What is the meaning of your Hubpages name? Anyone want to share?

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  1. duffsmom profile image60
    duffsmomposted 11 years ago

    What is the meaning of your Hubpages name?  Anyone want to share?

    I'll start.  I use the name duffsmom.  The best dog I ever had was my chocolate lab, Duffy.  My best buddy for over 13 years.  Gone now but still on my mind often.

  2. pitzele profile image68
    pitzeleposted 11 years ago

    My hubpages name, pitzele, means little one.  I usually call my newborns by this name, as you can't really get much smaller and tinier than a newborn.

  3. peeples profile image92
    peeplesposted 11 years ago

    Mine is just my maiden name. Kind of boring but I never get to use it anymore so this is the one place I can

  4. Mitch Alan profile image78
    Mitch Alanposted 11 years ago

    Mine is my first and middle name. I "adopted" it for my pen name, so that, I could still be me while using a pen name of sorts. Simple and straight forward.

  5. Brandon Tart profile image59
    Brandon Tartposted 11 years ago

    I am my name -- Brandon Tart.  I cut my middle name as I use it for my visual design artistry.

    I never considered using an alias, since I want to be who I am, and share my guided and inspired ideas as an artist.

    HubPages is an extension of my visual creative capacity.  It was said by Rie Terada that -- seeing is reading.  As with visual art, there is a need to enhance one's visual literacy to understand it.

    My visual art, and my literary work move on the same subject matter:



    Space and Time.

    I write and deal with these subjects in both forms of artistry.  I am Brandon (Heath) Tart.

  6. profile image0
    Moeskyposted 11 years ago

    Mo - from my surname. Ky - from the name of my son. Es - from his and his mother's surname. She mixed them as EsKyMo, so I couldn't use it, so I mixed them in another order.

  7. profile image0
    Justsilvieposted 11 years ago

    Mine came from "it's just me" and my nickname.

  8. profile image0
    Deepes Mindposted 11 years ago

    Mine is an acronym of sorts of a book that I am  writing. I took a look at it and decided it would be cool to use as a pen name

  9. fpherj48 profile image62
    fpherj48posted 11 years ago

    Mine is a series of the initials of some extremely beloved people in my world....Amongst my real life circle of friends & family....they pronounced (fpherj48) as  FER-Jay 48   ...However, when I first joined HubPages....my first hub love and main squeeze, Sunshine625 (Linda Bilyeu) didn't know how to pronounce it and she said that to her, it was  "Effer Jay".....which was the birth of my Hub nickname.."Effer,"  .for anyone who knows me here...!

  10. flashmakeit profile image60
    flashmakeitposted 11 years ago

    Flashmakeit mean in a flash I will make it.with an outburst of joy,  Because I like to make cartoons and poems that bring me a lot of joy.  Kind of odd name that I am please with.

  11. ChristinS profile image38
    ChristinSposted 11 years ago

    Mine is highly original - my first name and last initial wink lol I just never felt the need or urge to use a pen name.  Fortunately my maiden name and married name started with the same letter so I didn't have to change initials again when I divorced lol

  12. Conservative Lady profile image70
    Conservative Ladyposted 11 years ago

    Mine is pretty straight forward - I consider myself to be a Conservative and a Lady so there you go! Fun question!

  13. saitam profile image70
    saitamposted 11 years ago

    It is just my name Matias, but backwards.

    I was out of ideas and I like my last name.

  14. profile image0
    JThomp42posted 11 years ago

    Mine is fairly simple. My first initial and half of my last name.

  15. pagesvoice profile image72
    pagesvoiceposted 11 years ago

    My real name is Dennis L. Page. I've used other names on different sites. One handle I am known by is "Dreampage," because I always want to live the dream. I also use "Freethinking" as a way of demonstrating my freedom of expression on a myriad of topics. However, once I joined HP I found "pagesvoice" still incorporates the use of my last name, along with giving a voice for the things and ideals I hold dear.

  16. ChitrangadaSharan profile image89
    ChitrangadaSharanposted 11 years ago

    Interesting question and equally interesting answers. Mine is not a pen name. It is my actual name--Chitrangada--and my last name--Sharan ( my husband's name).

  17. SoManyPaths profile image59
    SoManyPathsposted 11 years ago

    Mine means there are many options to choose from. So "What path you do you take"?

  18. Faith Reaper profile image83
    Faith Reaperposted 11 years ago

    Aw, thanks for sharing you hub name, that is precious. 

    I do explain my hub name in my profile.  My given name means "harvester" or "reaper" and then I just threw in the faith part, as I am growing in my faith everyday.  That's it.  Plus I don't use my real name here, as I only wish to glorify the Lord as to what he has done in my life, and any accolades received here, really belong to Him.

  19. Sparklea profile image60
    Sparkleaposted 11 years ago

    I love sparkly stuff, especially austrian lead crystal earrings and necklaces.  I'm always looking for these items on sale, and I wear my jewelry all day with my jeans and t shirt, even if I'm not leaving the house.

    I also love to see glitter costumes on the stage, in a television production.  I see teens carrying sequined handbags, wearing glitter tops, pants, jewelry, even jackets.  ANYTHING "sparkly"...I love it, including the fairy dust that gets sold with Tinkerbell dolls (my favorite Disney character is Tink).

    Since my first name is "Lea"...pronounced "LEE", I decided to just add the "Spark" in front of my HubPage name to term me as a "sparkly" person. 

    By the way I have a twin named "Lynn" and her username online is "Sparklynn."

    Blessings, Sparklea smile

  20. ESPeck1919 profile image86
    ESPeck1919posted 11 years ago

    Mine is just my first initial and last name. The "1919" at the end is just a small numerological commentary. I was working off of the basic idea that "1" means "beginning" and "9" means "ending".

    With every beginning, there is an ending, and with each ending, there is a beginning.

  21. duffsmom profile image60
    duffsmomposted 11 years ago

    I love all of your answers and it makes me feel like I know you all a little bit better - thanks for answering and sharing.

  22. moonfairy profile image74
    moonfairyposted 11 years ago

    I love the meaning of your name....it's so very sweet! The meaning for mine is that my given name means goddess of the moon so I tried to get moongoddess. It wasn't available and I don't consider myself much of a goddess anyway, so I chose moonfairy...I'm much more fairy- like than goddess- like!!

  23. philli profile image80
    philliposted 11 years ago

    Mines is the just the first half of my first name.

  24. profile image0
    oceansiderposted 11 years ago

    Well, you can probably guess that mine is called Oceansider because I live by the Ocean!

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