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Goose Down Comforters

Updated on June 3, 2013

When you think of luxury items for the bedroom, one of the first things that comes to mind is a goose down comforter. Goose down is one of the most luxuriantly soft materials in the world, and sleeping beneath a comforter of goose down is like sleeping under a cloud. It’s hard to imagine a night’s sleep that is more comfortable than one spent with a comforter of goose down.

At the same time, goose down is tremendously warm. In fact, it is one of the warmest materials we know of. Because goose down is so light and can retain its loft indefinitely, even after many washings, it traps an abundance of air within the comforter to act as thousands of tiny insulators. With a goose down comforter on your bed you will never be cold again!

Goose down is one of the most luxuriantly soft materials in the world which makes you sleeping under a cloud
Goose down is one of the most luxuriantly soft materials in the world which makes you sleeping under a cloud

How to Buy a Goose Down Comforter

There are many grades of goose down that are put into a goose down comforter. These variations give the comforter different qualities. For one thing, some comforters are made with larger quantities of goose down than are others. Those comforters containing more goose down will be warmer than those with less. At the same time, there are different fill ratings for the down that is used in the comforter. The fill rate corresponds to the amount of air that the down will trap among the feathers. The higher the fill rate, the more spaces between the feathers and consequently the warmer the comforter will be. A larger fill rate will also generally correspond to a softer comforter.

However, before you go out and buy the most expensive, high quality and high fill rate comforter you can find, take a moment to think about what you really need for your bed. It may be that you want a comforter that uses a lot of goose down in its manufacture, and it may be that you want one with a high fill rate. But it could be that this would be overdoing it, considering the climate you live in or your sleep habits.

If you live in a place that doesn’t get all that cold, even in the middle of winter, then you might get too hot with a high-end goose down comforter. If every time you use your comforter you get too hot, then you are likely to put it away in the closet and never use it. In the same way, some people sleep warmer than do others. Are you a person who needs piles and piles of blankets to stay warm, or are you someone who is fine with one or two thin layers? For the latter type of person, a lower fill rate or a comforter containing less down may make more sense.

Other Considerations When Buying a Goose Down Comforter

As mentioned above, typically, the higher the fill rate in a down comforter, the more expensive it will be to buy. Therefore, another consideration to make when out down comforter shopping is your budget. How much do you want to pay for a goose down comforter? Think about the advantages and disadvantages of buying a cheaper versus a more expensive comforter.

Another factor to take into account is the way the comforter is made. The best comforters are made in such a way that the goose down is separated into many small compartments  within the comforter. This prevents the down from bunching all together at one end of the comforter or from balling up in certain areas and leaving other spots bare. These bare areas can result in cold spots in your comforter.

Also, you will want to check out the thread count of the outer fabric covering. Goose down has a way of slipping between even the smallest of holes or openings, so keeping the down inside requires a high thread count fabric. The ends of the comforter must be well sealed too or the down will find its way out there. 

Finding a Goose Down Comforter

There are many retailers that specialize in goose down comforters. These places can be found online or in your local phonebook. Oftentimes, these retailers carry special types of down comforters, such as those that use the prized Hungarian down or the eiderdown. Other spots carry less high end comforters, which are good choices for those who don’t need the most luxuriant or warmest comforters available. In either case, performing an internet search will provide you with a host of down comforter options.

It all comes down to your comfort, which type and construction of goose down comforter you choose. After all, it’s your forty winks that matter!


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