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Clive Fagan (sixtyorso)

Joined 16 years ago from South Africa

  • 47
  • 343
  • 154
  • Halloween common sense safety tips

    Halloween common sense safety tips

    14 years ago

      Halloween used to be a fun time but it can be downright scary or even potentially dangerous. If however you want to avoid potential problems here are a few common sense safety tips for parents wishing to advise their children. Children below...

  • Travel,technology and petty crime France,Lisbon and Barcelonas

    Travel,technology and petty crime France,Lisbon and Barcelonas

    13 years ago

    Hello all I am back from my European trip to Paris, Lisbon and Barcelona where I attended and gave a paper at a conference. Technology The thing that struck me about this trip was firstly the technology.In a year the airline systems have changed...

  • Eye care - Cataract Operations

    Eye care - Cataract Operations

    13 years ago

      The gift of sight Eyesight is a valuable gift. We see and hear from the time we are born and take it for granted. At least I did until I read about Helen Keller. Helen Keller was rendered blind and deaf in early childhood by meningitis,...

  • 51

    Cartoon Characters that have defined my childhood years.

    13 years ago

    My early years 5 to about 12  My First memories of cartoons were from about five years old. The very first character I can recall was Mickey mouse. His wife Minnie with her Polka dot bows. They were a strange family with Goofy and Horace ...

  • Cars I have known, my first car and car troubles

    Cars I have known, my first car and car troubles

    15 years ago

    The History of Cars in my family.(1954- 1963) By way of background, when I grew up my dad did not have a car. (In fact nor did my Mom). My grandparent’s did not have cars and very few of my immediate family had cars. This was in the 50’s when...

  • A Tale of two themed Parties

    A Tale of two themed Parties

    15 years ago

    Two Parties Two parties that stand out in my life were both fiftieth birthday parties. The first one in !997 was mine. This was a difficult ime in my life. My son had recently been killed in a car wreck and a sparse few month’s later my 50th...

  • Holidays, More car trouble and is it Swine “flu?

    Holidays, More car trouble and is it Swine “flu?

    15 years ago

    On Holiday again I have been a way again, but because of my recent car troubles. My dearly beloved and I decided to fly on our latest venture. We have really good friends who have retired and live in Knysna. They have been nagging to visit for...

  • It’s raining men or what not to buy as a gift?

    It’s raining men or what not to buy as a gift?

    13 years ago

    A gift to myself - a holiday in Mozambique The current but one topic is “It’s raining men”. It is a song written by Paul Jabara and Paul Shaffer in 1979, and originally recorded by The Weather Girls in 1982. It happened to be playing on...

  • Real Estate or simply Property – Is property better than sex?

    Real Estate or simply Property – Is property better than sex?

    13 years ago

    The current topic is Real Estate which we simply call “property” here in South Africa. I wrote on this topic recently as part of a hub on investing. So you can read about that aspect in that hub if you wish to. Unfortunately I have had to deal...

  • Cell Phones then and now or My history with Cellphones

    Cell Phones then and now or My history with Cellphones

    13 years ago

     The first Phones The first time I saw or heard about cell phones was around twenty odd years ago. This does not count Dick Tracey comics where he had a wrist Radio. (Perhaps this was the forerunner of the modern cell phone). Of course Captain...

  • Spring is almost here but not in the Bottom half of the world

    Spring is almost here but not in the Bottom half of the world

    13 years ago

    Spring or Autumn? The current topic is Spring, but in the Southern hemisphere, we are just drifting off into autumn. It is tough to think about Spring as Autumn approaches. Spring is generally accepted as beginning in March in the Northern...

  • Easter traditions and family Easters

    Easter traditions and family Easters

    13 years ago

    Easter Time Well here it is nearly Easter again! It comes around very year but, confusingly, it moves about. This is due to the fact that Easter is based on the lunar calendar and as it originated in Europe and falls on the first Sunday in which a...

  • Weddings then and now or How I got married Twice

    Weddings then and now or How I got married Twice

    13 years ago

       In 1969 I got married for the first time.  In addition ·         Richard Nixon becomes President of the United States ·         250,000 march on Washington in protest at the Vietnam War ·         The first...

  • St Patrick’s day a milestone every year!

    St Patrick’s day a milestone every year!

    13 years ago

     What is St patrick’s day and who is St Patrick?   Well according to Wikipaedia: “Saint Patrick's Day (Irish: Lá ’le Pádraig or Lá Fhéile Pádraig), colloquially St. Paddy's Day or Paddy's Day, is an annual feast day which...

  • James Bond an icon an era and the gold standard in blockbuster Movies

    James Bond an icon an era and the gold standard in blockbuster Movies

    13 years ago

      When I was young When I was young around thirteen or fourteen I read my first James Bond book, Casino Royale by Ian Fleming. I loved the quintessential spy genre, the cool spy with gadgets. M his boss ( M was a man back then) and Q with his...

  • How to invest Cradle to grave (almost)! A personal perspective!

    How to invest Cradle to grave (almost)! A personal perspective!

    13 years ago

    This is another topic that I had some difficulty with seeing as I had recently done a hubmob hub on this very topic None the less it struck me that by chronicling my investment history, it may serve as a guide to others on what to do and certainly...

  • What is Love!

    What is Love!

    13 years ago

        Isn’t it funny how difficult a topic this is. After all what does a 60 plus male married twice, first time over 32 years, second time 6 years (so far) really know about love?   Perhaps it is an illness! When I met my first...

  • How to Improve your life in 2009!

    How to Improve your life in 2009!

    13 years ago

    Isn’t it funny how every year of our lives we look forward to the New Year.We think ahead. We plan ahead and make a bunch of resolutions which we have not the slightest intention to carry out. Well, we have every intention to, but somehow, never...

  • Why are human beings so contrary and strange?

    Why are human beings so contrary and strange?

    13 years ago

      We humans are a weird bunch we do the strangest things. I recall the statement “ why do you bang your head against the wall?” Answer “Because it feels so good when I stop!” This illustrates my by point in a rather blunt manner....

  • Traveling tips, tricks, advice and what not to do.

    Traveling tips, tricks, advice and what not to do.

    13 years ago

      As you can see from a lot of my hubs, I travel quite a bit. Possibly I can share some of my experiences with you. Planning the trip   The first rule of any vacation is planning. You need to start off with a few simple lists:   ...

  • Pamper yourself – it’s a girl thing or can guys play too?

    Pamper yourself – it’s a girl thing or can guys play too?

    13 years ago

    When I saw this topic I thought Uh oh, how do we play this one? Yes it is quite normal for the ladies in our lives to : Have a great hairdo. Have a hair makeover and change colour Have a nail Makeover Have a facial Have...

  • How to Play Golf – or Not , a personal perspective

    How to Play Golf – or Not , a personal perspective

    13 years ago

    Origins of the word Golf Well Golf! This word reputedly has it's origins as an acronym for "gentlemen only, ladies forbidden". however according to, "that's a common old wives' tale. Or, in this case, more likely an old husband's tale". A...

  • The how to do it yourself hub or DIY in my life.

    The how to do it yourself hub or DIY in my life.

    15 years ago

    When I was about 7 years old I had my first exposure to DIY. My Dad was what was called in those days "good with his hands". This is not to be taken out of context and used in a modern Idiom as the connotations would be somewhat different. He was in...

  • How to save money or make a bit –  a historic perspective

    How to save money or make a bit – a historic perspective

    15 years ago

    During our school years in the Fifties, today's affluent society did not exist. It was the order of the day to save and cut corners. We did something's to save and others to make a penny or two. Bus Tickets When I first went to high school I was...

  • Christmas Traditions in our family – an addition to traditional history

    Christmas Traditions in our family – an addition to traditional history

    15 years ago

    The earliest Christmas I can recall as when I was about three years old. This was once again a conflict with my old nemesis the snake (psychologists take note). My late father was a whiz with his hands and he and the neighbor were building a "doll...

  • HubMob Weekly Topic: Emerald Princess Cruising the Mediterranean – the holiday of a lifetime.

    HubMob Weekly Topic: Emerald Princess Cruising the Mediterranean – the holiday of a lifetime.

    16 years ago

    I have been distinctly unproductive when this hub mob topic came up. I am not a salesman. I don't like salesmen. When I use the word salesman I use it in the generic sense in that I refer to Saleswomen or sales persons too just get the record...

  • Definitively not a green Thumb.

    Definitively not a green Thumb.

    16 years ago

    The one thing I don't have is a green thumb. I have a personal aversion to gardening. I love gardens, pristine mown lawns, a water feature. My dearly beloved adores gardening but yours truly gets to dig the holes. I also get to accompany her to...

  • Pet Cemetary. A commentary on Pets and their lives and deaths

    Pet Cemetary. A commentary on Pets and their lives and deaths

    16 years ago

    Throughout my life pets have played an interesting role My first Pet As a child I recall my first dog at about the age of 3. At around that time we as a family had a magnificent Sheppard named Trix, who was my constant companion and protector....

  • An average healthy day or How I  becaming a healthier person

    An average healthy day or How I becaming a healthier person

    16 years ago

    Daybreak It is 4:30am my radio alarm goes off and the early morning show on Jacaranda FM, a local music radio show starts playing its latest tune - "no repeats from 7am to 7pm" is their slogan.. Five minutes later my Cell Phone / PDA starts bonging...

  • Hair Hare Here!

    Hair Hare Here!

    16 years ago

    Hair? As a topic goes, this is a faily broad topic. Firstly one must ask what is hair? According to Wikepaedia it is defined as follows: Hair is a keratinised protein filament that grows through the epidermis from follicles deep within the...

  • The Venetian Affair Part 2  Venice, Lucern, Frankurt, The Rhine, Amsterdam Bruge London Paris and Home.

    The Venetian Affair Part 2 Venice, Lucern, Frankurt, The Rhine, Amsterdam Bruge London Paris and Home.

    16 years ago

    Leaving Venice After completing 3 magnificent days in Venice, visiting the Murano Glass factory, St Marks Square, the Bridge of Sighs (where dearly beloved bought Cameos and some gold jewellery) and undertaking a romantic Gondola ride, we were...

  • The Venetian Affair

    The Venetian Affair

    16 years ago

    The Idea is born Two years ago my beloved and I decide to take on a European grand tour. I, of course, because my extensive traveling over the years believe that I can do a better job than travel agents and the internet has just made that easier....

  • Really Simple Project Management

    Really Simple Project Management

    16 years ago

    Really Simple Project Management You know how it feels when you are really busy doing lots but getting nothing done? You start something get distracted, do a bit of some thing else get, distracted etc. You get the picture. So we try follow all the...

  • Skills in the ICT Industry then and now 45 years of Improvement?

    Skills in the ICT Industry then and now 45 years of Improvement?

    11 years ago

    Developments How has the ICT industry developed over the last 45 years? Well firstly the hardware, the valves, solid state transistors and wired cores have given way to the Silicon chip. Intel has grown from nothing to a major international...

  • Sex life of Seahorses and serial killers

    Sex life of Seahorses and serial killers

    13 years ago

    Sex life of Seahorses and serial killers I was inspired to write this hub based on comments that have flying around various hub and in particular ...

  • My Life in South Africa 1947 to 1951 (my preschool years)

    My Life in South Africa 1947 to 1951 (my preschool years)

    16 years ago

    My Life in South Africa 1947 to 1951 (my preschool years) 1947 I was born in June 1947. For the life of me I cannot remember being born or before I was born.Some people claim to remember warmth, a red and gold vortex (the birth canal) and blue...

  • How  I lost 25 KGs and kept it Off

    How I lost 25 KGs and kept it Off

    16 years ago

    After the Cancer A few years back after my bout with cancer, I was being looked after by my dearly beloved. She insisted that I should change my GP. She was most unhappy that my previous GP, whom I had had as a family Doctor, for many years, as...

  • IBM '80 vs Microsoft '08 an alternative History of Computing

    IBM '80 vs Microsoft '08 an alternative History of Computing

    16 years ago

    Background I started work on computers in July 1965. Way back when IBM was king and a few other Computer manufacturers called the BUNCH existed. The Bunch consisted of Burroughs, Univac, NCR, Control Data and Honeywell (remember them?). In Europe...

  • How We lose our Traditional History

    How We lose our Traditional History

    16 years ago

    When I was a bit younger (Ok a lot younger), I remember saying to my ex-wife's grandfather. "you tell such interesting stories, why don't you write it all down?". He responded by saying "who would be interested in my stories?" Likewise my maternal...

  • How I Lost 34 years of marraige and beat Cancer

    How I Lost 34 years of marraige and beat Cancer

    16 years ago

    Around ten or so years ago my life starting changing in small but dramatic increments. I was about to go on a trip to the USA to visit various Newspapers as well as Software and hardware manufactures ending up in Las Vegas at Comdex. The morning I...

  • Schoolyard Economics

    Schoolyard Economics

    16 years ago

    Just Rodney's Hub "games children play" inspired me to write this hub. Bus Tickets When I first went to high school I was about 11 going on 12. I was a year or two younger than my classmates as I had "skipped" a standard.The high scool had...

  • A Day In The Life Of A Typical South African In Gauteng Pretoria

    A Day In The Life Of A Typical South African In Gauteng Pretoria

    16 years ago

    It is 4:30am my radio alarm goes off and the early morning show on Jacaranda FM, a local music radio show starts playing its latest tune - "no repeats from 7am to 7pm" is their slogan.. Five minutes later my Cell Phone / PDA starts bonging at me....

  • My Experience with Supernaturals,

    My Experience with Supernaturals,

    16 years ago

    Many years ago , when I was around 3 years old, I had an interesting experience. I was able to backtrack my age by asking my late parents questions about when we moved out of the house In Campbell street in Georgina. Georgina is a suburb of...

  • South Africa - Ouch!

    South Africa - Ouch!

    16 years ago

    We live in a funny old country.Only 16 years ago Nelson Mandela was still in Prison on Robin Island.Apartheid was breathing out its dying Gasp.White South Africa was about to move forward to a new untested formula of a non-racial South Africa.A...

  • The long weekend

    The long weekend

    16 years ago

    The long weekend is a peculiarly south African phenomenon. What we do is take an ordinary weekend and take a day's leave on the Friday preceeding the weekend or the Monday following the weekend and 'go away'. These trips are usually less than 300...

  • Traffic In Johannesburg

    Traffic In Johannesburg

    16 years ago

    On a Sunday after 3 public holidays April 27 June ! and 2 may be a crazy time to talk about traffic in johannesburg. But this the only time one can talk on this topic without blowing a gasket ( human one not the one in the car!). Our traffic...

  • Electricity Load shedding

    Electricity Load shedding

    16 years ago

    In South Africa we have a power crisis are subject to wholesale "load shedding" which is clever euphemism for " we screwed up and this is a result of of our lack of planning" Load shedding takes place on a Rota basis around the country but is a 4...


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