I need an option to unsubscribe from particular hub comments

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  1. Misha profile image64
    Mishaposted 15 years ago

    Pretty much like one would have it on a blog - with the difference that I am talking about hubtivity here.

    I had posted a single comment to one of the hubs a while ago. I am not too interested in the topic, just wanted to share my experience and forget. Well, the thing is - for many months this hub receives literally dozens of comments daily. I don't care a tiny bit about the discussion going there, and it clutters my hubtivity to the point of it being almost useless.

    I can unfriend a user if I want to, but I was not able to find a way to unfriend a hub. If anyone knows the way, please tell me - otherwise hub team please consider this as a request for improvement.

    1. Rochelle Frank profile image91
      Rochelle Frankposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Hmmm Misha-- I had the impresson that you WERE part of the hub team.
      It's a good question. and apparently one cannot delete comments once they have been imprinted-- even if you have second thoughts.

      1. darkside profile image65
        darksideposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        What? He's not!?

        1. Misha profile image64
          Mishaposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          LOL I feel flattered big_smile

      2. Misha profile image64
        Mishaposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks for a compliment Rochelle, but I am not smile

        My problem is not in the comments I wanted to get rid of - I don't really care about it. My problem is in receiving notifications for all consecutive comments, that come at a range of dozens per day. So I want just to unsubscribe of those notifications... Yeah, sure, if I was able to delete the original comment it would have solved the problem probably - but I think having a check box to subscribe/unsubscribe from comments on a particular hub is a much cleaner solution.

        1. Rochelle Frank profile image91
          Rochelle Frankposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          Yes, I understand that notification problem as well.  I am thrilled to have comments-- but my mailbox sometimes fills quickly. I do check my hubtivity frequently, so the notifications  seem a bit redundant.

          1. Maddie Ruud profile image73
            Maddie Ruudposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            While we don't currently have a way to unsubscribe from Hubtivity items regarding comments on a certain hub, you can manage what categories of notifications show up in your Hubtivity simply by going to your main Hubtivity page and hitting "edit preferences" in the grey box on the right-hand side of your page.

            As far as email notifications of comments on your own hubs, you can get rid of those by editing the comment capsule on each hub itself and unchecking the box that reads "Email me when new comments are posted."

            1. Misha profile image64
              Mishaposted 15 years agoin reply to this

              Thanks Maddie, but this can only turn off comments in Hubtivity altogether - and this is not what I want. I go there pretty often to keep track of my conversations on different hubs, I can't turn this off. sad

              Maddie, pleeeeeeeeeeeease smile

  2. Misha profile image64
    Mishaposted 15 years ago

    Umm, nobody interested? I thought I was not the only one struggling with this - but looks like I was wrong. Well, then there is not much I can do, off celebrating 777th fan smile

  3. Rochelle Frank profile image91
    Rochelle Frankposted 15 years ago


    Everything we really need is right in front of us.

    If they add HTML capability I will really be lost.

    Thanks, Maddie, that helps.   (Should we read the FAQ's again?)

  4. DJ Funktual profile image76
    DJ Funktualposted 15 years ago

    Isn't Maddie great?

  5. SweetiePie profile image83
    SweetiePieposted 15 years ago

    This must be a really popular topic LOL.

    1. weblog profile image57
      weblogposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Yes smile

  6. Misha profile image64
    Mishaposted 15 years ago

    Well, it IS really popular - hence my request smile

  7. pauldeeds profile imageSTAFF
    pauldeedsposted 15 years ago

    Opting out on certain hubs is a little bit tricky to implement, but I wonder if it might be preferable to only show comments for some period of time after you made your last comment on the hub?  Perhaps a week or two?  (That would certainly be easier to implement)

  8. Misha profile image64
    Mishaposted 15 years ago


    Thanks for chiming in! Well, I gave it some thought - and looks like having it time based could work for me. Of course being able to opt out directly would have been better - but if it's too hard to implement, time based thing seems to be the next best smile

    The question is - will it work for others? I guess we need a checkbox then. And yes, a couple of weeks seem to be a good duration.

  9. pauldeeds profile imageSTAFF
    pauldeedsposted 15 years ago

    We're going to try switching over to a 2 week window after the date of your comment for all users.  I think that will provide a better experience for most people.  If you don't like this please chime in.

  10. Sally's Trove profile image78
    Sally's Troveposted 15 years ago

    I'm still new here, so I haven't figured out all of the conditions under which Hubtivity (at the top nav bar of my HubPages account) displays activity.  It seems that the activity of anyone who is my fan, and anyone who is a fan of me, shows up here.  And that's a lot of stuff which becomes useless because it is too much information (as you said, Misha).

    On the other hand, the Hubtivity that appears in my profile page shows only my activity, along with who became a fan of me (without trails into those Hubbers' activities).

    Yet, both views are called "Hubtivity".

    At the same time, some of you receive email notifications of the activity of your fans and the Hubbers you are fans of (I don't, because I don't receive this kind of email notification, even though I've enabled it through my HP account).  Again, a lot of information which becomes a burden rather than a help.

    So, Misha, you are not alone in this frusration (and I have less frustration than you, because I don't get the emails from HP).

    Although a time limit might be helpful, Paul, I think it might be more helpful to find out what Hubbers want to know about their fans and those they are fans of, and about their own Hubs.  Maybe this would be a survey.

    I would like to know who becomes my fan and who comments on my Hubs.  I would also like to know when a Hubber that I'm a fan of publishes a new Hub.  Having more than that information becomes a chore, as I have to sort through entries to find the things that are important to me.

    I just chimed in. smile Hope this helps.

  11. pauldeeds profile imageSTAFF
    pauldeedsposted 15 years ago

    Sally's Trove -- try clicking "edit preferences" in the upper right corner of your hubtivity page.  You can already adjust what is displayed (I think) in all the ways you asked for!

  12. VioletSun profile image80
    VioletSunposted 15 years ago

    Hi, Paul or Maddie: I have edited my preferences to receive email notifications when hubbers post comments in my hubs or to be notified when writers that I am fan of publish a hub, and I haven't received any email for over 3 months. Yet, I do get the hubpages monthly newsletter, so this means my private email is linked to hubpages. I miss receiving notifications as often I miss comments for my older hubs or be up to speed with my favorite writer's new hubs. I like to respond to folks who make comments, as I appreciate the time they take to read and comment.

    1. Sally's Trove profile image78
      Sally's Troveposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I have been experiencing exactly the same situation as you, VioletSun.  HP suggested that I open a Gmail account, and I do know that Hubbers with Gmail accounts get all HubPages notifications.  But I don't want to do that.  My email accounts are with comcast.net, and I receive email from all sites that I belong to, except HP.

      It didn't start out this way.  In the first month of HP membership, I received emails about fans' new Hubs and comments to my Hubs.  Then it stopped suddenly.  I, too, receive the HP update, but nothing else.  HP, I wish you could fix this.

  13. sixtyorso profile image70
    sixtyorsoposted 15 years ago

    What I often do is look at hubs I have commented on and call just that hub after a period  has elapsed avoiding some of the clutter. It may be useful if you could exclude a specific hub from displaying in hubativity when you are no longer interested in it. But I must admit sometimes a comment is made on an old hub and it useful to re-vist that one. So possibly you can't have  your cake and eat it too.
    Perhaps if comments are made on a specific hub they could be grouped at the end of a day showing the hub name and number of comments. if you click on that, left click go to the latest comment, right click expand all the comments. Just a thought.

  14. Sally's Trove profile image78
    Sally's Troveposted 15 years ago

    I love to be a smart arse and know-it-all.   Mostly, I'm pretty good at it.  But when I don't have the facts and procede anyway, then bravdo becomes insignificato.

    Paul, thanks for the info about editing preferences.  I'd used that feature in the past, but not to the degree I could have.

    I leave this thread with a thought, which is a recurring theme for me:  How about documenting HP to its fullest?  When newbs come here, how are they supposed to know the awesome power and flexibility of this site, especially with the new enhancements?

    In my experience, it's been hunt and peck, diving into the forums or Hubs for advice, because of being frustrated with not getting answers to my questions through "Help".

    Do you think "Help" should have an overhaul?

  15. VioletSun profile image80
    VioletSunposted 15 years ago

    " I have been experiencing exactly the same situation as you, VioletSun.  HP suggested that I open a Gmail account, and I do know that Hubbers with Gmail accounts get all HubPages notifications.  But I don't want to do that.  My email accounts are with comcast.net, and I receive email from all sites that I belong to, except HP. "

    A Gmail account? I have one which I hardly use, maybe I will try this and see what happens, but we should be able to get emails with the one we signed up with in hubpages.  Thanks for responding! smile It's odd Hubpages management ignored my question.  sad   :::big pout:::::

  16. trish1048 profile image67
    trish1048posted 15 years ago

    In the beginning I used to get email notifications through HP.  Then it slowly dwindled down, to finally I was receiving nothing.

    Gmail was suggested to me, and I went ahead and signed up.  I now miss nothing regarding HP.

    It's too bad for HP that Google Gmail works far better than theirs ever did.   I love Gmail for the simple reason I only use it for HP, so everything I need to know is in one location.  I do love HP, so I am wondering if HP has addressed the issue, and if not, why not?

    I don't usually jump into forums, so if this issue was previously addressed, I apologize for the repeat.

    1. VioletSun profile image80
      VioletSunposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Gmail was suggested to me, and I went ahead and signed up.  I now miss nothing regarding HP.

      I changed my settings last night to Gmail and I have three email notifications of hubs that have been published. Whooo! smile  I am so happy Gmail works, at least I put to use that maibox to use as I hardly use it.  Thanks Sally and Trish for the input, I must have missed the suggestions to use Gmail elsewhere or I wasn't paying attention, but I also wonder why the issue hasn't been addressed by HP.

  17. Misha profile image64
    Mishaposted 15 years ago

    Thank you Paul! I see the difference, and it is SO MUCH BETTER! smile

  18. trish1048 profile image67
    trish1048posted 15 years ago

    You're welcome.  I find it so much easier to keep track of newly published hubs, new comments, my stats, etc.,,,,and I especially like that I don't have to sift through my regular email account to find HP emails.

    As I mentioned, I don't know if the email issue was addressed before, my guess is, is that it was at some point.  But every time my friend would ask me did I get such and such an email I had to say nope!

    Glad you made use of Gmail.  smile


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