CONFLICT, and he wants us to TRUST HIM that his brand is REALLY BIG AND BEAUTIFUL.  One day we will see...BELIEVE ME...he's not a billionaire...he's not charitable...and he's not paid income taxes.  The way he loves to boast, if any one of these things were true, we'd have his tax returns.

              1. wilderness profile image95
                wildernessposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                LOL  We know of exactly 2 years when his businesses lost enough that he didn't owe taxes.  And people are infuriated that he didn't pay what he didn't owe on what he didn't earn.  Par for the course.

                1. WandaSears profile image60
                  WandaSearsposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                  The loss carry forward rules tell us he paid no tax for at least 15 years.  I'm certainly not infuriated...I'm hopeful he will revise tax code so he gets to pay like the rest of us.

                  1. wilderness profile image95
                    wildernessposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                    Unfortunately, merely saying that doesn't make it true.  Can you provide some links or other source proving it to be true?  Something beyond "Losses may be carried forward and therefore we know that they covered all profits for 15 years.  Because we will imagine those losses to be large enough to do the trick without actually knowing it is true".

    4. profile image0
      promisemposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I will answer your question with a question. How does someone serve the office of President of the United States while running a corporation?

      He shouldn't have a private email server because he won't have time to do both jobs. If he tries to do both, he should be fired from one of them.

      1. crankalicious profile image89
        crankaliciousposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        President Bannon is running things, so not to worry!

    5. WandaSears profile image60
      WandaSearsposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Yes...a private server in a padded cell.

    6. InsightPost profile image48
      InsightPostposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      For President Trump having a private email server, there should not be any problem as long as he intends and will use this server only for personal/private communications and purposes. No conspiracy, agenda or plan whatsoever , which represents US government should be communicated through that to-be server .

  2. Kathleen Cochran profile image77
    Kathleen Cochranposted 7 years ago

    un-flippin-believeable.  Didn't a qualified presidential candidate just get crucified for this very thing?

    1. wilderness profile image95
      wildernessposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      No.  She wasn't crucified for having such a server; she was crucified for putting classified information on it.  And to a lesser degree for deleting official emails that are required to be kept in perpetuity. 

      Not for using a private server for private business.

      1. profile image0
        promisemposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Actually, she was crucified for both.

    2. colorfulone profile image79
      colorfuloneposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Anyone who is under an FBI investigation is hardly a "qualified presidential candidate", that alone should immediately disqualify any candidate. 

      Hillary Clinton wasn't crucified for her many violations and illegal actions over her private email server.  But, I do believe her day is yet to come.  There are other criminal investigations on Clinton taking place as I speak. 

      I'm glad Obama didn't have the opportunity to pardon Hillary, not saying that he would have.

      1. PhoenixV profile image64
        PhoenixVposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        I think the Crucifixion of Hillary is being over dramatized. Lets not forget she was physically unqualified. There was the time she was coughing up green eggs and ham at her speeches. Or forget her Weekend at Bernies episode during the memorial. Hillary is not well. I do not think her Fahrvergnügen is hitting on all 4 cylinders, either. I think it best that she continue wandering around in the woods and attempt to reclaim her well being.

  3. PhoenixV profile image64
    PhoenixVposted 7 years ago

    He should have 3 servers. One for official government business. One for his private business. And one for his BFF Putin.

    1. colorfulone profile image79
      colorfuloneposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      lol  especially that BFF: Putin   <3

  4. profile image50
    Creative is beautposted 7 years ago

    I think he should

  5. profile image49
    kataayxoposted 7 years ago

    I don't think there should be an issue with him having a private email server. He is the president of the US, which means he has a big responsibility and he will deal with the most important aspects of the US.

    1. colorfulone profile image79
      colorfuloneposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      You may be right.  It isn't a concern to me because I just don't believe he will use a "private email server".  I like the way he is being aboveboard and surrounding himself with cabinet members and using them in every move he makes on behalf of the USA.  I hope he maintains that kind of transparency that has been lacking...except through hacks and leaks for the past eight years. 

      I like the idea of a secure government email server for any official business, and I do mean secure. If, that is possible.

  6. Alyson Modlin profile image62
    Alyson Modlinposted 7 years ago

    "President Trump has good reasons to have a private email server where he can keep private email since he has business interests around the world. Somebody of his business caliber obviously has to keep his business interests separate from his government interests. I see no problem with it."

    My response to this is a question and statement. How were Hillary Clinton's private email server issues perceived transgressions while Donald Trump's private email server issues accepted? I believe his business interests to be just as questionable as hers and think we should hold all government employees with the same level of accountability and transparency. How are we to know that they aren't using our tax dollars on shady business instead? These people are in the public sphere, we should know everything they are doing while on the clock.

    1. wilderness profile image95
      wildernessposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      The FBI "perceived" Clintons as "transgressions" (actions taken in violation of the law and of the rules both) because they were.  Trumps server "issues" are accepted because they are non-existent (making up faux issues does not make them accepted).

  7. profile image52
    Emma Garafolaposted 7 years ago

    I that Trump used good ads

  8. colorfulone profile image79
    colorfuloneposted 7 years ago

    This is a press conference video where the President handed over his business empire to his son's publicly with his attorney present who stated legal facts.  Trump does not want a conflict of interest, he wants to dedicate himself to the work of the president for the people.  It is a blindtrust with Eric and Don Trump, who are running every aspect of the business.

    Donald Trump holds his first press conference as President-elect
    Go to about 33:00 mauk:

    He has no conflict of interest.
    Go to about 19:00 mark:

    1. Sychophantastic profile image86
      Sychophantasticposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I think we can all agree that President Trump will follow the guidance of the Lord and avoid any conflicts of interest.

      1. Marisa Wright profile image87
        Marisa Wrightposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        ROFLMAO!    I hope that was a satirical remark.   

        He is an adulterer and self-confessed pussy-grabber who is now on his third marriage, and I have personal experience of how he has lied and mistreated people in order to get his way in business. Those are not the actions of a Christian.

      2. colorfulone profile image79
        colorfuloneposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Yes, the true Christian community is pleased to have a President who honors God and prays.  President Trump has a lot of Christians and Christian leaders surrounding him, its wonderful to see.  The Evangelicals (the silent majority) got behind Trump and there we will remain, because he is keeping his promises and speaks of God a lot.  He is just a man, but we believe he is the man of God's choosing to be raised up to be President for such a time as this. 

        Those who are of the world (Satan is the god of this world.) cannot understand it because they live in darkness, and have not the Spirit.     

        Trump was raised in a Christian home and has prayed all his life. He feels now that he is President he needs to pray even more. 
        News on The 700 Club: January 30, 2017

        Love covers a multitude of sins.  God is love, and whatever is of God is love.   Forgiveness of sins is spiritual...and there is no condemnation of sins in Christ.  Old things are past!

        All the hateful self-righteous judge-mental religious condemnation is of the devil. 

        Light vs Darkness (what relationship has light with darkness?)  Light dispels darkness.

        (There will be gnashing of teeth and demons screaming...spewing out there poisonous venom through sanctimonious bigots.  And, its only going to get worse as the spiritual battle we're in comes to its climax and ... We win!   smile )

        Thank You, Father for President Trump.  Thank You, Jesus for President Trump.  Thank You, Holy Spirit for President Trump.  Thank You! ... Glory to God in the Highest! 

        I am just a sinner that was saved by grace...Peace!

        1. crankalicious profile image89
          crankaliciousposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          Most pussy grabbers are Christians, just look at the Catholic church! Oh wait, those were penises. I'm confused.

          1. colorfulone profile image79
            colorfuloneposted 7 years agoin reply to this

            I think its more like locker room guy talk, or a lesbian thing. 

            I agree, that you are confused.  May that confusion be lifted in Jesus Name.

            1. crankalicious profile image89
              crankaliciousposted 7 years agoin reply to this

              Maybe President Bannon will legalize sexual assault in Jesus' name? I'm pretty sure it's okay'd in the Bible.

  9. Kathleen Cochran profile image77
    Kathleen Cochranposted 7 years ago

    "Lets not forget she was physically unqualified."  That is not an accurate statement and has no supporting evidence."

  10. Kathleen Cochran profile image77
    Kathleen Cochranposted 7 years ago

    Sychophantastic 10 hours ago:

    "I think we can all agree that President Trump will follow the guidance of the Lord and avoid any conflicts of interest."

    Are we living in the same universe?  Is there any evidence of this possibility?  I haven't seen a shred.

    1. WandaSears profile image60
      WandaSearsposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Kathleen, I feel your pain. The blinders about Trump are deep and wide.

  11. cheaptrick profile image75
    cheaptrickposted 7 years ago

    @K C...Haven't seen any 'evidence' to the contrary either...I cant stand the man,but 'Jesus H Christ' Let him get his head in the noose before you hang him!I use to think conservatives were soulless idiots and liberals had a heart...I still think conservatives are soulless idiots but now it's become abundantly clear that liberals are immature butt hurt snowflakes who abuse emoticons at every turn:(...Boy do we need a strong third party...

  12. colorfulone profile image79
    colorfuloneposted 7 years ago

    President Trump picks Bannon for NSC

  13. colorfulone profile image79
    colorfuloneposted 7 years ago

    Trump is America's President.   Get use to it! 
    Stay down under...bewildered... and dismayed, IDC.
    We won!  ... Hillary should be indicted.


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